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“The coach promises me the Major League in Saransk. Our club goalkeeper Denis Motoshin Artemy Petrov answers the fans’ questions: “Why did you come to us?”

1. Zhenya Belkin: How do you feel when you stand on the goal at a match and look into the eyes of another goalkeeper?

Denis Motoshin: “I can smell victory, that it’s somewhere nearby. I don’t look into the eyes of the other goalkeeper, they are basically invisible from across the entire court.”

2. Marina Viktorova: “Denis, in the future do you see yourself only in hockey? Who are you by education, and after finishing your sports career, what do you want to do? On your wish list, what wish comes first?

- “I haven’t thought about life after hockey, while I’m focused only on hockey, my wish list is to win everything possible in my career!”

3. Vika Petrova: “Denis, you recently joined the team and showed so much of yourself at the games! Imagine: a player from the other team drives and almost scores a goal, but your team’s defender is defending the goal, how do you feel? Do you like it when crowds of people clap for you, cheerleaders scream, other cheerleaders dance, and some fans shout "Motoshin forward"

I don’t feel anything at this moment, I think the defender feels something there. Of course, I like it when they support me from the stands.”

4. Vika Petrova: “What do you feel during shootouts? Or when a player goes to the goal one on one with you?

I'm focused on the shootout, I need to help the team out

5. Artem Kormakov: “Hello Denis! Tell me, in your opinion, how to see a goalkeeper in a child? In hockey they often say: “the goalie caught the courage.” How does this happen?

“You can’t see a goalkeeper in a child; he needs to want to become a goalkeeper himself. If he doesn't like it, then nothing will come of him. The child must choose his role himself. Without desire from childhood, nothing will come of hockey. The main thing is desire and everything will work out.

The goalkeeper catches the courage in the game - this is when the opposing team completely dominates the field and throws over the opponent many times, and the goalkeeper, time after time, helps out his team and leads it to victory.”

6. Pavel Gibadulin: “Selection criteria for playing the goalkeeper position? What do you think about before a match? What is the optimal working weight for a goalkeeper?

There are no criteria, I have already said that the child must want it himself, and then the goalkeeper coach will give him what he needs. Before a match, I think about my opponent and analyze my strengths. I think what will need to be done in a given situation. Weight plays an important role for a goalkeeper. Of course, you need to keep an eye on your weight, because speed in goal is one of the main functions of a goalkeeper.

7. Nikita Fedorov: Hello, Denis, what was your feeling when you scored a goal against the other team? I think everyone remembers this moment. Do you get pleasure from pulling out loose pucks at a match?

“The feelings were indescribable, since childhood I dreamed of scoring a goal, I succeeded. I spent a lot of time playing with my stick, an opportunity arose, I threw it in and scored. I get more pleasure from winning, and if I help out the team somewhere else, then that’s also memorable.

8. Sergey Shelgunov: “Denis, what feelings do you experience knowing that you are defending the most important line and the outcome of the game is in your hands?

- “I don’t have any special feelings, I try to be as calm as possible.”

9. Ilya Arkhipov: “Is the injury serious? How did it happen?"

“I had a bad fall, the injury is serious, but I’m already on the mend and will soon return to training.”

10. Zhenya Nikitin: “What is your salary at the club?”

- “Crazy money, I don’t know what to do with it anymore”

11. Zhenya Nikitin: Do you like Chuvash girls?

- "Undoubtedly"

12. Zhenya Nikitin: What is your favorite hockey chant?

I’m not a fan, I don’t know any chants.

13. Daniil Bolotaev: Denis, hello! How do you our city? Have you managed to get used to it? 2) How do you like our team? 3) How did you manage to become the best goalkeeper in the VHL-B? 4) Do you feel the support of the fans? 5) What is your opinion about HC Cheboksary?

- “I liked the city, I haven’t had time to visit everywhere yet, I don’t have enough free time. No one is saying that I am the best, these are just statistics, one bad match can change everything. My opinion about HC Cheboksary: ​​the team is not bad, you need to believe in yourself. I think we can at least reach the finals.

14. Anastasia Dzerzhinskaya: “Denis, did you dream of becoming a goalkeeper since childhood? What is your ultimate dream? What other dreams did you have as a child?

- “For the first 4 years in the children’s team, I was a striker. True, I always dreamed of becoming a goalkeeper, but my mother was against it. It turned out that there was no one to take me to training, because my parents were at work. In the end, I had to go alone and when I came to training, I approached the coach and asked to play in the goal. To my joy, he approved this decision! Since childhood, I dreamed of playing at a high level and someday wearing the jersey of the Russian national team."

15. Alexey Krylov: “How did it happen that you linked your destiny with ice hockey? Why a goalkeeper and not a striker or defender?

- “I answered this question in the previous question.”

16. Zhenya Nikitin: “Is there life after hockey?

If you choose hockey, this is your life. After your career ends, you will still live through hockey.

17. Alexey Pavlov: “Denis, as we all understand, HC Cheboksary is not the team where you would like to play. Tell me, in which club (NHL, KHL or VHL) would you like to play and which players would you like to see on your team?

“Of course, every athlete wants to play at the highest level, win everything possible along the way, play with the greatest players, and what kind of club it is will not be so important. The most important thing is that you are needed there and enjoy it.

18. Kirill Ershov “What do you want to tell your rivals?”

- “Do you know Kirill Ershov?”

19. Avdiy Prokhorov: “Do you like the support of Cheboksary fans and what would you like to note about them?”

- “Yes, I really like it. I wanted to point out that a lot of people come to Cheboksary for hockey and it makes me happy.”

20. Dmitry Belyakov: “Denis, get well soon! Please tell me, during eye time, is one timer the hardest for you? Or can the backhand, with its meanness, also ruin your mood? We are all waiting for you on the team! And more shutouts for you!

- “I don’t know such words (laughs).

21. Vladimir Kvn: “Denis, what was the first gift you gave to your mother.”

22. Vladimir Kvn: “Denis, does it seem that you are reading the game like your favorite book?”

- “Since childhood, I had a good goalkeeping coach at HC Metallurg (Magnitogorsk). This is Sergei Gavrilovich Ushenin, who from an early age forced goalkeepers to play board games (chess, dominoes, backgammon). It happened that sometimes even training was cancelled, to play dominoes and chess, because these games develop game thinking. And the goalkeeper, first of all, must read the game: where the opponent can pass in a given situation.”

23. Sergei Fokin: “The famous goalkeeper Patrick Roy loved to talk to the goal posts, he said: “I am a goalkeeper, and the posts are my friends!” Do you have any ritual or sign that you adhere to?”

- “I don’t have such rituals.”

24. Artemy Petrov: “Why did you come to us?”

“I had options in the VHL championship, and I also had options to go to Kazakhstan. But in the end, while I was waiting for a better option, goalkeepers had already been recruited everywhere, and I was left without a team. But after goalkeeper Nikita Davydov left Cheboksary, an option appeared here and I came to Chuvashia.”

Thanks everyone for the wishes! I’m on the mend, I’ll be back in action soon!”

And a ticket to our team’s hockey match for the best question, according to Denis, goes to Pavel Gibadulin

Mordovia goalkeeper Denis Motoshin - Stolitse S

Denis Motoshin has been defending the Mordovia goal since the first season of the team’s existence. With his reliable and confident play, the 23-year-old native of Magnitogorsk immediately won the sympathy of the fans. The 77th number of the main hockey team of region-13 told Svetlana KALINKINA about how he gained faith in Saransk hockey and why he is not going to leave the capital of Mordovia.

“My father used to play hockey,” says Denis,- but he failed to become a professional player. I am making his dream come true. But I can’t say that my parents forced me to go on the ice. The decision was made jointly. I loved this sport since childhood, and at the age of 8 my mother took me to the hockey section.”

“S”: Why did you choose the role of goalkeeper?

When I came to hockey school, I was assigned to the forward position, and I played in this position for four years. I always liked the goalkeeper uniform, but my mother did not allow me to stand in goal. But one day my parents were busy and there was no one to take me to training. I went alone and decided to take advantage of the moment. I told the coach about my desire to change my role, and he met me halfway. And then I simply presented my mother with a fait accompli. Since then I have been a goalkeeper.

“S”: Which club did you start playing in?

In Magnitogorsk "Metallurg". With this team I became the champion of Russia among players born in 1991. But then the coach took a liking to the oversized goalkeeper Igor Bobkov from Surgut. He was tall, about eighty meters, and my height fluctuated around one and a half meters (now Motoshin’s height is 176 cm - “C”). He was taken into the lineup, but I was put on the bench. I was 12 years old then. I decided to join the youth team of Kazan Ak Bars. But with the change of team it turned out that not everything was simple. If a player changes teams, the new club must pay the previous club for him. "Ak Bars" did not want to give money for me because it was at enmity with "Metallurg". The issue was resolved for a whole year, Magnitogorsk did not let me play. There was only one way out - to change my place of residence. If your registration is local, then the transition is free. And then our family moved to Kazan because of me.

“S”: How did your career develop?

Despite the fact that the family made a great sacrifice for me, I only played at Ak Bars for a year and a half and quarreled with the director. I had to take off my skates for six months. I didn't know what to do. In difficult situations, I always turned to my first mentor Alexander Shakhvorostov for help. After listening to my story, he offered to go to Kazakhstan. At the age of 15, he went to Karaganda, to the first league team. At first it was hard, I didn’t train for a total of a year and a half. But an experienced goalkeeper coach worked with me there, who helped me get on my feet, for which I am grateful to him. We became champions, the next year the club entered the major league, but then the president of the hockey federation made changes to the regulations and banned Russians under 25 from playing in the Kazakhstan major hockey league. I again turned to Shakhvorostov for advice. He suggested going to Salavat, where the Yurmaty club was just being created. Of the 13 goalkeepers who came to the training camp, I was the first. I regained my confidence and started playing. “Yurmaty” played in the first league and in the first year became the champion of the Volga region. I played there for two years and then got injured. Without me, the team quickly flew out of the tournament, the club unexpectedly closed. When I was informed that the team no longer existed, all other clubs had already recruited goalkeepers. Then I had two options - either to go to Saransk or to Naberezhnye Chelny. I attended the Mordovia training camp in Sivini, and I was not impressed by the conditions. We slept on the floor... There weren't even forks there! I left for Tatarstan. I signed a contract, but I wasn’t happy with everything there. I finally called Yuri Vorobyov and asked to go to Saransk. He didn't mind, but I had a little problem with the contract. I had to play until the first set of players, and only then left.

“S”: Are you happy with everything here now?

It suits me, but I want to play in the major hockey league. Yuri Sergeevich has been promising me the VHL in Saransk for a long time, but I can’t wait. I don’t understand why hockey in Mordovia is not given enough attention. If they wanted, they could find a budget. After all, Mordovia is a sports republic, football players play in the Premier League... I think our Ice Palace fits perfectly into the VHL level. For example, “Lipetsk” has a much worse palace, but this does not stop them from playing in the tower. Personally, I want to grow further. I have always had a dream to wear the Russian national team jersey. There are chances for this, the main thing is to move up to the league where they will notice me. If you perform well in the VHL, you are invited to the KHL. And from the continental hockey league to the Russian national team is one step. For example, goalkeeper Gleb Evdokimov played for Samara, who went to the major hockey league. He was noticed and invited to the Russian student team. A few days ago they beat the Swedes 5:1, and he was on goal. I can’t say that I’m inferior to him in any way.

“S”: Have you received offers from VHL clubs?

A year ago, I wanted to move to Penza Diesel, where Alexander Shakhvorostov worked at that time. But “Mordovia” didn’t let me go. I played another season in Saransk, I was about to leave, but Shakhvorostov moved to Traktor Chelyabinsk, which plays in the KHL. The mentor suggested that I play at the Chelmet farm club. They were already waiting for me there, but Yuri Sergeevich persuaded me to stay.

Denis Motoshin became the main goalkeeper of Mordovia this season

“S”: Why have you been standing at the gate alone all season?

This is one of the conditions for extending the contract. I said myself that I would stay if I had the vast majority of games. Because when you play through a match, it’s difficult to prepare yourself psychologically. You have to prove that you are the best. And here I know that the only hope is for me, and I try not to let the team down. This season I have five clean sheets. Among the goalkeepers in our league, my record is the best.

“S”: Do you think that the lost matches are your fault?

I believe that everyone is to blame, including me. We have a team sport, and if one person makes a mistake, the whole team suffers. But now, it seems to me, there is no need to talk about this anymore. We finish the regular season in third place...

“S”: So it’s mostly you who prevent Pavel Popkov from playing, and not the coach?

I can't decide for the coach. But this is hockey, and there must be competition. I'm just proving that I'm worthy, that's all. If Yuri Sergeevich decides to play Pasha, then I will start working on myself more to prove my advantage.

“S”: At previous matches in Smolensk, you were opposed by your former teammate Pavel Bolsunovsky. Was there a certain mood for the game?

Pavel and I have already played against each other when he played in Naberezhnye Chelny, and I played in Salavat. We already knew each other when we met in Mordovia. He has always been a good competitor for me. In Smolensk, we naturally wanted to beat each other. I was upset when he was taken off after the fourth goal and was not included in the second match. I wanted to play both games against him.

“S”: What do you do in your free time?

I like the computer game "Tanks". My teammate Dima Obrezha and I live in the same building and often play online in the same team in the evenings. This is my favorite game. Helps to unload emotionally.

“S”: What is the brightest story from your childhood that you remember?

When I played for Metallurg, our team went to a tournament in Nizhnekamsk. Many teams arrived there, and we were not given a locker room. I had to get dressed at the hotel and go to the games. Only the skates were carried in their hands. And the goalkeepers had to take another bag, which contained pads, a trap, a pancake and a helmet. When we arrived at the place, I saw that I had left the shields at the hotel. When the coach approached, I climbed into the trunk myself, just so that he wouldn’t see me. But I still had to explain myself. He scolded me and sat me on the bench. The next day I forgot the pancake. The coach yelled at me again and left me as a spectator again. And on the third day I left the trap. The mentor just laughed at me. This is how I spent the entire tournament on the bench.

"S": Goalkeeper masks began to be used only in the 1930s. Could you go on the ice without protection?

If I lived at that time, then of course. People loved hockey so much that they played at their own risk. Now no one will let me out without a mask, according to the rules it’s not allowed. I remember Dima Obrezha once had a puck hit him, and then he spent six months recovering his jaw.

“S”: Are you married?

  • Not yet, but for five years I have been living with my beloved girl Elena, whom I brought from Naberezhnye Chelny. We are planning to have a wedding in the summer.

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Denis Lebedev

On April 23, 17-year-old Denis Lebedev was found dead at the entrance of his house in the Moscow region. The teenager was a young genius. The student took prizes at regional, capital and federal Olympiads. The boy reportedly committed suicide out of fear of the FSB. It seems that he was constantly blowing up something under the windows and the neighbors complained about him.

Denis’s mother said in her interview that the reasons for his action were different. Representatives of the FSB had been visiting Denis for a long time, but not because of conflicts with neighbors. “He only went outside with experiments once. I was next to him, he was mixing reagents to get colored smoke,” she said. Denis’s mother said: the boy was noticed because of his talent. Chemists from the FSB showed him a suitcase with various reagents. When Denis accurately named all the formulas of these chemicals, FSB representatives offered him a job after he finished school. Denis liked this idea.

According to Denis’s mother, he did not know what he would do after school. He became interested in working for the FSB. But the idea of ​​going to the USA and staying there was just as attractive. The teenager was afraid that the United States would take such sanctions against Russia, after which he would not be able to do this.