
This position is an official challenge to the competition. in rhythmic gymnastics “Constellation Cup. "constellation" Dates and venue

The Constellation team has both sports and recreational groups and groups of initial training in rhythmic gymnastics. They differ in the degree of load and main tasks. For health groups, the main thing is to support the girls in good shape, help them become graceful, beautiful, teach the little ones to hold their backs straight and not slouch; for this they do various exercises for stretching, strengthening the muscles of the abdomen, legs, chest, back. All this is also relevant for sports groups, but certain requirements are also added (each age has its own standards).

In rhythmic gymnastics, as in other sports, there are categories. Therefore, in order to move from one category to another, you need to perform a standard set of exercises. And for such tension, you need to have good health. If a girl has no contraindications and meets all the requirements of rhythmic gymnastics, she is enrolled in a sports group.

If your daughter is a little overweight, don’t be afraid that we won’t take her to the rhythmic gymnastics group. Because, firstly, over time, a girl’s figure may change, and she will turn into an elegant, slender gymnast. And secondly, if a child cannot cope with the mandatory program, he can be transferred to a health group.


About the tournament

in rhythmic gymnastics "Constellation Cup"


Identification of young talents;

Popularization and development of rhythmic gymnastics in Russian cities;

Exchange of experience between trainers;

Improving the sportsmanship of competition participants;

Compliance with discharge standards.


The competition is held on February 10-12, 2017 in Kovrov in sports complex"Grand Arena", microdistrict "Dobrograd".

Arrival day: February 10, 2017. The competition starts on February 11, 2017 at 10-00. Meeting of representatives and judges on February 10 at 18-00.


The general management of the preparation and conduct of competitions is carried out by the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club “Constellation”. The direct conduct of the competition is entrusted to the main panel of judges.

The main judge of the competition is M.N. Lavrentieva. VC

Chief Secretary – Rodina T.V.


All gymnasts who have a doctor’s clearance take part in the competition.

Competitions are held in accordance with the current rules and classification program for rhythmic gymnastics.

The competition organizers reserve the right to shorten the competition program.

Individual exercises:

Discharge Year of birth Group "A" Group "B"
Junior gymnast 2012 and younger - b/p
3 youth - b/p
2 youth - b/p + 1 type - b/p
1 youth - b/p + 1 type - b/p
3 r. - b/p + 2 types - b/p + 1 type
2 r. - b/p + 2 types - b/p + 1 type
1 rub. - b/p + 2 types - b/p + 1 type
1 rub. - b/p + 2 types - 2 types
KMS 2004- 2002 - 3 types - 2 types
MS 2001 and older - 3 types - 2 types

Group exercises:

A team without a judge is not allowed to participate in the tournament!


Winners and runners-up are determined by the highest amount of points in each age group. Gymnasts who take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places in each age group are awarded with certificates, medals and cups, and gymnasts who take 4th to 6th places are awarded with certificates and prizes. In group exercises, teams that take 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place are awarded a cup, diploma, medals and prizes. All participants and competition judges are awarded memorable prizes.


The costs of servicing the competition are borne by the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club “Constellation”. All expenses for business trips of non-resident participants (travel, meals, accommodation, daily allowances) are borne by the sending organizations.


Responsibility for ensuring the safety of participants and spectators rests with representatives of the Grand Arena Sports Complex and coaching staff MAU DO YOUSSH in swimming.


Participation in the tournament is carried out only if there is an agreement (original) on insurance: accidents, life and health, which is provided to the credentials committee for each tournament participant. Insurance of participants is carried out at the expense of sending organizations in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.


Preliminary applications for participation in competitions are sent before February 5, 2017 by phone: Chief judge – Marina Nikolaevna Lavrentieva – 89157619128 e-mail [email protected]


About holding a rhythmic gymnastics tournament


11/24/2018, Moscow

1. General Provisions.

This regulation has been developed in accordance with the FIG and EVK rules for rhythmic gymnastics for 2017-2020 and determines the procedure for holding Competitions in the individual program and General Physical Fitness Competitions in rhythmic gymnastics.

General management in the preparation and conduct of the tournament is provided by GBOU School No. 1551.

The direct organization and conduct of competitions is entrusted to the main panel of judges, approved by the heads of the competitions.

The main judge of the competition is Alena Valerievna Kostina (1K), Moscow.

2. Goals and objectives of the competition:

Popularization of rhythmic gymnastics,

Exchange of work experience, establishing friendships among trainers,

Propaganda healthy image life,

Improving the sports skills of gymnasts.

3. Dates, time and place of the Competition.

At the address: Moscow, st. Freedom 42 to 2 (Appendix 3).

09:30 - 10:00 Meeting of judges,

10:00 - start of the Competition (gymnasts perform in order from category D to category A)

21:00 - End of competition

*if necessary, competitions can be shortened.

4. Competition program, requirements for competition participants, payment for participation in competitions.

4.1. Gymnasts from all regions are allowed to compete Russian Federation and neighboring countries involved in rhythmic gymnastics sports schools and clubs, as well as representatives of teams created on the basis educational institutions, and teams created by organizations conducting out-of-school work with children at their place of residence.

Command structure:

1 coach, 1 judge, unlimited number of participants.

Individual program:

Year of birth

(D max 0.4)

(D max 0.3)

(D max 0.2)

In each category of the table, the maximum cost of the difficulty of the body element of each element (with or without an apparatus) is stated; if a gymnast performs a difficulty more expensive than stated in the category, then the difficulty performed WILL NOT be considered in full.

Competitions in general physical training and physical training include elements:

Split on the right

Split to the left

Cross twine,



Side split balance on the right leg,

Lateral balance in splits on the left leg,

Rotate with bent leg on any leg

Lollipop jump in any direction.

4.2. GBOU School No. 1551 bears the costs of organizing and holding competitions at the expense of funds raised, as well as from the entry fee of the participants.

Travel, accommodation, meals and insurance are at the expense of the sending party.

All participants of the Competition must pay an entry fee in the amount of 2000.00 (two thousand) rubles (from each participant in the individual program) and 1500.00 (one thousand five hundred) rubles (from each participant in the general physical training competition), for a team the entry fee is paid in full - a single payment by the team coach to the details of GBOU School No. 1551 (Details will be provided after receiving the application).

All Judges are required to be present from the beginning until the end of all Competitions.

In the absence of a judge from the team, a fine of 4000.00 (four thousand) rubles is imposed on a team of three or more people.

4.3. To participate you must provide:

A personal application for participation with the signature of a team representative, a doctor and a stamp from a medical institution about admission to the competition,

Birth certificate (copy),

Accident insurance (original), + compulsory medical insurance policy,

A copy of the receipt confirming payment of the entry fee.

4.4. All music for the gymnasts’ performances is sent along with a check confirming payment of the entry fee before November 10, 2018.

5. Conditions of holding, summing up, rewarding.

5.2. The winners in the individual program and General Physical Fitness Competitions are determined by the highest amount of points scored in the all-around.

Gymnasts of each age group and categories taking 1st to 6th place are awarded medals, certificates and prizes.