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Exercises for therapeutic facial gymnastics for neuropathy of the facial nerve. Therapeutic exercises for damage to the facial nerve Therapeutic exercises for the facial nerve

Neuritis of the facial nerve can complicate the course of any infection; it often develops after hypothermia or exposure to a draft. Restore work facial muscles faces is possible, but an integrated approach is important - special exercises, procedures, massage, drugs. Gymnastics for the face for neuritis of the facial nerve is one of the main methods of treating pathology. It will speed up recovery and help prevent complications of facial neuritis.

Goals and objectives of gymnastics

Exercise therapy is recommended for patients from the first day of the onset of facial neuritis, or Bell's palsy. Since inflammation of the nerve fibers results in their serious weakening, it is necessary to target the affected area. Tasks that special “charging” can handle when performed correctly:

  1. Improving blood circulation in the muscles of the face, neck, head;
  2. Optimizing the work of facial muscles and restoring their lost functions;
  3. Preventing the development of contracture (limitation of passive movements) and synkinesis (conjugal movements);
  4. Pronunciation normalization;
  5. Concealment of facial defects that have developed against the background of severe forms of neuritis.

Rules for performing classes

It is important that exercise therapy for the face is carried out in compliance with certain conditions. At the initial stage, it is important to strictly follow the instructions of a specialist or do gymnastics in a physical therapy room with an instructor.

The rules for conducting classes are as follows:

  • Avoid asymmetry, help the facial muscles with your hands to maintain the symmetry of their movements;
  • In each specific exercise, allow those muscles that need to work to move, while others must be relaxed (otherwise synkinesis may develop);
  • Give yourself a short rest after each exercise;
  • At first, train in front of a mirror to perform gymnastics correctly, later you can do it “automatically”;
  • On the healthy side, you can hold the muscles with your hand to keep them relaxed (if necessary).

Exercises in the first days of illness

The early stage is considered to be the period from the development of neuritis to the 10th day of illness. In addition to the obligatory positional treatment at this time (wearing a special facial corset), therapeutic exercises begin to be used. It is preparatory in nature and should not cause overload. The duration of one exercise cycle is no more than 10 minutes, the number of such sessions is 2 per day.

During this period, you can give training to the muscles of the healthy side - tense and relax them.

You should also start pronouncing certain letters (o, u, p, b, v, f, m), and moderately stretch your lips in a smile. Tension and performing exercises with effort should not be allowed. Before or after gymnastics, you should do a light facial massage for 2-3 minutes:

  • Along the eyelids with eyes closed, clockwise in a circular motion;
  • Along the nostrils from both sides from bottom to top;
  • Along the eyebrows from the midline to the sides with soft movements.

Follow-up exercises for facial neuritis

You can move to the next stage of training only with the approval of a doctor if there are certain improvements in your health. The duration of exercise therapy will be 2-3 months and is determined individually. The frequency of use of the facial corset is initially increased, then reduced with a gradual abandonment of it.

Gymnastics will have the goal of training facial muscles. It is carried out three times a day for 20-30 minutes. Techniques can be like this:

  • Squinting and looking at objects far away from you;
  • Smile without unclenching lips;
  • Expression of different emotions;
  • Raising and lowering of eyebrows;
  • Sticking out the tongue, moving it from side to side;
  • Folding the tongue into a tube;
  • Wide mouth opening;
  • Eye movements to the right, left;
  • Filling the cheeks with air and deflating them;
  • Vibration of lips during exhalation;
  • Whistling;
  • Expansion of the nostrils;
  • Rinsing your mouth with water so as not to throw it out;
  • Retracting the cheeks with the mouth closed.

At the same time, classes are carried out to train the quality of speech - pronouncing individual sounds, combinations of sounds, dividing words into syllables, etc. If necessary, classes are conducted with a speech therapist.

Gymnastics at the final stage

The time when residual symptoms of facial neuritis may appear in a patient can be several months (the period is counted after the 90th day from the development of the pathology). If the patency of nerve fibers is not fully restored, impulses may not reach certain muscles, so facial expressions remain disturbed.

It is important not to forget about regular exercise therapy, which was prescribed during the main period of the disease. The goal is to increase muscle activity so that symmetry is restored between the diseased and healthy sides of the face. Head tilts in all directions are added to the training, circular movements, shaking head. Without strictly following the doctor’s recommendations, it will be difficult to get rid of paresis of the facial muscles, but persistent gymnastics will certainly restore lost capabilities.

Neuritis of the facial nerve responds well to complex therapy. Motor rehabilitation is successful in most cases.

plays a significant role in this. The article is useful not only for those who have suffered from facial nerve neuritis, but also for healthy people, since knowledge makes it possible to value and take care of your health, and promptly treat those diseases that can cause complications in the form of facial nerve neuritis. Facial neuritis

– damage to the facial nerve, which manifests itself as paralysis of the facial muscles and masticatory muscles on one side, sometimes on both sides, occurs at any age.
The causes of neuritis of the facial nerve are:
otitis (inflammation of the middle ear),
cerebrovascular accident (cerebrovascular accident),
temporal bone fracture,
tumor in the brain (cerebellopontine angle),
infectious diseases (herpes, tick-borne encephalitis),


The facial nerve belongs to the autonomic parasympathetic nervous system, is formed by the 7th pair of cranial nerves, its nuclei are located in the pons of the brain, from the pons the nerve exits to the base of the brain, enters the internal auditory canal, passes through the temporal bone in the facial canal and exits through the stylomastoid hole, dividing into several branches. The facial nerve has a mixed functional role. He carries out motor innervation all facial muscles, masticatory muscles, vast subcutaneous muscle of the neck, posterior belly of the digastric muscle, stylohyoid muscle, sensory (gustatory) innervation anterior 2/3 of the tongue, secretory innervation

lacrimal gland, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands. Clinic of neuritis of the facial nerve.

The beginning is acute. Paresis of facial muscles like flaccid paralysis, pronounced asymmetry of the face due to the fact that the muscles of the “healthy” half pull the muscles of the “sick” side to their side. On the affected side, the patient cannot raise an eyebrow, wrinkle his forehead, close his eyes, and the nasolabial sweetness is smoothed. When trying to smile, the mouth pulls in the healthy direction. Hypesthesia (reduced sensitivity) on the affected side. paresis may increase, then the neurological symptoms stabilize, and from the second week the restoration of motor function of the facial muscles begins. Movement is usually restored within a month.

In 15% of cases Facial neuritis causes complications: inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye and contracture of the facial muscles, when flaccid paralysis turns into spastic paralysis (approximately 1.5 - 2 months from the onset of the disease). In this case, the face will be skewed towards the “sick” side, the patient will feel twitching on the sick side, and muscle tone will be increased. Contracture of the muscles of the paralyzed side is considered the most severe complication, which is very difficult to correct.

Prevention of contracture consists of proper electrical procedures, therapeutic massage and exercise therapy. You cannot overdose on the load. If the patient has twitching on the painful side, especially in the corners of the eye, then the massage is canceled and exercise therapy is canceled after consulting a neurologist.

At the very beginning of the disease, therapeutic massage is prescribed after stabilization of the condition, exercise therapy - from the first day.

Exercise therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve.

Target Exercise therapy for facial nerve neuritis: improve blood circulation in the neck and head, relax the muscles on the healthy side and stimulate the muscles on the sore side.

Exercises for facial neuritis are carried out according to the rules:

1). Make sure that in each exercise only those muscles that produce the movement are worked; all other muscles should be relaxed. That is, you cannot, for example, frown your eyebrows when baring your teeth, since new neural connections are created and in the future friendly facial movements will appear, which are undesirable, and it is very difficult to correct this.

2). Pay attention to the quality of the exercises, helping to “correct” your face with your hands and achieve facial symmetry.

3). After performing a certain movement, the facial muscles need to be relaxed.

4). You can first do the exercise mentally, and then do it actively. This will help you concentrate and perform the exercise correctly. Exercises performed mentally additionally activate the nervous system.

5). A good technique for restoring a smile is to make the patient laugh by telling a joke. We hold the healthy side of the face with our hand to relax the muscles. We warn you in advance that it will be funny now, and you should try to concentrate your attention on the affected side of the face.

Increase efficiency Exercise therapy for facial nerve neuritis DENAS therapy and Su-jok therapy will help.

For the use of DENAS therapy at home, consult an experienced acupuncturist.

has a variety of methods for treating diseases. The simplest method, accessible even to children preschool age, consists of depicting a healthy smiling face on the pad of the thumb. On the hand we find the correspondence of the human body in the basic system on the hand, thumb - head. At this moment, the hand turns into a control panel for the body. Take a pen or marker and draw a face with a smile. This should be done every day, alternating brushes.

In Su-jok therapy, there are many systems of correspondence of the body (for example, insect, giraffe, yogi, etc.), the doctor chooses the system that is most convenient for treating a specific disease, where the desired organ is most clearly expressed and accessible; It is not recommended to combine different systems at the same time; only one system is used.

There is an option for using Su-jok - therapy for the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve - the "Big Insect" system, described in the article. In this system, the patient can exert an energetic effect on the body through ordinary self-massage of the hands, and it is easy to understand which area on the hands needs to be “calmed” and which one needs to be activated.

LH is carried out individually or in a small group method while sitting on a chair in front of a mirror.

The set of exercises for neuritis of the facial nerve is divided into three parts:

1). Exercises for the shoulder girdle while sitting on a chair, they are turned on to improve blood circulation in the head and neck area. (For example, move your arm to the side and look at it; place your hands on your shoulders - rotate your arms clockwise and counterclockwise; raise and lower your upper shoulder girdle and so on).

2). Special exercises are exercises for facial muscles: mouth, cheeks, eyebrows, eyes within the symmetry of the face, that is, during therapeutic exercises we try to prevent the face from skewing in the healthy direction. To do this, we intuitively hold the muscles on the healthy side with our hand, making sure that they do not work at full strength (in other words, the muscles on the healthy side of the face “play giveaway”), and on the sore side we tighten the muscles, achieving normal, full-fledged symmetrical movement. That is, we help “correct” the face with our hands.

3). Be sure to include exercises for the articulatory apparatus with the pronunciation of sounds and words. We combine five vowel sounds (a, o, u, i, y) with various consonant sounds, but the obligatory ones are b-p, v-f, m, since these are the sounds that help to maximally use the facial muscles. It is important not just to pronounce sounds, but to train the articulatory apparatus, so we achieve expressive lips for each sound.


In addition, it is necessary to practice pronouncing words syllable by syllable. For example, milk, hut, thekla, beet, doll, snail, audience, bagels, air, drum(s), stick(s), grandmothers, cone, cat, kidney, barrel, boy, barefoot, beads, shoes, toys, raisin, cuckoo, grandma, folder, mother, slippers, puma, etc.

Then, when the condition improves, we include reading children's fairy tales in front of the mirror in order to control the symmetry of the face while reading and the expressive position of the lips when pronouncing sounds.

Exercises for neuritis of the facial nerve.

1). raise and lower eyebrows,
2). frown,
3). be surprised, be upset,
4). smile with your mouth closed, with your mouth open,
5). bare your teeth,
6). blow,
7). whistle with lips pursed,
8). blow out the candle
9). upper lip to lower lip,
10). lower lip to upper lip,
eleven). open and close your eyes (closing the eyes occurs in the following order: look down without lowering your head, close your eyes, helping to close the eyelid on the paralyzed side of your face with your hand, sit like this for 1 minute, repeat 2 more times),
12). close your eyes,
13). open your eyes wide,
14). squint,
16). alternately close one or the other eye,
17). follow with your eyes the finger moving in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise,
15). say "Whoa-whoa!" - the sound when a horse is stopped,

18). snort,
19). widen the nostrils,
20). puff out your cheeks
21). move the air in the mouth from one side to the other, inflating the cheeks alternately,
22). suck in your cheeks with your mouth closed,
22). rinse your mouth with water,
23). stretch out your lips with a tube, “kiss”,
24). Use your tongue to “brush” your teeth with your mouth closed.
25). move the tip of your tongue forward and backward across the palate with your mouth closed,
26). swing your tongue right - left with your mouth open,
27). draw circles with your tongue clockwise and counterclockwise with your mouth open,
28). swing your tongue back and forth with your mouth open,
29). “Needle”: stick out your tongue, making the tip sharp,
thirty). click your tongue, imitating the sound of hooves, while the tip of the tongue presses against the palate, sliding back,
31). roll the tongue into a “pupa”, turning the edges of the tongue towards the center.

Finally, I would advise that in everyday situations, when you need to talk with someone or want to laugh, hold your healthy side with your palm, calming it in order to prevent excessive distortion of the face.

In my practice, I have always used the simplest treatment methods of Su-jok - therapy before therapeutic exercises, which was carried out after massage of the collar area, neck and face. There were never any complications in the form of contracture; there was always an improvement or complete recovery. In this I attach great importance to Su-jok therapy, low bow to Professor Park Jae-woo, who discovered this miracle for people.

And, of course, successful recovery depends on the hard work of the patient himself. As a rule, there are no lazy people, since all patients with neuritis of the facial nerve want to correct the facial defect.

In the hospital, you can get advice: while sleeping, place your palm under your cheek on the painful side. I doubt the need for this, since the yin-yang energies of the hand are of no small importance here: the palm side is yin, the back side is yang. The paralyzed side needs to be activated, so yang energy is required. Nothing bad will happen if the patient sleeps on his palm, but this should not be done specifically for therapeutic purposes.

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I wish a speedy recovery!

Diseases associated with the nervous system can be treated with a special type of medical therapy - gymnastics, massage. The appearance of the first signs of inflammation of the trigeminal nerve signals the need to visit a doctor. The prescription of treatment is often accompanied by the prescription of exercise therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve.

Inflammation of the facial nerve makes it impossible to control emotions, that is, frown, smile, or raise eyebrows. The cranial region has 12 nerve pairs, the seventh pair, which is responsible for the facial muscles, is most susceptible to damage. The lesion is often one-sided, rarely spreading into two parts. The disease is quite common. The main reasons are determined:

  • Transmission of an infectious disease: diphtheria, syphilis, borreliosis, etc.
  • Disturbances in the functioning of the brain associated with problems with blood circulation.
  • Hormonal disruptions, metabolic failure.
  • Encephalitis tick bite.
  • Congenital pathology associated with the anatomical features of the structure of nerves in a particular individual.
  • Multiple sclerosis.
  • Severe stress, depression.
  • Formation of malignant/benign tumors.
  • Incorrectly performed surgical intervention, plastic surgery aimed at improving the condition of the skin, its firmness and elasticity.
  • Viral reactions: flu, colds, pneumonia.
  • Ear problems: previous otitis media.
  • Swelling.
  • Diseases associated with connective tissue.
  • Fractures, bruises in the temporal region.

The main provocateurs of the disease are drafts and hypothermia of the facial part. Pregnancy is characterized by edema. The action of edema leads to a narrowing of the nerve canal.

Signs of facial neuritis:

  • Visible asymmetry;
  • No pain, decreased sensitivity of the affected area;
  • The eye blinks less frequently;
  • Drooping corners in the mouth area;
  • Deterioration of facial properties.

The disease is being treated. It is important to consult a doctor promptly. The main treatment is prescribed by a specialist. Doctors recommend the following procedures:

  • physiotherapy;
  • performing a set of exercises;
  • massage.

The procedures are performed in specialized institutions, at home. Let's look at the basic techniques and techniques.

Regular exercises give results after 2-3 sessions. Positive qualities are:

  • Improving blood circulation in the affected area;
  • Return to normal;
  • Stimulation of biologically active points located;
  • Normalization nervous system, facial, motor abilities;
  • Calming, relaxing tense areas;
  • Relieving inflammation.

The main recommendation is to wear a special corset. The measure helps speed up the recovery process. It is necessary to provide support for paralyzed muscles. It is used for one or two weeks at night. During the day it is necessary to massage for neuritis.

Preliminary massage technique

  1. Take the mirror;
  2. Using gentle movements, apply gentle pressure to the forehead;
  3. Look down;
  4. Close your eyes;
  5. Gently massage from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner;
  6. We touch the nose with massage movements;
  7. We start from the wings, draw a line to the middle of the ear;
  8. We work on the lip area: lightly press the lips;
  9. Massage horizontally from chin to ear.

We tilt our heads in opposite directions, then in a circle. We repeat the massage complex for neuritis 5-7 cycles per week. We do not allow pain.

Basic techniques

Massage is necessary to warm up the muscles. Let's move on to the main set of exercises. This needs to be done consistently, every day. The consequence of non-compliance is atrophy of the affected, healthy muscles. Timely implementation of procedures is the key to quick rehabilitation.

Physical therapy of the first stage

Has a passive effect. Helps maintain healthy muscles in normal condition. Follow the sequence of actions:

  • Take the mirror.
  • Without straining, use facial expressions.
  • Try to smile slightly, using your entire face.
  • Make sounds.
  • Raise both eyebrows.

Get ready: you won’t be able to do the exercises right away. The muscles don't obey. On the 14th day the result will appear. The duration of one cycle is fifteen minutes. When two weeks have passed, see your doctor and he will assess your condition.

Exercise therapy for acute forms of the disease

Allows you to improve the expression of emotions. Direction to facial improvement. The period takes two to three months. The previous set of exercises for the treatment of facial nerve paresis, preliminary massage, remains. Gymnastics added:

  • Place the item in the far corner of the room;
  • Sit parallel to the object at a far distance;
  • Squint your eyes;
  • Try to see the details of the object;
  • Relax, rest;
  • Frown, activate your frontal lobes;
  • Close your lips;
  • Try to smile;
  • Raise your eyebrows;
  • Lower your eyebrow.

Carrying out a cycle of three exercise therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve once a day gives excellent results. It is recommended to pronounce words syllable by syllable. Read aloud, articulating clearly. Pronounce sounds clearly.

After restoration of the facial nerve, it is necessary to continue classes, gradually reducing the duration. Abrupt withdrawal from classes will negatively affect the condition.


Exercise therapy represents long-term, efficient look therapy. The procedure is most effective when combined with speech exercises, massage, wearing a corset. Don't start treatment. The doctor will advise a further course of action. Physiotherapy for neuritis of the facial nerve - the main method of rehabilitation.

Video - Symptoms, causes, 8 ways to relieve pain

Video - How to treat neuritis of the facial nerve using traditional methods

Changes in facial expressions, paralysis with unilateral, sometimes bilateral, damage to muscle tissue occurs with inflammation of the trigeminal nerve. Exercise therapy for facial neuritis is one of the most gentle comprehensive measures for treating the disease.

To compile a complete picture of the occurrence of abnormal pathological processes in the facial muscles, it is necessary to determine the cause-and-effect nature of the appearance. Due to head trauma, ear diseases, facial infections of various origins, severe shocks, and unqualified dental treatment, inflammatory processes in tissues can occur.

This is especially true for the seventh pair of cranial nerves of the trigeminal type - the main driving force that determines activity and the smoothness of facial expressions. Pathological processes cause a lack of symmetrical connection and stiffness of movements, hearing loss, dullness of taste, severe pain at the slightest movement of the facial muscles.

At the first signs of the disease, you should consult a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe timely treatment. Women of childbearing age should take care of neuritis treatment before pregnancy to avoid severe complications.

  • Spend night sleep on the side where neuritis develops;
  • Chew food on both sides;
  • Take a sitting position, leaning on your elbow, supporting the affected area of ​​your face with your palm;
  • Tie your head with a scarf in front to recreate symmetry in order to tighten the muscles from the healthy part to the affected one.

After diagnosis, the following may be prescribed:

  • Drug therapy aimed at relieving the cause of the pathology;
  • Folk remedies are used to treat the inflammatory process;
  • Biological method - hirudotherapy;
  • Acupressure massage to relax and relieve muscle tone, which can be done at home;
  • Hardware procedures;
  • Gymnastics for neuritis of the facial nerve for each muscle group.
  • Denas is a non-drug hardware procedure to improve blood circulation and restore central nervous system functions;
  • Su-jok - influence on acupuncture points.

Recently, a computer-based healing technique has become widespread - biofeedback for neuritis of the facial nerve, to generate feedback during external activation of the body's internal resources. It has not yet proven its effectiveness, but it does not cause harm to health and does not worsen the condition.


Exercise therapy is a set of physical exercises for therapeutic and prophylactic use. In case of inflammation of the seventh pair of cranial nerves, which have a ternary branching, it is necessary:

  • Be in a standing or sitting position in front of a mirror;
  • Start classes with a light, superficial massage until no obvious redness occurs;
  • Movements occur on both sides of the face, but only one group is affected;
  • Improve blood flow by tilting and circular movements of the head;
  • Hold the unaffected part with your hand for symmetry of execution;
  • In the area of ​​pathology, you should help the movement of muscles, apply light pressure with your palm;
  • Include in the complex of respiratory and restorative systems;
  • Follow the training regimen: two to four times a day for five to ten doses.

The clinical picture has an acute onset, rapid paresis occurs muscle tissue. The facial reaction on the affected side of the face is weakly expressed; the masticatory, cervical, stylohyoid muscles and secretory glands are affected. Physiotherapy helps to restore motor and functional activity within a period of two to three months with systematic implementation exercises for neuritis of the facial nerve aimed at:

  • Restoring blood flow;
  • Stimulating damaged and supporting the activity of healthy muscles;
  • Emotional facial expression training;
  • Maintaining normal tone.

An important element when performing gymnastics is exercises for the shoulder girdle:

  • Move your arm, located at a right angle to the body, gently turn your head in its direction;
  • Rotate your shoulders back and forth, first placing your hands on them;
  • Place your palms on your face, in the healthy area - closer to the ear, in the diseased area - on the chin, try to restore symmetry by pulling your hands towards the paresis.

The gymnastic series is represented by the following exercises:

  • Puffing out the cheeks simultaneously or in turn;
  • Vibrating movements of the lips, an attempt to snort;
  • Tilt your head down, sway smoothly from left to right and back, stroking the surface of your face.

Treatment by position

A special treatment method, applied in the ward, is used to eliminate asymmetry of the facial structure. Taping is applied to the surface affected by neuritis: applying a patch to reduce muscle traction and hold the healthy part of the face in a natural position by fixing it on an individually designed helmet mask.

A session lasting up to six hours will allow you to:

  • Improve movement of muscle tissue affected by neuropathy;
  • Narrow the gap between the upper and lower eyelids, which ensures natural blinking and tear hydration of the eyeball.

The adhesive plaster is applied two to three times a day in the morning and afternoon to achieve maximum motor activity.

Special exercises for facial muscles

Main complex physical culture includes a technique aimed at preventing atrophic processes in the muscles of the face, presentation by Professor V.A. Kuzmin:

  • Active whistle;
  • A smile with the mouth closed, then with the mouth open, a grin;
  • Grin with alternate lifting of the lips or pulling down the corners;
  • Eyebrow movement: frowning, surprise;
  • Strong squinting, winking;
  • Alternately inflate your cheeks and pull them in;
  • Move your jaw in a circular motion, push it forward, move it inward;
  • Reach the palate with your tongue, press on the lower incisors, then on the upper incisors, creating the shape of a spread or thin tongue.

Exercises to improve articulation

Therapy for neuritis of the facial nerve, gymnastics for the face includes reprimand training. It is carried out with the expressive use of the lips in alternating pronunciation:

  • Vowels - special attention is paid to the sounds A, O, U, I - lowering of the lower jaw as freely as possible with synchronous muscle work;
  • Consonants - B, S, Ch, C, K/T are voiced only by lip movements;
  • Phonetic combinations.

An important solution to the articulation problem is the syllabic pronunciation of words. The patient must, like a child at an appointment with a speech therapist, clearly pronounce letter combinations. Then they move on to reading children's fairy tales in front of a mirror to track the symmetry of facial expressions.

Period of residual effects

Gymnastics for facial nerve paresis in the residual stage of the disease is aimed at supporting muscle, neuro-impulse activity, normal condition and functionality of facial expressions. During this period, the nerve impulse cannot fully pass through the tissue, so it is necessary to perform the main complex of exercise therapy, supplementing it with bends and turns of the head.


Massage technique

First, massage the collar area, neck muscles, and shoulder girdle.

Apply stroking, rubbing and kneading.

They vibrate the exit points of the occipital nerves.

Facial massage is carried out according to the scheme of facial, head and neck massage.

Scheme of face, head and neck massage

1 – frontal zone; 2 – parietal zone; 3 – occipital zone; 4 – front zone; 5 – suprahyoid zone; 6 – sublingual zone; 7 – lateral zone; 8 – vertebral (spinal) zone; 9 – supraclavicular zone

Perform stroking, rubbing, kneading and gentle vibration of paralyzed muscles.

Duration of massage 3–5–8 minutes daily.

A course of 15–20 procedures.

After the function of the facial muscles begins to recover, turn on fixing adhesive bandages.

The duration of applying adhesive bandages is from 30 minutes (in the first 3–5 days) to 4–6 hours daily, for 10–15 days.

When wearing adhesive bandages, the patient should not eat or talk.

Before applying adhesive bandages, massage and facial exercises are performed.

The causes of neuritis of the facial nerve are infections, influenza, sore throat, inflammation of the middle ear, mumps, and trauma. Hypothermia also contributes to the disease. In this case, paresis or paralysis of the facial muscles on the side of the affected nerve occurs according to the peripheral type. The face becomes asymmetrical, the skin of the affected side turns pale. Facial expressions become sluggish and inexpressive. The nasolabial fold is smoothed on the affected side. The corner of the mouth will be pulled to the healthy side. Due to damage to the orbicularis oculi muscle, the palpebral fissure does not close. Tearing occurs. Due to flaccid paralysis of the facial muscles, the cheek on the affected side droops. When the patient tries to puff out his cheeks, air passes between the loosely closed lips on the sore side. An unpleasant complication is contracture - the corner of the mouth deviates to the affected side, the nasolabial fold deepens, and the palpebral fissure narrows. Another complication is friendly movements. In particular, when closing an eye, the corner of the mouth rises or when the forehead is wrinkled, an involuntary lifting of the corner of the mouth occurs. Neuritis of the facial nerve develops quickly, acutely, over several hours or days. It is advisable to use massage immediately after acute symptoms subside. First, a gentle massage is used, consisting of stroking and rubbing techniques. The purpose of the massage is to eliminate swelling and congestion in the facial nerve canal, improve its conductivity and excitability, improve blood and lymph circulation in the facial muscles and restore the function of facial muscles. Immediately before each procedure, the patient must perform a special set of exercises for the neck muscles in order to improve blood and lymph circulation in the tissues of the face and neck:
1. Tilt the head forward and backward (8-10 movements). Movements should be performed at an average pace and with maximum amplitude.
2. Tilt the head to the right and left (8-10 times).
3. Turn the head to the right and left (8-10 movements).
4. Circular movements of the head 8-10 times to the right and left. The initial position of the patient is sitting or standing. 3-5 minutes after finishing the exercises, you can start the massage. The painful and healthy sides of the face are massaged; in addition, the area of ​​the back of the head, mastoid processes, anterior and back surface neck. The massage procedure is carried out in the following order:
1. Massage the back of the neck and shoulder girdle.
2. Massage of the back of the head and mastoid processes.
3. Massage of the anterior-lateral surface of the neck.
4. Massage the facial area. A deep, energetic massage is used in the area of ​​the back of the neck and shoulders:
1. Embracing stroking.
2. Alternate rubbing.
3. Planar stroking of the massage therapist’s hands in reverse.
4. Spiral rubbing with four fingers in front of the massage therapist’s hands.
5. Stroking forward from the back of the head along the back of the neck and shoulder girdle to the acromial clavicular joints.
6. Tong-shaped kneading in the same direction.
7. long rear stroking. This technique makes the transition from massage of the neck and shoulder girdle to massage of the back of the head and mastoid processes:
1. long rear stroking.
3. long rear stroking.
4. Spiral rubbing thumb.
5. long rear stroking.
6. Shift.
7. long rear stroking. These techniques cover the area of ​​the back of the head and mastoid processes simultaneously. After this, they move on to massage the anterolateral surface of the neck:
1. General stroking simultaneously with both hands from the chin from front to back and from top to bottom to the manubrium of the sternum, and then above the collarbones towards the clavicular-acromial joints.
2. Spiral rubbing with four fingers simultaneously on two hands along the same lines and in the same direction.
3. long front stroke. Massage of the anterior-lateral surface of the neck is a direct preparation for facial massage. In case of unilateral damage to the face, after the acute phenomena have subsided, the massage begins with the healthy half of the face in order to somewhat reduce the tension of this half:
1. Plane superficial stroking with one hand along three main lines: from the middle of the chin to the corner of the lower jaw, from the middle of the face line and the corner of the mouth, slightly arched upward and back, down to the auricle and to the corner of the lower jaw, from the base of the nose, under the lower edge the eye sockets, under the zygomatic arch to the auricle and to the angle of the lower jaw.
2. Light spiral rubbing with three or four fingers along the same lines and in the same direction.
3. Stroking along three main lines. On the affected half of the face, a deeper massage is used, consisting mainly of kneading and vibration, as usual with flaccid paresis and paralysis. It should be noted that stroking techniques can be performed each time with both hands simultaneously on both the diseased and healthy half of the face. On the affected half of the face apply:
1. Deep stroking along three main lines.
2. Spiral rubbing with four fingers.
3. Stroking.
4. Intermittent pressure.
5. Stroking.
6. Pinching-twitching.
7. Stroking.
8. Semicircular kneading.
9. Stroking.
10. Techniques of manual or mechanical vibration. Among the techniques of manual vibration, puncturing or shaking can be used in the first procedures, and in subsequent procedures, when the intensity of massage techniques increases, patting or tapping can be used. Mechanical vibration on the affected half of the face is performed with a funnel-shaped rubber vibratode. With this vibratode, movements are made along the same lines as stroking. After vibration, stroking is applied as described above.
11. Stroking along three main lines and finally - a long front and back stroking. Nasal massage, like facial massage, is performed mainly on the affected side:
1. Stroking along the back of the nose, along the base and from

the tip of the nose along the wings to the base, and along it to the bridge of the nose.
2. Spiral rubbing with the pad of the middle finger.
3. Stroking. After this, they move on to massage the orbicularis oculi muscle:
1. Stroking with the pad of the middle finger from the outer corner of the eye above the lower edge of the orbit to the inner corner, and from here under the upper edge to the outer corner.
2. Using the same finger, stroking is done, which continues to the temple and ends in an arched manner at the upper edge of the cheekbone.
3. The lower part of the orbicularis oculi muscle is stroked with the middle finger, and the upper part, along the eyebrow, is stroked with the index and middle fingers.
4. Stroking the orbicularis oculi muscle with zigzag rubbing of the eyebrow. Having finished massaging the nose and orbicularis oculi muscle, proceed to massaging the forehead area:
1. Stroking from the midline of the forehead to the temple on the affected side.
2. Alternate rubbing with the pads of the middle fingers.
3. Stroking along the frontalis muscle from the eyebrow to the anterior border of the scalp.
4. Zigzag rubbing.
5. Wave-like stroking.
6. Spiral rubbing with four fingers from the midline of the forehead to the temple on the affected side.
7. Stroking from the midline to the temple.
8. Intermittent pressure from the midline of the forehead on the affected side to the temple.
9. Stroking from the midline of the forehead to the temple.
10. Puncture or mechanical vibration with a funnel-shaped rubber vibratode.
11. long front stroking, stroking along the three main lines of the face and general stroking of the anterolateral surface of the neck. Then it is necessary to massage the place where the facial nerve exits the stylomastoid foramen:
1. Stable flat stroking with the pad of the middle finger, and sometimes with the little finger (for example, in children).
2. Circular stable rubbing with one finger.
3. Circular plane stable stroking.
4. Intermittent or continuous pressure.
5. Circular plane stable stroking.
6. Mechanical vibration with a rubber spherical vibratode.
7. Circular plane stable stroking. The entire procedure is completed with a long front and back stroking. On the affected half of the face, forceps-like kneading of the cheek muscles is sometimes used. To do this, the patient inserts the thumb of the opposite hand into his mouth behind his cheek, and presses on the outside with his index finger. The direction of movement is from front to back. During facial massage, it is necessary to repeatedly perform long front and back stroking. The patient is recommended to perform gymnastics for facial muscles several times a day in front of a mirror. The duration of the massage for children is 5-6 minutes, and for adults - 10-15 minutes daily. A massage course consists of twelve to fifteen procedures. The development of contractures is not a contraindication for the use of massage (Popov A. Neuritis of the facial nerve. M. 1968). As the author’s observations have shown, massage gives positive results even in advanced cases. In this case, massage must be carried out regularly, in repeated courses. Under the influence of massage, contracture and muscle atrophy are reduced, facial symmetry is restored and facial expressions become more expressive.

Objectives of exercise therapy and massage

Improving blood and lymph circulation in the face, neck and collar area, restoring the function of facial muscles, preventing the occurrence of contractures and friendly movements (involuntary retraction of the corner of the mouth when trying to close the eye on the same side, etc.).

Features of exercise therapy

1. In the acute period(before the start of active restoration of impaired functions).
Treatment by position: sleep on the healthy side, sit 3-4 times a day with your head bowed on the healthy side, fixing it with your hand and leaning on the table. The hand is placed on the face as follows: the base of the palm is at the lower edge of the lower jaw, the thumb is behind the auricle, the index and middle fingers are directed towards the temple, and the ring and little fingers are on the side wall of the nose. Exercises for facial muscles mainly on the healthy side (dosed tension and relaxation), as well as for the muscles of the affected side with preserved function. The muscles are trained until they “get tired,” that is, until the range of motion decreases by 50%. Exercises for improved articulation: pronunciation of sounds (p, b, v, f, y, o). Perform all exercises in front of a mirror 4-5 times with pauses for rest, achieving symmetrical movements.

2. During the recovery period(from the beginning of spontaneous recovery of muscle function) paretic muscles are mainly trained, fixing the healthy half of the muscles with the palm of the hand, using special exercises: closing both eyes; alternate maximum exposure of the upper and lower rows of teeth; play a whistle; puffing out the cheeks; lowering the upper lip onto the lower lip; forehead wrinkling; frowning; retracting the cheek with the mouth closed.


Massage of the cervical-collar area with an emphasis on the sternocleidomastoid muscles on the affected side, facial massage, starting from the frontal area. All techniques on the affected side are performed gently. The duration of the massage procedure is 5-15 minutes. Course – 2-3 weeks. Vibration massage is advisable.

2. Neuritis of the facial nerve (Bell's disease).

Damage to the facial nerve is one of the most common diseases of the peripheral nervous system, and a significant proportion of patients are young women. The main causes of the disease: hypothermia, complications after a general toxic infection (flu, sore throat, acute respiratory disease), or local infection (diseases of the ear, paranasal sinuses, parotid salivary glands), head and face injuries, and in old age - defects in the blood supply to the nerve vessels with reduced lumen. In all these cases, swelling and subsequent pinching of the nerve trunk occurs in a narrow and tortuous bone canal(fallopian canal ). In addition, in acute cerebrovascular accidents, central paresis of the facial nerve occurs, in which only the facial muscles of the lower half of the face suffer.

The clinical picture of uncomplicated neuritis of the facial nerve is represented by facial asymmetry with weakness of the facial muscles of the affected side, manifested by smoothness of the nasolabial fold, drooping corner of the mouth, inability to close the eyelids (and in mild cases - loose closure) and difficulty in all voluntary movements: puffing out the cheeks, wrinkling the forehead, whistling and etc. Along with muscle weakness on the affected side, there is overstrain of symmetrical muscle groups. In 1/4 of all patients, after 1-3 months, a complicated course of the disease occurs with a decrease in muscle tone on the affected side, muscle weakness when eating, smiling, laughing, yawning, etc. Complicated forms of facial neuritis are very often treated unsuccessfully with drug therapy. The early use of reflex massage is justified by its high effectiveness. The doctor must remember that only pathology of the peripheral portion of the nerve can be treated. If the nerve core in the medulla oblongata is damaged (traumatic brain injury followed by rupture of a vessel, microstroke, tumor, viral infection of the central nervous system), then treatment with acupressure and acupuncture is usually unsuccessful.

1. Acupressure technique for neuritis of the facial nerve. For the treatment of uncomplicated forms of the disease in the acute phase, two approaches are possible, depending on whether acupressure is combined with acupressure or performed independently. If the massage is performed on the same day as acupuncture (most effective technique treatment), then the mechanical impact on the TA is carried out first, followed by an acupuncture session, both methods using different TA. In this case, it is necessary to relax the overstrained muscles of the unaffected side, which is achieved by sedating TA in the midline of the face, head and “healthy” side (4 - 6 TA for each session, including 1-2 in the midline). When combining massage with acupuncture, 5-6 sessions per course are sufficient, i.e., until the muscles of the unaffected side of the face relax and motor function begins to be restored on the affected side.

With neuritis of the facial nerve, paralysis or paresis of the facial muscles occurs, usually on one side. The muscles of the paralyzed side lose tone, lose mobility, and sag. After a few years, facial asymmetry occurs. Natural facial expressions when smiling are disrupted, since the paralyzed half of the lips remains motionless. The eyelids on the affected side either do not close at all or do not close tightly, and the eye waters. The patient is unable to move his eyebrows, blow out the fire, or drink water normally. Speech is distorted. Difficulty eating food that gets stuck in the mouth on the affected side. Acupressure for facial nerve paralysis on the affected side is carried out according to the second version of the stimulating method, which is sometimes combined with the inhibition method on the healthy side. Treated with the following acupuncture points: TR.17, TR.21, VB.2, VB.3, VB.7, E.2, TR.23, E.6, VB.1, E.4, TR.22. In the treatment of facial paralysis, a long needle is often inserted on the affected side under the skin a few centimeters in a vertical direction from points E.4, E.6, E.2, which gives significant improvement. In the same direction, linear massage of the soft tissues of the face can be performed.

In all forms of the disease, the TAs in the facial area are first massaged: GI.19, GI.20, E.2, E.Z, E.4, E.5, E.6, E.7, E.8, IG .18, IG.19, V.2, V.3, TR.17, TR.21, TR.22, TR.23, VB.2, VB.3, VB.14, T.26, J.24 , VT.Z yin-tang, VT.6 yu-yao, VT.9 tai-yang, VT.18 jia-cheng-jiang (mental point). In addition to local ones, TAs are also used for the front part of the head T.23, T.24, the collar area - VB.21, IG.14, IG15, T14 and the back surface of the neck - V.10, VB.20. In the treatment of postneuritic contracture, distant TAs can also be massaged, mostly on the side of the body opposite to the lesion: on the upper extremities - GI.10, GI.11, TR.5, P.7, on the lower extremities - F.2, F.3 and auricular points 8 and 11 of the earlobe area.

Below is the localization of the most effective points for acupressure.

TR.17 - posterior to the base of the earlobe.

TR.21 - anterior and superior to the tragus, at the posterior edge of the articular process of the lower jaw.

TR.22 - at the anterior superior edge of the base of the concha, above the base of the zygomatic process of the temporal bone; the superficial temporal artery is palpable in this area.

TR.23 - at the outer end of the eyebrow.

VB.1 - 0.5 cun outward from the outer corner of the eye.

VB.2 - downward from the tragus of the ear and anterior to the intertragal notch, at the posterior edge of the articular process of the lower jaw.

VB.3 - at the intersection of the border of the scalp of the temple and the upper edge of the zygomatic arch.

E.2 - under the lower orbit of the eye; corresponds to the infraorbital foramen.

E.4 - outward from the corner of the mouth by 0.5 cun.

E.6 - anterior and upward from the angle of the lower jaw by 1 cun, in the cavity.

It is proposed to use the following rules in the treatment of neuritis of the facial nerve:

· Simultaneously with local points (on the head), it is recommended to take distant points: P.7, GI.11, E.36, TR.5, GI.4, VB.20, T.14, V.10, V.11, VB.21, etc.

· Points on the painful side of the face are subjected to strong stimulation.

· Massage points on the affected half of the face are located in the form of a large triangle or diamond. Inside it, a small triangle is “built” from 3 needles, the points of which are subjected to very strong stimulation.

· On the diseased side of the face, the points tone, and the symmetrical points on the healthy side of the face sedate.

· After the procedure, the patient performs active muscle movements, consisting of exercises for wrinkling the forehead, winking, puffing out the cheeks, chewing movements, etc.

· Sessions are conducted every other day, 10 - 12 per course. After the break, another course of treatment is carried out, the total number of which can be 3 - 4.

Neuritis of the facial nerve can strike anyone after the flu, injury, or hypothermia. This disrupts the normal functioning of the facial muscles. In addition to treatment from a doctor, you can try to restore the damaged facial nerve with home treatments: massage, gymnastics and lifestyle.

First of all, don't get too cold. In the cold season, be sure to wear a scarf, hat, scarf. Take care of your face.

Speak as slowly as possible, while trying to pronounce all the letters in words clearly and correctly and watch your articulation by looking in the mirror.

Eat small portions, try to chew on both the sick and healthy side.

The position of the head during sleep does not matter. Sleep on your back, on your side, on your stomach - whatever is comfortable for you.

Self-massage of the face is useful. Do it 2-3 times a day, standing in front of the mirror.

On the healthy side of your face, place your palm with your fingers up, closer to the auricle. For a paralyzed person - with the back side, fingers down, closer to the chin. Easily stretch healthy muscles down and towards the painful part of the face, and lift paralyzed muscles from the chin up.

Close your eyes and press your eyelids with your middle fingers. For a minute, use light finger movements to stroke the orbicularis muscles of both eyes. Healthy - in the direction from top to outside, down, paralyzed - from bottom to top, from the nose to the eyebrow.

Place the tips of your index fingers on the wings of your nose. Gently stroke the healthy side downwards and the paralyzed side upwards.

Place your middle fingers on the healthy side on the nasolabial groove, on the paralyzed side - under the lower lip. Pull healthy muscles down to the chin, paralyzed ones - from the chin to the nasolabial groove.

Using circular movements of the index and middle fingers placed above the middle of the eyebrows, move the healthy muscle downward, towards the midline, lowering the eyebrow, and the paralyzed muscle upward, towards the midline, raising the eyebrow.

Perform therapeutic exercises 2 times a day for 15-20 minutes, sitting in front of a mirror and focusing all your attention on the sore side of your face. Press the muscles of the healthy side with your palm - healthy muscles will always tighten. Repeat each exercise 6 times.

Close your eyes as tightly as possible for 10 seconds.
* Slowly, but with great effort, frown your eyebrows.
* Raise your eyelids and eyebrows up as much as possible.
* Inflate the wings of your nose, slowly lifting them.
* Place your fingers on the wings of your nose. As you inhale, resist the movement of air.
* Smile as wide as possible, aiming to open the side teeth.
* Close your lips and stretch them as far as possible, pronouncing the sound “i”.
* Inhale, puff out your cheeks, hold your breath for 10 seconds.
* Inhale and exhale through a slightly open mouth, curling your tongue into a tube.
* Perform circular movements with your tongue between your teeth and cheek muscles.

If there are no results within 6-7 months, there is no point in waiting any longer, otherwise you will lose not only your nerve, but also your muscle. An atrophied muscle cannot be restored. An operation is needed, which must be done within a year from the moment the neuritis develops. It is well designed and very effective.

E. N. Aksenova, neurologist


Shiatsu massage is a good folk method for treating the facial nerve. It relieves heat and fatigue from facial nerves without having to buy or drink anything. There are eight points on the face and neck that should be rubbed with pieces of ice in order to remove heat from the main points of the nerve branches. Wear gloves before wiping ice on your face. Massage the points in order.

The first point is located above the eyebrow.

The second point is located above the eye. The third point is located under the cheekbone.

The fourth point is where the wing of the nose is, on the edge.

The fifth point is between the lower lip and chin.

The sixth point is located at the temples.

The seventh is the point located in front of the ear.

And the last - the eighth point - on the neck, more precisely, on its reverse side. Massaging the neck on both sides of the spine, you need to go lower, make rotational movements with ice. At the last, eighth point, stop for ten seconds. And don’t forget that each point takes the same amount of time on average. After you have done the ice massage, you need to take off your gloves and touch the cooled points with warm hands. And then massage each point again with ice while wearing gloves for ten seconds. And warm up these points again. This needs to be done about three times - and then you will feel relief, since it is the sharp changes from cold to warmth that help get rid of pain.

Medical banks

ki medical

Cups are a reusable medical product. Cans consist of two parts: a reservoir and a cylinder to create a vacuum in the reservoir.

A set of massage cans of different diameters

Kinetic vacuum therapy - cupping massage:

· the patient is in a lying or sitting position in a relaxed state;

· lubricate the massaged surface with massage cream, sterile vegetable oil or Vaseline;

· Before installing the cups, check the surface adjacent to the patient’s skin for cracks and chips.

· Install one jar, adjusting the vacuum strength by compressing the balloon, taking into account the sensitivity of the patient’s skin, his age and physical state without causing severe pain.

· Using the suction jar, make smooth sliding movements in the direction of the massage lines (indicated in the figure), holding the jar by the glass reservoir.

· To massage the area around the eyes and eyelids, the autohemotherapy technique is used, which consists of applying a jar to the skin for 2-5 seconds without moving it.

Frequency of procedures cupping massage determined by the attending physician.

· After the procedure, you must rest for at least 30 minutes in a warm room.


Pulmonary hemorrhages, pulmonary tuberculosis in the active stage, malignant and benign tumors, hemorrhagic diathesis, skin diseases and its sharp sensitivity, blood diseases, severe exhaustion of the patient, cardiac arrhythmias, grade 3 hypertension, high temperature. Cupping should not be placed on the spine, heart, kidneys or mammary glands in women. All procedures must be agreed upon with the attending physician.