
Exercise plans in the gym. How to create your own training program in the gym. Gym at home? Easily

Out of 100 people who decide to lose weight through training at home, only 10 achieve results. The situation changes if they buy a subscription to a fitness center: almost 50 out of the same hundred get into shape.

In the first case, relaxation, a large number of distractions, and a lack of control and program affect. Regular visits to the sports complex require responsibility. And doing exercises in the gym is much more effective, since a huge amount of equipment allows you to make the best choice for your workout.


First, measure your indicators: weight, chest, waist and hips. Set realistic goals. Set a time frame for your weight loss - this is a great motivator. And only after that proceed to implementation.

First, you need to follow the training rules.

  1. Pass the medical examination to make sure there are no serious diseases that could become contraindications for losing weight in the gym.
  2. View information about all sports centers cities to choose the best one for training, and not the one nearby.
  3. Another criterion for choosing a gym is a good personal trainer. It is better to look for him through reviews or acquaintances.
  4. Draw up a training program and strictly follow it.
  5. Start each workout with a warm-up to prepare the muscles, and end with a cool-down to relax and restore them.
  6. Combine different types loads: aerobic and anaerobic.
  7. The first month, perform exercises exclusively for beginners. Then it is possible to increase repetitions, duration of training and select a more complex program for rapid weight loss.
  8. Learn the technique of performing each exercise.
  9. Do not drink water during training.

Secondly, you won’t be able to achieve results if you don’t follow the rules of losing weight outside the gym.

  1. Choose the right diet that contains the maximum amount of protein (for the formation relief muscles) and a minimum of fat.
  2. Adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Eliminate stressful situations and nervous breakdowns.
  5. Provide physical activity: jog in the morning, walk to work, etc.
  6. Drink at least 1.5 liters per day.
  7. Breathe fresh air as much as possible.

It is better to coordinate each step with a personal trainer. It's worth the money spent on it. If there is no such financial opportunity, consult with friends who have been training for a long time, or look for answers on forums.

Types of exercises

This is not to say that cardio training includes best exercises for weight loss. They will have the desired effect only in harmonious combination with strength ones. Consider Various types training to achieve good results.

  • Power

Strength exercises are anaerobic: working with a barbell, dumbbells, kettlebells, pull-ups, planks, abs. They differ in intensity and complex technique. Equally useful for women and men. Very effective, specifically for weight loss, as they increase muscle mass by eliminating fat, and also develop strength. They burn energy by actively spending carbohydrates.

  • Cardio training

The basis of training for weight loss is cardio exercises: jumping, squats, bending, turning, working on. They are classified as aerobic. They normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, increase endurance, and effectively reduce weight. Involves repeated repetitions to burn more calories.

According to trainers, to lose weight in the gym you must perform the following energy-intensive exercises:

  • scraping - jumping rope;
  • squats and lunges;
  • interval training;
  • burpees;
  • Tabata squats;
  • from power - jerks with a barbell;
  • of the simulators - rowing and orbitrek.

Sample program

For a gym, a training program is mandatory, even if there is no trainer. In this case, take a rough plan, adjust it to your physical data and practice strictly in accordance with it.

For men

Involves not only burning fat, but also building muscle mass. Therefore, her goal is not to lose weight, but to correct the figure and pump up the core muscles. There's more here strength exercises and the loads are much heavier than those of women.

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

For women

The training program for women can be implemented not only in the gym, but also in the fitness room, specially adapted for more. Cardio loads predominate in it. Although there are also a lot of strength ones, there is no need to be afraid: for girls they are not dangerous for building muscle mass. They will simply make the figure more prominent.

An approximate exercise program allows you to understand how each lesson is structured. Training scheme: 3 times a week, every other day (usually choose Monday, Wednesday and Friday). Duration: for beginners - no more than 45 minutes. A month later: for men - about 1.5 hours, for women - on average 1 hour.

Set of exercises

The program can be designed to work on one problem area in one training session. But it is much more effective to choose a complex that will evenly distribute the load.


This is an important element in any complex. Warm-up prepares the body for the upcoming loads.

  1. General: jogging, exercise bike (3 minutes).
  2. Warming up the joints: swinging and rotating movements, bending, turning, squats, raising the knees, 2-3 sets of abdominal exercises (3 minutes).
  3. Stretching exercises: hanging on the bar, upright, crossover (3 minutes).

For the stomach and sides

It is much more convenient to do abdominal exercises in the gym, since you have all the necessary equipment that you don’t have at home. They help to lose weight in the abdomen, reduce the volume of the waist, and remove fat folds from the sides.

  • Leg Raising

hang on wall bars. Raise your straightened legs parallel to the floor. Fix the position - slowly lower it without bending.

  • Bottom twist

Performed on a horizontal bench. Lie down and grab the handrails. Raise and lower your legs rhythmically.

  • Partial twist

On incline bench. Since the tilt of the body is more than 180°, considerable effort has to be applied. The result is a thorough study of the abdominal muscles.

  • Twisting on the top block

Stand with your back to the block, spread your legs slightly, bend your knees. Take the upper block, exhale and tilt your body forward.

Standing overhead pulley crunch
  • "Lumberjack" on the top block

Stand sideways to the machine, bend as you exhale towards your far leg, try to slightly with bent arms reach her.

Exercise "Lumberjack"

Data can be difficult for girls. And yet, with normal physical training they're in short time will make the waist aspen. Crunches on an incline bench are especially recommended. Abdominal pumping also successfully removes fat layers in this problem area.

For hands

Don’t forget to include arm exercises in your complex, for which gyms have all the conditions for weight loss. Use dumbbells, barbells, expanders.

  • Bicep curls

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Turn your palms forward. Bend your elbows slightly and raise your arms to your chest. Lower slowly.

  • Hammer grip

Take dumbbells, feet shoulder-width apart. Bend your elbows slightly. Palms face each other. Slowly raise the right dumbbell to your shoulder and lower it. Repeat the same with the left. You cannot swing your body while helping yourself. Elbows should be pressed tightly to the body.

  • Bending with an expander

Step on the expander. Grasp its ends. Stretch the tapes as much as possible. Bend your elbows. Pull the arms towards your shoulders. Lower slowly. Keep your elbows tightly pressed to your body. Extend your arms slowly, without jerking or sudden movements.

  • Back push-ups

Sit on the bench. Place your hands on its edges on both sides. Stretch your legs forward. Bend your elbows. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Return to full extension of your arms. To make the exercise easier, bend your legs slightly.

4-5 similar exercises in a general complex will allow you to get rid of sagging fat, which shakes like jelly with every movement: women’s arms will become thinner, men will have prominent muscles.

For legs

To lose weight in your legs, choose aerobic exercise treadmill, exercise bike, stepper or. Don't forget to dilute them anaerobic exercise with weights: squats, deadlifts, lunges with dumbbells and a barbell.

  1. Complex exercise: 25 swings with each leg, 20 squats, 15 lunges with each leg forward. Three approaches with an interval of 1 minute.
  2. Squats and bench press on a HAKK machine.
  3. Deep squats.
  4. Squats, seated and bench presses, calf raises, lunges on the Smith machine.
  5. Jump rope.
  6. Exercises on a power rack.


Change weekly to see faster results.

For the back

In the gym you can and should perform special exercises that burn fat layers and contribute to the formation of a strong muscle frame:

  1. “Plank” with deadlift (dumbbells, kettlebell).
  2. Exercises on the orbit track.
  3. Twisting into a T-pose.
  4. Working with a rowing machine.
  5. Rows and push-ups.
  6. Swimming exercise.
  7. Deadlift.

“Plank” on kettlebells with abdominal pull

Those who have problems with the spine should be careful. It is better for them to first get permission from a doctor to exercise.


  1. Hanging on the horizontal bar.
  2. Bends on straight legs.
  3. Wave your arms.
  4. Body rotations.
  5. Mill.
  6. Lunges.
  7. Squats.

Very often people give up halfway because it seems to them that there are no results. In fact, it is very difficult to evaluate the effectiveness of classes objectively. You will have to wait more than 1 month to start being proud of yourself - your persistent character and beautiful body.

Timko Ilya- the lord of the entire site and fitness trainer | more details >>

Genus. 1984 Trained since 1999 Trained since 2007. Candidate of Masters in powerlifting. Champion of Russia and South Russia according to AWPC. Champion of the Krasnodar region according to IPF. 1st category in weightlifting. 2-time winner of the Krasnodar Territory championship in t/a. Author of more than 700 articles on fitness and amateur athletics. Author and co-author of 5 books.

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Date of: 2014-03-13 Views: 698 595 Grade: 4.8

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People often come to me with the question: “Help me create workouts for myself.” I have a slightly negative attitude towards such amateur activities, but I understand that it was, is and will be. Since not everyone has money for a coach. And there are also people who fundamentally want to do everything themselves. And there are gyms where there simply is not a single trainer. Or there is not a single intelligent coach (which is not so uncommon). In general, be that as it may, make your own personal plan It’s entirely within the capabilities of any person who has at least a few months of training experience behind them. But if you are a complete beginner, then it will be much more difficult for you. After all, you don’t even know which muscles are trained by this or that exercise. Therefore, I recommend that such people use ready-made programs from this site. Well, for everyone else who wants to play the “be your own coach” game, let’s start slowly. And the first thing you must do:

I. Decide on the main goal of training

In total, training in the gym can pursue 5 main goals:

  • Increased muscle mass and strength;
  • Weight loss;
  • Increased strength (without changing body weight);
  • Relief (without changing body weight);
  • Maintaining the achieved form.
In each of these directions, you can also highlight or emphasize individual parts of the body. But these are already nuances. In general, you should choose only one goal for yourself. Since it will not be possible to pursue several goals at the same time (for example, reduce your legs and increase your arms). You will simply be chasing several hares and not catching a single one.

II. Decide on the number of workouts per week

The number of workouts is determined by your goal and your capabilities (availability of free time, money and energy). If you just want to keep fit, then 2 workouts a week is enough. If you want to increase mass and/or strength, then it is advisable to do at least 3 workouts (although I know cases where people grew well even with 2 workouts). Well, when losing weight or getting toned, there should be at least 3 workouts. And ideally 4 - 5. But be that as it may, people, as a rule, are forced to rely on the availability of free time. Just don't deceive yourself. Soberly assess your capabilities and estimate how often you can visit the gym. After all, if you make a plan for 4 workouts a week, but only go 2-3 times, then you will have to redo the plan again.

III. Determine the method of doing the exercises

Personally, I identify 6 methods of performing exercises:

  • (suitable for increasing strength and/or mass);
  • (suitable for mass growth, weight loss and relief);
  • (suitable for weight loss);
  • (suitable for weight loss and relief).
Each method is suitable for one, 2 or even 3 purposes and is absolutely not suitable for the rest. But at the same time, for each goal there are 2 - 3 suitable methods. Let’s say you can lose weight using supersets, the circuit method, and combined training. But grow the mass either using the separate method or supersets. And for strength (without mass growth) only the separate method is suitable.

IV. Decide on a set of exercises

Write down all the exercises you want to do during your workouts. Moreover, it is better to immediately sort them by muscle groups. If you do not have enough experience, then problems may arise with this due to basic ignorance of anatomy and biomechanics. Well, as a hint, you can look at the article:. Or use MENU – EXERCISES. Where they are already sorted by body parts. The amount of exercise can vary greatly depending on your goals and amount of training. Let's say, if you train 2 times a week to stay in shape using a combined method, then 10 basic exercises (5 per workout) will be enough for you. If you are actively losing weight with supersets of 5 workouts per week, then the number of exercises can be 40 or even more.

V. Spread exercises throughout your workouts

After you have written out all the exercises, you need to distribute them among your workouts. How to scatter depends on the goal. - 13 per workout (depending on the number of workouts). Not more. That is, you don’t need to try to pump all the muscles in every workout. As a hint, you can read: . Weight loss– on the contrary, all muscles are trained a little at each workout. Here your task is to load the whole body and expend as much energy as possible. Relief– it is possible to divide by type, both when gaining weight, and by type, as when losing weight. It depends on the method of performing the workout, on the characteristics of your body and on the focus of your diet. Form support– well, there could be any option. Depending on how you achieved this shape: through weight loss or through weight gain.

VI. Determine the order of exercises

Next, you need to prescribe the order of performing the exercises, which also plays a big role. Especially when gaining weight. When losing weight - less, but still do not neglect this stage. When gaining mass and/or strength– you can put exercises in a block of 2–3 exercises one after another for one muscle group. Or you can alternate antagonist muscles (biceps - triceps, chest - back, etc.). In any case, at the end of the workout, you should maximally hammer exactly those muscles that you have planned for today. Weight loss– here the “block” is unnecessary and even harmful. You just need to alternate top and bottom. You can alternate antagonists. But, under no circumstances, not as a block. The load should jump from one muscle to another throughout the entire workout. This is the only way you can load your entire body. Relief– you can either block or alternate antagonist muscles. In some cases, alternating top-bottom is suitable. But this, in my opinion, is a little unsuitable for the terrain.

- any option. Again, it depends on how you arrived at this form.

VII. Determine the number of sets and reps A very important parameter. After all, it directly affects. The higher the weight and the lower the number of repetitions, the lower the intensity of the training and the less. I usually distribute approaches (including warm-up) and repetitions like this: When gaining weight – 3 – 5 sets of 6 – 12 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 - 4 sets of 10 - 15 repetitions in auxiliary exercises. With increasing strength Weight loss- 4 – 5 sets of 2 – 6 repetitions in basic exercises. And 3 sets of 8 - 12 repetitions in auxiliary exercises. Relief– 2 - 4 sets of 12 - 20 repetitions everywhere. – 2 – 4 sets of 12 – 15 repetitions everywhere. Maintaining the achieved form

– 3 – 4 approaches. The number of repetitions depends on your previous goal.

Well, the last stage is to determine how your weights and number of repetitions will change from workout to workout. In the case of maintaining shape, relief or losing weight, this is not so relevant (although it also matters). But if you want to increase muscle mass or strength, then this is a very important parameter. And here, alas, everything is so individual and unpredictable that I cannot give anything specific advice in absentia. Read the articles: and. There you will be able to understand basic principles how it's all done.


Yes, as you yourself have seen, compilation training plan a very complicated process with a lot of nuances and various options. In my life I have made more than 1000 training programs. Although this is a very approximate figure. But I never make a plan for a person until I personally train him for at least a month without a program. Only after 1 – 2 months do I know more or less exactly what is more suitable for this or that person. If you have trained for at least several months, you also have some idea of ​​what suits you best and what you want to do with your body next. Therefore, thoughtfully and in the order in which I just told you, draw up your next training program. Well, for those who don’t want to bother, I can create an individual training program. ?
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A novice athlete's training should be aimed at achieving one goal. There is a wonderful Russian proverb: “If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either.” Choosing a target is key.

Choosing a gym

The first thing you need to do is decide on gym. First of all, the hall should be comfortable in every way. That is why think carefully about everything before purchasing a subscription to a particular club, and take it seriously. You can visit several different gyms, compare them, inspect all the simulators and only then make a responsible choice.

A little about equipment: the most important rule is don’t chase variety. For the first time, a dumbbell row and a machine will be enough for you. upper block and benches with the ability to adjust the angle of inclination. Try to find a gym as close to home as possible, this is very convenient for those who study and work.

Training process

Below is one of the complexes that is suitable for beginners.


Any trainer will say: “no training is more beneficial than training without a warm-up,” but this is true! Thanks to warm-up exercises we warm up the joints, thereby improving their lubrication.

Typically, warming up takes no more than ten minutes. It consists of the following components: jumping, work on cardio equipment and the main element - running. All of the above exercises quickly warm up the body, which gives a start to subsequent training.

Almost every inexperienced athlete tries to perform heavy exercises in the gym without the appropriate level of training. Let's now look at the basic program for beginners.

This stage is mandatory for all athletes. What is he like? The human body is not ready from scratch for serious stress; there are introductory classes for this. They include work with minimal weights, but with a load on all major muscle groups. The duration of such a period is at least four weeks, and the frequency of training is no less, but no more than three times a week.

Below is the complex by day.

First training (Monday)

This is the main thing. The bench press works the triceps, deltoids, and serratus muscles. Lie down on a bench press so that you are in the most comfortable position. Place your hands shoulder-width apart (a little wider if possible). Take the bar with an overhand grip. Gently lift the barbell and begin to lower it to mid-chest level. Using a powerful force, press the barbell and complete the planned number of repetitions.

Immediately before the bench press, perform several warm-up sets, this way you will significantly reduce the risk of injury. You can only touch your chest lightly. Perform the exercise strictly under the supervision of a trainer or any other person (for example, a training partner).

standing. Place your feet shoulder-width apart and stand straight. We take the barbell in our hands at the level of the abs. We inhale and bend our arms at the elbows (during the exercise, you are not allowed to move your arms in different directions). You don’t need to lift the bar very high, just raise it to a level parallel to the floor. As soon as you lift it, begin to lower it slowly (without sudden movements, as this can stretch the muscles).

  • and bars.
  • Notes on the technique:
  • To increase the load, place your elbows close to your body;
  • Do not bend your legs under any circumstances! This is cheating;
  • If you experience the slightest pain, stop exercising;
  • If push-ups are easy, use additional load;
  • While doing push-ups, you need to keep your head level.

This exercise, like many on the list, is basic. It develops the back muscles well. Many people think that if you grip as wide as possible, the load on the muscles will be greater and the effect will be better. On the one hand, a wide grip reduces the work of the biceps, but in itself it limits the speed of movement. This limits the load on the target muscles. The grip width must be selected individually based on anthropometric data.

Exercise to improve overall physical condition and training the muscles of the lumbar back. Interestingly, this exercise can be used both for warming up and for regular exercise. Hyperextension is performed with your own weight, and sometimes with additional weights.

On a machine designed for hyperextension we take next position: We lie down so as to securely fix our legs with bolsters. Relax your entire body and lower your body vertically. Take a deep breath and slowly lift your body up, bending your lower back. When your torso is pointing vertically, freeze for a few seconds. Inhale and return to the lying position. This must be repeated at least fifteen times, three to four approaches.

You should not do this exercise very often. If you complicate the task and do fewer repetitions with more weight, then the desired effect may not be achieved, but the likelihood of injury is high.

Second training (Wednesday)

This basic exercise, aimed at developing the muscles of the shoulders, chest, etc. It has always been considered fundamental for shoulder development. Great advantage military press– it is universal, that is, it can be performed different ways: on a machine, with dumbbells or a barbell. Therefore, we can do it sitting and standing.

Here we are obliged to comply correct technique, because otherwise the consequences of classes can be disastrous. To begin with, select an individual load, a suitable weight (it should be average). Fix the weights on the barbell and perform the following steps:

  • Take the bar shoulder-width apart, place the barbell on your chest, strain your back and abs;
  • Powerfully press the barbell up.

With this exercise, the back muscles are loaded. The main working muscles are the latissimus and arm muscles. Choose a comfortable position while sitting on the exercise machine. We fix the legs with bolsters. With powerful movements, begin to pull the handle away from the block towards you (toward your upper chest). We return to the starting position, taking a short break (two to three seconds). Everything is done in 3-4 sets of 12-15 times.

Many people try to make the movement easier for themselves in some way and deviate. This is not worth doing, because you will only waste your energy, but the efficiency will be zero. The back muscles should work first. When rowing, move your elbows back as far as possible. When performing the exercise, the head should be positioned straight. Don't lift it up or down.

Perhaps this is the most basic exercise for pumping up your legs. It is performed on a specialized simulator (by the way, there are many varieties, they, in fact, differ only in the angles of inclination). We select the appropriate weight and load the platform with pancakes. We take a comfortable sitting position. We powerfully squeeze the platform with our feet (it is worth noting that the knees must be kept at a right angle, practically without bending them).

Advice from a sports master: Be sure to listen to your body! If you feel that your lower back is tense during the leg press, then you are doing something wrong. Your back must be pressed tightly against the seat, otherwise you may get injured. If you are working on inner surface hips, then place your feet slightly higher and wider than shoulder level.

Exercise to work the triceps. It differs in that it is suitable for absolutely all levels sports training from beginners to professionals. We attach the handle to the block and wrap it around it. Using great effort, we straighten our arms. We linger in the middle of the amplitude for a few seconds. Then we return to the original position.

Excellent. How to do it correctly:

Third training (Friday)

Bent-over barbell row. . We get into the starting position as follows: the legs must be bent at the knees, they are located shoulder-width apart. Bend forward and hold the barbell with weights straight. We straighten up and at the same time lift the barbell (you can’t bend your arms).

Frequent mistakes. During the execution of the movement, movement of the head or legs occurs. (They must remain motionless.) Precarious position. Incorrect grip width. Slouched back. Trying to take maximum working weights (if a friend’s weight is 100 kg, this does not mean that this weight will suit you).

Develops triceps. Lie down on horizontal bench. Grab the bar with an overhand grip. Lower the barbell directly to chest level. With a quick, powerful movement, we press the barbell up, return to the starting position, and repeat the exercise again.

It is used as an auxiliary. We grab the dumbbells so that our palms are turned to the sides. Raise the projectile until it bends in elbow joints at an angle of 90 degrees. Slowly and carefully we return to the initial stage.
The program in the gym for men is designed for beginner athletes who are going
day by day towards the set goal. The program becomes more complicated in the future, but if you exercise correctly and dose the load correctly, the body will have time to adapt to the load. It’s a small matter, you just have to start and don’t give up. Good luck!

For men, this is a specific exercise schedule, which is selected based on the person’s constitution, muscle growth characteristics and age. An important factor when selecting such a complex is also the endurance of the body and preliminary preparation. This article will present for men who have not previously been seriously involved in sports, as well as a set of exercises that you can perform when your muscles are warmed up and ready for further stress.

So, the first complex must be performed every other day, for one month. It is ideal for beginners, and is also suitable for those who have abstained from big meals for a long time. physical activity. This scheme will allow you to evenly stretch all muscle groups. It is also worth noting that the necessary load will be applied to the entire body during each workout.

Now the complex itself:

  • Raises on toes - 15 times.
  • Leg bending from a lying position - 12 times.
  • Leg extension from a sitting position - 15 times.
  • With your hands hooked to the bar, raise your legs 90 degrees (or higher) 15 times.
  • Twisting - 15 times.
  • In the chest position - 10 times.
  • From a standing position, lift the barbell for biceps - 10 times.
  • From a lying position, raise the dumbbells 12 times.
  • From a sitting position, perform dumbbell presses 10 times.
  • Dumbbell raises from a standing position - 12 times.
  • Vertical row (wide grip) - 12 times.
  • Leg press - 15 times.

It is also worth noting that for each exercise it is necessary to allocate 3 approaches. If the load seems too heavy, the number of approaches can be reduced to 2; if insufficient, increase to 4.

After you have warmed up, the gym training program for men comes into force, which is focused on pumping up each individual muscle group. The following complex must be performed 3 times a week, with breaks of at least one day. At the same time, on the first training day, the triceps and chest are developed, on the second - the back and shoulders, and on the third - the legs, shins and biceps. This allows the muscles to rest from heavy loads while you work on another part of the body.

Now the training system itself in the gym itself.

Day 1

  • We do push-ups on the uneven bars - 15 times.
  • French press - 15 times.
  • Lying on a bench (downward incline) dumbbell press - 15 times.
  • From a lying position from the chest - 15 times.
  • From a lying position at an angle, perform dumbbell presses 15 times.

Day 2

  • Traction (vertical) wide grip- 15 times.
  • Dumbbell rows with one hand (incline) - 15 times each.
  • Dumbbell press from a sitting position - 15 times.
  • Bench press from a sitting position - 15 times.

Day 3

  • Squats with a barbell - 15 times.
  • Lunges with a barbell - 15 times.
  • Deadlift - 15 times.
  • Lifting on toes (performed from a standing position) - 15 times.
  • Raising on your toes (performed from a sitting position) - 15 times.
  • From a standing position, lift dumbbells for biceps - 15 times.
  • Exercises on the Scott bench - 15 times.

A similar one in the gym for men allows you to build muscle in a few months. The number of approaches to each exercise should not be less than 3. Over time, the load can be gradually increased - perform exercises in 4-5 approaches.