
Subtleties of push-ups with a narrow grip. Push-ups with a narrow position of the hands: description of the exercise and technique of execution Push-ups from the floor with a narrow emphasis

So, doing push-ups narrow grip You can pump up the muscles of your chest and arms.

Types of push-ups

Push-ups have several types, which differ from each other in the technique of execution. From the varieties of bench press, you can create a separate set of exercises that work different groups muscle. The usual floor press, you can change it a little in order to work out certain group muscle. There are the following types of floor press:

  1. Raising the body with hands placed with a narrow grip. This method pumps up the triceps, arms and shoulders.
  2. Raising the body with wide arms.
  3. Raising with fists, it pumps up the arm muscles, as well as the abdominal muscles.
  4. Push-ups with cotton.
  5. Weighted push-ups.
  6. One-arm push-ups.

These are the most common types of bench press; there are many others that also differ in technique and the muscles involved.

Close grip press

In fact, there is no such thing as a close-grip floor press, since there is no need to grab anything during the exercise. But still, this term has become widespread among athletes. This type is called a floor press with a narrow hand position.

Since when performing this type of exercise, the hands are located close to each other, so that the fingers of both hands touch, unlike classical technique execution when hands are shoulder-width apart. Close-grip push-ups warm up those muscles that will work during bench training.

Starting position and correct technique

Correct execution of the bench press during training allows you to achieve the desired result and avoid various injuries. Even a classic bench press needs to be performed correctly. When doing floor presses with a narrow grip, first you need to take the correct starting position:

  1. Take a lying position. The back, buttocks and legs should be in the same position so that a visual straight line can be drawn. The back should be straight and should not bend. The buttocks should be level with the back and should not extend upward.
  2. The hands should be joined at the index fingers. When positioned correctly, your arms should form a triangle.
  3. As the body lowers, your arms should bend at the elbows. It is advisable that the body touches the floor slightly. Since this increases the load on all muscles involved.
  4. While raising the body, the arms should be fully straightened at the elbows.

When working on this type of bench press, it is recommended to work not on speed, but on quality. Since not correct technique execution will not only not bring results, but can also lead to injury. Also, when doing push-ups, it is worth remembering breathing correctly, while raising the body, you need to inhale, while lowering, exhale.

Close and wide grip push-ups are much more difficult than regular push-ups and should not be attempted by those who are beginners. For starters, he better work on it regular push-ups, and then proceed to more complex ones, performing presses with fists, with cotton or with weights. This activity is best suited as a warm-up before training on the uneven bars.

What muscles work when doing push-ups with a narrow hand position?

Many people have performed the push-up exercise with a narrow grip, but not everyone knows which muscles work during training. Push-ups with a narrow position of the hands, pumps such types of muscles as:

  1. Thoracic, including internal.
  2. Deltoid.
  3. Triceps.
  4. Core muscles, pumping which allows you to reduce your waist size.
  5. Muscles that protect the rotor cuff.
  6. Trapezius or triceps.
  7. Develops shoulder muscles.

But mainly the muscles of the chest and triceps work brachialis muscle. Besides that this technique performance, allows you to pump up many muscle groups, it also helps get rid of fat accumulation, normalizes testosterone production, strengthens hand joints and speeds up metabolism.

This type of exercise can be used both as a main and additional exercise. But during long-term training, it is recommended to change the set of exercises once every 3 months, since the body may get used to the load and it will not be enough, and these exercises may simply get boring.

So the bench press can be replaced with parallel bars exercises. Or you can leave the complex unchanged, and just slightly change the execution technique. So, when doing push-ups with a narrow hand position, you can:

  1. Change the position of your hands, moving them a little lower, so the load will become a little greater and the technique will become more difficult. Since when normal execution, the hands should be under the chest, which is why the load on the body is weaker. If your hands are lower, the load will increase significantly.
  2. If a person has worked out the execution technique perfectly and can perform up to 40 repetitions in several approaches, then the load needs to be increased. To do this, it is also enough to change the position of your hands, placing the palm of one hand on the palm of the other. This way the load will be greater, thanks to which other muscles will also work.
  3. Also, those who have chosen this exercise as their main one are advised to complicate it by changing the position of their legs. To do this, it is enough to place them on a hill.

This type of exercise can also be used as an additional exercise. More often it is used as an additional treatment for:

  1. Warming up the muscles before training on the uneven bars.
  2. As a final exercise after training.
  3. As an auxiliary exercise for weighted push-ups or fist push-ups.

Depending on the degree of load, it is used as a basis or as an addition. It is ideal for warming up the muscles before training on the uneven bars, and for pumping them up, since many muscles are involved during the exercise.

Safety precautions during execution

When performing any exercise, you should remember safety. Since when doing push-ups with a narrow grip, almost the entire load is concentrated on the arms, it is recommended to be more attentive to the elbow joints. It is forbidden to block them, as this is fraught with consequences. Also, when performing the exercise, the head should be in one position; you should not move it unnecessarily.

This is necessary so as not to put strong pressure on the neck muscles and spine. After completing it, it is recommended to start training on the uneven bars, this will allow you to quickly pump up your muscles.

The main mistakes that are made when performing

Incorrect technique can lead to injuries and sprains. When working on this type of bench press, athletes generally make the following mistakes:

  1. Take an incorrect position and arch your back
  2. They quickly return to their original position. Basically, all people try to complete the exercise faster, while forgetting about quality and breathing. However, sudden movements, in almost 6 out of 10 cases, cause sprains and injuries.
  3. Don't warm up, it's main mistake which many people admit. After all, unheated muscles are not able to withstand heavy loads.

This type of exercise has a beneficial effect on the condition of the body. The human body becomes more resilient. In addition, regular performance of any type of push-ups (with different positions of the hands, on fists, with weights) in combination with exercises on parallel bars and crunches, allows you to get rid of fat deposits and normalize metabolism.

In connection with this, the threat of stroke and heart attack is reduced. It also helps strengthen the spine and allows you to straighten your posture. And during training, you should always remember that exercises are aimed not only at appearance

, and first of all, they should have a beneficial effect on health. And if a person is healthy inside, his appearance will speak about it. Push-ups are considered one of the basic exercises in fitness. It does not require additional equipment to perform and is suitable for pumping up the body for both beginners and experienced athletes. There is a large number various types

push-ups that put stress on different muscle groups. This article will discuss the technique of performing push-ups with a narrow grip, the subtleties of their implementation and the principles of increasing the load.

Narrow and wide grip push-ups: the difference These exercises stress the same muscle groups - triceps, pectoral muscles

, deltas. Their difference lies in the intensity of the load and the technique of execution. The narrower the grip, the greater the load produced. In order to ensure harmonious development of the torso muscles, it is recommended to alternate these exercises within training program

. Keep in mind that a narrow grip puts a significant strain on your wrists - if your wrists are not prepared, you increase the risk of injury. Important!

To make the exercise more effective, tighten your shoulders at the top of the lift. Rise up on your elbows as slowly as possible - this helps work the triceps.

Execution technique

Take a horizontal position and keep your body straight so that your legs, back and neck are in line. Bring your palms as close as possible. With this grip, your thumbs and index fingers should touch each other, and spread the rest as wide as possible.

This will give you enough support area. The palms should be approximately under the center of the chest, and not at shoulder level, as is done with a wide grip.

Video: technique of performing push-ups from the floor with a narrow position of the hands

How to increase the load

There are three ways to increase the effectiveness of the exercise. Raise your feet on a small elevation, such as a gymnastics bench or a stack of mats. You can also place a dumbbell or barbell plate on your lower back to increase the load. Another option is to do push-ups not on your palms, but on your fists.

Common mistakes

Improper execution of the exercise reduces its effectiveness and can lead to injury.
To prevent this from happening, check out the possible errors:

  1. A protruded belly, a domed back - transfer the load to the core muscles from the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle.
  2. Widely spaced arms reduce the effectiveness of training.
  3. Low-lowered head - this position is obtained involuntarily, as a result of fatigue of the chest muscles. If you find yourself touching the floor with your face before your chest, take a break.
  4. The use of bandages and elastic bandages takes away part of the load and does not allow the muscle corset to be worked out normally.
  5. Muscle tension - to avoid overloading the body, take breaks between approaches: lie down on a fitball, do a cycle of steps on the orbit track.

Did you know?In 1980, a world record for the number of push-ups was set, which has not yet been broken. Japanese athlete Minoru Yoshida performed 10.5 thousand push-ups without breaks.

Subtleties and secrets of execution

  1. Monitor body tension. The abdomen should be tucked in and the lower back should be arched to increase the load on the shoulder muscles.
  2. If the position indicated in the execution technique causes you discomfort, try changing it a little.
  3. Don't hover at the top of the exercise. Once you have lifted yourself up, lower yourself into a push-up again, keeping your neck extended.
  4. To prevent your feet from moving while doing push-ups, rest them on a machine, a wall, or use non-slip sneakers. Never exercise barefoot or in socks, as this increases the risk of injury.

Close-grip push-ups are effective exercise, which can strengthen the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle and increase their volume. Follow the technique of performing push-ups and remember about common mistakes so as not to make them in training process. Increase the load gradually, and then you will be pleased with the results after just a few weeks of regular training.

The front part of the deltas also comes into play. It covers the attachment point of the pectoral muscles, relieving some of the load from them. The pectoral muscle itself moves the arm toward the middle of the body and allows the athlete to flex the shoulder joint during push-ups.

The subscapularis muscle is part of the shoulder girdle muscle group. It is responsible for the formation of the armpit and is attached to the humerus. This arrangement allows it to take part in holding the humeral head in the correct position when the athlete does push-ups.

The serratus anterior muscle is located on the outer part of the chest. It pulls the scapula forward and presses it further against the sternum so that other muscles can use it as support during the press. The trapezius stabilizes the scapula during push-ups.

Correct technique

  1. It is necessary to take a lying position. The legs are located as close to each other as possible. If additional load on the triceps is required, then the legs are placed on any available elevation: step platform, chair, bed or bench.
  2. The palms are as close as possible, but so that the thumbs and index fingers can form a heart. The remaining fingers can be spread wide to give greater stability.
  3. Push-ups start from a position on bent arms when the athlete lies with his chest on them. At the same time, the body is kept absolutely straight, the load is correctly distributed across the arms and feet.
  4. In one second, you need to do a push-up, almost completely straightening your arms at the elbow joints.
  5. You should not pause at the top point of the amplitude, as it is important to go down as quickly as possible. Elbows always point back.
  6. After your chest touches your hands, you can proceed to the next repetition. Be sure to take a rest at the end of the set. On average it lasts 30 seconds.

Placing your fingers in a heart shape involves directing maximum load on the triceps. If your arms are placed a little wider, then some of the load will go away and the chest muscles will work instead of the triceps. This must be taken into account if more effective training of certain muscle groups is required.


Close-grip push-ups work the triceps well, so all the load goes into the arms. Because of this, extra attention should be paid to the elbow joints. In no case should they be blocked, as this can lead to joint injury.

It is advisable not to move your head to the sides again.. This is done not only to avoid overstraining the neck muscles. The fact is that a stable head position allows the athlete to better maintain balance. A perfectly straight back also contributes to this. It should not form a deflection and be rounded in the shoulder area, as these errors can lead to spinal injury.

All movements are made slowly and smoothly. In this state, the muscles feel much better, and the athlete protects himself from unexpected sprains.

Common mistakes

No warm-up. You should always do a few other simplified triceps exercises before doing push-ups. Close-grip push-ups have worked well in conjunction with French press and dips, which also work the same muscle groups.

Formation of arches in the back. Beginners often place their hands too far or too close, resulting in a rounded upper back. Often the lower back bends additionally, and this mistake is fraught with injury. Because of this, beginning athletes need to pay close attention to their stance.

Sudden movements. The risk of injury increases significantly when an athlete rises and falls too quickly during push-ups. This exercise is designed to be performed smoothly, since only in this case the muscles receive maximum level loads.


Wristbands can be used as equipment. They will relieve stress from your hands and wrists, preventing injuries. Athletes with a history of injury elbow joints, should wrap them well with bandages so that the damage does not affect the quality of the exercise.

Shoes for push-ups must have reliable grip on the floor, since the athlete will have to distribute the load between his hands and feet. If your legs “slide,” the workout will become significantly more difficult.

To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, it is enough place your hands a little lower than usual. As a rule, during push-ups, athletes place their hands exactly in the center of the chest, and those who want to better use the triceps lower their hands lower.

If the push-up is too easy, you can ask a friend or trainer to hold the barbell disc on your back. You should start with 10 kg of disks. The load will become more noticeable, and muscle fibers triceps will receive new stimulation.

You can also make push-ups more difficult with a narrow grip placing your palm on your other hand. This will make the load even greater. But if this is not enough, then you need to place your feet on a slight elevation.


This type of push-up is very good for developing triceps. As the body lowers down, blood flows into them as much as possible, which stimulates fiber growth. It is enough to perform it in the amount of 40-60 repetitions per workout in order to achieve visible results after some time.

When a person thinks about developing his body, he “runs” to sign up for fitness without preparing for the upcoming loads. It is recommended to first assess your physical capabilities, and then rush to the gym to give the coach your earned hard-earned money. It is advisable to work from home for 2-3 months own weight, and then go to the hall.

Only a few people do this within the walls of their home, but even they do not understand what exercises are needed for this and how to do them correctly.

Of course, everyone includes a common and simple exercise in the program - push-ups, close-grip push-ups, among others. Push-ups are aimed at working the triceps muscle.

The muscle ensemble of push-ups with a narrow grip is as follows:

  • triceps – targeted muscles;
  • clavicular head (sternal), anterior delta – synergists;
  • biceps heads (short) – dynamic stabilizers;
  • The rectus/oblique abdominal muscles and quadriceps are stabilizers.

In the picture version it looks like below:

What are the advantages of the training

For those who do not neglect close-grip push-ups, they give a lot:

  • triceps strength increases;
  • triceps the shoulder increases in size;
  • the level of circulating testosterone increases;
  • provides arm lifting, i.e. get rid of the “jelly”;
  • coordination of the muscles of the shoulder girdle improves;
  • the shoulder joint is strengthened, protecting it from injury (rotator cuff);
  • core muscles develop (circling the waist);
  • metabolic processes are accelerated, which reduce weight;
  • versatility and ease of implementation without additional equipment.

Doing push-ups correctly

In order to correctly perform push-ups with this grip, it is important to get acquainted with the tricks that it has, like any training.

Preparatory step.

  • Take the starting position by lying down and placing your palms close (narrower than shoulder width).
  • Keep your body straight from head to feet (like a string).
  • To maintain balance, keep your feet slightly apart.
  • With your gaze straight ahead, lower yourself toward the floor.

First step.

  • Breathe in.
  • As you exhale, press your body upward powerfully using the strength of your triceps.
  • At the top, inhale again, hold your breath, then return to the starting position to perform new repetitions.

The picture and dynamic training, which are given below, will help you get acquainted with close-grip push-ups in detail:

Possible variations of push-ups with a narrow grip

In addition to the classics, the following types of training are performed:

  • from dumbbells;
  • from the bench (at an angle);
  • “Diamond” (brushes are set in the shape of a diamond).

Secrets of the exercise

To extract from the exercise maximum benefit, do not forget the following recommendations:

  • do not straighten your arms completely at the top point (elbows should remain bent);
  • do not fall to the floor, but make slow and controlled movements, during which tension is maintained;
  • do not “lay” the body on the floor at the end point;
  • do not rest in the lower and upper extreme positions;
  • the elbows should not move away from the body throughout the entire trajectory of movement;
  • do not allow the lower back to sag;
  • the position of the hands is wider than the shoulders, but everyone individually finds the most comfortable position for them;
  • if you are overweight and have weak arms, first learn to do push-ups using lighter options: from a bench (wall), from your knees;
  • perform 3 sets of 12-15 repetitions.

Which hand position should you choose for push-ups?

Based on the results of ongoing research, the option in which the hands are placed close to each other (narrow) is suitable for pumping the triceps and pectoralis major muscles better than the one in which they stand wider than the shoulders or at their width. Calculated muscle activity was a method of measuring the electrical potential generated by muscle cells. That is, if you believe scientists (there are no reasons not to do this), then close-grip push-ups are the most productive way to build muscles.

Comparison of close-grip push-ups with reverse push-ups

In 2012, Wisconsin scientists conducted research in which 15 representatives of the fair sex, aged 20-24 years, took part. Researchers compared 8 triceps exercises. It turned out that push-ups with a narrow grip cause the greatest muscle activity. Third place went to reverse push-ups.

The inclusion of two trainings in the training program will ensure getting rid of the jelly hanging at hand and “toning” the triceps muscles, i.e. will lead to the desired result.

Video: Close-grip push-ups

Push-ups are a simple, accessible and at the same time effective exercise that allows you to work many important muscles of the body. By doing them correctly and regularly, you can achieve the desired results. And one of the advantages of the exercise is that by slightly changing the technique of performing it, you can vary the load, focusing on working certain muscle groups. But we will talk about this a little later, and first we will look at which muscles work when pushing up from the floor.

So, what muscle groups work during push-ups? When performing this exercise, almost all the muscles of the body are involved, and by changing its technique or the width of the arms, we can increase the load on some muscle groups and reduce it on others.

A push-up can be compared to a barbell bench press; it is performed in reverse. The muscles of the chest and shoulders are loaded due to the fact that your own body weight is held in your arms. This is very effective action for working out muscles, which is recommended to be performed at the beginning of training.

When performing the exercise, do not rush. Control your breathing and try not to make sudden movements.

Warm up before you start doing push-ups. Enough for warming up 5-10 minutes. During this time, shake your abs, swing your arms and legs, and stretch your joints.

For yourself you should try to establish comfortable amplitude movements. Remember that an excessively fast pace increases the risk of injury.

Push-ups using the floor as support are the most convenient option, since they are available everywhere, particularly at home. To make it more difficult, a ball, platform, sports bars. This way, muscle groups will be loaded even more effectively during push-ups.

To alternate which muscles are affected by push-ups, you can change the position of your hands. There are many variations of push-ups that provide maximum load on certain muscle groups. Let's look at the most popular among them.

Classic push-ups

Regular push-ups are familiar to everyone from school. Let's figure out which muscles work when doing push-ups in its standard version. The exercise works almost all top part bodies. The pectoral muscles receive active load, deltoids, triceps and biceps. In addition, the torso is kept in a tense state, due to which the rectus abdominis muscle, core and lower back muscles work.

It is important that push-ups are performed correctly - then the muscles work as efficiently as possible. You need to take a lying position, resting on your straight arms with your hands spread shoulder-width apart. Place your palms parallel to each other.

The chest and core muscles should be tense when performing the exercise. Keep your back straight, but at the same time maintain a slight natural arch in the lumbar region. You can turn your elbows slightly away from the body, but do not press them too hard to the floor. Direct your gaze forward. Strain your neck, but not excessively.

After making sure that the pose is built correctly, begin to bend your elbows, lowering your straight body to the floor. The buttocks should not rise too high, the head should not be pulled down. Your body should be smooth, a straight line.

Wide grip push-ups

Wide grip push-ups - what muscles work when doing them? If you place your hands wider than your shoulders, you will actively work the triceps and deltoid anterior muscle, but the outer part of the pectoral muscles receives more load. This technique is popular among those who want to quickly make chest voluminous and embossed.

In the question of which muscles swing when doing push-ups with arms wide apart, we note that the triceps are involved, but work little. The main load is directly on the chest muscles. When performing the exercise, your palms should be positioned approximately 20-25 cm wider than shoulders.

If you are a beginner and find it difficult to do full push-ups right away, you can do the exercise from your knees. This way you can master the technique and gradually move on to more complex versions.

Close grip push-ups

To perform push-ups with a narrow grip, we will now figure out which muscles work, you need to have certain training. The fact is that the narrower your hands are, the harder it is to maintain balance while maintaining the correct technique. But there is no need to bring your hands closer than 20 cm to each other, as this will cause the elbows to turn to the sides and shift the load due to this.

What does a push-up with narrow arms do? These are the triceps brachii muscle and the pectoralis major muscle. Additionally, the anterior bundles of the deltoid and trapezius muscle. Please note that the closer you press your elbows to your body, the more your triceps are pumped.

Other types of push-ups and muscle groups

Much about the question of which muscles swing when doing push-ups depends on the characteristics of the technique. So, those who want to add load to the triceps can perform push-ups using the “diamond” technique. The starting position is as in a classic push-up. The palms need to be placed very narrowly. The thumbs and index fingers touch and form a diamond shape. The main load goes on the triceps, less on the chest and deltoids.

Another exercise that allows you to pump up your torso muscles is push-ups combined with cotton. Such push-ups belong to the group plyometric, that is, those in which body toss is used. The classic pose is taken as the basis. You need to take the starting position with your arms straight, then lower yourself down with your elbows pointing to the sides. When lifting, an explosive action is performed and the torso is thrown upward slightly.

The throw distance should make it possible to clap your hands and land on your hands, slightly bent at the elbows. You must have time to bend your arms. Then you will have a springy movement and smooth shock absorption. If you land with straight arms, the load due to body weight can cause injury to your wrist, shoulder or elbow joints.

That is why diamond and cotton push-ups are only available to people with good physical training. Beginners should not start with them. First, fully master classic push-ups; you already know which muscles are pumped during which.

If your goal is to increase muscle mass in the upper body, to gain strength, then use weights. It could be a pancake, a vest, a backpack with a load. Bodyweight push-ups help build endurance. And depending on their type, you can change what push-ups pump from the floor, giving a load to certain muscle groups. If you just want to keep your body in good shape, the type of push-ups does not matter. Can be alternated wide grip with narrow or always perform classic push-ups.

Classic push-ups except narrow and broad setting There are other types of hands:

  • Head down push-ups. Increases the load on the chest muscles. They differ from the classic version in that your feet need to be placed on a bench or other elevation. To maintain balance, your hands can be placed in front of your shoulders.
  • Fist push-ups. In the question of what swings when doing push-ups, note that it is not only the chest, deltas and triceps, but also the hands and wrists. The role of biceps in this case is growing. Performing such push-ups is more difficult than classic ones. You need to start doing them with a small number of repetitions so as not to get injured.
  • Push-ups. They are a lightweight version of the previous version. Suitable for those whose wrists are not strong enough.
  • One-arm push-ups. They work the muscles of the shoulder girdle, delta, triceps and ligaments. Works both top and Bottom part torso. Considering that all the weight falls on one hand, the load on its muscles increases. This exercise is not for beginners - first you must learn to maintain balance and sufficiently train your muscles.
  • Grasshopper push-ups. Works arm muscles well upper muscles breasts With these push-ups, proper technique is important to avoid injury.

Push-ups from the floor, which muscles work during which, we figured out, can be performed not only in the classical way. You can also include the following options in the program:

  • Reverse push-ups. Less popular than classic ones, but no less effective. To perform this exercise, just a few benches are enough. This exercise helps pump up your triceps. The back muscles also work.
  • Push-ups on chairs. Variation reverse push-ups, where chairs are used instead of benches.
  • Incline push-ups. For this exercise you need one bench, on which you need to rest your hands. The lower part of the pectoral muscles is well worked out.
  • Push-ups in reverse tilt (legs are located above the head). Works the upper pectoral muscles. The feet are placed on the bench a little further than the head.
  • Dips. They allow you to work the upper and lower back muscles, train their strength and coordinated work. Dips are a general strengthening exercise that works the entire upper body. You can change the position of your hands, purposefully working out certain muscle elements.

Of course, even with this useful exercise Like push-ups, it's important not to overdo it. Perform it at a moderate pace, make sure the technique is correct, and do not do the exercise through pain and severe discomfort.

Push-ups, which muscles work in which, we already know, have their contraindications. This excess weight, impaired coordination of movements, as well as recent injuries to the arms, shoulders, and wrists. Back problems, by the way, are not included in the list of contraindications, since in this case push-ups can be useful.

Acting correct breathing technique. Breathe deeply, calmly and measuredly. Don't hold your breath. Wear comfortable shoes and clothing, and remove jewelry before classes.

Push-ups - simple and effective method pump up important muscle groups. By performing various variations of them, you can provide various muscle elements with high-quality and complete exercise.

Types and technique of push-ups on video