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How to get additional points for the Unified State Exam upon admission. Universities will give additional points for music schools and sports success. How many points does the GTO add to the Unified State Exam?



    You need to understand that this is a technical university with a very high passing score. In order for your application to be accepted, you must score at least 50 points on the Unified State Exam in Russian, and at least 65 in mathematics, physics, chemistry, and computer science.

    Phystech, like all universities, will take into account the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren and some other competitions. For example, the tournament of cities, the Lomonosov Olympiad, the Moscow Olympiad for schoolchildren, the Open Programming Olympiad, a new Olympiad that appeared on the list of the Ministry of Education only this year - TechnoCup and others.

    For a certificate or diploma with honors, gold or silver medals, Phystech will add 2 points. You will receive the same number of points if you graduated from music or art school. The university will take into account not only the gold TRP badge, but also sports categories, belts in martial arts, the title of “Master of Sports” or “Candidate Master of Sports” (2 points).


    To participate in the competition, you must score at least 70 points on the Unified State Exam in Russian and foreign languages. An exception is made only for some areas (among others, “Trading”, “Management”), where 60 points are enough.

    Who will be admitted to MGIMO without competition? Winners and runners-up final stage All-Russian Olympiad schoolchildren, members of Russian national teams participating in international Olympiads, and some other Olympiad participants. Preferential admission is guaranteed to the winners and prize-winners of the television Olympiad "Clever Men and Smart Men", the MGIMO Olympiad of the Russian Foreign Ministry, which is held in partnership with the editorial office of Rossiyskaya Gazeta, the Lomonosov Olympiad in geography, as well as some others.


    At St. Petersburg State University, additional points in the portfolio will be awarded not only to winners and runners-up Olympic Games, but also to members of Russian national teams. If this olympic events sports, then 10 points will be added to the Unified State Exam, if not Olympic - 5 points. The winners of the regional stages of the All-Russian Olympiad for schoolchildren can count on 4 points, the prize-winners - on 3.

    HSE, like many other prestigious universities, has a higher minimum score threshold. In “mathematics” this is 75 points in a core subject; in “physics” you must bring at least 70 points in both physics and mathematics. At HSE, you can get up to 10 points for an essay, which is always checked here, for a certificate with gold or silver medal- 3 points.

    If you are a master of sports, then you will receive an additional 3 points for the Unified State Examination; if you are a candidate for master of sports, then 2 points. HSE takes into account first and second level olympiads, but there are several third level olympiads for which the university can also give extra points. This is, for example, an Olympiad in discrete mathematics.

    Top 10 universities with the highest average Unified State Examination score (budget)

  • MGIMO - 95.4%
  • MIPT - 93.8%
  • HSE (Moscow) - 92.2%
  • St. Petersburg State University - 90%
  • VAVT - 89.9%
  • MSU - 87.8%
  • MEPhI - 87.8%
  • HSE (St. Petersburg) - 87.1%
  • ITMO University - 86.9%
It is important to know
  • The results of the Unified State Exam and Olympiads are valid for four years after the year of receipt, in other words, five years.
  • There is no need to submit certified copies to university admissions committees.
  • Competition for admission to leading universities has increased significantly. Now it is difficult to enroll even in paid departments. The highest average score is usually at MGIMO, MIPT, HSE, St. Petersburg State University, MEPhI and ITMO University.
  • The most expensive education is at MGIMO (478 thousand rubles per year), Moscow State University (339 thousand rubles), HSE (338 thousand rubles), Financial University under the Government (316 thousand rubles) and the All-Russian Academy of Foreign Trade (295 thousand rubles .).

The GTO system is being implemented in Russia seriously and for a long time. And although fulfilling the standards is voluntary, from this year the GTO badge gives points for admission to universities in the country. This means that an applicant who has earned a gold or silver badge has an advantage in the competition. Let's figure it out: how are the GTO and the Unified State Exam connected, how many points does the GTO badge add to the Unified State Exam? The question is urgent, because it was in the twentieth of February that the country began a campaign to pass the GTO for schoolchildren.

How the GTO was revived

The Soviet GTO (“ready for labor and defense”) complex was revived by presidential decree in 2014. The goal is to improve the health of citizens and encourage physical education and sports. According to the plan, schoolchildren will first pass the standards, then adult citizens.

However, the reforms stalled very quickly. The fact is that among schoolchildren only a few began to take the GTO, not seeing any practical meaning in these badges. For this reason, a proposal appeared in the government: “shouldn’t we make sure that the GTO standards add points to the Unified State Exam?” The GTO, as you know, has three degrees: gold, silver and bronze. Gold and silver badges now provide additional points for admission to higher education.

GTO standards for universities in 2015

In 2015, as an experiment, schoolchildren began taking the GTO in 12 “pilot” regions. GTO badges - silver and gold - began to be taken into account for admission to local universities. This order gave rise to a number of misunderstandings.

Indeed, in St. Petersburg, for example, more than half of the applicants are visitors. The city was one of 12 “pilot” regions, and St. Petersburg universities added GTO points to the Unified State Exam, but applicants from the Volga region or Siberia could not take the GTO at home and found themselves in an unequal position compared to applicants from St. Petersburg.

GTO standards for universities in 2016

That year, the innovation was extended throughout the country. Now universities in all regions can take into account GTO badges by adding points to their Unified State Examination results. You can also pass the standards in all regions. True, this is not convenient to do everywhere, because you can take the GTO to get points for the Unified State Exam only in special testing centers. In Crimea, for example, only two such centers have been created for the entire peninsula.

How many points does a gold GT badge give in 2019?

Let's start with the fact that bronze TRP badges still will not bring any bonuses upon admission. WITHhow many points does a gold and silver TRP badge give in 2018-2019?

From one to ten (no more). As you can see, additional points for GTO badges when entering universities can be very different. This depends on the decisions of the specific university and the administration of the corresponding region. For example, Kirov institutes give from three to five points for GTO standards, but Kazan Federal University- only one point.

Do you know how the design has changed and what it looks like now? More on this in our next article.

36. Applicants for training have the right to provide information about their individual achievements, the results of which are taken into account when applying for training. The results of individual achievements are taken into account by awarding points for individual achievements and (or) as an advantage in case of equality of criteria for ranking the lists of applicants.

Points awarded for individual achievements are included in the total of competition points.

The applicant submits documents confirming receipt of the results of individual achievements. To take into account the individual achievement specified in the Admission Rules, the submission of such documents is not required.

37. When admitting students to bachelor’s and specialty programs, the admissions committee of ITMO University can award points for the following individual achievements:

1) presence of the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, person who took first place at the World Championship, European Championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympic Games, presence golden insignia of the All-Russian Physical Culture and Sports Complex “Ready for Labor and Defense” (GTO) and a standard certificate for it;

2) a certificate of secondary general education with honors, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a gold medal, or a certificate of secondary (complete) general education for those awarded a silver medal;

3) having a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors;

4) carrying out volunteer (volunteer) activities (if no more than four years have passed from the date of completion of the period of implementation of the specified activity to the date of completion of acceptance of documents and entrance examinations);

5) participation and (or) results of participation of applicants in olympiads (not used to obtain special rights and (or) advantages upon admission to study according to specific conditions for admission and specific grounds for admission) and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sporting events held to identify and support individuals who have demonstrated outstanding abilities;

6) the grade assigned by the admissions committee of ITMO University based on the results of checking the final essay, which is a condition for admission to the state final certification of educational programs of secondary general education.

38. When admitted to undergraduate and specialist programs, the applicant may be awarded for individual achievements no more than 10 points in total.

39. The list of individual achievements taken into account for admission to bachelor’s and specialist’s programs in the event of equality of the sum of competitive points is established by ITMO University independently.

40. The list of individual achievements taken into account and the procedure for taking them into account are established by ITMO University in accordance with the Admission Rules and are indicated in the admission rules approved by ITMO University independently.


Applicants to study at ITMO University have the right to provide diplomas (certificates) from the following Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions, physical education events and sporting events with points awarded for individual achievements for each position once.

List of Olympiads and other intellectual and (or) creative competitions

Achievement type Name Points
sports achivments Golden GTO badge received in grades 10-11 1
sports achivments Having the status of champion and prize-winner of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, world champion, European champion, winner of the world championship, European championship in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, obtained in grades 10-11 10
sports achivments Winner of 4-10 places at the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, World Championships, European Championships, winner of 2-10 places at the World Championships and European Championships in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, confirmed by a diploma , or a final protocol certified by the sports federation, or the final result on the official site sports federation received in grades 10-11 9
sports achivments Winner of 1-5 places in the Championship, Cup and Championship Russian Federation in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, confirmed by a diploma, or a final protocol certified by the sports federation, or the final result on the official website of the sports federation, obtained in grades 10-11 6
sports achivments Winner of 1-5 places at the Championship, Championship of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation in sports included in the programs of the Olympic Games, Paralympic Games and Deaflympics, confirmed by a diploma, or a final protocol certified by the sports federation, or the final result on the official website of the sports federation, received in 10 -11 classes 3
having a certificate of secondary general education with honors or a diploma of secondary vocational education with honors Certificate of secondary general education or diploma of secondary vocational education with a record of excellence 3
implementation of volunteer (voluntary) activities Volunteer book or certificate of participation with a record of activity amounting to at least 10 hours and at least two events held by non-profit organizations 1
final essay in graduating classes Test 1
All-Ukrainian Olympiad 10
All-Belarusian Olympiad Winner or prize-winner diploma 10
All-Russian Olympiad, obtained in 10th or 11th grade Diploma of the winner or prize-winner of the III stage ( regional stage) in mathematics, or physics, or astronomy, or computer science, or chemistry, or biology, or social studies, or a foreign language, or economics 8
International math olympiad(IMO) Participant diploma 10
International Physics Olympiad (IPhO) Participant diploma 10
International Olympiad in Informatics (IOI) Participant diploma 10
All-Russian Team Olympiad for Schoolchildren in Programming Diploma of the winner or prize-winner as part of the team 10
Olympiad from the list of the Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren, confirmed by 60 points in a core discipline and obtained in grades 7-9 Diploma of the winner or prize-winner of a specialized Olympiad 2
Olympiad from the list of the Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren, confirmed by 60-74 points in a core discipline and obtained in 10th or 11th grade 3
olympiad from the list of the Russian Council of Olympiads for schoolchildren, confirmed by 75 points in a core discipline and obtained in the 10th or 11th grade, not taken into account for admission without entrance tests, which does not allow 100 points to be counted for the Unified State Exam in a core discipline Diploma of the winner or prize-winner of specialized Olympiads for 2018, 2019, 2020 5
Extract from the decision of the organizing committee International Olympiad ITMO University in Mathematics 10
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Extract from the decision of the organizing committee of the ITMO University International Olympiad in Informatics 10
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Diploma of the winner/prize-winner of the Congress of Young Scientists of ITMO University, received in grades 10-11 5
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Diploma of the winner/prize-winner of the Baltic Science and Engineering Competition, received in grades 10-11 7
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Diploma of the winner/prize-winner of the Report Competition of the Summer School of Laser Technologies, received in grades 10-11 5
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Diploma of the winner/prizewinner of the competition social projects school students "People need you", received in grades 10-11 2
Olympiads and competitions organized by ITMO University Winner/Award Diploma International competition Marketing “BigGame by Marketoruim. Junior section”, obtained in grades 10-11 2
valid international language certificate (level not lower than Advanced/C1) TOEIC, TOEFL (CBT 250-263; IBT 100-107), IELTS (from 7.0), Cambridge (CPE, CAE), TestDAF (TDN 4 and TDN 5), ZOP, KDS, GDS, Goethe Certificate C1/C2, DSD II, ZMP, DALF, TCF, DELE, HSK 5, HSK 6 3
engineering and design school “Lift to the Future” 3
Certificate of the winner of the final stage, received in grades 10-11 3
Competition “IT SCHOOL chooses the strongest!” Certificate of winner of the final stage, received in grades 10-11 2
Competition “IT SCHOOL chooses the strongest!” Certificate of participation in the final stage, received in grades 10-11 1
"Start IT" competition Winner/prize winner diploma received in grades 10-11 3
ITMO VKontakte Olympiad and VKontakte Olympiad Winner or prize-winner diploma 10
World Robotics Olympics (WRO) Winner/prize winner diploma received in grades 10-11 10
Robocup Winner/prize winner diploma received in grades 10-11 8
RoboFest Winner/prize winner diploma received in grades 10-11 8
Essay competition for foreign citizens Winner 5
"Projectory" forum Winner Certificate 2
ITMO.STEP Winner/prize winner diploma received in grades 10-11 2
All-Russian competition of scientific and technological projects “Great Challenges” Prize-winner (participant of the scientific and technological educational program “Great Challenges”) 5
DigitalRU Certificate of completion of training on the online platform “TsifRU” indicating at least 5 modules 5
International competition for children's engineering teams "Quantoriada" - 2019 Team winner diploma 10
Internet Olympiad for schoolchildren in physics Certificate for excellent results 8
Project competitions of all-Russian or international design schools and hackathons “Practices of the Future” of the Club Movement of the National Technology Initiative Winner or runner-up 1
Nord School CTF-2019 Full-time winner diploma 4
VII National Championship "Young Professionals" (Worldskills Russia)

Diploma of the winner/finalist in the following competencies:

Web design and development, Information cable networks, Network and system administration, IT solutions for business on the 1C: Enterprise 8 platform, Software solutions for business, 3D Modeling for computer games, Development of virtual and augmented reality, Development of solutions using blockchain technologies, Machine learning and big data, Corporate protection against internal threats information security, Mobile Application Development, Cyber ​​Security, Mechatronics, Electronics, Industrial Automation, Mobile Robotics, Prototyping, Laboratory Chemical Analysis, Reverse Engineering, Composites Technologies, CAD Engineering Design, Laser Technologies, Internet of Things, Polymechanics and Automation, Engineering space systems, Industrial robotics, BIM information modeling technologies


The " " section contains detailed information on the 2019 admissions campaign. Here you can also find out about the passing scores, competition, conditions for providing a hostel, the number of available places, as well as the minimum points that were required to obtain it. The database of universities is constantly growing!

- new service from the site. Now it will be easier to pass the Unified State Exam. The project was created with the participation of specialists from a number of state universities and experts in the field of the Unified State Exam.

In the "Admission 2020" section, using the " " service, you can find out about the most important dates associated with admission to the university.

" ". Now, you have the opportunity to communicate directly with university admissions committees and ask them questions that interest you. The answers will be posted not only on the website, but will also be sent to you personally by email, which you provided during registration. Moreover, quite quickly.

Olympiads in detail - a new version of the " " section indicating the list of Olympiads for the current academic year, their levels, links to the organizers' websites.

The section has launched a new service “Remind about an event”, with the help of which applicants have the opportunity to automatically receive reminders about the dates that are most important to them.

A new service has launched - "

Today, there are many ways to increase your chances of getting into a prestigious university. Not only the Unified State Examination result is taken into account, but also various sports, intellectual and creative achievements of applicants.

Universities independently decide how many points to award for a particular set of achievements. But the maximum number of additional points cannot exceed 10.

So, for what merits can you get a good rise in the list of applicants?

1) Successful writing of the final essay (up to 10 points).

Since 2014, graduates of Russian schools must compulsorily write a final essay on literature. The grading system is “pass” and “fail”. To use the results of the essay for admission, you need to voice your desire to the admissions committee. Then the work will be sent for re-checking and, based on its results, up to 10 points will be added to the Unified State Examination results.

2) “Excellent” certificate and medal (up to 10 points).

Points for a “red” certificate also began to be added only in 2014. Medals “For special achievements in learning” are now uniform: they are not divided into gold and silver. If you receive “excellent” final grades in your certificate, you will also receive a medal.

When entering a university, not only your school certificate is taken into account, but also your diploma of secondary vocational education, if you have one.

3) Sports achivments(up to 10 points; there is the possibility of admission outside the competition).

From one to 10 additional points can be obtained for the “golden” TRP sign, if it was received in the current year. To receive this badge, you must successfully complete 9 sports tests.

Winners and prize-winners of the Olympic, Paralympic and Deaflympic Games, World and European Championships, when entering a specialized university, can count on significant benefits up to admission without taking into account exams. In other universities, athletes may simply be awarded additional points.

4) Participation in school Olympics(up to 10 points; there is the possibility of admission outside the competition).

A fairly large list of intellectual Olympiads, conferences and creative competitions has already been compiled that can affect the number of additional points an applicant receives. Unfortunately, you can only use one certificate to gain benefit.

Winning national-level Olympiads may give a graduate the right to be admitted to a university without competition. There are also intra-university Olympiads, victory in which is a direct ticket to exam-free admission to the organizing university. Lower-level Olympiads can bring (again, depending on the university) from 1 to 10 additional points to the Unified State Exam or become a determining factor if several applicants have the same indicators.

The names of the Olympiads that are taken into account by the admissions committee can be found out from representatives of the universities you are interested in.

5) Personal portfolio.

At the moment, there is no unambiguous regulation for taking into account the personal achievements of applicants that are not related to the previous points. Compiling a portfolio is a personal matter for everyone; it is not officially required.

The portfolio may contain various certification documents in school subjects, certificates for participation in competitions and olympiads (which you did not use in point 4), certificates of participation in conferences, diplomas for completing courses, etc.

Most likely, the admissions committee will take into account your participation in volunteer activities (from 1 to 4 points), as well as your results. In the near future, it may be possible to add .

In 2018, various universities add points as follows: