
Exercises to strengthen the back of a 7 month old baby. Proper massage for a baby in the first three months of life

In the second half of life, children become active, some even restless. They are interested in everything, they want to move, move, change body position. The little one is learning new skills quickly. You can help him with general strengthening exercises and gymnastics, which includes a set of exercises for a certain age.

In this material we will talk in detail about how to do gymnastics with a child from 7 to 10 months.

What to consider?

Gymnastics for a baby should not be burdensome, but exercise stress exorbitant. Therefore, when planning a set of exercises, you must take into account the character traits, health status of your baby, and the degree of his readiness to master a particular motor skill.

At 7 months, if your son or daughter is not yet sitting, you can add exercises to strengthen the back, abdomen, arms and neck. If the child stands confidently on all fours, you can add exercises that will stimulate crawling.

At 10 months, you can move on to exercises to strengthen the legs, because soon the baby will have to take his first steps, and some children are already trying to take them. Be sure to take into account the toddler’s existing skills in order to build on them new complex classes.

It is clear that exercises such as “Bicycle” and “Frog”, which delighted your child at 3-4 months, are now unlikely to be perceived with pleasure by him, since not every baby will agree to lie quietly in the second half of the year during the waking period.

Use the child’s desire to move, saturate the gymnastics program with active exercises that require the participation of the child himself in everything that happens.

Most children at 8-9 months are well acquainted with their body, know where the arms are, where the legs are, they perfectly understand simple familiar phrases, and therefore gymnastics for the child should be made as clear and simple as possible.

Exercises for crawling, sitting, standing, walking should be accompanied by cheerful and good-natured comments from the mother, this will give the child a feeling of play, will interest him, and he will be happy to perform funny and useful techniques.

If the toddler has pathologies musculoskeletal system, neurological diseases, other congenital or acquired ailments, it is important to add new exercises with the permission of a physical therapy specialist or attending physician, since such children need a very specific load on specific muscle groups, depending on the diagnosis.

Why do gymnastics?

Gymnastics, as already mentioned, will help your baby more actively learn new motor skills, prepare his muscle and bone tissue for ever-increasing loads, for standing, and for his first independent steps. Gymnastics develops speech, imagination, and partially satisfies the child’s needs for emotional and tactile contact with his mother.

Children who regularly do exercises improve blood circulation, improve coordination of movements and the vestibular system. Such children get sick less often, sleep better and, as a rule, do not experience problems with appetite.

Exercises for babies

In the gymnastics complex, include exercises that you may have done with your baby at a younger age, provided that the baby does not object to them. If you are not tired of the exercises, it will be enough to simply add new techniques to the complex that are appropriate for the toddler’s age.

7-8 months

Such children need assistance in crawling and sitting. Let's list a few effective exercises to stimulate these skills.

  • "Corner". Extend the index fingers of your hands to the child who is lying on his back. When he takes hold of them, pull your hands towards you a little. Do not forcefully lift the baby; let him, based on the strength of his arms, lift his torso as much as his muscular development allows. Don't sit the child down. When the lift angle is 45 degrees, gently lower the child back down. Do the exercise 5-10 times.
  • "Crawling with support". Place the little one on his stomach, place your hand under the tummy and begin to raise your palm smoothly upward. When the baby is on all fours, hold him in this position for about a minute. Don't weaken your hand. You can make the exercise more difficult when the baby begins to stand on all fours more confidently. Place a toy with sound in front of your little one and support the baby under his tummy while he tries to reach it. If at the same time he begins to rearrange his arms and legs, assume that he will begin to crawl in the near future.

  • "Wheelbarrow". This exercise helps strengthen the muscles of the arms and neck. Take the baby lying on his stomach by the legs and slowly move forward with him along the floor. It is necessary to ensure that the child “walks” on his hands, rearranging them to move.

Rocking on the ball, trying to get a toy while lying on the fitball with your stomach, with the obligatory support of your parents for your legs, are useful.


On fitball

9-10 months

Add exercises to strengthen the feet and legs to the complex for children of this age. Prepare your child to stand and walk independently. You can also add exercises while sitting. Here are some interesting tricks.

  • "Snowball". Gymnastic ball put it on the floor, put the little one on his legs, put his hands on the ball, constantly hold the baby under the arms, but not so that his legs dangle in the air. Start moving forward by slightly tilting the child's body towards the ball. It is necessary to ensure that the child takes the initial steps with support and resting his hands on the ball while moving it.

  • "Baton". Teach your son or daughter to move more, a small ball or a stick, from which you can make a relay race, will help you. Place the object and crawl with the baby on all fours to her. Give your child the opportunity to be the first to reach the stick or ball. Sincerely and emotionally rejoice at his victory.
  • "Stomping and bending." Place your child's back to you so that his feet are on yours. Support your little one under your arms. Start taking steps. When you reach a toy placed on the floor, hold your child so that he can bend down and grab it himself. Then start moving towards a new goal.

  • "Thrifty gnome." For this exercise you will need several small balls that fit in the child's palm and a basket or box. Put the baby down. Sit to the side of him, for example, to the right. Hand the baby a ball, he will take it right hand. It is important that the child turns his body half-turn towards you. Next, the baby needs to transfer the ball to his other hand and put it in the box to his left. At this moment, you will prepare a new ball, with which you will need to do the same.

Children of this age respond well to active exercises under rhythmic music, some even begin to squat or sway to the beat. Use this during your classes.

  • Exercise without clothes, if possible, do gymnastics in the summer fresh air. This way it will be possible to combine air baths and hardening with useful exercises.
  • Do not do exercises on days when the child has a fever, is teething, or is not in the mood to play or socialize.
  • If there are older children in the family, ask them to “play along” with you and take part in active exercises for children from 8-9 months. At this age, imitation is developed, and the baby will learn new games and techniques much faster if he sees how others do it.
  • Always start gymnastics after a preliminary light massage session.
  • So as not to overstimulate nervous system baby and not to disturb his sleep, do exercises only in the first half of the day. In the evening you can have a soft relaxing massage and take a bath.

You will learn more about gymnastics for children 7-8 months old in the following video.

Calculate your complementary feeding table

Massage and gymnastics

When a child turns 6 months old, he can sit up independently and roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If you pull him by the arms, he will try to get to his feet...

Like massage, many gymnastic exercises have a beneficial effect on the child’s body. With constant gymnastics, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, blood circulation and breathing improve. Such exercises not only develop the child’s motor skills, but also help regulate the processes of nervous excitation and inhibition.

When a child turns 6 months old, he can sit up independently and roll over from his stomach to his back and vice versa. If you pull him by the arms, he will try to get to his feet.

By this time, as a rule, he already knows how to crawl. At this age, great attention should be paid to exercises that stimulate coordination of movements and the development of the musculoskeletal system.

Since the baby can already actively respond to the voice of an adult, commands can be given to him: lie on his back, on his stomach, sit down, roll over, etc. However, it is worth remembering that these commands should be given in an affectionate manner so that gymnastics classes are a joy for the child , and the exercises were performed with pleasure.


Bringing your arms together on your chest

The technique for performing this exercise was described above. However, for a 6-month-old child it needs to be a little more complicated: the child can hold on not to the massage therapist’s hands, but to some round toy, for example, a rattle, a teeth ring, etc.

Pulling the round toy, spread the child’s arms in different directions and cross them on his chest. This exercise should be repeated 8 times, while crossing, periodically alternating the child’s hands: first the left hand should be at the top, then the right, etc. The exercise should be done vigorously, but carefully so as not to injure the child.

Alternate and simultaneous leg bending

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps develop the muscles and joints of the legs. To perform it, you should take the child by the shins and first together, and then bend and straighten them in turn at the knees: bend and straighten the right leg, left leg, and then both legs together. All 3 techniques must be repeated 6 times.

Rollover from back to stomach

Starting position - lying on your back.

To perform the exercise, you should order the child to turn on his stomach. To help your child complete this exercise, you need to slightly rotate his buttocks and pelvis in the direction in which the flip is being performed. The exercise is performed once a day.

Back and buttock massage

The procedure helps develop and strengthen the muscles of the back and buttocks. Its implementation consists of alternately using stroking, rubbing, sawing, pincer-like kneading, effleurage and pinching. As always, the massage procedure should begin with several strokes. After this, you need to start rubbing the back muscles with your palms and sawing them with the ribs of your palms. Rubbing and sawing should be completed with stroking. After rubbing, sawing and stroking, you need to move on to tong-like kneading. It starts in the area long muscles back and continues on the buttocks. After kneading, you should do a few strokes again and only then move on to tapping and pinching. The entire procedure must be completed with several strokes. It is recommended to repeat all techniques 3 times.


Starting position - lying on your stomach.

The exercise helps the child develop the crawling skill. To do this, grab the child's heels with your thumb and middle finger. In this case, the masseur’s index finger should be between the baby’s feet.

Gently but energetically bend the child’s legs, and after 1-2 seconds, straighten them. After performing this movement 3-4 times, the child will push off from the hands of the masseur and crawl on his own. When the child gets used to the exercise, bending the legs will need to be done not simultaneously, but alternately.

Abdominal massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

The procedure consists of alternating the use of stroking, rubbing, sawing and pinching techniques.

At the beginning of the procedure, you need to do several strokes. After this, you can start rubbing. It should be performed with the pads of your fingers. Then do a few strokes again and move on to sawing, which is done using the ribs of the palms along the rectus abdominis muscles. After sawing, you need to return to stroking. At the end of the procedure, it is recommended to pinch the skin around the navel several times. The last dose is a good preventive measure against the development of a hernia. The massage ends with stroking the rectus abdominis muscles. Each technique should be repeated 3 times.

Squat with spine bending

Starting position - lying on your back.

The exercise helps the child develop the crawling skill. The methodology for its implementation was described in detail above. However, due to the fact that at 6 months of age the child becomes more independent, the exercise can be slightly complicated. To do this, you need to support the child by the knees with one hand, and thumb The massage therapist's free hand should be in the child's palm.

Move the baby's hand to the side and ask him to sit down. When the child takes the desired position, the massage therapist should smoothly move his hand from bottom to top along his spine. At the same time, the baby's back will straighten. At the end of the procedure, the child must be carefully lowered so that he lies on his right side. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

Raising straight legs

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps develop and strengthen the child’s muscles and joints. To perform it, you need to take the child by the shins, and thumbs should grab the bottom of the shin, and the rest should be on the kneecaps.

The child's legs should be straightened, held in this position for 1-2 seconds and gently lowered. This exercise is repeated 7 times.

Raising the torso from a prone position

Starting position - lying on your stomach.

Exercise helps develop the muscles of the back and abdomen. To perform it, you should place the masseur’s thumbs in the child’s palms and force him to clench his fists. The remaining fingers need to support the child's wrists.

Lift the child's arms up from the sides and pull lightly. In this case, the child’s head, reflexively tilted back, will rise up, and his heels will rest against the massage therapist. You need to pull the child up until he gets to his knees.

This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

Breast massage

Starting position - lying on your back.

This procedure helps strengthen and develop muscles chest. Its implementation is associated with the alternate use of stroking and vibration massage. The massage begins with several circular strokes, which should be carried out in the direction from the ribs to the shoulders. After this, you need to stroke the intercostal arches. After stroking, you need to start a vibration massage. The whole procedure ends with circular stroking. All massage techniques must be done 3 times.

Squat with bent arms support

Starting position - lying on your back.

Exercise helps develop and strengthen the joints of the arms and legs. To perform it, you need to place your index fingers in the child’s palms and force him to clench his fists so that he independently holds onto the fingers. Spread the child's arms wide apart and, lightly pulling his arms, ask him to sit down. If the baby copes well with the task, after a while the exercise can be complicated by using not fingers for support, but a round toy (rattle, etc.) that is easy to grip. This exercise should be repeated 2 times.

Circular rotations with hands

The methodology for this exercise is described above. When the child turns 8 months old, the exercise should be complicated. The baby should perform it from a sitting position, holding the rings placed in his hands.

A little miracle, having been born, every day masters the unfamiliar world around it. Gymnastics for a 7-month-old baby is an opportunity to experience new sensations through movements. At this age, the baby needs not only basic care. His emotional sphere is open to receiving interaction skills. Simple exercises– a great way to combine the joy of communication with benefit.

What are exercises for?

For the little man gymnastics classes more important than for a mature adult. Physical education has a beneficial effect on the child’s entire biological system, including mental development.

Gymnastics promotes:

  • development and improvement of motor and speech skills;
  • regulation of basic nervous processes;
  • stimulation of brain activity;
  • development of conditioned reflexes;
  • proper formation of internal organs and the musculoskeletal system;
  • normalization of digestion processes and removal of processed substances from the body;
  • stabilization of muscle tone.

Clinical studies have confirmed the effectiveness of daily exercise. Premature and bottle-fed children who regularly performed gymnastics, over time, did not differ from their peers, and sometimes even outstripped them in development.

Classic complex

If for babies up to six months the leading manipulations were massage movements, then at 7 months preference is given to gymnastics. Massage plays the role of a preparatory stage. By this time, the baby lies down, turns over, and sits down without assistance, so he is more interested in vigorous activity.

Mothers are quite capable of mastering a simple set of exercises.

  1. Strengthening arm muscles and shoulder girdle. Place your thumbs into your baby's fingers (he will intuitively squeeze them). Cross your arms across your chest.
  2. Strengthening the calf muscles. Smoothly bend and straighten your right knee, then your left leg. With your hands around both ankles, alternately bend and straighten your legs, speeding up the pace.
  3. Foot alignment. With your soles together, pat them together. Lower them down and tap them on the table.
  4. Stimulation of the support reaction. Take the child's feet in your hands and bend your knees. Move your soles across the table to imitate walking.
  5. Slightly lifting the pelvic area and thigh on one side, ask the little person to turn from his back to his stomach. Under normal conditions muscle tone The baby rolls over on its own, without hand support.
  6. Crawl. Place your child on all fours and place his favorite toy in front of him. The baby will begin to move his hands, making attempts to crawl. When he brings his right arm forward, move his left leg, slightly bending the knee. Do the same with your left arm and right leg.

Some children crawl on their own by this time. Pay attention to the manner of movement - the child should crawl on all fours. If a person straightens an arm or leg, perhaps he is thereby compensating for a muscle tissue problem.

Finger gymnastics

In the 3rd quarter of the first year of life, the baby begins to train the speech apparatus. You can help him with this using finger gymnastics. Exercises that develop hand motor skills are accompanied by fun nursery rhymes.

Classes begin with a gentle massage. Rub and stroke the fingers, each separately, then the palms. Having prepared the pen, play exercises are carried out.

By bending their fingers, adults comment on their actions with jokes.

Big - “This little finger really wants to sleep.”

Index – “This finger jumped into the bed!”

Average - “This little finger has taken a nap.”

Unnamed – “This finger has already fallen asleep.”

Little finger – “This one slept a lot, and then he started waking everyone up.”

Fingers straighten - “The fingers are up!”

The hand clenches into a fist - “It’s time for us to go for a walk!”

The main requirement for safe massage and gymnastics is regular examination and consultation with a pediatrician. The unformed, fragile organism of the baby needs to eliminate the slightest risks.

The best time to perform gymnastics with a child of 7 months is 30–40 minutes after a meal or an hour before feeding. Physical and emotional state is essential. The baby should be healthy, well-fed and cheerful.

If a parent has dry hand skin, it must be moisturized with baby oil so that the child does not feel discomfort.

Any hard surface covered with a blanket is suitable for practicing. The room is pre-ventilated, drafts are eliminated. In the warm season, an open window is allowed to harden the child’s body. If gymnastics was not carried out with the child before 7 months, the duration of classes is limited to 10–15 minutes. Every day the time increases until it reaches the optimal mark of 30–40 minutes. But you can’t overload the baby. Each person has individual physiological characteristics, so you need to carefully ensure that all activities bring pleasure to the child.

Attempting to practice alternative techniques without proper knowledge and experience can cause irreparable harm to the child’s health.


In pediatric practice, contraindications to performing the classical complex gymnastic exercises and massage are the following conditions:

  • diseases accompanied by fever and elevated temperature;
  • pustular lesions of the skin and subcutaneous tissue;
  • unidentified neoplasms;
  • disorders in the formation of the musculoskeletal system;
  • congenital anomalies, manifested by increased fragility and pain of bone structures, malfunction of the cardiovascular system;
  • inflammatory and infectious diseases in acute stages of development;
  • voluminous hernias of different localization with excessive prolapse of organs or predisposed to strangulation.

For small hernias, gymnastics is carried out after preliminary fixation of the prolapsed fragment, but strictly in agreement with the doctor observing the child.

The unstable condition of children cannot be considered as an ordinary whim. Any deviation from normal behavior (refusal to eat, lethargy, drowsiness, reluctance to exercise) signals a malfunction in the small body.

Gymnastics is a case when a child’s health literally ends up in parental hands. Attention, patience, affection and a set of exercises will help raise a healthy, happy little person.

This is our so-called exercise, which we do every morning. The complex itself is taken from a book that was given to us by our masseuse, a wonderful professional with almost 50 years of experience working with children.

It’s impossible to find this book anywhere, so I photographed the pages, but for convenience I’ll write it down here, and besides, maybe it will be useful to someone else.

This kit is suitable for babies 7-8 months old (but of course the book has exercises for all ages up to one year and beyond)

1.Circular movements stop

Raise the child’s legs, grab the lower leg with one hand and the forefoot with the other; carefully make circular movements of the foot in the ankle joint. Do this 2-3 times in each direction with both legs.

2. Alternating leg raises

Grabbing the child's legs by the shins so that the big toes clasp calf muscle, alternately raise and lower your straightened legs. Repeat 4-5 times with each leg, lifting them until a right angle is formed with the body.

3. Back arching (“bridge”)

Grasping the child’s legs with your right hand by the ankle joints, slightly raise the pelvis and legs, holding the back with your right hand and encouraging the child to arch his back, leaning on his feet and head. Do this 2-3 times.

4. Abdominal massage

5. Turn onto your back

Grasp the baby's shins with both hands while he is lying on his stomach and encourage him to roll over onto his back and back. Repeat 3-4 times.

6. Back massage

7. Sitting down with straight arms

Supporting the child by the straightened arms, we encourage him to sit down and carefully lower him back. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. Abduction of arms to the sides.

The child is sitting. Take your hands by the hands, spread them to the sides and bring them together in front. Repeat 6-8 times.

9. Raising your arms up.

Grab the hands of a sitting child by the hands, lift them up and down. Repeat 6-8 times.

10. Playing with a ball (coordination exercises)

The child is sitting. Holding a ball in front of the baby, encourage the child to reach for it and transfer the ball from one hand to the other. Repeat 4-6 times.

11. Retrieving the ball.

Encourage the child to reach up for the ball. Repeat 6-8 times.

12. Torso turns.

By giving the child the ball from different sides, encourage him to reach for it, turning his body in one direction or the other. Repeat 4-5 times.

So , children's massage and gymnastics according to the method of Irina Krasikova for a healthy child aged 6-9 months.

Before this, it will be useful for you to read, “”, and also, the author periodically refers to them.

IV set of baby massage and gymnastics exercises for a child aged 6-9 months
Lesson plan

1. Crossing your arms over your chest 6-8 times.

2. Leg exercises:

Simultaneous flexion and extension of the legs, 4-6 times;

Flexion and extension of the legs, alternately 4-6 times with each leg.

3. Turn from back to stomach (one way).

4. Massage of the back and buttock area:

Stroking 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Rubbing: over the entire surface 2-3 times;

Stroking - each stroke 2-3 times over the entire surface;

Kneading: over the entire surface of the back 2-3 times;

Stimulating techniques: effleurage, pinching the gluteal muscles.

5. Crawling on all fours.

6. Abdominal massage:

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times;

Rubbing: with fingertips, 2-3 times;

Sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles, 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times.

7. Sit down with bending of the spine, 2 times.

8. Circular movements with your arms, 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage.

10. Raising straight legs, 6-8 times.

11. Lifting from a prone position, 1-2 times.

12. Breast massage:

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down bent arms, 1-2 times.

14. “Boxing”, 5-6 times with each hand.

15. "Car".

Practice of baby massage and gymnastics for a healthy child aged 6-9 months by Irina Krasikova
1. Crossing your arms over your chest

Complicate this exercise that you know well (see. III complex No. 2), placing rings or other toys that are easy to grip into the child’s hands. Gradually speed up and slow down the pace of movements, repeat the exercise 6-8 times to a rhythmic count.

2. Leg exercises

Simultaneous flexion and extension perform the child’s legs 4-6 times (see. III complex No. 5). Bending and extending the legs is done alternately as follows: clasp the child’s legs in the shin area. Then alternately bend and straighten your legs at different paces, simulating walking and running (Fig. 66). This exercise is passive; all the muscles of the legs and feet work if you provide support for them with your little fingers.

3. Turn from back to stomach

After 6 months, the turn is performed without hand support at the request: “Turn on your stomach.” You can help the child by slightly turning the pelvis and showing the toy on the side where he should turn.

4. Back massage

The massage of the back and buttocks is preserved and carried out according to the previous plan (see. III complex No. 7):

Stroking all over the back and buttocks, 2-3 times;

Rubbing with fingertips, sawing over the entire surface of the back and buttocks, rubbing with the back surface of bent fingers;

Stroking, 2-3 times;

Kneading the back muscles;

Kneading the buttocks with the right and left hands alternately (5-6 movements each); —

Stroking 2-3 times;

Tapping or pinching the buttock area.

5. Crawling on all fours

The child rests well on straightened arms and may already be trying to stand or crawl on all fours. If not, help him by putting the baby on all fours and, getting him interested in the toy, encourage him to crawl.

Crawling is a passive-active exercise; it is an excellent workout for the muscles of the back, legs, arms and shoulder girdle. After the child learns to crawl on his own, this exercise can be completely excluded from the lesson, but given the opportunity to crawl on the floor.

6. Abdominal massage

Perform according to the familiar plan (III complex No. 9):

Stroking: circular, counter and on the oblique abdominal muscles 2-3 times each time;

Rubbing: with fingertips, sawing along the rectus abdominis muscles 2-3 times;

Tingling around the navel;

Stroking - all techniques 2-3 times each.

7. Sit down with spine arched

This exercise is already familiar to you (see III complex No. 10).

After 8 months, you can sit the baby down, supporting him by one hand (Fig. 68).

Use your left hand to support your child's knees. With your right hand, take the child by the right arm and, with the words: “sit down, sit down,” etc., encourage the child to sit down, leaning on his elbow.

While the child is sitting, run your fingers along the spine from bottom to top until the back is straightened. Then slowly place the baby on his back, more precisely, on his left side. This exercise is an active workout for the abdominal muscles.

This is done 2 times, and the second time you need to hold your knees with your right hand and support the child with your left. left hand and lay him on his right side.

8. Circular movements with your arms

Complicate this familiar exercise (see III complex No. 15) by placing rings or easy-to-grip toys in your child’s hands. Perform hand movements slowly, with a rhythmic count, as this is a difficult exercise to coordinate. Repeat 4-6 times.

9. Foot massage(see II complex No. 11)
10. Raising straight legs

AND . p.: the child lies on his back.

With your thumbs and forefingers, palms facing the child, clasp his lower legs; Place the remaining fingers on the kneecaps. Raise your straightened legs to a vertical position and slowly lower them (Fig. 69). Then raise your legs alternately (Fig. 70). Repeat the exercise 6-8 times.

11. Lifting from a prone position with support from straight arms

I.p.: the child lies on his stomach.

Let your child wrap his thumbs around yours while supporting his hands with your other fingers. Move the child's straightened arms to the sides (to avoid bending, rest your palms on your elbows), then raise your straight arms to the head at ear level. The baby raises his head back and up and rests his feet on your stomach (Fig. 71). Continue raising it to a kneeling position (Fig. 72, 73).

After 8 months, this exercise is performed with rings, and the child can rise to a standing position. Raising the body is an active movement; the muscles of the arms, back and legs work intensively. The exercise is done 1-2 times; remember that the child’s hands should be held at ear level, this will prevent damage to the shoulder joints.

12. Breast massage

It is carried out according to the following plan (see II complex No. 14):

Stroking the upper chest, 2-3 times;

Stroking along the intercostal spaces, 2-3 times;

Vibration massage, 2-3 times;

Stroking, 2-3 times.

13. Sitting down with bent arms

I.p.: the child lies on his back.

Let your child wrap his or her index fingers around yours so that your child's palms are facing him. Spread your arms just shoulder-width apart, then ask: “sit down,” and lightly pull the arms to encourage the child to sit down (Fig. 74). And so 1-2 times.

If the baby is capable of such tension, then he raises his head and torso and pulls himself up, bending his arms. If the child’s arms remain straight, then the exercise should be considered premature. In the future, you can put rings in the child’s hands.

14. "Boxing" This is an exercise you are very familiar with (see. III complex) after 8 months can be done in a sitting position.

15. “Wheelbarrow” (walking on hands)

IN At the end of the lesson, lift the child horizontally above the table so that he rests on straightened arms, it is more convenient to grab his legs with a “fork”, and with the other hand you can support him under his stomach. In this position, the child raises his head and walks forward on his hands (Fig. 75).

We looked at a set of exercises baby massage and gymnastics at 6-9 monthevaccording to the method of Irina Krasikova.

Health to you and your children