
Safety message for athletics lessons. Safety precautions in athletics classes. Safety precautions in athletics lessons. Physical education lessons at school


    General safety requirements

Athletics classes are held in sports facilities equipped for this purpose.
playgrounds and in the gym.

Students are allowed to take classes:

    classified for health reasons as basic and preparatory medical

    have undergone safety training;

    having sports shoes and a shape that does not restrict movement and is appropriate
    topic and conditions for conducting classes. Shoes must have soles that exclude
    slip, fit tightly to the leg and do not impede blood circulation. In strong winds,
    clothing must be suitable for low temperatures and high humidity
    weather conditions.

The student must:

    treat sports equipment and equipment with care, do not use it
    by appointment;

    do not leave sports equipment for jumping and throwing unattended, including
    equipment that is not currently used in the lesson;

    be careful when moving around the stadium;

    know and follow these instructions.

For failure to comply with security measures, a student may not be admitted or removed from
participation in educational process.

    Safety requirements before starting classes
    The student must:

    change clothes in the locker room, put it on yourself sports uniform and shoes;

    remove items that pose a danger to others (watches,

n dangling earrings, etc.); ... .,

    remove sharp and other foreign objects from the pockets of the sports uniform;

    under the guidance of the teacher, prepare the inventory and equipment necessary for
    conducting classes;

    remove equipment that will not be used during class in a safe place;

    under the guidance of the teacher, carry the equipment necessary for conducting classes
    to the place of classes in special devices;

    do not carry shovels and rakes with their tips and teeth up to the work site;

    by order of the teacher, remove foreign objects from the treadmill, pit
    jumping, etc.;

    at the teacher’s command, stand in line for a general formation.

    Safety requirements during RUN classes

The student must:

    at a group start on short distances run along your own path;

    while running, look at your path;

    after performing running exercises, run 5-15 m by inertia so that the person running behind has the opportunity to complete the exercise;

    return to the start along the outer path, when starting at a distance, do not put down steps, do not hold up your opponents with your hands;

    in the race long distances overtake those running with right side;

    when running cross-country, complete the task along the track or route designated by the teacher;

    perform a warm-up run on the outermost track. ’


The jumping pit must be filled with sand to a depth of 20-40 cm. Before jumping, it is necessary to thoroughly loosen the sand in the jumping pit, remove rakes, shovels and other foreign objects from it.

The jumping technique must be consistent with the curriculum and ensure that the student lands on his feet.

The student must:

    place the rake with its teeth down;

    do not perform jumps on uneven and slippery ground;

    perform jumps when the teacher allows and there is no one in the pit;

    perform jumps one at a time, do not cross the runway while another student is performing an attempt;

    after completing the jump, quickly release the jumping hole and return to their place for the next attempt on the right or left side of the runway. Throwing

You need to be careful when practicing throwing.

The student must:

    before throwing, make sure that there is no one in the direction of the throw;

    release the projectile in a manner that prevents failure;

    during group throwing, stand on the left side of the student performing the exercise;

    in wet weather, wipe your hands and equipment dry;

    when near the throwing area, make sure that the throwing throw is in your field of vision, do not turn your back to it, and do not cross the throwing area by running or jumping;

    after throwing, go for the projectile only with the permission of the teacher, do not

voluntary throwing; -.1

    when throwing at a target, provide a safety zone when the projectile bounces off the ground.

Do not pass the projectile to each other by throwing. Do not throw the projectile in places not equipped for this purpose.

    Safety requirements in case of accidents and emergency situations The student must:

    If you are injured or feel unwell, stop classes and notify your physical education teacher;

    with the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance;

    If a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop the lesson, in an orderly manner, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of the lesson through emergency exits

according to the evacuation plan;

    by order of the teacher, notify the administration of the educational institution and report the fire to the fire department.

    Safety requirements after classes The student must:

    under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas;

    leave the location of the lesson in an orderly manner;

    change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes;

wash your hands with soap.

1. General safety requirements 1. Students must wear sportswear and shoes that do not restrict movement and are appropriate to the topic and conditions of the classes. 2. The student must treat sports with care. inventory and equipment, do not use it for other purposes. 3. During classes, students must comply with the procedure for conducting training sessions and the rules of personal hygiene.

6. Running The student must: 1. During a group start for short distances, run along his own track. 2. While running, look at your path. 3. Return to the start along the outermost path; do not use steps when starting the race. 4. In long-distance running, overtake those running on the right side. 5. Do a warm-up run on the outermost track

13. Throwing The student must: 1. Before throwing, make sure that no one is in the direction of the throw. 2. Release the projectile in a way that prevents failure. 3. When throwing in a group, stand on the left side of the thrower. 4. In wet weather, wipe your hands and equipment dry. 5. After throwing, go for the projectile only with the permission of the teacher, do not throw voluntarily.

16. Safety requirements in emergency situations: 1. The student must: If he or she feels unwell, stop classes and notify the physical education teacher. 2. With the help of the teacher, provide first aid to the injured person, if necessary, take him to the hospital or call an ambulance. 3. If a fire occurs in the gym, immediately stop classes and, under the guidance of the teacher, leave the place of classes through the emergency exit according to the evacuation plan.

17. Safety requirements at the end of classes:. The student must: 1. Under the guidance of the teacher, remove sports equipment to its storage areas. Leave the training venue in an orderly manner. 3. Change clothes in the locker room, take off your tracksuit and sports shoes. 4. Wash your hands with soap


for students

on compliance with safety measures in lessons/classes

in athletics.

1. General requirements

1.1. Possible exposure of students to hazardous factors during lessons/practices in athletics:

  • use of faulty sports equipment and equipment;
  • falling on a slippery floor, ground or platform;
  • finding foreign objects on the treadmill and in the jumping sector;
  • being in the throwing zone during throwing lessons.

1.2. During the lesson/session physical culture comply with fire safety rules, know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment and the evacuation plan.

1.3. Follow the rules of conduct during athletics lessons/practices. sports grounds, stadium and gym.

1.4. Follow the order of performing exercises during lessons/athletics classes.

1.5. In the event of an accident, the victim or eyewitness to the accident is obliged to immediately report the incident to the teacher (teacher, educator), who informs the administration of the institution about it.

2. Requirements for compliance with safety measures before starting classes.

2.1. Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles.

2.2. Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions about the order, sequence and safety measures when performing physical exercise.

3. Requirements for compliance with safety measures during classes.

3.1. During a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane.

3.2. To avoid injury, avoid stopping abruptly.

3.3. Do not perform jumps on uneven, loose or slippery ground, and do not land on your hands when jumping.

3.4. Do not perform jumps with the jump sector closed.

3.5. Before performing throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector.

3.5. Do not throw without the permission of the teacher, do not leave sports equipment unattended.

3.6. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not go for throwing equipment without the permission of the teacher.

3.7. Do not throw the projectile to each other.

3.8. Do not be in the area where jumping, running and throwing activities are taking place.

3.9. Before throwing in wet weather, wipe the projectiles dry.

4. Requirements for compliance with safety measures in emergency situations.

4.1. In the event of emergencies of a natural, man-made or social nature, immediately stop classes and strictly follow the teacher’s commands to evacuate.

5. Requirements for compliance with safety measures at the end of classes.

5.1. Report bad health to the teacher at the end of the physical education lesson/session.

5.2. Place sports equipment in a designated storage area.

5.3. Maintain discipline in the gym locker room.




To classes athletics allowed:

    students in grades 1 - 11 who do not have medical contraindications for athletics;

    have undergone safety training;

    familiar with the instructions for performing athletics exercises;

    dressed in sportswear and shoes appropriate for the type of athletics exercise being performed.

At light activities In athletics, students are required to comply with the Student Code of Conduct. The athletics schedule is determined by the calendar approved by the school director.

Dangerous factors during athletics are:

    physical (sport equipment and inventory;

    ventilation system; dynamic overloads; projectiles); chemical


When studying in the hall, students are required to follow fire safety rules and know the location of primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Students should be able to provide first aid, and when studying in the hall, know the location of the first aid kit.

The victim or eyewitness must immediately report each accident to the employee conducting athletics classes.

Students are prohibited from approaching or using athletic equipment without the permission of an athletics official.

Students who fail to comply with or violate these Instructions are held accountable in accordance with the Regulations on Rewards and Penalties for Students.


Wear a tracksuit and sports shoes with non-slip soles (when exercising in the gym, they do not leave marks on the floor).

Make sure that gymnastic mats are available and correctly positioned (their surface should be flat, there should be no gaps between the mats) in the high jump sector.

Make sure there is enough sand in the long jump sector, that it is sufficiently loose and evenly distributed.

It is forbidden to start exercising immediately after eating.

It is forbidden to start athletics with unhealed injuries or general malaise.


    During classes, the student must

    follow these instructions;

    when performing exercises in a stream (one after another), maintain sufficient intervals so that there are no collisions;

    during a group start for short distances, run only in your own lane;

    to avoid collisions, avoid sudden stops;

    before performing throwing exercises, make sure that there are no people in the throwing sector;

    use sports equipment and equipment only with the permission and under the guidance of the employee conducting the classes;

    perform only those types of athletics exercises that are indicated by the employee conducting the classes.

Students are prohibited from:

    perform exercises using faulty sports equipment;

    stand to the right of the thrower, be in the throwing zone, go for throwing equipment without the permission of the employee conducting athletics classes;

    throw a projectile to each other for throwing;

    throw without the permission of the employee conducting the classes;

    throw projectiles with wet palms;

    perform jumps on uneven, loose and slippery soil, and land on your hands when jumping;

    independently transition to performing another athletics exercise;

    perform any actions without the permission of the employee conducting the classes;

    use sports equipment and inventory for purposes other than their intended purpose;

    independently disassemble, assemble and repair sports equipment.


If during exercise you experience pain in the joints, muscles, redness of the skin and (or) abrasions on the legs, as well as if you feel unwell, stop the activity and inform the employee conducting the athletics classes.

If an emergency occurs (detecting a malfunction of sports equipment and (or) devices, the appearance of foreign odors, smoke, fire, etc.), immediately inform the employee conducting athletics classes and act in accordance with his instructions.

If you receive an injury, inform the worker conducting the classes.

If necessary and possible, help the worker conducting the classes provide first aid to the victim.


Hand over used equipment to the employee conducting athletics classes.

With the permission of the worker conducting the classes, go to the locker room.

Take a shower, change clothes, dry your hair with a hairdryer.

If a malfunction of sports equipment is detected, and when exercising in the gym, in addition, if a malfunction of the ventilation system, plumbing systems, or damage to the integrity of windows is detected, inform the employee conducting athletics classes about this.

Developer: _______________ __________________ ______________________________

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Agreed: _______________ _______________ ___________ ______________________

_______________ _______________ ___________ ______________________

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job title

Physical culture and sports are one of the means of comprehensive personal development, preparing people for work and social activities; harmonious development of the body; preparation for military service.
1. Physical education and sports…………3
2.Medical requirements for
3.Safety precautions before
4.Safety precautions
class time
4.1 Safety precautions: running…………...7
4.2 Safety precautions: jumping
and sports equipment……………….8
4.3 Safety precautions: throwing…….9
4.4 Safety precautions: swimming…..10
5.Safety precautions when
getting injured……………………....11
6. Safety precautions
end of classes………………………12
7. Conclusion……………………………..13


    The work contains 1 file

    Abstract on the discipline:

    “Physical culture” on the topic:

    Safety precautions during athletics

Performance assessment:

    1. Physical education and sports…………3

    2.Medical requirements for


    3.Safety precautions before


    4.Safety precautions

    class time

    4.1 Safety precautions: running…………...7

    4.2 Safety precautions: jumping

    and sports equipment……………….8

    4.3 Safety precautions: throwing…….9

    4.4 Safety precautions: swimming…..10

    5.Safety precautions when

    getting injured……………………....11

    6. Safety precautions

    end of classes………………………12

    7. Conclusion……………………………..13


1.Physical education and sports

Physical culture is a set of material and spiritual values, achievements of society related to the sphere of physical development, education and upbringing. Physical education is a purposeful process of influencing a person through special exercises and hygiene measures using natural factors; its goal is the formation of such knowledge, abilities, skills and motor qualities that contribute to the needs of society and the personal interests of each person.

Sport is one of the forms of physical culture. Features of sport - the desire for highest achievements, systematic training, specialization in certain types of physical exercises. Sport, as well as health-improving physical education, is used as one of the most important factors in the harmonious development of a person, that is, a combination of mental, moral and physical qualities to the extent that provides the opportunity to successfully study, work and be ready to defend the Motherland. Sports activities improve health and promote proper physical development and improvement of vital motor qualities– agility, strength, speed, coordination, endurance. Sport is a struggle with opponents. But the rules of sports ethics require that this fight be fair. And although deceptive techniques are used in sports - manifestations of rudeness, causing harm to an opponent is not allowed. On the contrary, the competitor who helps his opponent in a difficult situation and gives the necessary advice is considered worthy of universal respect.

Physical exercise is not only continuous work, physical and volitional effort, and tension. It is also a great pleasure: satisfaction of the need for movement, pleasant fatigue, beauty of the physique, self-confidence, joy of communication. Daily running, gymnastic exercises, various kinds of jumps, strength exercises, flexibility exercises are the main types of athletics.

      2.Medical requirements for athletics

Many mistakes are made when practicing athletics. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to follow the general safety rules when playing sports:

  1. Persons who have undergone a medical examination and instructions on labor protection are allowed to participate in athletics.
  2. Hazardous factors:
  • injuries from falling on slippery ground or hard surfaces;
  • injuries when being in the throwing zone during throwing lessons;
  • performing exercises without warming up.
  • When practicing athletics, there must be a first aid kit equipped with the necessary medications and dressings to provide first aid to victims.
  • After finishing athletics, each athlete must shower and wash their hands thoroughly with soap.
      • 3.Safety precautions before athletics

    Before starting training, an athlete who is confident in his abilities, in order to achieve record results, must follow the rules of preparation for competitions and participation in them:

    1. Before the competition, it is necessary to familiarize yourself with the stadium, track, sector, equipment, and equipment in advance and in detail. Rehearse your warm-up at the designated place in advance, and walk from here to the start site in the same way as on the day of the competition. Thus, you will insure yourself against being late for registration before the start and from unnecessary anxiety;
    2. After warming up, mark the length of the takeoff run, test the apparatus, make trial attempts and finally prepare for the start;
    3. Warm up in a training suit and sports shoes with non-slip soles. Clothes should be warm, but porous enough to prevent overheating of the body.
    4. Shoes should be soft, have little thermal conductivity, fit the foot well, but at the same time be quite spacious. There should be no long breaks between workouts, that is easy workout

        better than passive rest.

        4.Safety during classes

    4.1 Safety precautions: running

    1. When running outdoors, the following safety rules are observed:
    2. The student is obliged to carefully follow the coach’s commands and strictly carry them out;
    3. You can run in a circle only in one direction - counterclockwise;
    4. In a group start for short distances, you need to run only in your own lane. The track must continue for at least 15 meters beyond the finish mark;

        To avoid collisions, avoid stopping suddenly.

    4.2 Safety precautions: jumping and sports equipment

    1. When practicing jumping outdoors and practicing on sports equipment, the following safety rules are observed:
    2. Do not perform jumps on uneven, loose and slippery ground, do not land on your hands when jumping;
    3. When doing long jumps, before you start the run-up, you should make sure that the landing hole is clear;
    4. When jumping high, you must follow the run-up order on the right and left sides;
    5. If you discover a malfunction of the apparatus, you must immediately stop the exercise.

        4.3 Safety precautions: throwing

    During outdoor activities (throwing), the following safety rules are observed:

    1. Before performing throwing exercises, see if there are people in the throwing sector;
    2. Do not throw without the permission of the coach, do not leave sports equipment unattended;
    3. Do not stand to the right of the thrower, do not be in the throwing zone, do not go for equipment without the permission of the coach;
    4. Do not throw the projectile to each other;
    5. Throwing towards each other is strictly prohibited.

        4.4 Safety precautions: swimming

    The following safety rules are observed during swimming lessons:

    1. Classes in closed swimming pools are carried out in accordance with the rules of operation of these structures;
    2. When organizing classes on natural reservoirs, it is necessary to correctly select and equip the place for training: find the permitted depth, take into account the speed of the current and the temperature of the water;
    3. During swimming lessons, you need to enter and exit the water only at the command of the coach or with his permission;
    4. It is prohibited to swim outside the training area or create a false alarm;
    5. In an open body of water, all exercises are performed only towards the shore or shallow place.

        5.Safety precautions in case of injury

    1. If you feel unwell, stop training and inform the trainer;
    2. If the injury is severe, apply a cloth moistened with water and then a pressure bandage;
    3. If a joint is bruised, limit its mobility when bandaging;
    4. In case of a closed fracture or suspicion of one, ensure immobility of the limb and immediately send the victim to a doctor;
    5. If you receive an injury, you should immediately provide first aid to the victim, inform the administration of the institution and the victim’s parents about this, and, if necessary, send him to the nearest medical facility.

        6. Safety precautions after classes

    At the end of athletics, the following safety rules are followed:

    1. Place sports equipment in a designated storage area;
    2. Take off your tracksuit and sports shoes;
    3. Take a shower or wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

    7. Conclusion

    Athletics gives health, joy of movement, muscle strength, endurance to the body, fosters hard work, courage and the will to win. Athletics is especially accessible to those who, since childhood, have run and jumped a lot, spent whole days in the forest, thrown stones on the river bank...

    A modern athlete knows his type of athletics, is well versed in movement techniques and tactics, knows thoroughly how to train and behave in classes and competitions, knows how to assess the state of his body, and much more.

    Besides sports training does not tolerate dogma. Even the most best system training should be applied taking into account individual characteristics, with constant adjustment of the training program, according to the changing capabilities of the body.

    The athlete is constantly learning and has extensive knowledge. First of all, he needs to know general provisions theories and methods of athletics that will help you properly build your training and successfully improve your sportsmanship.