
Physical exercises as the main means of physical education. What types of physical exercises are there? What is physical exercise? motor action

Physical exercise- these are certain motor actions intended for the physical development of a person, strengthening his health and improving body shape. The main types of exercises include: strength, cardio and muscle stretching exercises. Strength exercises help increase lean body mass and give greater strength to the muscles. Cardio workouts (running, swimming, etc.) are good for the heart, improve endurance, burn fat and reduce body weight. Muscle stretching exercises are aimed at improving the flexibility of the body. This section contains physical exercises for various muscle groups. For each exercise, a detailed description is provided, the technique for performing it, as well as recommendations, tips and other useful information related to this exercise and the group of muscles involved in it. I wish you success!

Total materials: 130
Materials shown: 1-10


The deadlift engages the muscles adjacent to the spine, hips, and buttocks. This basic exercise for the back and legs serves to give them strength and volume. In bodybuilding deadlift used to dramatically increase mass, strength and power of both back and leg muscles. In addition, the deadlift is an excellent way to strengthen all the muscles that support the spine: the stronger they are, the more weight you can handle in other exercises without fear of injury.

Oblique crunches

Oblique crunches work the oblique abdominal muscles. This basic exercise defines your waist and strengthens your abs. Oblique crunches are important for the balanced development of all abdominal muscles in general, as well as for strengthening the lumbar region and preventing spinal injuries.

Bench chest press

The bench press works the middle, bottom, and also the top of the chest. The bench press is the best compound exercise for building mass and strength in your chest muscles.

Barbell row to the chin

The barbell row to the chin works the middle deltoids, upper and middle trapezius. This shaping exercise separates the trapezius from the deltoids. The Chin Pull defines and sharpens the shape of the trapezius, delineates a clear dividing line between the trapezius and the middle deltoid, and improves the detail and “striation” of the trapezius.

Sumo style deadlift

In the sumo-style deadlift, in contrast to the usual classical lifting of the barbell from the floor, the quadriceps and adductor muscles of the thigh work more intensively and, to a lesser extent, the back muscle, which does not bend enough at the beginning of the exercise. The sumo style barbell lift is one of three lifts in powerlifting competitions.

Standing calf raises

Standing calf raises involve calf muscle. This is a basic exercise for building voluminous calves. In bodybuilding, standing calf raises are used to increase the mass of the calves, giving them a convex, distinct inverted heart shape.

Lying leg curl

Lying leg curls work the lower back of the thigh as well as the calf muscle. This is an isolation exercise to develop the shape and definition of the back of the thigh. Lying leg curls thicken the lower back of the thigh, targeting both the inner and outer thighs equally. outside this area of ​​muscle that visually lengthens and widens the thigh when viewed from behind. This exercise also allows you to achieve a clear separation between the biceps femoris, semitendinosus and semimembranosus muscles (definition) and show their relief (separation).

Leg extensions

Leg extensions use the rectus (frontal) as well as the lateral (side) thigh muscles. This is an isolation exercise to improve definition and definition in the quadriceps. Leg extensions draw out the rectus femoris muscle (the front part of the quadriceps), giving it a distinct, convex shape along its entire length, which is especially striking when looking at the thigh from the side. In addition, leg extensions allow you to achieve a clear separation between the rectus and lateralis muscles of the thigh.

strength, cardio and flexibility exercises (stretching).

Strength exercises

aimed at developing and increasing lean body mass and increasing muscle strength. Strength exercises are anaerobic, i.e. to exercises performed without access to oxygen. During such exercises, the body experiences a lack of oxygen. Strength exercises are short but very intense. During runtime strength exercises Lactic acid accumulates in the muscles, a product of the breakdown of glucose in the body. When enough lactic acid accumulates in the blood, it begins to cause muscle fatigue. Professional athletes in such cases use the definition “soured.”

Strength training should be part of your fitness program. Studies have shown that for people over 40, regular strength training helps maintain the amount of muscle mass that we lose as we age.

Cardio exercises

Aimed at increasing stamina, the first means for weight loss. Examples of cardio workouts - running long distances medium pace, cycling, cross-country skiing, swimming. Cardio exercises are aerobic, i.e. to exercises of sufficiently low intensity, long in time. Oxygen in such exercises is the main source of energy to maintain the functioning of muscles and internal organs. An exercise is considered aerobic if its duration is more than 20 minutes. Unlike anaerobic exercise Aerobic exercises do not provide an increase in physical strength. Aerobic exercise very useful for the cardiovascular system, develops endurance well, and burns fat.

Flexibility exercises

or in other words, stretching exercises. Such exercises are aimed at developing a person’s ability to perform any action with a large amplitude. It is believed that flexibility prolongs youth. The muscles of a flexible person contract and relax better, which means they receive better oxygen. A flexible person has better control over his body and distributes it more correctly. external load on joints and muscles. It is important to perform flexibility exercises as often as possible, at any time of the day. If you are doing static flexibility exercises, try to do each exercise for at least 20 seconds. – it is precisely this duration of execution that is effective for developing flexibility and muscle stretching.

Features of the content and orientation of various systems of physical exercises, their health-improving and developmental effectiveness (abstract)


The more conveniences civilization provides us, the less we move. And we pay for comfort with metabolic disorders and cardiovascular diseases. Hypokinesia (lack of movement) in children and adolescents is of particular concern. Nowadays, the majority of schoolchildren independently perform only about half of the number of movements required for them. With machines increasingly replacing “hard work” in the workplace and in our homes, we need to make a conscious effort to incorporate physical activity into our daily routine.

A healthy lifestyle is a necessary condition for maintaining and strengthening health. There is hardly a person who doubts the correctness of this statement. But it is important not only to understand the need for physical activity, balanced nutrition, and giving up bad habits, but also to make physical education a norm of life. Health is not given just like that, to gain or maintain it, it requires some effort from everyone.
Since ancient times, humanity has known the importance of physical education in promoting health and combating premature aging. Even Hippocrates, Claudius Galen, and Avicenna noted the absolute necessity of physical exercise to preserve and prolong life. French educator J.-J. Rousseau argued that physical exercises raise a person to be strong and healthy, without them “the body becomes effeminate and frail, and the soul can hardly maintain its strength when the body loses its own.”

Physical exercises are elementary movements, motor actions composed of them and their complexes, systematized for the purpose of physical development. In the practice of physical education, physical exercises. developed on the basis of movements and actions borrowed from human labor, everyday life, and military activities (running, walking, jumping, throwing, lifting weights, swimming, etc.) and were organizationally and methodologically formed in the form of gymnastics, light and weightlifting, active and sports games, sports tourism, etc.

In many cases, the same motor task can be solved by several different ways, and among them there are relatively less effective and more effective. Those methods of performing motor actions with the help of which a motor task is solved expediently, with relatively greater efficiency, are usually called physical exercise techniques (from the Greek root “techn”, on the basis of which a number of terms denoting skill, art, etc. are formed) .

It should be noted once again that the term “technique” does not refer to any, but only to effective forms of physical exercise, rationally constructed taking into account the patterns of movements.

In the technique of any motor action, the basis, the leading link and the details of the technique are distinguished. The basis of a technique means the composition and sequence of movements and elements included in a motor action. The leading link of technology is understood as such an element of a motor action, without which this action cannot be performed. Details of a technique are individual elements and features of performing a holistic motor action, which depend on individual characteristics.

When doing physical exercise motor activity consists of motor actions, like a chain of links. For example, running consists of individual steps; shooting - from the ready, aiming and firing; A free kick in football is taken from a run and kicks the ball. Motor actions in such a chain are interconnected and interdependent. Therefore, motor activity is a system of motor actions

A school physical education lesson consists of a number of exercises. It must be taken into account that the nature, duration and intensity of previous exercises influence the quality of subsequent exercises.

One of the founders of the theory of physical education, A.D. Novikov, believed that the general taxonomy of physical exercises should be uniform for all parts of the physical education system, otherwise it loses its scientific and practical significance.

To develop important physical qualities, exercises are used for speed, strength, general, speed and strength endurance, on coordination of movements, etc. These are mainly exercises from basic gymnastics, from various types athletics, sports games, weightlifting, etc. With their help, you can strengthen the muscles that bear the greatest physical load, and further develop the physical qualities required by a particular profession.

To form and improve auxiliary skills, so-called natural movements (jumping, throwing, climbing, swimming), exercises from applied tourism, etc. are used. The body’s resistance to adverse environmental influences can be increased by using appropriate exercises that not only improve some or quality, but at the same time give a non-specific training effect. For example, resistance to overheating can be increased by exercises accompanied by significant heat generation: long running, intensive skiing, skating, sports games, fencing.

Testing and assessment of preparedness are carried out on the basis of specially established standards. In this case, the list of control exercises and the value of the standards are determined by objective requirements.

Holistic Exercise Program

A holistic exercise program consists of five key components: warm-up, main (exercises performed in a continuous rhythmic movement pattern), cool-down (the end of the workout), strength exercises and endurance exercises.

1. Warm up

Before starting the main part of the workout (before moving on to exercises performed in the mode of continuous rhythmic movement), it is necessary to warm up for 5-10 minutes, that is, perform lighter physical exercises first. The type of exercises performed during the warm-up can be the same as during the main part; only their intensity differs. For example, slow walking is acceptable as a type of exercise performed as a warm-up before running. It allows the heart muscle and other muscles, as well as the lungs and joints, to adapt to increased physical activity. Additionally, warming up or warming up your muscles and joints helps prevent possible injuries. After warming up you should light stretching muscles.

2. Main part

The main part consists of exercises performed in a mode of continuous rhythmic movement. Their benefit lies in the fact that they have a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems. In the process of performing these exercises, large groups muscles, which allows, by increasing the flow of oxygen, to provide the necessary energy potential to perform them for the required time. As a result, there is no accumulation of lactic acid, as is the case with anaerobic (in the absence of air) exercises, such as bodybuilding.

The goal of this phase of training is to strengthen cardiovascular and respiratory system. The content of the physical exercise program (selection of exercises) depends on physical condition person at the moment, lifestyle characteristics and personal preferences. The following criteria can serve as a guideline for developing your own exercise program.

A. Frequency

The frequency of training is determined by the number of training sessions per week. In order to improve your general physical condition and maintain body weight at an optimal level, you should exercise at least three times a week; Moreover, the break between any two workouts should not exceed two days.

When starting your exercise program, it is best to exercise three times a week (every other day) for 4-6 weeks. For example, it could be Monday, Wednesday and Friday or Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. Subsequently, the frequency of classes can be increased to 4-6 days a week.

b. Intensity

Intensity is usually understood as the amount of effort (physical strength) expended during the main part of the workout. The degree of intensity depends on the level of initial general physical training, as well as on what goal is set by the person: improving health and preventing diseases or, for example, increasing the vital capacity of the lungs. People with initially insufficient physical fitness are recommended to start classes at a low level of intensity.

Pulse (heart rate) during training is an indicator of its intensity. A training goal can be considered to be training at a heart rate that is a specified percentage of your maximum heart rate, known as your exercise heart rate or training heart rate (HRR). One of the most simple ways The calculation of PHR is to determine the percentage of maximum heart rate (MPR) using the following formula:

TPP = MPP * % Intensity (MPP = 220 - age)

TPP = (220 - age) * % Intensity

TPP is a certain number of heartbeats per minute. The TPP must be divided by 6 to obtain the TPP in 10 seconds. It's best to check your heart rate 10 minutes after the start of the main part of your workout and do it for 10 seconds, not a minute. If your actual heart rate at the time of exercise is less than your calculated heart rate, you should increase the intensity of your workout. If it exceeds your TPP, the intensity of training, on the contrary, needs to be reduced.

During the first 4-6 weeks of training, the recommended intensity level is 50-70% of your maximum heart rate. At this level of intensity of physical activity, a person is usually able to speak. With the improvement of general physical condition, the intensity level gradually increases to 60-90% of the MCP.

V. Time

Time or workout duration is the number of minutes spent doing physical exercise at a given intensity. If the intensity level is low, the duration of the workout should be increased, and if, on the contrary, the intensity of the workout is quite high, its duration can be slightly reduced. For example, a person whose job involves constant physical labor (carpenter, farmer or construction worker) can achieve a “training effect” even after a slight increase in heart rate, since he spends almost every day in motion. In the case of people who primarily perform sedentary work, physical activity and the level of increase in heart rate to achieve a “training effect” should be an order of magnitude higher (70-85% of MPP). Thus, the more intense the workout, the less time it takes and vice versa. It is recommended that individuals with limited physical fitness begin their exercise program with 10-20 minutes for 4-6 days per week; with an average level of readiness - from 20-30 minutes and with good physical fitness - from 30-60 minutes.

d. Type of exercise

The greatest improvement in health and general physical condition occurs when large muscles are fully involved during physical exercise for a long time. Examples of this type of exercise include walking, jogging, cycling, skiing or swimming. Tennis can also be classified as an exercise performed in a mode of continuous rhythmic movement. At the same time, basketball and football do not fully meet this criterion due to the specific “stop-run” principle.

One of the most important conditions When choosing the type of exercise, it is a personal preference. If you like the sport you do (non-professionally, of course), there is no need to stop training once you start. If you find it difficult to imagine exercise as something attractive and enjoyable, try to remember your childhood and youth. What sports or outdoor games did you like then? The answer to this question may be somewhat surprising to you and will help you when choosing the type of exercise.

It's also worth remembering that the more frequent, intense and longer your workouts are, the more important it becomes to vary the type of exercise from session to session. This principle is known as “cross training.” Benefits of this approach include: reducing the risk of injury, recruiting more muscle groups, and adding more variety to your exercise program.

How much energy should a person expend during exercise, in addition to that expended during daily activities? On average, it is advisable to burn about 200-400 calories per workout and approximately 1000 calories per week. You need to think about and determine what you need to do to maintain your energy expenditure of 1000 calories per week while exercising.

Physical exercise system

During physical training, various exercises and sports are used.

The importance of gymnastics lies in the fact that its exercises develop such physical qualities as muscle strength, flexibility, agility, the ability to control your body in space and maintain balance. Gymnastics develops such moral and volitional qualities as self-control, courage, and determination. These qualities are professionally necessary for astronauts, firefighters, divers, drivers, high-altitude assemblers, assemblers of precision mechanisms, and circus performers.

Athletics exercises, which are based on natural human movements (walking, running, jumping and throwing), help improve many vital skills and abilities, increase functionality of all organs and systems, especially neuromuscular, cardiovascular, and respiratory. Athletics develops such important qualities in a person as speed, endurance, strength, agility, the ability to overcome difficulties, and perseverance in achieving goals. Athletics exercises are most important for land managers, geologists, and livestock specialists.

Skiing promotes successful implementation such tasks in which a person requires endurance, speed of movement on terrain in off-road conditions, and the ability to successfully withstand low temperatures. Without good ski training The successful activities of hunters, geologists and researchers are unthinkable.

Everyone knows how important it is to be able to swim. There are a large number of professions related to work in the water, on the water and near the water. These include river workers and sailors, divers and timber raftsmen, geologists and deep sea explorers, fishermen and rescuers.

During sports and outdoor games, various types combat sports optimal motor reactions to various stimuli (sound, light, tactile) develop.

Physical exercise and sports, like any other type of human activity, make certain demands on personality traits and, in turn, contribute to the formation of those properties that determine the success of practicing a particular sport. As an example, let us give, in order of importance, the structure of volitional qualities in athletes of various sports.

Through targeted selection of exercises and the choice of sport, one can influence a person, contributing to the formation of certain mental qualities and personality traits. Of interest is the influence of physical activity on mental performance and intelligence. It has been established that children are lagging behind in physical development, as a rule, is accompanied by mental development delays, and general motor retardation is more common the lower the intelligence. The influence of physical exercise on the mental state and lifestyle of students is illustrated in the tables.

It has also been established that students’ ability to voluntarily control intellectual activity is positively related to the level of motor activity.

Physical activity is the most important factor in mental well-being

The health of the nation is largely determined by the attitude of society and the state towards physical culture and sports. One of the characteristic features of the culture of Ancient Greece was great attention to physical exercise, sports, various kinds of competitions, hardening and, in connection with this, personal hygiene. The Olympics and the Spartan system of education are widely known. Ancient Greek civilization gave the world the ideal of harmonious development of personality, both spiritual and physical.

Evidence of attitudes towards exercise can be found in a variety of sources.

Scripture on the Benefits of Physical Exercise

1 Timothy 4:8 “Bodily exercise has some benefit.”

First Timothy 4:8 does not downplay the importance of exercise for the body. Here the correct prioritization simply takes place: spiritual piety under any conditions is incomparably higher than physical exercise. As is clear from another biblical text, when one part of the body suffers, another part also suffers; the same is true about the opposite, i.e., about well-being and prosperity. With the growth of physical (bodily) well-being, spirituality can also increase if the latter receives due attention from the person.

Physical exercise is beneficial not only for this life, for the latter is not so important in an absolute sense, but also for eternal life. Physical exercise increases the sharpness of thinking and thereby contributes to spiritual growth.

Need for physical activity

Life 2:15

In the early stages of history, a person had to engage in physical labor in order to live. The study of health issues and the role of physical exercise leads modern scientists to similar conclusions. Life confirms the truth of the statements of Scripture. A person needs physical exercise.


Gardening is a form of exercise for the entire body: arms, legs and torso. Everyone is recommended to adapt for themselves such a balanced program of physical activity, in which all parts of the body will be proportionally involved. In this case, physical labor is preferable (as opposed to physical exercise as an end in itself), in which the will and mind of a person also develop.


Obviously, purposeful physical labor is more valuable than physical exercise performed for the sake of bodily perfection. But nevertheless, if we assume that in our technological age physical exercise should replace physical labor, then to what extent should a person exercise his body (intensity of physical exercise)?

Life 3:19 “By the sweat of your face you will eat bread.”

Reaching the level of profuse sweating practically coincides with the point in the process of exercise during which the onset of the “training effect” occurs for most people.

Exercise Regularity

Ref. 20:9 “Six days you shall work...”

The minimum number of days a week that a person needs to exercise is three.

If the frequency mode is slightly lower, inertia is lost, and each new workout after a protracted interval is given with great difficulty. In accordance with the fourth commandment, it is not necessary to engage in specific physical exercise six times a week, but, as recent research shows, the most optimal regimen is to include at least 20-30 minutes of physical activity in the daily routine (at least six days a week). .

A smart approach to choosing the type of exercise

Since the apostle Paul uses races to illustrate the core meaning of the Christian life, it is appropriate to use the same imagery to describe the purpose and structure of an exercise program based on running.

God gave man reason, including for self-control. The functioning of our body is determined by relevant laws. Therefore, in order to get the most out of your time and effort, you need to develop a realistic training program. Over the past 30 years, specialists, using laboratory research, have been able to determine quantitatively and qualitatively various indicators, including the intensity of physical activity, which provide the most beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system. As the biblical context above emphasizes, exercise should not be competitive. Instead of competing with each other, it makes more sense to measure your results against a certain standard. You need to compete with yourself, and in this way everyone will be able to achieve an individually determined level of physical fitness.

Interaction between various components (in the human body)

The brain, which a person uses to think, receives a similar kind of nutrition (in terms of chemical composition) as the internal organs and muscles. The brain is the same physical organ. Once it is separated from other organs that ensure its functioning, it will stop working.

Just like the stomach, liver, kidneys or heart, the brain benefits from exercise. If the functioning of the brain can be optimized through physical exercise, then the same is true for the spiritual life, character and relationship of a person with God, as properties that depend on this organ. The text from the First Epistle to the Corinthians (chapter 12, verse 12) helps us understand all this, “For as the body is one, but has many members...” “Therefore, if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it, is one glorified? member, all members rejoice with him” (v. 26). That is why everything that is done for the benefit of the physical component of our body is actually part of our “reasonable ministry” (Rom. 12:1).

Spiritual priorities

Although the Kingdom of Heaven is not gained by eating and drinking, it can be lost by eating and drinking. Otherwise, gluttony and drunkenness would not be so strongly condemned. Instructions regarding the human diet, by the way, are contained in the Holy Scriptures.

Physical education should also not turn into an idol or take the place of more important things. This warning is contained, in particular, in the book of Psalms (chapter 146, vv. 10,11). It is important to set your priorities correctly. “And one should be done and the other should not be abandoned.”

The medieval scientist, philosopher and physician Avicenna attached great importance to physical exercise. The following portion from his book can serve as a guide to physical exercise today.

About types of physical exercise

Physical exercises include exercises performed while doing some kind of work, and purely physical exercises. It is these latter that are meant here, for they are physical exercises, and are done only for the benefit obtained from them.

Physical exercises are different, namely: small or large, very strong and weak, fast or slow, or agile, consisting of sharp and fast [movements], there are also sluggish exercises. In addition, between each two extremes there are also moderate [types of exercise].

As for the types of physical exercises, these include: tug-of-war, fist fighting, archery, fast walking, javelin throwing, jumping [up] to some object to hang on it, hopping on one leg, fencing with a sword and a spear , horse riding, swinging with both arms, with the person rising on his toes and extending both arms forward and back, making quick movements. This is one of the quick exercises.

Smooth and easy exercises include swinging on swings and in cradles while standing, sitting and lying down; boating and boating. More powerful [exercises] include riding a horse, a camel, and [riding] in palanquins and carts.

Strong ones include exercises on the square, which consist in a person quickly moving across the square to the edge [of it] and then returning back without changing position, while each time he reduces the distance until he stops in the middle.

TO [ strong exercises] also includes fighting with one’s own shadow, striking with the palms, jumping, striking with the tip of a spear, playing chougan with a large and small ball, playing ball, wrestling, lifting stones, chasing and reining in a horse.

Wrestling also has different kinds. One of the types is this: each of two men grabs the other’s belt with his hands and pulls him towards himself, while each of them strives to free himself from his opponent, but he does not let him go. Another view: one of the two [men] hugs the other with both arms, passing his right hand under the opponent’s right hand. and the left under the left. Then he presses it [to himself] and turns it over, while bending and straightening. [Wrestling] also includes reflecting with the chest or grabbing another’s neck and pulling down, or [the following techniques]: grabbing each other with their legs, tripping them, spreading the other’s legs with their legs, and similar techniques used by wrestlers.

Quick exercises include the following: quick change of places by two partners; continuous jumps back, then forward, and [the order can be] regular and disorderly. This also includes an exercise with two large needles, which consists of the following: a person stands in a certain place and sticks two large needles into the ground on both sides at a distance of a fly fathom from each other. Then he turns to the needle with right side and transfers it to the left side, and transfers the needle from the left side to the right, and tries to do all this as quickly as possible.

Sharp and quick exercises done intermittently or together with lighter exercises. It is necessary that there is variety in the exercises, and do not linger on one.

There are specific exercises for each member. As for the exercises of the arms and legs, they are known. And exercises of the chest and respiratory organs [are done as follows: a person] alternately gives a very low voice, then a high and medium one, while such organs as the mouth, uvula, tongue, and also the neck are exercised; In addition, the color [of the face] improves and the chest is cleansed. The exercises also include blowing and holding the breath, in which the whole body is exercised and all channels are expanded.

Giving a strong voice for a very long time is very dangerous because great strength [of the voice] requires inhaling a lot of air, which is dangerous, and duration [of the voice] requires exhaling a lot of air, which is also very dangerous. First you need to start with quiet reading aloud, then you need to gradually raise your voice, moreover, the duration of the loud and harsh voice should be moderate; there is a clear and great benefit to this. Increasing the duration of use of such [voice] is dangerous for persons in moderate health.

The exercises should be appropriate for each person. This kind light exercise, like swinging on a swing, is suitable for persons weakened by fever, and for those who find it difficult to move and sit; [they are also useful] for those recovering and for those who have lost strength from eating hellebore and the like, as well as for those suffering from the disease of the abdominal obstruction. If you carefully [rock a person], he will fall asleep and the winds will dissolve within him. It is also useful against the consequences of head diseases such as absent-mindedness and forgetfulness; it stimulates the appetite and invigorates the nature.

Rocking on the bed is more suitable for persons suffering from three-day fever, mixed fever and mucous [fever]; Rocking is also suitable for those suffering from dropsy, gout and kidney disease.

So, as a result of rocking, bad juices are prepared for removal. At the same time, they pump strongly when [the juices] are strong, and weakly when [the juices] are weak. Riding in carts also has the same effect, but more powerful. Riding in a carriage, sitting backwards, is of great benefit for weak and clouded vision.

Riding on boats and vessels close to the shore is beneficial against leprosy, dropsy, sickness, cooling the stomach and swelling. If [the patient] gets sick from rocking and then calms down, then it is good for the stomach.

Sailing on ships on the open sea has a stronger effect on eradicating the mentioned diseases due to the fact that the soul [of the patient] experiences either joy or sadness.

As for the digestive organs, their exercise is subject to the physical exercises of the whole body. Visual exercise is done by looking closely at small objects, and from time to time casting quick glances at higher elevations. Hearing needs to be exercised by listening to soft sounds, and less often - strong sounds.

There are special exercises for each organ, which we will mention [below], in connection with maintaining the health of each organ separately in the Book of Particular [Diseases].

It is advisable that those engaged in physical exercise protect their weak organs from strenuous movement.

[Exercises] should depend on [the condition of the organs]; for example, a person suffering from varicose veins in the legs should engage in types of exercise in which there is not much movement of the legs, but little; he must transfer all movements to top part body, such as: neck, head and arms, and so that the effect of the exercise on the legs comes from the upper part [of the body].

For a weak body, exercise should be light, and for a strong body, strong.

Know that each organ has its own special exercises.”


If you ask those who regularly exercise what their benefits are, the answer is usually that such exercise improves their well-being. Improved well-being and a surge of energy provide an additional incentive to life. This is based on increasing the functional abilities of the heart and lungs. People who exercise regularly have other benefits as well.

They look better. Fitness presupposes an increase muscle tone, weight loss and reduction of fat reserves. Trained people are more likely to monitor their diet and more easily get rid of bad habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol.

They are mentally healthier. Training gives a person self-confidence, vigor and improves his appearance. A trained person feels his health more acutely.

Trained people are less susceptible to stress and tension. They cope better with worry, anxiety, depression, anger and fear. They are not only able to relax more easily, but also know how to relieve tension with the help of certain exercises.

They have fewer health problems. Trained people are better able to resist illnesses, such as the common cold. They spend less time on sick leave and spend less money on treatment.

They sleep better. They fall asleep easier, sleep more soundly, and feel refreshed when they wake up. They need less time to sleep.

Systematic exercise does not guarantee a person's life extension, and, nevertheless, people who lead an active lifestyle can expect to live longer than those who spend their lives sitting. According to some physiologists, every hour of physical activity extends a person’s life by two or three hours. If so, then some people extend their life by as much as 5-10 years.

List of sources used

  1. Novikov A.D. Physical education: On the subject, principles, means, methods and forms of organizing physical exercise classes / Novikov A.D. - M.; L.: Physical culture and sport, 1949. - 135 p.
  2. WEB resource www.1september.ru
  3. Bible
  4. Avicenna (Abu Ali ibn Sina). Canon of medical science.

One of the simplest, most effective and accessible means for preventing various ailments, maintaining well-being and good health is physical exercise. Regular physical activity makes it possible to improve the functioning of all systems of the human body, saturate cells with oxygen, and increase the level of human performance. What physical exercises are there, and what program to choose for home workouts, let's figure it out.

Physical exercise concept

Physical exercises are a series of motor actions and their combinations that are developed and adapted for the full physical development of the human body. They make it possible to activate the activity of enzymes responsible for burning fat and direct them to produce the energy required for muscle activity. Physical exercise is considered the key to well-being and good health.

Today many various exercises, aimed at performing a number of tasks: losing weight, building muscle mass, developing endurance and strength.


In the theory of physical education, there are several types of exercises, classified according to the type of contraction of muscle groups through which a particular action is performed.


Static exercises are a series of movements, the characteristic feature of which is the fixation of certain parts of the body in a certain position for some time. With such training there is no movement of the body or limbs, but there is tension in the mice.

Examples of classic statistical exercises are:

  • stand in side lunge or leaning forward;
  • planks with emphasis on the elbows or palms;
  • side and back strips;
  • planks on a fitball;
  • yoga asanas;
  • plie stand;
  • incomplete “swallow”;
  • “chair” with an emphasis on the wall.

Static exercises have a number of advantages, including:

  • maximum prolonged load on the muscles, without the ability to relax them, which allows you to achieve the effect of burning fat and, as a result, losing weight;
  • all parts of the human body are in a stationary state, which makes it possible to influence a specific muscle group;
  • the ability to conduct training anywhere, without the use of special sports equipment and equipment;
  • increasing the ability to keep the body in balance;
  • development of strength and endurance;
  • saving time on training, since statistical classes last no more than 10–15 minutes;
  • the ability to safely strengthen ligaments and tendons.

Important! Static exercises must be practiced with great caution, as there is a risk of increasing blood pressure and developing arrhythmia in people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular system.


Unlike static exercises, dynamic exercises involve all types of fitness loads associated directly with the movement of the body and its individual parts, and movement in space. It is the dynamics that allow you to develop strength and build muscle. The classics of sports dynamics are: running, various types of jumps, race walking, lunges, push-ups, swinging legs and arms, swimming, cycling, etc.
Dynamic exercises are one of the most popular forms of exercise, and all thanks to their significant benefits. They:

  • allow you to actively burn fat and fight extra pounds;
  • have a positive effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system, train the heart muscle;
  • make it possible to tone muscles and make the body more prominent;
  • perfectly load the musculoskeletal system, contribute to the development of congestion;
  • improve well-being, elevate mood, energize;
  • accelerate metabolic processes, improve the functioning of the digestive system;
  • improve the functioning of joints.

In terms of the number of contraindications, dynamics is considered one of the safest, however, it also has certain disadvantages:

  • some exercises may be contraindicated for people with heart or spine disease;
  • many exercises require a specific place for training, for example, jumping, running;
  • To build muscles and create a more voluminous body, additional sports equipment is needed: weights, barbells, dumbbells, etc.

The variety of dynamic loads allows everyone to choose their own set of exercises, regardless of age, health, or general physical fitness.


Statodynamic exercises, as the name implies, combine basic principles static and dynamic. In this case, all exercises are done very slowly with constant muscle tension and a small amplitude, the so-called “kach”. The result of performing static dynamics is a colossal burning sensation in the muscles, during which steroid hormones are released.

Statodynamic training can include exercises such as squats and push-ups with statics, lunges and plies with statics, etc.
Main advantages similar activities are considered:

  • the ability to perform exercises almost anywhere;
  • do not carry the risk of increasing blood pressure and do not have a negative effect on the cardiovascular system;
  • opportunity for middle-aged and elderly people to practice training;
  • positive effect on the strength and endurance of the body.

The effectiveness of any physical exercise is determined by its content, that is, the symbiosis of psychological, physical and biochemical processes that are carried out in the human body during the period of the exercise. When carrying out training, a special goal is always assumed to achieve a certain result.
The content of physical exercises determines them:

  • healing function. Of course, any training is aimed at specific changes and biofunctional changes in the body that contribute to improved well-being and overall health. Through a well-chosen physical program, you can have a positive impact on the development of a person’s physical qualities and his sports training;
  • educational function. While performing exercises, a person acquires skills and knowledge of the laws of movement of the body and its individual parts, which makes it possible to more fully understand the laws of movements in sports and control one’s actions. Such skills make it much easier, both physically and psychologically, to adapt to environmental conditions;
  • impact on a person’s personality. In the process of physical training, a person learns to deal with difficulties, control his emotions, which in turn allows him to develop new qualities of character, develop valuable properties, for example, willpower, patience, endurance, perseverance, perseverance, etc.

Did you know? In order to maintain cholesterol levels and blood pressure at normal levels, American doctors advise doing aerobic exercise three times a week for 40 minutes, for example, jumping, race walking, and swimming.


There is a huge number of all kinds of physical exercises and their variations, which can be grouped according to certain parameters:

Any classification assumes that each of the physical exercises has relatively constant properties and has a similar effect on the human body.


The advisability of physical training is determined by its effect on the human body. By effect we mean the presence of positive (desired) changes in the state of the body caused by doing exercises.

Did you know? It has been proven that regular physical activity promotes the generation of new brain cells responsible for memory and learning. Elderly people doing physical exercise show top scores when testing, which is aimed at the process of decision-making and task execution.

There are three main training effect, which differ in their temporary manifestation:

  • urgent sport effect: it can be observed during the training or after its completion;
  • delayed sports effect: is the result of the transformation of an urgent effect, valid until the start of the next training;
  • cumulative effect: a kind of cumulative effect that combines the result of immediate and delayed sports effects obtained over a fairly large number of training sessions. This effect contributes to the acquisition and improvement of sports form and good training condition.

Indications for physical activity

Physical exercises are an excellent means of healing the body, and even significant health problems are not contraindications to sports activities, unless they are prohibited by a doctor.

Indications for physical training are:

  • being overweight;
  • sedentary, sedentary lifestyle, low physical activity;
  • desire to lead healthy image life, increase immunity and improve health;
  • diseases associated with musculoskeletal disorders;
  • type 2 diabetes mellitus in the compensation stage;
  • VVD, high blood pressure;
  • rehabilitation after myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accidents, heart surgery, and physical trauma.

Regular physical exercise is an excellent prevention of diseases of the heart and respiratory system; they make it possible to improve blood circulation in the cells, saturate them with oxygen, and thereby eliminate the negative symptoms of a sedentary, unhealthy lifestyle.

Did you know? Regular physical exercise helps improve sexual function and increase libido. Thus, men who play sports rarely suffer from erectile dysfunction, and women more often reach the “peak of pleasure.”


Despite all the benefits of physical exercise, there is a list of pathological conditions and ailments for which exercise is strictly contraindicated:

  • diseases of a neuropsychic nature;
  • chronic and acute illnesses in the acute stage;
  • severe disturbances in the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • acute insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diseases of internal organs, for example, heart defects, ischemic disease, asthma, lung diseases, etc.;
  • diseases of the spine and their consequences (Scheuermann-Mau disease, Calve disease, damage to large joints, arteries, lymph nodes).

Relative contraindications that require consultation with a doctor are:

  • infectious diseases in chronic form;
  • lack of iron in the blood;
  • recent bleeding;
  • colds;
  • hypertension and hypotension.

Important! In any case, even if a person feels absolutely healthy, before starting training it is imperative to consult with your doctor.

Basic physical exercises for women and men at home

Home physical training is no less effective and efficient than working out in the gym. One of the main successes of training at home is its regularity and correctness of exercises. There are a huge number of different physical exercises, however, you can include basic, classic ones in your training program, aimed at working all muscle groups.

Any home workout is preceded by a high-quality, light and simple warm-up, the main task of which is to warm up the muscles and prepare them for further stress.
Warm-up can be done in various options, one of them includes the following exercises:

  • circular rotations of the neck, with increasing amplitude;
  • lifting up/down the shoulder joints, rotating the shoulders;
  • circular rotations with arms bent at the elbows;
  • tilting the body to the sides;
  • rotation of the pelvis clockwise and counterclockwise;
  • working out the legs through swings;
  • light squats;
  • breathing exercises.

It is possible to achieve positive results from home exercises only by performing a comprehensive workout. Warm-up is one of the main points of the complex, which allows you to avoid injuries and sprains. You should never ignore it.

Video: Warm-up before training

For the belly

Achieving a perfect figure, especially in problem areas such as the stomach and waist, is very difficult. It is especially difficult to keep flat, toned stomach after 40 years. But a few basic exercises that even unprepared people can do will help with this:

For buttocks and thighs

One of the most attractive parts of the human body are the buttocks. You can keep them in excellent shape, give them elasticity and volume, and also make your hips more rounded and beautiful through the following exercises:

For hands

The following complex will help you form a beautiful, graceful line of your arms, tighten your muscles and give them volume:

For legs

The following simple physical exercises will help you give your legs a perfect shape without using any exercise equipment:

For the back

The following complex will allow you to “pump up” your back, improve and restore health to the spine:


No less important the final stage home workout is a cooldown that allows you to:

  • restore breathing, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase flexibility of joints and muscle joints;
  • fill cells with oxygen;
  • distribute blood throughout the body, thereby preventing stagnation;
  • remove lactic acid from the muscles, thereby reducing the manifestations of sore throat.

Video: Cool down after training The cool-down should be done at a slow pace, which will allow the body to adjust from an intense state to a calmer one. As a cool-down, you can stretch all muscle groups: neck, shoulders and forearms, pelvis, back muscles, etc.

Example training program

To make it easier to start the process of training at home, experts have developed special programs classes that are aimed at working out all muscle groups, keeping the body in good shape and overall health of the body. It is recommended to start classes 3 times a week, for 30–60 minutes, depending on the purpose of the training. An approximate training program is as follows, but it is designed for an average level of physical fitness and includes 5 classes per week:

Exercise name Number of repetitions Number of approaches
Monday (legs, arms and chest)
Classic squats 15–20 3–5
Lunges forward 15–20 3–5
Calf raise Maximum 3
Classic push-ups 15–20 3–5
Dumbbell flyes lying on a bench 12 5
Reverse push-ups 15–20 3–5
Stretching/cooling down
Tuesday (press)
Crunches 20–25 4
Side crunches 20 times on each side 4
Leg raise 20–25 5
"Bike" 25–30 4
Wednesday (back, arms, especially triceps)
Push-ups 15–20 5–7
Reverse push-ups 15–20 5–7
Pull-up wide grip 10–15 5–7
Dumbbell row 20 5–7
Thursday (rest)
Friday (legs, shoulders)
Plie squats 15–20 3–5
Calf raises Maximum 3
Classic squats 15–20 3-5
Raising dumbbells in front of the chest 15–20 3–5
Dumbbell flyes 15 4
Cool down/stretch
Saturday (press)
"Book" 20–25 3–5
Regular crunches 20–25 3–5
Leg raise 20–25 3–5
"Bike" 25–30 3
Sunday (rest)

When conducting training, do not forget the most important rules - regularity and correct execution of all exercises.

Today there are many ways to keep your body in toned, beautiful shape. And one of these ways is home workouts through basic physical exercises. Such trainings allow you, without spending a lot of time and money, to improve your health, lose weight, and regain sports uniform. The more intense the training, the stronger and more beautiful the body will become, and the character will be strengthened. Don't waste time, start studying right now.