
Triceps (triceps brachii muscle). Its functions and structure. Triceps tendonitis Triceps or triceps brachii muscle

TRICEPS BRAISE MUSCLE located in the upper back of the arm. Top part The muscle has three attachment points that connect it to the upper back of the arm and to the scapula. Bottom part muscles attached to the elbow. The triceps extends the elbow, straightening the arm (triceps is the antagonist of the biceps, which bends the arm at the elbow). When the biceps contracts to bend the arm, the triceps relaxes; when the triceps contracts to straighten the elbow, the biceps relaxes. To maintain balanced action of these muscles, it is important to train both the biceps and triceps.

Stress points develop in the triceps most often as a result of the repetitive, rapid and forceful bending and straightening of the elbow and pushing of heavy objects in weightlifting. Side kick and serve sports competitions with a racket, when playing golf, baseball and during long passes in football are examples of the action of the triceps.

When stress points appear in the triceps muscle, pain is felt throughout the entire back of the upper arm and lateral epicondyle(bony, outer edge of the elbow). The pain is particularly severe in the elbow, and the condition may even be diagnosed as epicondylitis. The pain may radiate through the back of the forearm into the little and ring fingers.

Tight bands and tension points can be in the middle (inner) part of the triceps muscle, and in the lateral (outer) part. You can determine the location of tight bands by massaging inner part triceps thumb and the outer part - the rest. Once tension points are identified, apply pressure to them using a small ball. If you lie on the floor and place a ball between your hand and the floor, you can use gravity to help the muscle relax.

Stretch: Raise your arm up and back and place your affected arm on the top edge of your shoulder blade, bringing your elbow as close to your ear as possible. Use your unaffected hand to apply pressure below the elbow of your affected arm and guide it back and toward your ear.

outstretched arm should be bent at the elbow.

Do not loosen your grip on the elbow with your outstretched arm.
Do not pull too hard on your outstretched arm.
Shoulders should not slouch.

Triceps brachii


  • Long head : subarticular tubercle and lateral margin of the scapula
  • Lateral head: posterolateral surface of the humerus, lateral and proximal to the groove radial nerve
  • Medial head: posteromedial surface of the distal two-thirds of the humerus, medial and distal to the groove of the radial nerve and medial and lateral intermuscular septa


  • Olecranon
  • Posterior wall of the elbow joint capsule


  • Radial nerve, C6-C8



Lateral head triceps brachii(m. triceps brachii) limits the lateral wall of the axilla, and the long head limits the medial wall. The long head prevents when lifting heavy objects.




Forearm extension (mainly medial head)

*M. biceps bractii

*M. brachioradialis

*M. pronator teres

*M. extensor carpi radialts longus

*M. flexor carpi uinaris

*M. flexor carpi radiaiis

*M. palmaris longus

*M. extensor carpi radiaiis brevis

Long head: shoulder extension

*M. deKofdeus (spinous part)

*M. latiswnw dorsi

*M. teres major

From raised to neutral:

*m. latissvnus dorsi

*M. pectoratis major

*M. teres major

*M.deltoideus (clavicular part)

*M. pectorafcs major (clavicular part)

*M. biceps brachii

*M. coracobracWalis

Long head: shoulder adduction (with arm abducted)

*M. pectoralis major

*M. latissimus dorsi

*M. coracobrachalis

*M. biceps brachll (short head)

*M.deltoideus (clavicular and spinous parts with the arm already adducted)

*M. infraspinatus (caudal part)

*M.deltoideus (acromial part)

*M deltoideus (spinous and clavicular parts with the Arm abducted)

*M. infraspinatus (cranial part|

*M. biceps bractiii (long head)

Forearm extension. Functional muscle tests

Clinical relevance

  • may result in damage to the radial nerve, but the branch of the nerve supplying the triceps muscle is often intact because it arises proximal to the radial nerve groove. Thus, the function of the triceps muscle is preserved, while the function of other muscles innervated by this nerve is lost.

Participation in sports

As an extensor of the forearm, this muscle performs both dynamic ( , ( , ), kayaking, mountain and cross-country skiing, (support) and luge, and static work: gymnastics (holding exercises), weightlifting, archery, figure skating. As a shoulder extensor, it is active during rowing, kayaking and swimming (all types). Due to adduction in the shoulder joint, this muscle plays an important role in breaststroke swimming, in artistic gymnastics and struggle. In weightlifting, it pulls the head of the humerus upward and stabilizes it in the socket.

Kind of sport



Types of abbreviations

Movement bottom hand when jumping and repulsion when flying over the crossbar

Forearm extension



Shot throw, shot put

Final phase - final effort (movement)

Forearm extension

Fast, explosive



Forearm extension

Fast, explosive



Direct hit

Forearm extension

Fast, explosive, strength endurance



Forearm extension

Fast, explosive



Opal nodding

Forearm extension

Strength endurance



Serve and backhand

Forearm extension

Fast, explosive, strength endurance




Sticking sticks in and adjusting the position with sticks

Forearm extension

Fast, explosive




Forearm extension

Strength endurance




Forearm extension

Strength endurance

Holding on horseback, uneven bars, uneven bars, horizontal bar, handstand

Forearm extension

Strength endurance, maximum

Dynamic concentric, eccentric and static

Triceps brachii (triceps) located on back surface shoulder from the shoulder blade to the elbow and is responsible for moving the arm back and bringing the shoulder to the body, and also participates in the extension of the forearm. The triceps (extensor muscle) consists of three heads - long, lateral and medial. The long head begins with a wide tendon from the subarticular tubercle of the scapula. The lateral and medial heads originate on the posterior surface of the humerus. All three heads unite into a flat, wide tendon, which is attached to the olecranon process of the ulna. Triceps injuries are more common in men than in women. Most common for people involved in sports.

Types of injuries: inflammation, sprains, tendon ruptures

  • Tendon inflammation (tendinitis)
  • Sprain or bruise
  • Partial rupture
  • Complete break

These tears can occur where the tendon attaches to the bone, where the muscle joins the tendon, or in the tendon itself. When small pieces of bone are torn off along with the tendon, an avulsion fracture is diagnosed.

Main causes of injury.

The main causes of injury to the triceps tendon include:

  • Reinforced physical exercise
  • Local inflammatory processes (deep scratches, abrasions) provoke the appearance of tendonitis
  • Age over 40
  • Chronic diseases (arthritis, impingement, elbow bursitis, etc.)
  • Taking corticosteroid medications
  • Mechanical injuries

Symptoms of triceps injury

  • Pain and swelling in the back of the elbow (common with tendinitis)
  • When extending or flexing a joint, the patient’s muscle tenses, and when it contracts, tension appears in the tendon and pain syndrome
  • Characteristic click
  • Muscle cramps (sprains)
  • Nodules under the skin
  • Swelling and redness of the skin,
  • Painful palpation of the tendon
  • Decreased limb strength


Damage diagnostics include:

  • Examination by a doctor
  • X-ray



To treat tendonitis and triceps sprains, conservative treatment methods are used:

  • Rest the injured tendon (stop any activity that causes pain)
  • Applying cold to the sore spot
  • Use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • The use of orthoses and splints to reduce the load on the tendon and further tissue restoration
  • Physiotherapy (electrophoresis, ultrasound, cryotherapy, etc.)
  • \
  • Exercise therapy (prescribed after reduction of inflammatory and pain manifestations).

If there are tendon ruptures, surgical treatment is prescribed. During the rehabilitation period, you should avoid heavy physical labor and sports. The patient is recommended to wear a fixing bandage, physiotherapeutic treatment, and further recommended physiotherapy under the guidance of the attending physician.

Timely and qualified treatment is the key to a speedy recovery. In its absence, these injuries can lead to irreversible changes in the tendon tissue.

Cost of admission

//Post the cost of visiting a traumatologist-orthopedist, rheumatologist, surgeon

For qualified medical care in Moscow, you can contact the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Greetings, friends! Did you know that 2/3 of your arm volume is made up of your triceps? Yes, yes, and you are still pumping your biceps. Meanwhile, the triceps “get bored” without attention and do not grow. But I think that among you there are many people with experience who still know about the importance of developing the triceps brachii muscle.

It often happens that you train your triceps hard, but they don't look the way you want them to. In most cases, it is the most prominent head, the lateral one, that lags behind.

Are there exercises for the lateral head of the triceps that would allow you to work it separately? I will answer this question for you today.

The triceps is called the triceps muscle for a reason. It consists of three heads: lateral, medial and long.

The main function of all three heads is to extend the arm in elbow joint. The long head is also involved in bringing the abducted arm to the body. The lateral head receives greater load during supination or when the hand is in a neutral position.

Lateral head exercises

Some magazines and articles mention the possibility of isolated training of a separate part of the triceps. But in practice everything is not so simple. In all exercises, the triceps is fully engaged. And the relative sizes of one or another head are determined genetically.

Despite this, it is still possible to slightly shift the emphasis of the load to the lateral head. The following sightings powerful exercises will allow you to load the part of the triceps that interests you like never before.

  • Extensions on a pulley with a rope handle.

This type of handle makes it possible to make the grip neutral and thereby direct the load to the lateral head. Perform the exercise emphatically slowly and technically. The video will help you understand the technique. Do 3-4 sets of 10-15 reps.

  • Extension on a block with a straight handle with a reverse grip.

There is no point in using a lot of weight. Focus on technique. Perform 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions.

The exercises given are not basic. Use them at the end of your workout to finish off the lateral head.

The main exercises for developing triceps are basic movements: . Let's take a closer look at them.

  • Dips.

For beginners, push-ups in a gravitron (a machine for pull-ups and push-ups with a counterweight) or without weights are suitable.

But as muscle growth it is necessary to increase the load due to additional weight. To do this, you can use a belt with weights or a backpack with a set of weights inside. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • Close grip press.

The regular bench press also targets the triceps, but to a lesser extent. When the grip is narrowed, the load on it increases significantly. Don't grip too narrowly, otherwise it will be difficult to keep the bar balanced. Look at the photo for the technique. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • Triceps push-ups, back to bench

To perform the exercise you will actually need two benches. You need to put your feet on one, and rest your hands on the second. For added resistance, have someone place a couple of plates on your thighs. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

  • French press.

You can perform the exercise with both a dumbbell and a barbell. In addition, by increasing the incline of the bench, you can influence the stretch of the triceps in the starting position. Perform 3-4 sets of 8-12 reps.

It is necessary not only to train him, but also to allow him to recover after serious work. Please note that triceps The shoulder is indirectly involved in all pressing movements.

Therefore, it receives a considerable portion of the load. Targeted training of the triceps is enough once a week. You can separate the training on a separate day as part of the arm workout, complete it after the chest training, or add exercises to the end of the back workout.


Don't count on working the lateral head. Aim to pump up the entire triceps.

Use in basic exercises heavy weights, but don't neglect correct technique for the sake of working weight.

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People coming to gym, I often really want to “pump up” myself big hands. In this regard, they begin to do biceps exercises - biceps muscle shoulder

Beginning athletes do not even suspect that the main volume of the arms is often provided by another mulcular structure - the triceps or triceps brachii muscle.


The musculus triceps brachii consists of several main structures. They represent three muscle bundles (heads), which is reflected, in fact, in the name. The triceps brachii muscle extends all the way across the back of the humerus.

The three heads of the muscle have their own names, reflecting their structural location: lateral, long and medial.

  1. The first one listed ( caput laterale) is attached muscularly and tendinously to the surface of the humerus (outside).
  2. The middle position is occupied by caput longum , it is the longest, attached to the scapula (subarticular tubercle).
  3. Third - caput mediale , attached one third below the head of the humerus, at the back, has a fleshy upper part.

All three of these heads are combined into one muscle, which below passes into a tendon formation attached to

Triceps work

The function of the triceps muscle, or rather, the most important of them, is extension of the forearm. This is the same hand movement when, when the elbow is extended, the entire arm straightens. But its medial part is responsible for this. The main antagonist is the biceps muscle.

The exercises themselves can be easily found in bodybuilding manuals or on websites on the Internet. A lot of training complexes posted online on video channels.

About muscle pain

Unfortunately, the triceps brachii muscle can experience unpleasant sensations, the functions of which lead to overstrain and spasm. Pain may occur when pushing heavy objects or sharply straightening the arm.

Trigger points and muscle bands can also cause problems. In the first case, the pain can radiate to other areas, in the second, it will be very painful on palpation.

In such cases, stretching of the heads of the triceps muscle is required. A massage therapist can do a great job with this.


You should not train the heads of the triceps muscle separately, it is pointless. Any triceps exercise will fully engage it.

It is worth remembering that all people are genetically different. Differences in height, size of cats, muscle shape, length of tendon heads of muscles - all this must be taken into account when forming your “ideal” body. Don't look up to bodybuilding competition models.

Information for women and girls! You don't have to go to the gym to build triceps. It is enough to do push-ups from the floor from a bench (bench), sitting with your back to it.