
How to pump up your abs in a week at home? The best exercise system for beginners! Exercises for girls and men. How to properly pump up your abs at home How to quickly build up your muscles and abs

Among all muscle groups who train in gyms and at home, abs have become the most desired. Not only because of what he embodies athletic form and demonstrates the level of training, but because to get pumped up and relief press Only a few succeed. This is hard work that requires discipline and knowledge, but the right approach Every person can achieve results. In this article we will look at how to pump up a man’s abs at home, taking into account all the principles, secrets and conditions necessary to complete the task.

How to pump up the press correctly

A paradox has formed in fitness: up to 90% of all athletes actively pump up their abs, but a maximum of 10% of them can boast of having a six-pack, and even then not for long. Beginners will think that this is due to insufficient muscle development, although in fact the result is achieved by an integrated approach, which includes:

  • Moderate pumping of the press(not 3 sets of 150 times, but a well-structured load, taking into account the scientific approach);
  • Uniform load on the rectus and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • Diet.

The last point is especially important, because it is the main stumbling block on the path to a sculpted belly. Training the abdominal muscles, as well as any other muscles, only allows you to increase their volume (if you do not take into account the increase in endurance, improvement in the speed of muscle contractions, etc.). That is, the exercises you do on your abs strengthen your stomach and increase those treasured abs that are the goal for many athletes. On the other hand, it is impossible to see the relief of the muscles while it is covered with a fair layer of fat deposits.

The cherished “cubes” are not just training, they are a compromise between the amount subcutaneous fat in the body (in particular, on the stomach, where in men it is deposited more abundantly) and exercise. By focusing only on training, without a caloric deficit, you will not achieve results.

It is also worth considering the issue of training frequency. Most athletes, due to inexperience or under the influence of popular fitness misconceptions, significantly overtrain their muscles. You need to work your abdominal muscles a maximum of 2-3 times a week, and not every day, as athletes do who are trying to speed up progress. Like any other muscle fiber, your abs need time to rest, and the only difference in this area is that they recover a little faster.

Abdominal exercises at home

The beauty of working out your abs is that you don't need a huge amount of exercise. It is enough to perform 1-2 complex exercises, as well as one for each area of ​​the abs (despite the fact that the rectus abdominis muscle is a single section, for better development it is usually trained from different directions).

All movements are divided into:

  • Bringing the body to the legs;
  • Bringing the legs towards the body;
  • Complex.

The first group is working on the so-called “ upper press", second - bottom part. Compound exercises work almost all of the abdominal muscles, although such exercises are few and far between.

Upper press

Let's look at exercises for the upper part.

A universal exercise that can be performed both on the floor and on a bench or even a fitball. Works the abs perfectly, but only when correct execution. Technique:

  • Lie on the floor with your knees bent. Hands are clasped at the back of the head, elbows pointing to the sides;
  • Slowly begin to lift top part back, lifting the shoulder blades off the floor;
  • At the peak point, exhale and hold for 1 second, then return to the starting position.

It is important to consider that crunches are not the usual sit-up sit-ups that are present in the school physical education course.

This movement is performed slowly and concentrated. Moreover, a number of conditions must be taken into account:

  • You should lower yourself at the same speed as you raise your body;
  • Do not lie down completely on the floor, only until your shoulder blades touch the surface;
  • Maintain tension in your abdominal muscles throughout the entire approach;
  • Exhaling at the peak allows for better muscle contraction.

Exercise "prayer"

A powerful movement that works the abs incredibly well. Can be performed at home with training harnesses. Technique:

  • Sit so that the emphasis is on the front of your shin. Attach the tourniquet to the horizontal bar or any other support and take it in your hands (to feel the tension). Fix your hands at forehead level;
  • Begin to slowly lower your body down, tilting your head and body towards the floor. The back should be straight;
  • Try to bring your elbows to your knees, and then return to the starting position.

Adjust the tension of the harness so that there is noticeable tension when lowering the body.

Lower press

For lower press there are two extremely effective exercises that will be fully sufficient to build powerful muscles. This is a leg lift while hanging and lying on the floor. The second movement can be done in any conditions, but for the first you will need a horizontal bar or crossbar at the nearest sports ground.

Lying leg raise

  • Lie on the floor with your arms along your body (if it is difficult to lift your legs, you can place them closer to your buttocks, providing additional support). Legs brought together;
  • Slowly raise your legs until your legs and body form a right angle;
  • Take a short pause and lower your legs down.

It is important not to lower your legs to the floor, but to leave them suspended in order to maintain tension in the muscles.

Hanging leg raises are performed according to the same principle, but with the difference that the body is in an upright position. It is also important to remember that to avoid a situation where the legs take the entire load from the lower abdomen, it is better to lift them with bent knees.

Complex exercises

There are very few complex movements, but they provide an even load on all muscles.

Exercise "book"

Performed on a chair or bench:

  • Sit on the edge of the bench, put your feet forward and move your body back a little. Place your hands on the seat;
  • At the same time, pull your knees bent towards your body and your body towards your legs. The more you can “fold”, the more effective the exercise will be.

The “book” can also be done on the floor, but it is important to remember that your back and legs should not touch the floor. Support points are buttocks and arms.


For the oblique muscles you do not need to do any individual exercises. To fully load them, you need to add body rotation to your normal movements.

In crunches, this is the tilt of the body first to one hip, then to the other. While hanging, the legs are raised not in front of you, but with abduction to the sides.

Abdominal exercise program for men

One lesson

  • Warm-up;
  • "Book";
  • Lying leg raises;
  • Diagonal twists.

Perform each exercise in 3 sets, 45-50 seconds each (about 13-15 slow repetitions).

  • No matter how actively you pump up your abs, without a diet the relief will not be visible. “Cubes” is 90% a reflection of the percentage of body fat, and not the process of pumping muscles;
  • All movements should be slow and controlled;
  • The set should range from 12 to 20 repetitions and be performed for no more than 60 seconds. Otherwise, the lion's share of the load will “leave” from the abs to other muscles;
  • Abdominal muscle training should be included no more than 2-3 times a week;
  • It is necessary to evenly work out the lower, upper and lateral press.

The question of how to make beautiful sculpted abs is gaining popularity. In addition to a beautiful look, pumped muscles abdominals important for health. They give your back correct posture, protect the lower back from injury and protect internal organs from damage. But not everyone can work out with a trainer, and even in gym, so many people are wondering how to pump up their abs at home. And this goal is quite achievable!

The cubes will appear even if you devote 8 minutes to the press 2 - 3 times a week. Before meeting effective exercises Let's look at the structure of the abdominal muscles in men.

Anatomy of the abdominal muscles

Before pumping up your abs, carefully study the structure of your body. And then everyone will be able to perform the exercises correctly and soon see abs on their stomach.

The abdominal muscle group refers to the “core” muscles, which together with the gluteal, thighs and other small muscles form a corset. It is important to remember that, despite the identical body structure, each person will have their own characteristics. Some will see beautiful abs of 6 cubes, others only barely noticeable contours. But, despite this fact, both pumped up abs look fascinating and attract the eyes of the fair sex.

Conventionally, the male abs are divided into groups of front, side and posterior muscles. Let's look at each separately:

Rectus muscle

The rectus abdominis muscle originates from the chest and is attached below to the pubis. It is the longest and is responsible for sculpted abs and cubes. Its main functions are: twisting the spine in the lumbar region, raising the pelvis in a lying position, fixing the body when performing basic elements and adjusting the ribs when exhaling.

Since the muscle area is anatomically large, that’s why it works in isolation. In one exercise the top is included, in another the bottom or middle. This means that the training program must be drawn up in such a way that the specified zone can be worked out completely.

External oblique

The external oblique is the widest and key stabilizing muscle. It originates from the 8th rib and is located on both sides of the abdomen. With its help, the body rotates, the torso bends, a person can lift weights from the floor and stand. If you work on your abdominal muscles correctly, then with the help of this muscle you can significantly reduce your waist.

Internal oblique

The internal oblique muscle forms the second layer of the abdominal cavity and supports the external oblique muscle. It stretches up diagonally to the middle of the body. Due to it, a man turns his torso, bends his body to the side, squeezes his stomach and can pull chest down.


The transverse muscle is the third layer of muscle that covers the entire abdominal region. Functions like an athlete's belt and allows you to exhale deeply, turn, bend your body forward and to the sides.

All these muscles as a whole make up perfect abs. Having picked up correct complex pumping exercises, the former “beer” belly will look very beautiful.

Myths and realities about the press

How long does it take to pump up your abs? Or will the result be noticeable in just 1 week? Such a goal can be achievable by people who eat right for at least several months and engage in any kind of exercise. physical activity. Why? Because even some athletes only see pumped-up abs while cutting, and these people have been working out in the gym for years. Abs will not appear in men who are addicted to unhealthy foods (sweets, fast food), with weakened muscles due to a sedentary lifestyle.

To achieve results, they first need to sacrifice bad habits, because further efforts will be in vain.

Guys with low levels of subcutaneous fat need a little time and training. Therefore, anyone who wants to quickly pump up their abs should initially get rid of excess weight.

Today, there are many myths about abdominal muscle training. Let's look at the 8 most common mistakes:

  1. Error. You can’t train just the abs because the body must work as one mechanism. A few minutes of running in place, jumping rope, or just basic exercises(push-ups, pull-ups, squats, lunges). These elements will help you engage your whole body and pump up your abs to the six-pack.
  2. Error. Do hundreds of repetitions. The abdominal muscles are no different from the biceps, lats or pectoral muscles. They need to be trained as well, and not shocked with persistence. Since the rectus abdominis muscle is flat, it cannot be greatly enlarged, but you can make it sit deeper. How to achieve this result? Gradually increase the load with repetitions from 8 to 20 times, and only in this case will you be able to quickly develop abdominal muscles.
  3. Error. Do not change your training regimen. The rectus, transverse and oblique muscles perform different functions. It will be extremely difficult to pump up your abs with three exercises, doing them month after month. It is not necessary to radically change the program, but it is necessary to add new things and complicate the old ones.
  4. Error. Ignoring the lower back. The core muscles not only have front and side muscles, they also have back muscles. You can’t neglect training your back; on the contrary, you need to pump up your abs from different sides.
  5. Error. Improper execution of exercises. The man who wants to see in the mirror beautiful belly, must know how to pump up the press correctly. Many people often do not follow the technique of performing exercises; they make it easier by stretching different groups muscles, but not those that should work. After some time, motivation fades away because the long-awaited result does not appear. In order to effectively pump up your abs, try to think with the muscles you are using. And then the long-awaited result will appear very quickly.
  6. Error. Don't watch your diet. You will never be able to get six-pack abs if you don’t eat right. Abs are born in the kitchen! We must not forget about this.
  7. Error. Abdominal training will eliminate the sides. Pumping up and thinking that your belly will lose weight is one of the biggest misconceptions. Fat never disappears locally. When we lose weight, the whole body loses weight; you cannot get rid of excess weight in one place.
  8. Error. Use of telemarketing products. It has long been known that weight loss belts, like tea, only remove water from the body. But fat is not water. It’s stupid to attach electrodes to your stomach and hope to see beautiful male abs.

Basic exercises

Basic abdominal exercises have always been considered one of the most effective. Of course, you need to include other techniques in the program, but you should never forget about the basics. Let's look at the best exercises individually.


Lying on your back, legs slightly apart at the knees and bent, heels pressed to the floor. Place your palms behind your head, but you can cross them over your chest or place them along your body (this will be easier for beginners). When lifting your shoulder blades off the floor, try to twist your body as much as possible. Return to the starting position and perform another repetition. When done, the upper press will start working.

The main mistake when performing this is considered to be the desire to reach with your head to your knees, while straining your neck.

By changing the technique, you can include the oblique muscles in the work. To do this, just put your hands behind your head and reach your elbow towards the opposite knee. If you raise your legs to an angle of 90 degrees, the upper and lower abs will actively work.

Leg Raising

Lying on your back, raise your legs up to an angle of 45 degrees, fix for 1 second and lower down, but do not put them on the floor. There should be no jerks in movements. To make it more difficult, you can first raise your legs to the specified angle, then up to 90 degrees and then try to throw them behind your head as much as possible, lifting your hips.

Is there a horizontal bar in the house? While hanging on the bar, raise your legs up. To begin with, you can bend your knees, but after a while try to straighten and raise it higher each time.

This technique will allow you to pump up your lower abs efficiently.

Raising arms and legs

While lying down, lift right hand And left leg, pull yourself up to your toes. Next, change arms and legs. And so, one by one, complete the exercise until the end. If it becomes easy after changing arms and legs, lift both arms and both legs at the same time. Again a shift and again at the same time.

By performing this exercise in combination, you can pump up your abs in a week.


It’s hard to imagine a plan for pumping up your abs without a bar. It keeps the whole body in good shape, but if you pull in your stomach while doing it, the main load will fall on your stomach. Starting position as for push-ups, on outstretched arms ah, trying not to lift your pelvis up, trying to stand for as long as possible. You can stand like this for a minute.

Then take a break for 30 seconds and repeat, but not with straight arms, but with bent elbows. And the last approach for the steel press is to do turns with the arm raised up. The technique is this: plank, raise your hand up and turn behind it to look at the ceiling, then in the other direction. This trio already guarantees six-pack belly fat.


In a supine position, raise your legs bent at the knees and begin to spin imaginary pedals. The press will start baking in 8 minutes and this is a sign of the right path.

Exercise for internal muscles

Vacuum is an element breathing technique, which pumps the transverse muscle. A man can pump up his abs at home without this technique, but due to the relaxation of this muscle, the stomach will not look flat.

It is better to start the exercise in a supine position, with your legs bent at the knees. Exhale the air from your lungs and draw in your stomach as much as possible, freeze in this position for 20 seconds and repeat several times. Then you can move to a standing position, feet shoulder-width apart. We pump our abs by exhaling the air completely, tilting our head forward a little, fixing ourselves for a few seconds and repeating.

It is important to perform the vacuum on an empty stomach or at least 3-4 hours after eating. Otherwise, you can harm the intestines.

These abdominal exercises at home can be combined in different ways. You can do it in pairs alternately, so that you can already see the result in 3 weeks or a month. Only those who add a large amount of cardio to their program and follow a strict diet will see abs in a week.

It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates (porridge), proteins (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese) and fats (cheese, nuts, olive or flaxseed oil). Sugar only in fruits.

Effective program

An effective abdominal program for men is presented in the table:

1 Week 2 week 3 week 4 week
Jogging in place (1 minute)

Plank (30 seconds).

Crunches (12 times).

Leg raises (12 times).

"Bicycle" (5 minutes).

Jump rope (3 minutes)

Plank (60 seconds).

Crunches (15 times).

Raising arms and legs (15 times).

"Bicycle" (8 minutes).

Jogging in place (3 minutes)

Plank (90 seconds).

Crunches (20 times).

Hanging leg raises (15 – 20 times).

"Bicycle" (8 minutes).

Jump rope (3 minutes)

Plank (90 seconds).

Crunches (20 times).

Raising legs in full amplitude (20 times).

"Bicycle" (8 minutes).

3 approaches, every other day3 approaches, every other day4 sets, 4 times a week4 sets, 3 times a week

Running can be replaced by jumping uphill, squats, burpees, and if you combine and alternate everything, the first abs will begin to appear after 2 days.

Not many people can boast of quick results. Muscle mass grows much more slowly. Well, let's be honest, the fat accumulated over the years will not disappear instantly either. Regularity, willpower and enthusiasm will help you achieve your goal. And after a short period of time on the beach, people will see plus one beautiful male abs.

Watch the video:

It would seem that abdominal exercises are included in any fitness program. Crunches, leg raises and planks are available to everyone. But not every fitness club visitor, and not even every trainer, has six-pack abs. Why does this happen, and are there any secret moves that will allow you to get a “washboard” instead of just a flat stomach?

Let's disappoint, even those performing on the bodybuilding stage do not have six-pack abs. Really, professional athletes have never been able to pump up? No, it's all about genetics. Some people are prone to hypertrophy of the rectus abdominis muscle, others are not, and nothing can be done about it.

There is another option - there is a press, it seems to stick out, but not in relief. This occurs among those who muscle mass gained weight, but didn’t burn fat. In general, cubes of varying degrees of visibility are available to everyone, except for those who have lost 50-60 kg at home and have not undergone abdominoplasty. All other people just have to put in a little effort. Of course, you won’t be able to achieve the standard “cubes” with abdominal exercises alone. You will have to remember about a balanced diet, a normal daily routine and healthy sleep. Yes, abs are done not only “in the kitchen”, but also in the bedroom, because a swollen belly from an increased level of the stress hormone cortisol is quite a common story. Well, if we figured out sleep, we can start studying anatomy and developing a training plan.

The human abdominal press consists of the rectus abdominis, obliques and transverse abdominis muscles. They form muscle corset, which prevents the internal organs from “sagging” and allows a person to maintain an upright body position and perform everyday movements and sports exercises.

The anatomical functions of the abdominal muscles are:

  • The rectus muscle brings the lower ribs to the pelvic bones and allows them to twist forward. It supports the abdominal organs and is involved in breathing. As a stabilizer, the rectus abdominis muscle is involved in all exercises that involve holding a weight on the shoulders or chest and lifting it from the floor, so those who perform squats, lunges, and deadlifts are more likely to have beautiful abs. It also happens that a person does not pump up the abs at all, or does 1-2 sets without weight at the end strength training, and his rectus abdominis muscle is bulging with cubes;
  • Oblique abdominal muscles - help us bend and turn, provide both rotation along the axis of the spine and bends to the side;
  • Transverse abdominis muscle - is involved in breathing, allows you to draw in your stomach and stabilize the spine

You can pump up your abs either at home or on the street. Another question is if a person is completely devoid of willpower and performs technical exercises incorrectly. If you have no sense of the body and no understanding of exactly how to work your muscles, it is better to hire a trainer for at least a few lessons. Many people have been pumping their neck muscles for years by doing crunches on the mat, and iliacus muscles and quadriceps of the thighs, when they raise their legs while hanging, and then complain that training at home is complete nonsense, and if they had the money for a gym, they would definitely cope. The point here is not about finances, but about the fact that if a person cannot cope on his own and there is no one to help him, his path will be three times longer.

But, fortunately, if nervous system it works fine, the Internet has not yet been turned off for non-payment and the person does not have spinal injuries, he can do twists and leg raises at home. Yes, and standing in the plank too.

By the way, most trainees will have enough of the most basic equipment - a regular rubber mat and some kind of weight, kettlebell, dumbbell, sandbag or mini-barbell. There is absolutely no need to set strength records here; it will be enough to simply provide the muscles with a progressive load.

How to get rid of belly fat - the first stage

Most people who set themselves the goal of looking good, and not setting strength records, will first want to get rid of fat deposits around the waist. Everything is simple here - no matter how much twisting you do, you will have to create a calorie deficit. Even an hour of exercise on the floor cannot be compared with simply giving up sugar in tea and coffee and replacing it with some kind of non-calorie sweetener.

Fortunately, you don’t need belly fat diets and other legacies of fitness folklore. For a simple person with normal or overweight who eats haphazardly, that is, does not count calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it is enough to start eating rationally. This means counting all these indicators and balancing the diet, as well as creating a small calorie deficit so that the body begins to burn fat to replenish it.

Practice shows that cutting the calorie intake by more than 20% at home makes no sense. If you make a more serious deficit, a person will simply begin to secretly overeat or feel bad, and in the end, he will overeat in order to somehow regain his vigor.

For ordinary person It’s enough to get the number that you get if you multiply his weight by 30 and subtract 300 kcal to get the number with which you need to start losing weight. As you lose weight, this figure is recalculated. It is enough to reduce the weight by 5 kg to bother with recalculation.

Where to get kilocalories from? From a balanced diet. For an ordinary person who is not engaged in physically demanding work, 1.5 g of protein, 1 g of fat, and 3 g of carbohydrates per 1 kg of body weight is enough. It is necessary to “eat up” on proteins and fats. Carbohydrates can be reduced to 2 g if you are “not losing weight”, and physical activity is reduced to some home workouts with small dumbbells and walks for half an hour a day.

Rules for losing weight:

  • You need to eat not only balanced, but also varied. In practice, 3-4 are purchased different types cereals, available seasonal vegetables, chicken breast and fish, as well as beef, plus eggs and low-fat dairy products. This is complemented by a bottle of butter, and a small amount of sour cream for sauces. From this set you can prepare most of the dishes popular in our country;
  • Approximately 10% of calories can be obtained from any food, including what is considered “food waste”, such as sweets or some snacks. Of course, such food retains fluid and will only stop visual progress, but it will help achieve actual progress. It’s simple - if you don’t strictly limit yourself, there won’t be breakdowns either, therefore, you will be able to lose weight faster than with “gluttons” of 2000 kcal every week;
  • How to keep track of all this? Usually they prepare some kind of side dish from cereals, bake chicken and fish, and stew vegetables with butter. This is the basis of the diet; meals are made up of lunch, lunch and dinner. For breakfast, for a change, cook eggs or eat cottage cheese. Sweets and other things are eaten on the day of heavy training, if there is a relatively large amount, or on any day, including in the calorie content;
  • All food is weighed and recorded in a diary in the Fat Secret app or any other. A healthy person does not need any special diets or exclusions of food groups. If there is a food allergy, exclude wheat, nightshade or dairy products, but this is rare;
  • Special diets with a lot of fat and little carbohydrates are needed only for those who already have a low percentage of fat, about 20 for women and 10 for men. In abs terms, this is when the “stripes” of oblique muscles and the outline of the upper abs are visible.

Priority to squirrels

People often talk about preferring proteins, but the point here is not to eat only meat, fish and eggs. The point is to gain 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg current weight for any diet, it doesn’t matter whether you eat meat in principle or not. This is necessary for building muscles, normal immunity, and normalizing appetite. Those who eat diets high in carbohydrates may suffer from swings in blood sugar levels and actual hunger pangs.

Make sure that with each meal you get:

  1. Poultry, fish, eggs, or meat;
  2. Cottage cheese or low-fat unfermented cheese;
  3. Dairy products with high protein content;
  4. Legumes, soy, or tempeh if you're vegetarian

If, despite all this, you cannot gain 1.5 g of protein per 1 kg of body weight, it is best to use products sports nutrition. Protein cocktail will eliminate the need to prepare protein foods, and will help get rid of amino acid deficiency and provide muscles with building material.

Vegetables and fruits

Here you have to be selective. If you are prone to increased gas formation, you need to leave in your diet something that does not cause digestive problems. For most people, this means asparagus, cucumbers, salad greens, tomatoes, carrots and artichokes.

Cauliflower and regular cabbage, broccoli, beets, mushrooms are wonderful healthy foods, but if they literally make your stomach swell during the period of “abs development” and preparation for the beach or photo shoot, it is better to exclude them.

Fruits should be included selectively in the diet. For most people, berries and green apples are ideal, as are kiwis and grapefruits when it comes to losing weight, but there is not much point in eating them if other fruits do not impair digestion and fit into the diet.

Only fruit and vegetable mono-diets are not recommended. Scientific nutritionists insist that they worsen health and negatively affect overall muscle mass and body condition. They should be included only for those who have kidney problems, and only for the period prescribed by doctors. To lose weight, and even more so to make your abs sculpted, it is better not to use such diets. Moreover, the story about the benefits of a protein-free diet has more in common with marketing than with the real benefits of the products.

Drinking regime

Typically, 30 to 40 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight is recommended. The amount of liquid in reality depends on the region of residence and climate, physical features and kidney function. The modern trend of “pouring” the notorious 8 glasses of water into oneself has very little in common with health. The liquid that comes with soups, vegetables and fruits is still absorbed by the body, although radical health sources believe otherwise. Many people recommend either drinking only water, or eliminating tea and coffee completely, and drinking only herbal teas and water. There is also an opinion that every cup of tea or coffee should be accompanied by a couple of glasses of water, because tea and coffee are diuretics. In fact, tea and coffee are unlikely to cause dehydration if a person drinks more than just them, so you should be careful when taking such advice. Excess water can cause swelling and will not only delay the appearance of the notorious abs, but can also contribute to heart overload.

Sample menu

It’s quite easy to create a sample menu for yourself:

  1. Breakfast should consist of some source of protein, such as eggs or cottage cheese, and also contain 200-300 g of vegetables or fruits as fiber for digestion. You can also include carbohydrates in this meal - porridge, bread, or legumes, if they are tolerated normally, will do;
  2. Lunch – lean meat or fish plus vegetable salad, plus a side dish of cereals and vegetables;
  3. Dinner – lean meat or cottage cheese plus vegetables;
  4. Snacks if needed - fruit and dairy products, or some nuts

Do you need five meals a day to lose weight? Yes, if a person is otherwise uncomfortable with calorie and macronutrient restrictions, then he will have to eat fractionally. If it is not comfortable, there is no particular need for it. Modern science disproved the myth that it is necessary to eat little and often to speed up metabolism. Our calorie consumption does not depend on the frequency of “approaches to the table.” The thickness of the fat layer on the abdomen does not depend on this. It turns out that if eating fractionally is not comfortable, there is no reason to do so.

Cardio or aerobic training

Many people cannot lose weight not because they somehow eat incorrectly or do not exercise their abs actively enough. Calorie intake standards are calculated for people who move at least half an hour during the day, walk or perform active activities. physical work. Everyone else can add cardio or aerobic work into their schedule to lose excess fat.

Additionally, aerobic exercise reduces stress levels and helps you get rid of the cortisol belly that accompanies many stressful activities.

TO aerobic training relate:

  • Club group programs - step, dancing, various interval training;
  • All types of video classes - Zumba, Tai Bo and other lessons available on free video hosting sites;
  • Running and walking;
  • Cardio exercises;
  • Swimming

The norm for such activity for any person is half an hour a day. If you need to lose weight faster and have the opportunity and physical capabilities, you can do more cardio, devoting up to an hour a day to it.

Is aerobics necessary to have ripped abs? No. For many, strength training and regular walks are enough to keep them active. Aerobic exercise is rather an element healthy image life, a way to cope with stress.

Abdominal exercises - stage two

It’s quite easy to pump up your abdominal muscles. People just forget what it is normal muscle, and come up with some non-existent rules. They say that it is necessary to pump the abs every approach to failure and wild pain, burning, almost to the point of stopping breathing and a slight coma.

In fact, doing 2-3 working sets with a resistance that makes completing the final two reps a challenge will be enough to pump up your abs.

Do I need to do a lot of exercise? It's hard for people to realize, but one exercise is enough - for men, for women, for six packs, for whatever. What kind of exercise is this? One or another version of direct twisting or reverse twist, for example, on the floor with weights or hanging leg raises. This only works when the muscle receives enough stress to hypertrophy, that is, when a person performs an exercise for 10-12 repetitions and cannot perform more.

Most people prefer to spend time on some kind of abdominal exercises simply due to the lack of dumbbells and barbells at home, and weak physical training, which does not allow you to work on the horizontal bar.

Are the complexes effective? They definitely won’t make you any worse, but they can be safely replaced with a complex for all muscle groups and one correctly performed abdominal exercise. You can do a bunch of planks, leg lifts and body lifts for those who don’t train their body much with weights, or only do callisthenics.

For home training you need the following conditions:

  • A well-ventilated room, but without drafts;
  • Yoga mat or rubber mat on the floor;
  • Correctly chosen time - no need to pump the press on a full stomach, and just before bedtime;
  • Ideally, before training your abs, you should do strength exercises for the whole body, or at least do cardio

It is clear that the information in the sources is contradictory. But it’s difficult to find more useless advice than working out your abs every day for the sake of six-pack. Daily abdominal training leads to an increase in muscle endurance, not their strength and volume. Endurance muscles are rarely voluminous. Therefore, “download every day” can be safely left in the past, along with shaping and advice about “not eating after six.”

You need to train like this:

  1. Always do a warm-up;
  2. Never perform exercises on a bed or other soft surface;
  3. Avoid clothing that restricts movement;
  4. Concentrate on movements;
  5. Add weights or make the exercise more difficult once your body gets used to it

This movement allows you to work your abs as a stabilizer and loads the transverse abdominal muscle. You need to stand on your forearms and toes, straighten your body, pull your stomach inward so that it is pulled in, and stabilize your body by breathing deeply and slowly.

The plank is performed for a while. The peculiarity of this movement is that you do not need to push your stomach forward or “sag” your lower back. The plank should become part of your morning routine, some sources say. Or part of every ab workout. In fact, this is not necessary. Professional fitness trainer Alvin Cosgrove recommends in his book to stand in a plank only at the beginning of strength training for all muscle groups. In addition, he advises making the plank more difficult by standing with your forearms on your bare feet or raising your legs up, as soon as adaptation to the exercise has become significant.

The second exercise for the transverse abdominal muscle is the “vacuum”. It has nothing to do with abs per se, but it is the only exercise that is done every day. You need to stand straight, lean forward, rest your hands on your hips, push out all the air from your lungs and, under the influence of a vacuum, the anterior abdominal wall will be drawn inward. Stay in this position for 8-12 counts, and then repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

Anatomically, the rectus abdominis muscle is one muscle, but leg raises allow you to use it to a greater extent closer to the lower abdomen.

The following exercises are used:

  • Reverse crunches- most effective method pump up your abs in 5 minutes a day. The technique is to lie on the floor on your back, stretch your arms along your torso and raise your straight legs up until they make an angle of 90 degrees with your torso. Next, you need to use your abdominal muscles to lift your pelvis and straight legs, so that your legs pull behind your head. Having reached the highest point of your capabilities, return to the starting position. Do the exercise at a slow pace, and maintain it in the negative phase. This is the most effective way to pump up your abs in 5 minutes.
  • Leg Raise– This exercise is useful in the initial stage of training. You just need to lie on the floor and slowly raise your legs until they are perpendicular to your body. Then lower it just as slowly, but not all the way. After 10 centimeters remain between the legs and the floor, start a new repetition. To increase the load in this exercise, you can lift your legs while hanging on the bar. According to professionals, this exercise will help quickly pump up the six-pack on a girl’s stomach.
  • Bike. Take a horizontal position and place your hands behind your head. Starting the exercise, stretch your right knee to your left elbow, and vice versa. The unused leg should be straight and flat on the floor.
  • Scissors. Starting position, as in previous exercises. Start the exercise by raising your legs to a level of 40 degrees from the floor, and then alternately swing your right and left legs up and down. You cannot lower your feet to the floor until the end of the exercise.
  • V-shaped crunches. At the beginning of the exercise, take a horizontal position. Then perform a simultaneous lifting of straight legs and outstretched arms until they touch. This is a very hard exercise, but it is ideal for getting six-pack abs.
  • Burpees. Squat down so that your knees touch your chest and place your hands on the floor. The exercise consists of sharply pushing off with your legs and straightening them back, and then also sharply returning to the starting position.
  • Climber. Take a lying position and begin to alternately pull up and remove your left leg towards your left hand, and your right leg towards your right.

These same exercises can be performed with weights in the form of ankle weights. But it would be more anatomically correct to master the horizontal bar after you have acquired the skill of lifting your legs while lying down.

Everything here is simple and complex at the same time. The straight crunch is the simplest abdominal exercise; it involves bringing the lower ribs toward the pelvic bones from a lying position. But a person adapts to it quickly enough, so you have to do it with weights. This is where the errors start:

  • People take a weight and press it to their chest, thereby reducing the amplitude of the twist, rather than making the work more difficult;
  • “Technical complications” begin, such as fixing the feet on a bed or sofa, and hanging them down in a position of hyperextension of the spine, which provokes injuries.

Many people try to make it more difficult to pump up their abs by doing exercises from the inverted letter L pose without supporting the lower back on the floor, which is also fraught with injury. In the best case, with independent exercises here, a person will pump the muscles of the neck and hips, in the worst case, they will cause harm to the lower back. Therefore, it is better to leave this option to those who can only strain their abs and not their hips in this static position.

To pump the oblique muscles separately or not to pump them is everyone’s business. For many, bending to the sides widens their waist. Others already have overloaded obliques from barbell squats.

Nevertheless, the exercises for them are as follows:

  • Tilts to the sides;
  • Shoulder to hip crunches;
  • “Bicycles”, that is, simultaneous bringing of the hips and shoulders to an imaginary line perpendicular to the waist

A set of exercises for the press

The abs are pumped at the end of the workout, exercises without weight are repeated for a minute. The movements are performed one after another, doing 2-3 circles

  1. Straight twist;
  2. Leg raises;
  3. "Rockets" standing;
  4. Oblique twists;
  5. Rock climbers;
  6. Forearm plank

Beautiful abs in 8 minutes a day

The simplest thing you can do for your abs in 8 minutes a day is 2 rounds of the Tabata system. For 4 minutes, alternate 20 seconds of doing the exercise with 10 seconds of rest, choose any two abdominal exercises.

To pump up your abs at home, it’s not just an effective exercise program that’s important—the correct technique and motivation to achieve your goal are much more important. It is also important that pumping up the abs with exercises is only one of the components on the path to a sculpted stomach. A proper cutting diet also plays an important role.

In the material about how we described in detail the strategy for quickly achieving the coveted cubes. The program presented below is a practical implementation of this strategy, taking into account the shift to abdominal training at home. Key moment- constant feeling of involvement of the abdominal muscles in work.

For those starting from scratch (especially girls), the emphasis of home abdominal training should be on strengthening the oblique and transverse abdominal muscles. Let us remember that they are located on the side surface of the body, but are located along the waist and literally tighten the stomach. Strengthening these muscles quickly improves appearance press.

Press pumping scheme

For women to pump up their abs, it is enough to follow the program below 2-3 times a week at home, but men are recommended to include one day of exercises with additional weight in their training regimen. In particular, curling with a roller, lifting legs from hanging on a bar (with weights) and twisting on blocks will help guys quickly pump up their abs.

We also note that training to strengthen the abdominal muscles should include pumping the lower back with. In this case, not only the front surface of the body develops, but also the lower back - such a training scheme will give best result in development powerful press and creating a sporty posture. Hyperextension will be especially beneficial for teenagers.

// Download the press correctly:

  • regular training 2-3 times a week
  • rectus abdominis muscle - exercises with load
  • lateral and internal press – with an emphasis on technique
  • strengthening the core muscles - hyperextension exercise

How to pump up your abs at home?

A key abdominal exercise that you can do at home is. Despite the fact that it effectively develops the rectus abdominis muscles, many beginners perform it completely incorrectly. Remember that the point of this exercise is not to maximum lift the body up, and in the conscious involvement of the abdominal muscles in the work - which many people do not know how to do.

Due to the external ease (but technical complexity) of twists, the presented home program on the press contains only variations of this exercise, allowing you to fully engage the abdominal muscles. In particular, this includes pulling the knee to the chest from a plank position - such movements develop not only the rectus abdominis muscle, but also the entire body.

The only way to quickly pump up your abs at home is to love the process of training. At the same time, pumping the abdominal muscles at home is much more difficult than in the gym - you need to allocate a suitable time for training, find suitable music, eliminate distractions (from the smell of fried cutlets from the kitchen to a dog calling for a walk).

In the first weeks of training, you should not chase results, but focus on forming the habit of regularly pumping your abs. It is important not to be cunning and honestly admit to yourself that it is impossible to pump up your abs in a week, no matter how advanced the exercise program is - this requires regular training for at least a month.

// Abs program at home

A home ab workout program requires 30-40 minutes per workout and should be done 2-3 times a week for at least a month. Try to perform each exercise slowly and with a feeling of engaging your abdominal muscles. The indicated number of repetitions is approximate - beginners and girls can reduce the number, sports guys can increase it.

The first warm-up exercise in the program. Get into a side plank position on your elbow. Slowly lower your pelvis and hips down, then return to the starting position. Place your hand on your belt to feel the work better side press.

2-3 sets of 10 reps on each side

Take a side plank position, one hand serves as a support, the other is raised up. Make sure that your body maintains a straight line and that your pelvis does not fall back or forward. Also make sure that your neck is not tense (look ahead or up).

2 sets of 30-50 secondson each side

The starting position is similar to the previous exercise. As you exhale, begin to twist, directing top hand towards the elbow fixed on the floor. As you inhale, raise your arm up. Make sure that your pelvis is in the same position during the movement.

Plank on extended arms

The arms are extended, the abdominal muscles are tense and support the body weight. Stay still. To complicate the exercise, you can alternately raise your legs up.

3-4 sets of 60-80 seconds

Starting position - similar to the previous exercise. Keeping your abs tense, as you exhale, pull your leg bent at the knee towards your chest, then rotate it inward about 30 degrees. Make sure you feel the side press working. Switch legs.

2-3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side

Lying on the floor, hands clasped behind your head. One leg is extended forward, the other is bent at the knee. As you exhale, slowly stretch your elbow towards the opposite knee, tighten your abs at the top point (without lifting your lower back from the floor), then return to the starting position. Switch sides.

Sitting on the floor, raise your knees bent to parallel. Take the ball in your hands and begin to make alternating turns to the sides, touching the floor with the ball at the final point. While moving, try to tighten your abdominal muscles as much as possible.

3-4 sets of 15-20 repetitions

The final exercise of the training program. Lying on your back, by engaging the rectus abdominis muscles, lift your upper torso, then perform alternating “bends,” reaching your hand toward your shin. Make sure that your neck is not under excessive tension and do not lift your lower back off the floor.

2-3 sets of 10-12 reps on each side

Should your abs hurt after exercise?

Characteristic It's a dull pain in the abdominal muscles after completing the training program (usually the next day) is the main signal that the exercises were performed correctly. In fact, this pain is associated with the processes of muscle recovery, resulting in an increase in their strength. And it is for this reason that you need to train at least every other day - otherwise the abdominal muscles will not have time to recover.

However, if you experience pain in the lower back, this is a sign of poor exercise technique - which is quite typical when training at home. Try to train with a smaller amplitude, and also watch your movements in the mirror - this will help correct mistakes. Also pay attention to the inhalation and exhalation cycles.


In order to pump up your abs at home, you need to develop the habit of performing the proposed exercise program 2-3 times a week for a month. The training itself should imply a constant emphasis on the fact that the movement is performed precisely by the abdominal muscles - the characteristic aching pain the next day will be a direct signal that you are pumping your abs correctly.

The only way to build powerful and beautiful abs is to love pumping them. Proper execution of other abdominal exercises should give you a clear feeling of tension in your abdominal muscles - and after training, you should feel your abdominal muscles toned and elastic. In addition, it is necessary to remember about the comprehensive strengthening of the body.

To strengthen the neuromuscular connection with the brain during abdominal exercises, it is necessary to strain it as much as possible. This will allow your abs to appear and you to pump up your abs in just a week. Otherwise, repetitions will be performed at the expense of the muscles of the legs and lower back, which will quickly lead to pain in the neck and lower back, rather than to sculpted muscles belly.

In order for men to pump their abs correctly, they need to get used to maintaining their abdominal muscles in slight tension throughout the day - in simple words, at any moment be ready to withstand a fist blow to the abdominal area. The main abdominal exercise that develops this ability is the static plank exercise - we have already written about how.

// How to pump up the press correctly:

  • learn to feel the abdominal muscles working
  • perform exercises at a slow pace
  • train your abs 2-3 times a week
  • change exercises regularly

Abs: the best workout

The best workout for pumping up your abdominal muscles is alternating correctly performed abdominal exercises with. It is important to understand that even the most effective abdominal exercises are not able to create relief and make the stomach toned - you can pump up abs, but they will be hidden under a layer of subcutaneous fat.

On the other hand, too fast a rhythm in a fat-burning workout often comes at the expense of technique. You will actually burn belly fat with active execution exercise - but you won’t achieve six-pack. That is why it is important to learn how to first learn how to pump, and then move on to regularly performing abdominal exercises at least 2-3 times a week.

// Scheme for pumping the press:

  • 2-3 workouts per week
  • 3-5 abdominal exercises per workout
  • 3-4 sets of 10-15 repetitions per exercise
  • alternating exercises for different abdominal areas

Although there are scientific studies about, in reality, some people feel their abdominal muscles better when doing planks, some when doing crunches, and some when doing side leg swings. Must try various exercises and choose for yourself those in which you definitely feel the work of the press - only this will teach you how to pump it correctly and will become the path to achieving six-pack.

// How to quickly pump up your abs at home:

  • Daily workouts for 10-15 minutes
  • Alternating exercises for different abdominal areas
  • Focus on rotation exercises and side planks
  • Performing a vacuum in the stomach at the end of the workout

Six-pack abs - how to achieve them?

The rectus abdominis muscle, located on the front surface of the body, is responsible for the formation of cubes. At the same time, it is impossible to pump up the cubes solely through crunches and other similar exercises on the rectus abdominis muscles - you must also remember about the ones that surround the torso. The stronger these muscles are, the smaller the waist and the stronger the abs themselves.

It is also important to pay attention to the development of the antagonist muscles of the press - that is, the muscles of the back and lower back. It is better to pump them with the help of (lifting the body on a Roman chair). During hyperextensions, you can add slight turns to the sides - this will also help in creating six-pack abs. Men are allowed to use additional weight in the exercise.

The above-mentioned scientific studies and ratings of the best abdominal exercises indicate that the most effective exercises are and. When performed correctly, twice as many people participate in the work muscle fibers press than when performing classic crunches while lying down or on a fit ball.

However, the correct technique for performing exercises and a conscious feeling of the work of the abdominal muscles are much more important than which exercise for the abdominal muscles you choose. Technically correct crunches will be more effective for developing the abs than leg raises performed by engaging the lower back and arching the entire body. We previously published a list.

The importance of static exercises

There are two types of muscle fibers - red (slow) and white (fast). Moreover, the fact that their main task is to maintain a static load, and not at all to quickly lift weights. The muscles of the core and the press (especially the internal ones) are a slow type of fibers - their training requires low-intensity and long-term loads.

That is why the most important exercises for pumping up the internal abs are in which it is necessary to maintain tense abdominal muscles for as long as possible. Remember that in just 2-3 weeks of doing the plank, you can not only strengthen your core muscles, but also achieve a clearer and more noticeable division of your abs into cubes.

How to pump up your abs: instructions

Let’s summarize our recommendations on how to properly pump up your abs to achieve sculpted abs. But remember - to strengthen the abdominal muscles, beginners need to fall in love with working out the abs and start doing it regularly, not just once a week.

1. Reduce belly fat

The level of fat in the body for drawing the abs is individual - for some it is 7%, and for others the abs are noticeable even with 15% fat. Depending on this, strategies for losing weight differ. To combat a large belly, it is suitable, while for some a week is enough.

2. Correct your posture

A sedentary lifestyle provokes changes in posture, as a result of which the abdominal muscles relax and the weight of the body is transferred from the front of the abdomen to the back. The result is stretched abdominal muscles and pain in the neck, spine and lower back. They will help correct such violations.

3. Strengthen your core muscles

It is a mistake to perceive the press solely as a rectus muscle located on the front surface of the abdomen. In addition to this, there are lateral turns for women to pump them up, and bends with dumbbells for men.

4. Develop your internal abdominal muscles

Most abdominal exercises develop the outer layer of the abdominal muscles, without actually engaging the inner abdominal muscles. However, it is these muscles that form toned stomach. The best exercises for pumping up the internal abs are breathing exercise.

5. Pump up your abs correctly

To develop the rectus abdominis muscles, hypertrophy training is necessary - high-repetition exercises (for example, one hundred crunches) will not bring any results. The acceptable limit will be 10-12 repetitions if the correct technique is followed.

6. Develop your muscle-brain connection

In order to pump up your abs, you must learn to control your abdominal muscles and use them when performing exercises. If you can keep your abs consciously tense during crunches, this will greatly improve the effectiveness of this exercise.


Training and pumping up the abs begins with getting rid of excess subcutaneous belly fat through diet and cardio. This is followed by strengthening the muscular frame of the body and working out internal muscles press with the help of static exercises, and only at the end - performing strength exercises on the press for direct pumping of the cubes themselves.