
Job description of a fitness club trainer. Coach's job description. Personal fitness trainer: essential qualities

This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a fitness instructor.

Limited Liability Company "FitnoMax"


General Director _________ K.S. Makarov

Job description No. 33 of a fitness instructor

Moscow 2015-01-03


1.1. This job description defines the functional duties, rights and responsibilities of a fitness instructor at FitnoMax Limited Liability Company (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. A fitness instructor belongs to the category of specialists, is appointed to the position and dismissed by order of the General Director.

1.3. The Fitness Instructor reports directly to the General Manager.

1.4. During the absence of a fitness instructor, his duties are performed by a person appointed by order of the General Director, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the performance of the duties assigned to him.

1.5. In his activities, a fitness instructor is guided by: legislation Russian Federation on questions physical culture and sports, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, teaching materials on issues of conducting classes, the Charter of the Company, orders and instructions of the General Director, other local regulations, this job description

1.6. A person with a higher or secondary education is appointed to the position of fitness instructor. professional education or special sports training.

1.7. A fitness instructor should know:

– provisions of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory legal documents that determine the directions and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports;

– local regulations of the Company;

– general theory of physical culture;

– methods physical training;

– modern types of fitness programs;

– training schemes;

– methodology individual lessons and classes in groups;

– movement technique when performing exercises and training certain groups muscles;

– basic principles of classes, features of fitness programs depending on gender, age, health status;

– basics of human anatomy and physiology;

– basics of biochemistry;

– methods of testing and evaluation when forming a group;

– operating rules sports equipment;

– basics of dietetics, sports nutrition(rules for compiling diets and nutritional regimens for those involved in fitness);

– ethics of business communication;

– basics of general psychology;

– basics of traumatology and injury prevention;

– forms and methods of propaganda healthy image life;

– rules for providing first aid;

– basics of industrial sanitation and hygiene;

– rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety;
– other local regulations.

1.8. A fitness instructor must be able to:

– evaluate using research methods physical fitness the client, the state of his musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system, metabolic processes, analyze these indicators;

– determine training goals and objectives for each client;

– complete groups with various types physical activity;

– choose the optimal forms and types of classes;

– perform a proper warm-up;

– demonstrate the basic elements and sequence of exercises;

– conduct training in a qualified manner;

– include in the program exercises to improve flexibility, exercises using machines, weights and alternative types strength training;

– create comfort and a favorable climate in the group;

– comply with labor protection requirements;

– provide first aid if necessary.

1.9. To perform the functions and exercise the rights provided for in this job description, the fitness instructor interacts:

– with the General Director of the Company or his deputy on issues of receiving instructions, instructions, orders related directly to his activities; providing all the necessary traffic information coaching staff, as well as the movement of the number of one-time and regular visitors sports club.

– with coaches and other members of the coaching staff on issues of servicing clients - visitors to the sports club;

– with other employees of the Company on organizational and administrative issues, as well as on issues of obtaining all necessary documents in accordance with the performance of functions of the position.


The fitness instructor must:

2.1. To involve citizens attending the Society's club classes, regardless of age, in physical education and sports.

2.2. Conduct an assessment of the client’s general physical condition and development, find out the presence of physical disabilities that require correction through exercise, the presence of diseases, injuries and contraindications to certain types of exercises and strength loads.

2.3. Define physical abilities client according to various criteria (strength, flexibility, agility, endurance), take anthropometric measurements (weight, height, blood pressure, etc.) and select the optimal forms and types of activities for him.

2.4. Form groups of equivalent physical condition, differentiate sports and health clients.

2.5. Draw up lesson plans, develop the most effective methods of warm-up and training.

2.6. Conduct safety training and create conditions that prevent the occurrence of injuries.

2.7. Bring to the attention of those involved the main goals of training, familiarize them with sports equipment and equipment.

2.8. Show warm-up exercises and conduct it.

2.9. Demonstrate the basic elements and sequence of exercises, conduct a training session.

2.10. Monitor the implementation of exercises and individual elements of exercises.

2.11. Watch for physical condition and the impact of stress on the body of those involved.

2.12. Conduct individual consultations if difficulties arise when performing certain exercises.

2.13. Analyze mistakes made during classes and methods for eliminating them.

2.14. Conduct systematic monitoring, recording and analysis of group results, individual assessment of training effectiveness.

2.15. Provide consultations on diet, issues of balanced and rational nutrition, and calculation of energy consumption.

2.16. Contribute to the creation of a favorable socio-psychological climate in the group, the rapid adaptation of those newly admitted to the group.

2.17. Comply with labor protection, safety, occupational health, fire safety requirements when operating premises, equipment and equipment used during classes.

2.18. Monitor compliance with sanitary and hygienic requirements for the operation of halls for group and individual fitness classes.

2.19. Promptly take measures to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary regulations.


A fitness instructor has the right:

3.1. Receive the information necessary to perform job duties efficiently.

3.2. Contribute to the replacement of outdated sports equipment, elimination of malfunctions and breakdowns of equipment by sending messages about this to the management of the Company.

3.3. Submit proposals to improve your work for consideration by your immediate management.

3.4. Inform management about all shortcomings identified during the work process and make proposals for their elimination.

Job Description for Gym Instructor

Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. A gym instructor is classified as a specialist.
1.2. A gym instructor is hired and dismissed by order of the director of the sports club.
1.3. The Gym Instructor reports directly to the Gym Manager.
1.4. During the absence of a gym instructor, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another employee, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of his duties.
1.5. A person who has a higher or secondary vocational education or special sports training in his field is appointed to the position of gym instructor.
1.6. A fitness instructor should know:
- provisions of the Federal Law “On Physical Culture and Sports in the Russian Federation”, other regulatory legal documents defining the legal basis of physical culture and health work, directions and prospects for the development of physical culture and sports;
- general theory of physical culture;
- domestic and foreign experience in the field of fitness;
- methods of physical training and sports training;
- modern types of fitness programs;
- training schemes;
- rules for operating sports equipment and sports equipment;
- methodology for conducting individual lessons;
- movement techniques when performing various exercises and training muscle groups;
- basic principles of classes, features of fitness programs depending on gender, age, health status;
- basics of human anatomy and physiology;
- basics of biochemistry (biochemical foundations of muscle activity);
- basic physiology of muscle activity;
- basics of dietetics, sports nutrition (rules for preparing diets and diets for those involved in fitness);
- methods of sports testing;
- ethics of business communication;
- basics of general psychology;
- basics of traumatology and injury prevention;
- forms and methods of promoting a healthy lifestyle;
- rules for providing first aid;
- local regulations of the organization;
- rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and hygiene;
- rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and fire safety.
1.7. In his activities, the gym instructor is guided by:
- legislation of the Russian Federation on issues of physical culture and sports, rules and regulations of labor protection, safety and industrial sanitation, methodological materials on the conduct of classes;
- The organization’s charter, orders and instructions of the general director, other local regulations;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of a gym instructor

The gym instructor performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Complies with the company's internal labor regulations and properly carries out orders from management.
2.2. Goes to work only in the prescribed clothing and has a neat appearance.
2.3. Reacts quickly and correctly to customer complaints and resolves conflict situations.
2.4. Maintains order and cleanliness in gym throughout the day, motivating clients to place exercise equipment and equipment in designated areas or independently putting away equipment after client use.
2.5. Timely completes the appropriate internal documentation necessary for ongoing monitoring of work results.
2.6. Provides at the end of the month a full report on the conducted briefings and personal training.
2.7. Introduces fitness club clients to physical education and sports.
2.8. Before the start of training, he assesses the general physical condition and development of the client, identifies what physical correction of the body through exercise is necessary, finds out from the client the presence of diseases, injuries and contraindications to certain types of exercises and strength loads.
2.9. Determines the client’s physical abilities according to various criteria (strength, flexibility, agility, endurance), takes anthropometric measurements (weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, etc.) and selects the optimal forms and types of activities for him.
2.10. Differentiates clients by sports and health-improving areas.
2.11. Trains clients on correct and safe technology performing exercises, providing safety instructions and creating conditions to prevent the occurrence of injuries.
2.12. Creates lesson plans using the most effective techniques conducting warm-ups and training.
2.13. Introduces clients to sports equipment and equipment and teaches how to use them.
2.14. Demonstrates warm-up exercises, basic elements and sequence of exercises during training.
2.15. Monitors the implementation of exercises and their individual elements, analyzes mistakes made during classes.
2.16. Observes the physical condition and the impact of stress on the bodies of those involved.
2.17. Provides individual consultations in case of difficulties when performing certain exercises, as well as consultations on diet, its balance, and calculation of energy consumption.
2.18. Conducts systematic monitoring, recording and analysis of results, and individual assessment of the effectiveness of each client’s training.
2.19. Promotes rapid adaptation of new clients.
2.20. Complies with labor protection, safety, occupational hygiene and sanitation, fire safety requirements for the organization of the work of the gym, equipment and equipment used during classes in it.
2.21. Promptly takes measures to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary regulations. Informs the management of the fitness club about identified violations.
2.22. He studies new directions, technologies, techniques, training methods, new sports equipment, balanced and rational nutrition regimens, and improves his professional and sports level.

3. Rights of a gym instructor

The gym instructor has the right:

3.1. Receive information, get acquainted with documents, legal and local acts of the organization that determine his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.
3.2. Demand that the management of the organization provide the organizational and technical conditions necessary for the performance of official duties, the replacement of outdated and unusable sports equipment and equipment, and the elimination of its malfunctions and breakdowns.
3.3. Require the organization's management to assist in the exercise of official rights.
3.4. Submit proposals to improve your work for consideration by immediate management, report any shortcomings identified during the work process and make proposals for their elimination.
3.5. In the prescribed manner, undergo retraining and advanced training, take part in seminars and conventions on fitness and dietetics, which discuss issues related to professional competence.
3.6. Participate in professional sports associations, unions, associations.
3.7. Receive once a year sports uniform standard form or appropriate monetary compensation.

4. Responsibility of the gym instructor

The gym instructor is responsible for:

4.1. Maintaining one’s own physical sports professional form at a level appropriate for the position held.
4.2. Lack of preparation for annual recertification behavior.
4.3. Poor quality and untimely fulfillment of the duties assigned to him by the job description.
4.4. Violations of internal labor regulations and operating procedures of the organization.
4.5. Disclosure of information constituting a trade secret.
4.6. Causing material damage to the organization's property.

If after reading this article you do not receive a definite answer, seek quick help:

Do you go to the gym? How are most of your fellow exercisers sure that your health allows you to achieve any sporting peaks and you don’t need the help of an instructor? Our consultant Alexander Dokarev, a fitness instructor, has his own opinion on this matter.

What is it for? medical examination before starting training at the gym?

Such examinations are usually carried out in all major sports clubs. It must be taken in order to assess your health and athletic training. Typically, an examination includes quite a few procedures: general anthropometric measurements (height, weight); flexibility tests strength endurance, on body composition (determining the percentage of fat and muscle tissue), on providing tissues with oxygen; ECG; comparison of heart rate at rest and during exercise physical exercise; checking blood pressure; spine diagnostics; identification of chronic diseases or predisposition to them (for example, in case of diabetes you need special program training taking into account the specifics of the disease).

The data obtained during such an examination will help the trainer create a nutrition and training program that will not only be effective, but also (and importantly) safe.

What are the responsibilities of a personal trainer?

A personal trainer creates an individual training and nutrition program for the client, teaches correct technique performing exercises. This is necessary to ensure that exercise in the gym is safe and effective. The point is that during independent training the likelihood of injury increases, and an exercise intended, say, to work the chest muscles, if performed incorrectly, loads completely different muscles. Even if you read a bodybuilding textbook, where all the exercises are described, it is very difficult to perform them correctly, since a person does not see himself from the outside.

In addition, an individual approach to compiling training plans to achieve various goals. And this can only be done by a qualified specialist.

Tariffs for personal training and the preparation of individual nutrition programs vary depending on the class of the instructor and the prestige of the fitness club itself. A lesson with a personal trainer will cost 300–1500 rubles, and drawing up a nutrition and training program will cost 500–1500 rubles.

I have been working out my abs for a long time, but relief does not appear. What's the matter?

In the fight for relief press An integrated approach is very important: exercise, diet and aerobic exercise. Abdominal Press should be trained two to three times a week with two exercises targeting the upper and lower abdomen, in three to four sets of 15–30 repetitions.

In food, it is necessary to limit the consumption of fatty, flour and sweets to a minimum. You need to eat small portions every two and a half to three hours. Dinner should be light (apple or low-fat cottage cheese) and no later than two hours before bedtime.

Aerobic exercise, such as on a treadmill, is performed either in the morning, immediately after waking up, on an empty stomach, or after weight training. The fact is that after a night's sleep, the body's energy reserves in the form of glycogen are depleted. Accordingly, when performing exercises before breakfast, fat burning mechanisms are directly activated. As for weight training, after it the glycogen content in the muscles decreases and subsequent aerobic exercise aimed at getting rid of fat. You should start with 20 minutes three times a week, gradually working up to 45 minutes every day.


Monitoring the use of the exercise park by fitness center visitors.

Ensuring the safe use of the exercise park.

Conducting introductory training for fitness club visitors.

Conducting personal training.

Timely identification of breakdowns and problems with exercise equipment and notification of the head of the fitness center.


1. Working hours: 1st shift - from 7.30 to 15.00

2nd shift - from 15.00 to 23.00

1. The instructor on duty does not have the right to leave the workplace (gym) at the time the shift is transferred, if the shift has not been transferred to the next instructor on duty.

At the time of duty, the instructor leaves his workplace, only if necessary, for no more than 5 minutes.

The instructor comes to work 15 minutes before the start of working hours.

Before accepting a shift, the instructor must inspect all simulators and sign in the appropriate book.

2. The instructor on duty answers questions from students regarding training process, gives recommendations, monitors the correct use of simulators. The instructor helps with the use of free weights (belay).

3. The instructor must be dressed in sports uniform (if there is no special uniform), have a neat appearance, and have a badge (a badge with a name and position).

4. The instructor on duty must remind visitors in advance about the closing time of the fitness center.

5. The gym instructor must resolve all questions that arise with the head of the fitness center.

6. The instructor must check the athletes against the list and monitor the training time in accordance with the schedule (athletes train in the gym under the guidance of their coach).

7. Individual training is carried out outside of duty hours or when the time is agreed upon with the head of the fitness center.

An approximate example of a contract between a sports and recreational service enterprise and a consumer.

Fitness club _______________

Address ______________________

Phone fax_______________

Contract No. __________. General provisions

1. Personal data of the consumer

Surname ____________



Date of Birth________

Address________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone _____________

Passport details _____________________________________________

2. Name of the agreement _____________________________________________

3. Type of membership ___________________________________________________

4 . Validity period FROM ________________ TO ______________________

4. Terms of payment_________________________________________________

Contract amount ___________________________________________________

Discount ____________________________________________________________

Payment in one time Payment in installments

_______________ __________________ _________________ _____________________

Cash _________________________________

Non-cash _______________________________

Job description of the trainer

Last name I.O.________________
"________"_____________ ____ G.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The trainer belongs to the category of specialists.
1.2. Appointment to the position of a trainer and dismissal from it are made by order of the head of the organization on the recommendation of the head of the structural unit (other official).
1.3. The trainer reports directly to the head of the structural unit.
1.4. During the coach’s absence, his rights and responsibilities are transferred to another employee, who acquires the corresponding rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.
1.5. A person with a higher or secondary specialized physical education education is appointed to the position of coach without presenting any work experience requirements.
1.6. The coach must know:
- methodology physical education, education, physical training and sports training;
— basics of psychology;
— principles and procedure for developing planning documentation;
— regulatory documents regulating the activities of physical education and sports organizations;
— rules and regulations of labor protection and fire safety.
1.7. The coach is guided in his activities by:
— legislative acts of the Russian Federation;
— the company’s charter, internal labor regulations, and other company regulations;
— orders and instructions from management;
- this job description.

2. Functional responsibilities of the trainer

The trainer performs the following job responsibilities:

2.1. Recruits in sports section, a group of physical culture and health-improving individuals who want to engage in physical education and sports and do not have medical contraindications.
2.2. Conducts educational and training work with them.
2.3. Provides increased physical, technical and sports preparedness students, strengthening and protecting their health during classes, safety of the educational and training process.
2.4. Prepares those involved in participation in mass sports and physical culture and recreational events, trains mass athletes and sports judges.
2.5. Develops ready-made and ongoing plans for training students, maintains systematic records, analysis and summarization of achieved results.
2.6. Uses in his work the most effective methods sports training and health improvement for those involved.
2.7. Promotes physical culture and sports, a healthy lifestyle, works closely with medical supervision specialists, and organizes medical supervision of those involved.
2.8. Maintains accounting and reporting documentation and a self-control diary.
2.9. Improves his qualifications, participates in meetings and seminars on the problems of physical education of the population.
2.10. Complies with safety regulations and operating rules of the sports facility.

3. Coach's rights

The coach has the right:

3.1. Get acquainted with draft decisions of the organization’s management concerning its activities.
3.2. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in this job description.
3.3. Within your competence, inform your immediate supervisor about all shortcomings in the activities of the organization (structural unit, individual employees) identified in the performance of their official duties, and make proposals for their elimination.
3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the organization’s management from the organization’s divisions and other specialists information and documents necessary to perform their official duties.
3.5. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties.