
Running exercises. What muscles to train to run more technically and faster. Is running in place beneficial? Running in place with high hip raises

To improve your running, it's not enough to just run. By doing specific exercises like the ones listed here for 20 minutes at a time, you can significantly improve your running form, running economy, and speed. They can be performed as a dynamic warm-up after a 10-minute easy run and before the main distance, or after the main workout.

Perform these exercises three to four times a week, keeping an eye on correct technique. You can add other exercises, for example, acceleration, the most important thing is systematicity.

Lapped shin backwards For what: Works the quadriceps, emphasizes the recovery phase of the running stride cycle How: Perform the exercise in place, try to maintain a more or less neutral hip position, rather than using muscle force back surface hips, think about how best to “pick up” the leg, the quadriceps, glutes and hip flexors should work, and then “drop” it back to the ground under the center of gravity. The body must remain straight. This exercise helps improve dynamic range of motion. Perform two to four repetitions 15 times with each leg.

Running with high hips For what: This exercise helps improve knee function, gluteal muscles, quadriceps, which play an important role in running speed and efficiency, also running in place emphasizes the need to lift the foot off the surface instead of pushing off forcefully to initiate a new stride. How: Running in place is performed at a very high pace, the hips alternately rise up, forming a parallel line with the floor. Make sure that the landing on your foot is soft and springy, and do not put your entire body weight on your foot. Perform 2-4 repetitions 15 times with each leg.

Running with accentuated push-off (jumping running) For what: Jumping strengthens the muscles of the feet, calves and quadriceps. They also help develop stability on one leg. How: On flat or slightly hilly terrain, alternate jumping up, the pushing leg is straight, the leg goes up, performing an exaggerated galloping movement. It is important to focus on a powerful jump and perform the exercise fairly high speed. The movement of the hands is in antiphase. Stand straight for a moment between jumps. Perform three or four repetitions 10 times with each leg.

Crossing legs For what: This exercise relaxes the hip flexors and gluteal muscles, improves the mobility of the hips and buttocks, and strengthens the lateral thigh. How: Stand up straight, start moving to the right, starting left leg ahead of the right. Then, moving in the same direction, cross your left leg behind your right. The same thing in the other direction. Perform two, four repetitions of 50 meters to the right and left.

Slow jumps For what: This exercise helps strengthen the muscles in your calves and feet. It also stimulates neuromuscular function for high-paced running. Perform 2-4 repetitions of 50 meters.

Jumping to the side For what: This exercise strengthens the lateral surface of the thigh and develops dexterity, helping to better maintain balance. An exercise for the muscles of the buttocks, hip flexors, tensor and abductor muscles, and the muscles of the lower back, which are not used when running forward. How: Stand up straight, move to the side with side steps. You may find it more comfortable to do the exercise with your hands behind your head to maintain balance. Perform 2-4 repetitions of 50 meters to the right and left.

Swing your feet forward For what: This exercise improves leg mobility, quadriceps and gluteal muscles, which are responsible for your speed and proper technique. How: Keep your body straight, alternately lift your straightened leg forward and at the same time bring your opposite arm forward, trying to reach the tip of your foot. Technique is more important, not speed. Perform two to four sets of 10 times with each leg.

Running on straight legs For what: This exercise helps improve neuromuscular function for running at a fast pace, as well as correcting poor foot placement. How: Straighten up, legs straight, toes pointing forward, start moving forward at a fast pace without bending your legs. Don't lean your body back. Perform 2-4 sets of 50 meters.

running back For what: Running backwards strengthens the gluteal and quadriceps muscles, as well as the abdominal and lower back muscles. How: It will feel strange at first, but still try to perform the same movements as when running normally. The work of the arms and feet is approximately the same, but the quadriceps and core muscles will perform a different task. It's the form that matters here, not the speed. Perform two or four sets of 50-100 meters.

Many people remember that in classes on physical culture exercises called - or SBU for short - were often given. Why these exercises are so important for the development of running technique and physical fitness and what basic exercises are used for these purposes, we will learn in this article.

General and special exercises

In the classification of physical activity and physical exercise there are two terms: general and special exercises or load.

The first term means that an exercise or load is given to develop general physical fitness, that is, not related to a specific sport. Special exercises or loads, on the contrary, affect those muscle groups, functional systems, or form motor skills and abilities that determine success in the sport in which we practice.

Based on this provision, it can be assumed that “Special running exercises» will contribute to the growth of special physical and technical training necessary in running, and it really is.

We have already talked about the anatomy of running, and said that running involves many muscles that perform different functions. To increase the strength or endurance of these muscles, you can use various exercises with weights in gym, but, in this case, our muscles work in conditions other than running.

In order for the muscles not only to receive physical activity, but also the correct structure of movements was formed, “Special running exercises” were developed. Each of these exercises is a separate element of running, be it a hip lift or a foot push, but with an emphasis on strengthening its execution. Thus, in specific running exercises, we still move forward as in running, but in each exercise we focus on different technical elements of running.

Modes for performing special running exercises

Specific running exercises can be used for several purposes:

1. Firstly, as part of a warm-up, to activate and warm up target muscle groups. In this case, the total volume and intensity special exercises will be small.

2. In the second case, as a means of correcting running technique. The dosage of special exercises in this case will depend on which aspect of the technique is being affected. If this is a correction of physical deficiencies, then the volume will be increased, but if the structure of movements is corrected, then the volume and intensity will be less, since it is necessary that the practitioner be fresh enough to form the correct technique.

3. Thirdly, special running exercises can be used as means of special physical training runner. In this case, the dosage and intensity will also differ depending on what physical quality is being developed. If we, for example, develop strength qualities using the “Multi-jump” exercise, we can limit ourselves to performing 10 jumps with maximum intensity. But if we want to develop strength endurance using the same exercise, then we correspondingly reduce the intensity and increase the number of jumps, for example, up to 30-40 in one approach.

10 special running exercises

So, after we have figured out what, when and where it is used, we can move on to analyzing the exercises themselves. For this case, we have prepared for you 10 special running exercises that you can use in your training. Once again we thank the school RunLife for assistance in filming the video for this article.

1. Running with high hips.

The main purpose of the exercise- impact on the muscles of the anterior thigh, feet, hip flexors, improving intermuscular coordination.

Running with high hips will also be useful for runners who do not lift their hips enough when running or have too much shin overlap.


Standing high on the foot, we alternately begin to bend our legs at the hip and knee joints, while moving a little forward.

In this exercise, the thigh rises parallel to the surface, and when landing, the leg is elastically placed on the support. Accent in the exercise should be aimed at removing the leg from the support, and not at placing it.

In this exercise, the torso takes a vertical position, and the arms work in the same way as when running.

Possible mistakes:

1. Thigh not parallel to the ground.
2. Poor posture and hand function;
3. Lack of elasticity or sagging in the foot;
4. Emphasis on placing the leg on the support, instead of emphasizing raising the hip.

2. Running with shin choking.

This exercise mainly aimed to warm up the knee joint and the muscles of the back of the thigh. The exercise will also be especially useful for runners with weak hamstrings.


In this exercise, we perform a kind of elastic running, alternately bending our legs at the knee joint, throwing the shin back to the buttock.

The torso is slightly tilted forward, the arms work the same as when running. Don't forget that your shoulder girdle should be relaxed, as excessive tightness will then have a bad effect on running efficiency.

When performing the exercise, pay attention to the soft and silent removal of the leg from the support.

Possible mistakes:

1. Lack of elasticity when placing the foot;
2. Excessive tilt of the body;
3. Bringing the hip forward beyond the vertical when folding the leg;
4. Incomplete folding of the leg;
5. The shoulder girdle is tight, the hands are not working properly.

3. Heel-to-toe rolls

the main task in this exercise, feel the muscles involved in pushing.


As the name suggests, in this exercise we perform heel-to-toe rolls. Starting from the heel, we apply force through thumb feet, followed by pushing forward, after which we land again on the pushing leg and perform a new push with the other leg.

The torso takes a vertical position during the exercise. The movement of the arms can be performed in two ways: perform arm movements as in running, or straighten and relax your arms and maintain balance only by small rotations in the shoulders.

When performing the exercise, also remember to land softly.

4. Multi-jumps

Exercise, at its core, represents jumping from foot to foot and, as a result, develops the muscles of the back of the thigh and calf muscles well. Multi-jumps are often used in the jumping training of athletes and serve good remedy development of strength endurance.


When pushing off, we fully straighten the pushing leg, while the swing leg, bent at the knee joint, is carried forward. When landing, the foot is planted with an active raking movement using the entire foot. Hands work differently, thereby helping to maintain balance. The torso is also in an upright position, possibly with a slight forward tilt.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel

3. Sticking your leg under yourself.

5. Multi-jumps (Multi-jumps through a running step)

The exercise is similar to regular multi-jumps, but has several differences and is also one of the most commonly used exercises in training jumpers.


As in multi-jumps, we perform an active push-off and lift the hip forward upward, however, after landing, we do not jump onto the other leg, but take a normal running step.

This is a more complex exercise in terms of coordination and you will have to spend a little time to perform it correctly. Thanks to the alternation of a step and a jump, we learn to alternate between relaxation and tension of the muscles, so try to monitor the active participation in the push-off after the step.

Possible mistakes:

1. Putting your foot on your heel
2. Weak forward pushing
3. Sticking your leg under yourself.
4. Violation of the stride structure

6. Jumping with step setting

In this exercise, the main emphasis is on the flexor muscles of the foot and leg, which produce repulsion.


The exercise is somewhat reminiscent of a heel-to-toe roll, however, in this exercise the push-off occurs starting from the front of the top, and not from the heel. Having pushed off, we slightly bend the thigh at the hip and knee joint and lift it up a little.

Landing occurs on almost two legs at the same time: first on the pushing leg, and then actively on the swing leg, after which we again perform an active push-off.

Possible mistakes:

1. Performing a roll instead of pushing off

2. Weak shock absorption when landing

7. Running on straight legs.

Running on straight legs works well on calf muscles, as well as the muscles responsible for adducting and abducting the hips. This exercise is also used to correct weak push-off in running.


When performing this exercise, we perform an active “raking” placing of the straight leg on the support and a quick extension of the swing leg, at approximately an angle of 45°. Our foot must actively meet the support in order to propel the body forward.

The torso is in an almost vertical position, the arms perform active work, as in running.

It should feel like we are moving forward with small elastic leaps.

Possible mistakes:

1. Sluggish, inelastic repulsion;
2. Deflection of the body back;
3. Incorrect hand operation.
4. Bent legs;

8. Running backwards

Besides that this exercise perfectly improves coordination of movement, trains our peripheral vision and hearing, it also strengthens our buttocks, back of the thigh, as well as the abdominal and back muscles.


To perform this exercise, take a stance with your back facing the direction of movement. Bend one leg at the knee and take a step back. The landing starts on the toe and then rolls back. Without waiting for a full roll, take a step back with the other leg.

Keep your torso upright. Leaning your body too far back can cause you to fall. Don't forget to also turn your head occasionally to assess your surroundings.

The arms are also bent at the elbows. The movements are the same as when running, but with a slightly smaller amplitude

9. Cross-step running

Cross-step running can be good exercise to develop mobility in hip joint, strengthening the muscles of the foot and the adductor and abductor muscle groups of the thigh. If a runner has low mobility in the hip joint, then this exercise is well suited for correcting this deficiency.


This exercise must be performed on both the right and left sides. Do not forget to perform the exercise in each direction, as in this case you will achieve more harmonious and symmetrical development.

As an example, let's look at a cross step with the right side

The exercise is performed on a high foot. Perform the right step in right side, and then step the left back behind the right leg. After this, again take a step with your right to the right side, and then a step with your left but forward with your right foot, etc.

When performing this exercise, it is necessary to maintain balance, which is achieved by alternately twisting the torso. At the same time, do not deviate your torso from a vertical position.

During a cross step, the arms are raised to the sides to shoulder level. You can perform the exercise with both straight arms and alternate bending right and left hands to maintain balance.

Possible mistakes:

1. Low hand position.
2. Lowering onto the heel.

10. "Wheel" or "Bicycle"

This exercise often used I am used to teach running technique, as well as to strengthen the muscles of the foot, hamstrings and hip flexors.

This exercise is already quite complex and requires more physical effort.


The exercise itself reminds many of running. The leg bends at the knee joint, the thigh rises parallel to the ground. Then the shin is brought forward and the leg, with a raking motion, begins to lower down onto the support under the center of gravity. After pushing, the pushing leg whips back and the movement is repeated, but with the other leg.

Special running exercises are an integral element of training for runners of any level. Both amateurs and professionals should incorporate these exercises for more effective and proper running. In the article, everyone will be able to familiarize themselves with the SBU complex, their equipment and other features of implementation

Almost every runner has heard about special running exercises at least once. Perhaps he even managed to find a list of them and begin to implement them. But very few amateurs today are able to start performing SBUs correctly themselves, and most importantly, fit them harmoniously into the training plan.

Special running exercises are a set of exercises that simulate individual phases of footwork when running: carrying a leg, sweeping, pushing, and so on. They are very important in preparing a runner. They should pay special attention to beginners and those who want to improve their running technique. The SBU is very effective in this regard.

No matter how strange it may sound, beginners can ruin their running technique by jogging. In fact, few people begin to work correctly with their legs and arms in the first stages of running training. With each subsequent workout, do not correct technique becomes more and more ingrained into muscle memory. Then it will be very difficult to relearn. If you immediately begin to perform special running exercises correctly, then the correct running technique will be formed.

Pros of the SBU

Strengthening your legs and improving your running technique are not the only positive aspects of special running exercises. In general, SBU has a positive effect on:

- upper body;

— running compactness;

- relaxation when running;

- coordination and rhythm.

When performing SBU, not only the technique of working the legs, but also the arms improves. When performing SBU, it is much easier to control the work of your arms than when running. Produced and correct posture, if the athlete does not slouch or lean back during exercises. Look only forward, the head is not thrown back or bent down. SBU strengthens the back and core muscles. If the “specialists” are performed systematically, then it will be possible to ensure that all the above-mentioned parts of the body will work as they should and be in the correct position when running.

The running of many athletes can be called slack and shaky. Some people sway from side to side, while others throw their arms and legs wildly. SBUs help make running more compact, and therefore more efficient and beautiful.

Extra muscles should not be strained when running. When performing the SBU, the arms, shoulders and neck should be in the correct position, but not strained beyond measure. In this case, these moments will transfer to running.

And finally, the most important thing is coordination. Many beginners suffer from its absence. Without it, you won’t be able to place your feet correctly, work with your hands, and in general you won’t be able to run correctly and economically. Increases the chance of injury. Special running exercises have a positive effect not only on coordination, but also rhythm, allowing you to develop a suitable cadence.

Exercises and techniques for performing them

To get the most out of specific running exercises, you need to do them correctly. Many runners commit gross violations in performing SBU. Because of this, their effectiveness drops sharply. Therefore, you need to know the technique and features of performing each exercise. The most popular set of special running exercises is:

- choking of the lower leg;

- high hip lift;

- scissors;

- deer running;

- lunges;

- jumping on toes;

— unevenness in place;

- running wheel.

Table No. 1. Special running exercises

1 Shin engulfmentWhen running with your shin squeezing, you should try to touch your heels to your buttocks. This may not work for athletes with poor stretching. They need to try to “overwhelm” the shin as much as possible. The main thing is to maintain a high step frequency and not bring your knee forward
2 High hip raiseWhen running with a high hip lift, it is necessary to raise the knee of the swing leg as high as possible. To make the push more powerful, you need to land on the front of your foot. Don’t just lower the swing leg, but “drill” it a little into the ground so that it springs. The step frequency is high, the back is straight, the arms are not stiff. Raise your heels up from the ground, and try not to bring them back
3 ScissorsScissors, or running with your legs straight in front of you, is very easy to do. Push with your foot only, legs straight. The frequency is lower than in previous exercises
4 Reindeer running (multi-jump)Reindeer running or multi-jump is one of the most difficult exercises in the SBU complex. His technique is quite complex. It is best to jump under the supervision of an experienced athlete. In general, multi-jumps are similar to running, only you need to push harder with the pushing leg and carry the swing leg further so that there is a longer flight phase.
5 LungesAn untrained athlete will not be able to withstand more than 10-15 lunges. This exercise is performed slowly. The step should be so long that the angle of the leg in front is 90 degrees.
6 Jumping on toesJumping on your toes is a simple exercise. The legs do not bend at the knees, push only with the toes. There is no point in making great progress, so a jump of 10-25 cm will be enough. The main thing is to try to jump as high as possible
7 SpreaderThe starting position for the spread is 1 leg in front at an angle of 90 degrees, the second behind as far as possible, deep squat. From this position, you need to jump as high as possible and at the moment of flight, change your legs. 15-30 repetitions per series will be enough for a beginning athlete
8 BikeAnother fairly heavy exercise that will give a positive effect is a running wheel or bicycle. Basically, it's a hybrid of running with high hip lifts and shin sweeps. First, the shin touches the buttock, then it is brought forward, slightly beyond the level of the knees, then placed on the forefoot

To make it easier, download the printed version of the SBU from the link:

Between exercises you can recover by running. To become more familiar with the technique, we suggest watching a video of special running exercises.

How and where to do it?

It is best to perform the SBU afterwards in the form of a cross, and then do it for about 20 minutes. Systematic performance of the SBU during the period of basic cross-country training will have a good positive effect.

As for the place of execution, the most unsuitable surface for SBU is asphalt. In general, it is better to avoid jumping on asphalt. You can perform SBU on a stadium with a rubber surface. The best place would be a forest with a small hill. A climb with a slight slope of 60 m in length will be sufficient.

There are no clear boundaries in terms of execution time. Trained runners perform SBU for up to 30 minutes in a circle. For beginners, 1-3 series of 7 exercises of 30-50 meters will be enough.


Who will benefit from the SBU? Absolutely everyone. They can, and even need to be done, all year round, regardless of the stage of preparation. The benefits of the SBU are very difficult to overestimate. This not only strengthens the legs and improves running technique, but also has a positive effect on coordination, rhythm, and the abdominal and back muscles. The technique of specifically running exercises is not very difficult, but it is still advisable to see them performed live. For “specialists” it is better to choose a non-rigid surface. A small slide is desirable. The main thing to remember is that results can only be achieved by systematically implementing the SBU.

Among the various physical exercises that promote comprehensive physical development, the main role belongs to athletics. Almost all sports involve running, walking, throwing, jumping, so mastering the appropriate technique is an important task educational process. How to check the level of mastery of athletics exercises by schoolchildren? What can serve as evaluation criteria? What should be emphasized in different classes?

What to evaluate?

The arsenal of athletics exercises consists of different kinds walking, running, jumping, throwing, as well as their complex use in all-around events.

Walking- a natural way of human movement. Race walking differs from the usual one both in greater speed and in a unique technique that ensures significant speed and efficiency of movements. The main thing here is the athlete’s constant contact with the track: support with one or two feet. In lessons, race walking is used as a transition from normal walking to running and vice versa.

Run– main view athletics, the central part of all competitions, component jumping and throwing. It is divided into smooth, steeplechase, relay and cross-country running.

Types of running:

– running on short distances from 30 to 400 m;
– middle distance running from 500 to 2000 m;
– running on long distances from 3000 to 10,000 m;
– relay race with an arbitrary length of distances;
- cross running.

Running technique is conventionally divided into the following phases:

– start;
– starting acceleration;
– distance running;
– finishing.

Smooth running - This is running along a stadium track or on a flat area.

Start – the athlete’s position before running; in short distance running - low start, for medium and long distances – high start.

Starting acceleration – achievement by an athlete maximum speed running.

Distance running – maintaining the achieved speed throughout the run.

Finishing - This is running in the last meters of the distance and the so-called “ribbon throw”.

Throwing – these are exercises the purpose of which is to move a projectile in space for as long as possible. longer distance; in the school curriculum - throwing a ball and grenades.

Jumping According to their purpose, they are divided into long and high jumps. Performed both from a place and from a run. In the school curriculum, long jumps are mainly used using the “bent legs” method, and high jumps using the “stepping over” method.

Evaluation criteria

When assessing student performance easy lessons athletics, we advise you to pay attention to the following points:

  • technique of mastering program material;
  • quantitative indicators (results);
  • systematic and regular exercise;
  • compliance with the physical capabilities of schoolchildren educational standards;
  • individual changes in results when performing physical exercises.

5th grade

High start

In 5th grade, students should learn to run quickly on their forefoot by increasing their stride length and running speed during the starting acceleration (see Figure 1).

Rice. 1. High start

By command: "On your marks!" The runner places his strongest leg close to the starting line, and puts the other leg one step back, feet parallel, torso straight, arms along the torso.

By command: "Attention!" the legs are slightly bent at the knees, the body is leaning forward, the half-bent knee is in front standing leg the hand moves forward and down, and the other is slightly pulled back.

By command: "March!" The thigh behind the standing leg is brought forward sharply and high, and the runner runs with increasingly lengthening steps with a slightly increased tilt of the torso forward, actively working with his arms.


  • Shoulders extend far ahead of the person in front supporting leg;
  • the runner stands on straight legs;
  • in front there is a hand of the same name as the leg in front;
  • the head is strongly tilted forward and down.


  • “5” – the exercise was performed correctly, clearly, confidently, without errors;
  • “4” – the exercise was performed correctly, but uncertainly, 1-2 mistakes were made;

Special running exercises

1. Running with high hips. The thigh rises horizontally to the platform and higher, the shoulders are relaxed, the arms are bent at the elbows, the torso is slightly tilted forward. Running is performed on toes, at an average and fast pace with slight forward movement.


  • Running on your entire foot, not on your toes;
  • slight elevation of the thigh, lower leg;
  • no hand work;
  • incorrect body position.

2. Running with shin choking. The runner, as it were, pushes himself with his heels, the hip is lowered down, running on his toes with a slight advance forward, his arms are bent at the elbows, the pace is above average.


  • No hand work;
  • running on full foot;
  • slight heel lift;
  • low running frequency.

3. Jumping. Movement is carried out by wide jumps, there is a flight phase, the body is vertical to the ground, the arms work as in normal running.

4. Jogging. The legs alternately perform a strong push forward and upward from the toe; move forward slightly, actively helping yourself with your hands, keeping your torso straight.


  • No hand work;
  • the push is carried out with the entire foot;
  • incorrect body position;
  • poor footwork.


  • “5” – the exercise was performed correctly, easily, clearly, without errors;
  • “3” – the exercise is completed, but more than 2 mistakes were made.

Standing ball throw

Rice. 2. Throwing the ball from behind over the shoulder at a vertical target

The student is located 5–6 m from a vertical target - a circle on the wall, left foot in front, ball in his right hand. The right arm is pulled back almost straight, the elbow is at the level of the head. The ball is thrown forward and upward with the forearm, the arm is extended in elbow joint, but does not go down (see. rice. 2 a, b).


  • The arm is strongly bent at the elbow joint;
  • in front is the leg, which is the same as the hand with the ball;
  • there is no sharp final force of the throwing hand (whip);
  • insufficient swing of the throwing arm.


  • “5” – the exercise was performed clearly, without tension, without errors;
  • “4” – the exercise was completed, but with tension, 1-2 mistakes were made;
  • “3” – the exercise is completed, but more than 2 mistakes were made.

Running long jump using the “legs bent” method

After a short run-up, the jumper pushes off the bar with one leg, the other with the shin freely lowered continues to move forward. Then the push leg is pulled with the knee forward to the fly leg, the torso begins to move, the shoulders forward, then both legs approach the knees to the chest, the arms rise up and then fall back and down, the legs bend at the knees, and the jumper lands on two legs (see. rice. 3).

Rice. 3. Running long jump using the “legs bent” method

Repulsion, or push, is the transition from running to flying or to the jump itself. It is necessary to develop the ability to get on the take-off board with a pushing (strong) leg when running. It is necessary to pay attention to the moment of transition from the run-up to the non-stop repulsion.


  • The pushing leg does not straighten quickly enough;
  • top part the body is tilted back;
  • the head is strongly tilted forward;
  • no hand work;
  • spade;
  • no flight in step;
  • landing on straight legs;
  • the jumper lands on his arms hanging back.


  • “4” – the exercise was completed, but uncertainly, 1–2 mistakes were made;
  • “3” – the exercise is completed, but more than 2 mistakes were made.

High jump using the "stepping" method

From a running start at an angle of 35–40°, the jumper pushes off with the leg farthest from the bar; the swing leg, like the arms bent at the elbows, is raised up. During flight, the vertical position is maintained for some time. Having reached the highest point of the flight, the jumper moves his swing leg over the bar, almost simultaneously with this movement, lifts his push leg up, moves it over the bar and lands on his swing leg, followed by placing the push leg (see. rice. 4).

Rice. 4. High jump using the "stepping" method

During take-off or flight, ensure that the take-off leg hangs down until the swing leg begins to drop behind the bar. If the take-off leg swings before the swing leg begins to descend, the jumper may fall on his back.

Control standards
Standards Marks
Boys Girls
5 4 3 5 4 3
1. Standing long jump (cm) 195 160 140 185 150 130
2. Run 3×10 m (sec.) 8,5 9,3 9,7 8,9 9,7 10,1
3. Run 30 m (sec.) 5,0 6,1 6,3 5,1 6,3 6,4
4. Run 60 m (sec.) 10,0 10,6 11,2 10,4 10,8 11,4
5. Running long jump (cm) 340 300 260 300 260 220
6. Running high jump (cm) 110 100 85 105 95 80
7. Run 1000 m (min., sec.) 5.0 5.2 Excluding
5.2 6.0 Excluding


  • A weak kick;
  • the swing leg is bent;
  • no hand work;
  • the pushing leg does not have time to cross the bar.


  • “5” – the exercise was performed correctly, easily, confidently;
  • “4” – the exercise was completed, but with tension, 1-2 mistakes were made;
  • “3” – the exercise is completed, but more than 2 mistakes were made.

Valery Semenov,
Honored Teacher of Russia, Gymnasium No. 27, Kurgan

There are many physical exercises aimed at safe and effective weight loss. Running in place is considered one of the most popular, since it does not require the use of equipment and can be performed by people at any time. physical fitness. This article will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this exercise, the correct technique for performing it, and also outline the benefits for the body and energy efficiency.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important! Conduct training in a special sportswear. If you do not have the opportunity to purchase one, dress in a light, natural T-shirt and shorts, and wear sneakers or sneakers with non-slip soles.


Thanks to the ability to regulate the training process independently, this task causes the least number of problems.

When asked what exactly running in place does and what advantages it has, you can hear the following answers:

  1. This is a low-intensity load that has low trauma and can be used by people of any age.
  2. The training process does not require a special place to conduct classes. You can run both at home and outdoors without having professional equipment.
  3. Regular jogging quickly produces noticeable positive results, even if you devote only a small amount of time per day.
  4. In addition to strengthening various muscle groups, this exercise is considered a good cardio workout. It increases endurance and strengthens the heart muscle.
  5. Stimulates metabolism, helps rid the body of waste and toxins, and removes excess fluid.
  6. Does not have a destructive effect on the spine due to the shock absorption of the ankle and knees.

Did you know? Running is the earliest sport that was first included in the program Olympic Games in the 11th century BC The first ancient Greek athletes competed naked at the Games, thereby glorifying the cult of a healthy body. Only men were allowed to compete and watch the Games; women were forced to train only to strengthen their bodies and have healthy children.


Despite its obvious benefits, this exercise is not suitable for all people. And that's why:

  1. This is a rather monotonous activity that can get boring if done regularly.
  2. The load provided by running in place may seem insufficient.
  3. Constant jerking movements lower limbs may lead to over-pumping calf muscles and pain in the knee joints.
  4. Since this exercise is most often practiced indoors, there is no influx fresh air to the lungs.

What muscles work?

First of all, the muscles of the calves, thighs and ankles are involved in running. Running helps pump up the gluteal muscles, quadriceps, and spinal stabilizer muscles. The muscles of the core, abs and biceps are less actively involved in training.

What are the benefits of running in place?

Those who doubt whether running is good for your health and do not know whether it helps you lose weight will be interested in the following information.
Compared to long runs through the streets or stadium, this exercise has more significant benefits for the body than some people think:

  • all muscles and joints of the musculoskeletal system are involved;
  • blood circulation is stimulated, body tissues are supplied with oxygen, metabolism is more active;
  • running cardio exercise helps strengthen the heart muscle, prevents pre-stroke and pre-infarction conditions;
  • the content of sugar and cholesterol in the blood decreases, toxic substances are eliminated through sweat;
  • endurance increases, mood improves due to intense endorphin production;
  • exercise performed in the evening strengthens night sleep, and a daytime “jog” gives the body a charge of vigor;
  • work is stabilizing nervous system, memory improves, depression and anxiety are eliminated.

How many calories are burned

It is generally accepted that an hour-long workout burns 500 calories. In fact, the number of calories burned depends on the intensity of the activity, the person’s weight, and the ambient temperature.
Thus, running at interval speed (alternating fast and slow paces) helps to lose more than 600 kcal, about 300 are spent on slow running, and training in a cool room takes another 70-90 additional calories. Overweight people lose more energy than those who are overweight. excess weight doesn't suffer.

The importance of warming up

Many amateur athletes ignore the warm-up and immediately move on to training process. Warm-up should be done regularly, because it helps to smoothly switch the body into intensive work mode.
It gradually increases the volume of blood pumped by the heart, thereby reducing the risk of a heart attack. A warm-up is a warm-up before a workout. It improves coordination, which allows you to control your body more skillfully.

How to run in place correctly

There are several types of this exercise, which differ in the technique of execution and, accordingly, in the level of load on the body.

Important! If you feel discomfort in your leg joints after exercise, check whether you are performing this exercise correctly. Incorrect exercise technique increases the risk of injury and reduces the effectiveness of training.


Before training, be sure to ventilate the room to improve the oxygen supply to the body. If you wish, turn on upbeat “running” music - it will allow you to keep up with the set pace.
This exercise imitates regular jogging at a slow pace. If you don’t yet know how to run in place, try the following sequence, resting your palms against the wall.

Stand up straight, extend your arms along your body. Place your feet next to each other so that they are parallel. Keep your back straight, slightly arch your lower back, look straight ahead. Slightly bend your knees and elbows, and from this position begin a movement that imitates slow walking. Try to land not on your toes, but on your heel, as when running normally. Gradually increase your running pace until you reach your limit, and then gradually reduce your speed until you come to a complete stop.

Video: regular running in place with your palms against the wall

Raising your knees high in front of you

The question of whether running in place is effective can be answered in the affirmative. The most energy-consuming exercise, which should be performed in sets of 5 minutes maximum, is considered running with high knees.

Stand up straight, raise your left leg bent at an angle of 90° in front of you and take it back left hand. Bend your right elbow, raise your palm to chest level. From this pose, change the position of your arms and legs to the opposite, then repeat the sequence again. You will run in place, lifting your knees high.

Video: running with high knees in front of you

Running with shin sprains

It is performed in much the same way as a classic exercise. It differs in that when running you do not bring your foot to the level of your knee, but raise it higher, touching your buttock. The starting position is level; Make sure your lower back is not arched and your gaze is directed straight. Bend your elbows or place them on your buttocks with your palms facing outward - this will make it easier for you to control the number of touches. During the exercise, control the movements of your feet; they should strike clearly in the center of the buttocks, without moving to the outside.

Video: running with shin sprains

Mixed running technique

It is a set of exercises aimed at increasing training load. Start your workout by walking slowly in place (3 minutes). Smoothly switch to jumping, first on two legs, and then on each one in turn (1 minute). Run at a fast pace (2 minutes) at a medium speed (3 minutes), do a crunch exercise (3 minutes) and a high knee raise (2 minutes). Finish your workout with a slow one-minute jog followed by a gentle walk (3 minutes).

Did you know? The longest and most difficult marathon in the world is the New York Ultramarathon, which is 5,000 km long. The competition takes place in a stadium with a total running track length of just over 800 m and lasts more than 50 days! This marathon is aimed, first of all, at testing mental, and not physical qualities. That’s why it’s called “Self-Overcoming.”

Running in place is effective exercise for weight loss, the regular implementation of which gives positive changes after three to four weeks of exercise. This exercise has many advantages, the main one is that the workout is accessible to people of any body size. There are many exercises based on classic running. Alternate them during your workout to achieve better results.