For beginners

Bodybuilding or powerlifting: the difference between strength sports. Bodybuilding or Powerlifting. What to choose

There has long been debate among bodybuilders as to which is better:bodybuilding or . In fact, it is wrong to contrast these essentially related sports, because they serve the same purpose - they help strengthen the body and temper the spirit. So, let's figure out what's importantdifference between bodybuilding and...

Bodybuilding or powerlifting: which is better?

Body-building (translated from English as “building the body”) is undoubtedly much better known. This happened largely thanks to the Western film industry. Brutal and perfectly tailored guys who pump up their muscles are also called bodybuilders. They do not leave the pages of glossy magazines, and one stainless “Terminator” even had a chance to be the governor of California. You can sneer as much as you like about the popularity of this sport, but the goals pursuedbodybuilders simple and worthy of respect. Everyone wants to have a beautiful and harmoniously developed body in order to stand out from the gray mass. But it’s one thing to want, and another to achieve. To perform well in competitions, you have to work hard for months and even years.

Pros of powerlifting

Powerlifting (English: “weight lifting”) is significantly inferior in entertainment to bodybuilding. But here the athletes do not aim to show themselves “in all their glory”, but demonstrate real power in the classical powerlifting: squat, bench press and deadlift.

Let's name the main thingdifference these disciplines:bodybuilders compete in the beauty of the body, andpowerlifters - in force. The paths taken by both athletes to achieve their goals are in many ways similar, but have a number of significant differences.

1. First of all, they are differentstrength training program. For powerlifters, it is enough to train 2 days a week for 2 hours. At the same time, they usually perform 3-4 exercises in 3 approaches. Bodybuilders need to work on their body much more intensely. As a rule, such training takes 3-5 days a week, 2-3 hours each. In this case, athletes do 8-10 exercises in 3-5 approaches.

2. In powerlifting, almost all muscle groups are worked out, as trainees strive to increase their strength indicators. Adherents of bodybuilding act selectively, paying attention to the “lagging” areas of the body, and simply maintain the remaining muscles in order. Although at the initial stages everyone has to work hard to develop the necessary “base”.

3. Both eat the same, the only difference is that the daily diet of bodybuilders is more balanced. Powerlifters, most often, are not inclined to count calories, so they simply eat healthy foods high in protein.

4. The so-called “drying” (burning of excess subcutaneous fat) to whcihbodybuilders regularly resort before competitions,powerlifters is not needed at all, since it only worsens their strength indicators. When it comes to bodybuilding or powerlifting, lifters are luckier because these guys don’t need to constantly dry out.

Summing up

Of course, there is a certain competition between representatives of these sports, but it looks more like a friendly squabble. Bodybuilders are usually accused of being too “narcissistic.” They, in turn, advise not to envy, but rather to work on yourself. In reality, there is no hard boundary between these disciplines. Therefore the transitionpowerlifters Vbody-building and vice versa is quite common.

It doesn't matter what is most important to you: bodybuilding or powerlifting. It is important that this activity will make you strong and healthy.

Two camps - bodybuilding or powerlifting?
For all their apparent similarity, there are two different camps of people who profess weightlifting. These are bodybuilders and powerlifters. Both use weight training, go to the same gyms side by side, but at the same time they are very, very different. And this difference stems from a different worldview, and you have to decide - who are you - a future bodybuilder or a powerlifter?
Bodybuilder: As the name suggests, this is a person who brings his body to the aesthetic appearance he needs, compensating with bodybuilding for what nature did not endow him with. This is similar to the task of earning millions of dollars, if by the will of fate you were not born into a rich heir who already has everything.
Powerlifter: This is a person whose task and goal is to become as strong as possible. Lift, pull and squat - take everything with the maximum possible weight.

Bodybuilding powerlifting differences

Let's briefly compare these units:

1. Body beauty: The bodybuilder definitely and unconditionally wins here. This is exactly the goal of bodybuilding, appearance for a powerlifter it makes no difference. For a powerlifter, the main thing is STRENGTH. And this means the maximum possible muscle volume, the gain of which - as you already know - is not possible without the gain of adipose tissue. This means that the relief of a bodybuilder is unattainable for a powerlifter. But if you compare it by strength (2), then the powerlifter definitely takes the lead here.
3. Time spent on training. A bodybuilder's training time should not exceed 45 minutes, a maximum of an hour. The time between approaches is no more than 1.5 - 3 minutes, while one powerlifter's workout can last three hours with ten to fifteen minute rests between approaches.
4. Nutritional requirements. This is the main reason why so many men become powerlifters and not bodybuilders. Powerlifter works on everything - they even say Guinness with crackers or McDonald's. Bodybuilder nutrition is, as I said, 75% of success. A bodybuilder is the finest tuning, which requires either a mental deviation in order for the masochist to remain on willpower 24 hours, 365 days a year, or the aerobatics of logging out of the system and completely controlling one’s desires.

Who you become is definitely up to you. Becoming strong and huge without bothering with appearance is very masculine and if you can get carried away with it, I will be glad.
But I write a blog for those who START A NEW LIFE ON MONDAY. This means for those who need departure from their usual lifestyle and bad habits. Bad habits are harmful, but let's not be hypocritical - they bring people pleasure, and you know that I forbid DENYING yourself pleasure. Pleasure must be replaced - and that is why I recommend choosing bodybuilding. The result of this discipline is a social advantage - there are very, very few people with beautiful athletic bodies. Having this is a thrill of social privilege that will help you start a new life on Monday and replace your old lifestyle.
So in my video blog I talk exclusively about bodybuilding. In bodybuilder training, significantly more exercise, shorter breaks between sets, greater range of motion and repetitions. Well, of course “ bodybuilding or powerlifting video", attached :)

Concepts such as powerlifting, fitness and bodybuilding are familiar even to those who have nothing to do with sports. But not everyone can accurately characterize these concepts.

To achieve any goals in physical health, it is worth finding out what the features and characteristic features of each of the disciplines are. Knowing this, you can create the most optimal training schedule. Yes and for general development It will be useful to know this information.

Let's figure out what fitness is .

Everyone in school years, during physical education classes, performed a series of simple exercises designed to strengthen the growing body. So, fitness, in general, also has meaning, but includes a wider range of activities. In most cases, fitness is associated with aerobics or gym, which is not entirely true. This discipline includes any regular active physical activity, which helps to heal the body, strengthen and maintain tone. That is, swimming, cycling and even morning exercises may be considered discipline.

Since it has been fashionable lately to lead healthy image life, the popularity of fitness is increasing every day. A lot of directions have appeared, but the priorities are the same for everyone. The main place is occupied by health, the beauty of the body is no less important, as well as the presence of a competitive element.

The main areas of fitness are physical and general. The latter implies a harmonious relationship between soul and body. More precisely - correct mode, healthy eating and sleep, yoga and meditation.

Fitness has five main objectives:

  • increasing and maintaining flexibility and plasticity of the whole body (Pilates),
  • endurance, which is promoted by aerobics,
  • increase in muscle strength (pump),
  • maintaining a balance between fatty tissues and muscles (callanetics),
  • strengthening the health of the cardiovascular system.

Most of those who are interested in fitness are women, not only young ones, but also older ones.

Bodybuilding is a more serious discipline.

The name itself speaks about the goal of the classes - building a beautiful body. More accurately, bodybuilding can be described as a conversation with your body, painstaking work on every detail.

The effectiveness of exercise depends not only on the quality of the muscles available, but also on perseverance and literacy. For every bodybuilder, the beauty of the body is a priority, but health and sports interest are also equally important.

The main principle of training is a heavy load and a lot of time for training. But in order to start working on the details, a first stage is necessary, during which the base is actively developed using strength exercises. Classes are held about three times a week, during which multi-joint exercises are performed. You need to do two to four sets of 8-10 repetitions.

But the second stage already involves refining every centimeter of muscle. Work on it takes place five to seven days a week. For each muscle group, up to five exercises are selected, which are performed in 3-4 steps up to 12 repetitions.

Nutrition occupies a special place during bodybuilding. The amount of calories and microelements consumed should be sufficient and complete. To obtain greater effect, you can use sports nutrition, which is available in the form of powders and mixtures.

Additionally, adherents of this discipline are engaged in strengthening the cardiovascular system, the so-called drying, procedures in the solarium.

Powerlifting is the toughest discipline

If you literally translate the name, you get “strength” and “raise.” The main task here is to maximize the possible increase in strength and traction. The main exercises are basic. Free weights are used and every muscle possible is used. Exercises like deadlift, bench press and squats with it are exactly what suits best. Because of the use of these three exercises, powerlifting is often called triathlon.

During the competition, athletes - “lifters” are given marks for each completed task, after which they are summed up. The participants' results are then compared. A high score and low weight will determine the winner.

You can only meet a powerlifter who does this professionally at competitions; they are not available in regular gyms. This is due to the fact that there is no element of competition in the hall, which means there is no interest in such a place.

As has already become clear, the first place is always the opportunity to prove your superiority in strength. Then comes the health and beauty of the body.

The exercises of a powerlifter have significant differences from the disciplines already discussed. All the work consists of practicing three exercises and repeating them endlessly. They do not use other exercises. As a rule, exercises are repeated no more than three times, often just one approach. But this approach is performed with the maximum allowable weight and surrounded by a larger number of belayers.

In order for the results to be impressive, the athlete must concentrate as much as possible while performing the exercise, since the risk of injury is very high, and this can lead to abandonment of training. for a long time. Rest also takes longer, in some cases up to ten minutes.

There are no difficulties in the process of nutrition during powerlifting. The main thing is that the body fully receives all the necessary carbohydrates, fats and protein. Preference is given to high-calorie foods that can meet the body's needs. At the same time, there is no need to maintain or achieve relief, or dry the body.

Now it has become extremely clear what fitness, bodybuilding and powerlifting are and what differences they have among themselves.

What to choose - bodybuilding, fitness or powerlifting?

When choosing the most suitable way to build a beautiful and healthy body, you should first of all be guided by the tasks you have set for yourself. Among them, the most common desire is to lose weight and get into proper shape. physical state body, increase the level muscle tone, and also get energy and strength in the right amount. In addition, the desire to become more resilient, powerful and the desire to improve muscles that are somewhat lagging behind may give you the idea of ​​​​starting classes.

For other beginning athletes, the incentive is the desire to build a beautiful relief body, attracting the glances and admiration of the opposite sex.

Having clearly defined your aspirations, it will become clear which discipline will allow you to get maximum result and efficient to use.

In general, there is no need to become a professional athlete in your chosen field. Not everyone can endure heavy loads and a tough regime, even if the goals set are very desirable. For supporting physical health Moderate but regular work on yourself will be enough. Then, if everything goes well, you can think about professional activity.

For most of the fair sex, fitness classes would be the best option. For men, bodybuilding classes in the gym are suitable. But no one forbids you to try your hand at other disciplines.

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Today we will talk about what is best to choose for training for a beginner who has decided to take up sports. Bodybuilding or powerlifting? After all, if bodybuilding is popular and almost everyone knows it, then not every beginner knows what powerlifting is, its main advantages and disadvantages, and perhaps has not even heard of it. Therefore, we will try to tell you about this in as much detail as possible.

What is Powerlifting?

Powerlifting(English powerlifting; power - “strength” + lift - “to lift”) is a sport that is aimed at the strength of the athlete, in which you need to lift the weight as heavy as possible for him. In powerlifting, it is strength that is important, not the volume of your muscles or the beauty of the athlete’s body.

Eventing is also called powerlifting. And all because demonstration performances include only three basic exercises:
  • Deadlift
  • Barbell Squat
  • Bench press

These exercises are the definition of an athlete's qualifications.

These exercises should also be mandatory in bodybuilding, since they are “basic”. They are also called the “holy three.” It is these three exercises that a beginning athlete should start with. Especially if his main goal is to gain weight through muscle. Because “basic” exercises make a lot of muscles work. What is not possible in other exercises. It is also worth noting that these exercises develop physical strength very well.

How do different types of strength sports differ?

Probably the most important thing in how powerlifting differs from bodybuilding is that in powerlifting the main thing is not the beauty of your muscles and ideal proportions, but rather strength indicators, the more the better.

Origins of powerlifting

Ancient times

Strength exercises, as this sport was called in daytime, even before our era, although it was not as popular as in the Middle Ages, it also had its place. Written manuscripts, drawings and mosaics prove that the men of Egypt, Greece and China have already shown their strength. And therefore, ancient times can be considered the starting point of powerlifting.

The men who were conscripted into the army during the Chinese dynasty demonstrated their strength. There is a lot of evidence that has survived to this day about what strength achievements were achieved in those days.

For example, the Greek Theagenes carried a statue made of bronze a long distance at the age of 9 years. The famous strongman of Greece was Milo. He lifted a four-year-old bull onto his shoulders and walked around the entire Olympia stadium. Milon's strength of growth along with the bull himself. In Olympia a stone was found in which it was carved that Bibon lifted this stone with one hand, its weight was approximately 143 kg

Powerlifting in the Middle Ages

The first athlete was Louis Sira, he also became the most famous strongman of the 19th century when, at the age of 23, he defeated the forty-year-old American Richard Pennell and began performing the bench press. The record result for him was 150 kg in the bench press, in the deadlift - 860 kg, he lifted the weight - 1950 kg - this result is still considered the greatest in our time.

Thomas Topham (1741), made the first achievement for England, he was able to lift 3 barrels using straps that were thrown over his shoulders. The weight of these barrels reached 815 kg. Most strength achievements appeared in the 19th century.

In 1903, Jimen Low, using a special device, was able to lift 453.6 kg 1006 times on his back, and all this in 34 minutes and 35 seconds. But this result was surpassed by Lou Travis in 1907, he lifted the same weight 1000 times in 9 minutes.

Eugene Sandow is considered the first to found bodybuilding. It was he who made a great contribution to perfection strength training in those days, and was the first to make the statement that it was necessary to increase the weight of the shells and the number of their repetitions gradually.

Modern powerlifting

The formation of triathlon in the form in which we see it now began in the late 50s. And by the mid-60s, the first rules of participation were written, and world championships began to be held.

In the USA, powerlifting was developed most strongly, since it is its homeland. As for powerlifting in Russia, it was officially recognized in 1987. In 1990, the USSR Powerlifting Federation was created, which was a member of the IPF


In powerlifting, you need to do exercises that develop your strength. In competitive powerlifting, it's not your body that matters, it's your strength that matters. In a bodybuilding competition, you don't do any exercises, just pose with your body.

As for the exercises themselves, it is worth noting that powerlifting, like bodybuilding, has something in common - this basic exercises:

  • Bench press
  • Deadlift
  • Squat

This three should be in training program every athlete. It is these exercises that contribute to the development of strength and mass.

How are bodybuilding exercises different from powerlifting?

As for exercises for a bodybuilder, there can be a lot of them, this does not mean that you need to do everything in a row. 4-6 exercises per workout will be enough.

Why does a bodybuilder perform more exercises than a powerlifter? Because it is important for him to work out every muscle of his body, give it a beautiful shape, and relief to his body. This does not mean at all that the “lifter” cannot do other exercises besides the “base”. Everyone determines for themselves what they need.

Training programs are selected by the athletes themselves, and if you work with a coach, he will do it for you. When you come to the gym, you can often observe how beginners make mistakes in their training programs and simply do whatever they want, without thinking about it themselves, and especially about the harm to their health from incorrect training and technique. Therefore, if you yourself are not confident in your program, or are just starting out, ask knowledgeable people to help you.

Rest time and quantity repetitions

Bodybuilding, unlike powerlifting, as mentioned earlier, is aimed at developing the human body. Rest for a bodybuilder should be within 8 hours of sleep. Because it is during sleep that muscles grow. Some professional bodybuilders also take time to nap during the day, which further stimulates muscle growth. As for rest between workouts, this is 2-3 days - at 2x afternoon workout, and 1 – 2 days when training 2 – 3 times a week.

For a bodybuilder, the optimal rest time between sets is 1 – 3 minutes., preferably no more than 3 minutes. It depends on the muscle you are training and the number of repetitions. For example, if you do squats for 12–20 repetitions, then you need 3–4 minutes of rest to restore your pulse and breathing.

As for repetitions, in bodybuilding it is usually 6 – 12.

For a powerlifter, number of approaches 3 – 10, some studies have shown that the optimal amount is 3 sets of 6 reps to build strength.

How long do you rest between sets in strength sports?

If you need stamina, then the rest time between approaches in strength sports is usually 20 – 60 seconds.

It takes 1-3 minutes to develop muscles s. It is worth considering that the greater the intensity of the workout, the more you need to lean towards 3 minutes of rest, and vice versa

If you need strength – 2 – 5 minutes. Also, the greater the intensity of the exercises performed, the greater the rest should be.

The essence and differences of bodybuilding:

Repetitions : 6 – 12

Muscles trained : few, no more than 2, 3

Rest between sets : 1 – 3 minutes

Break between workouts : 2/3 days = 48/72 hours

Training volume : high

The essence and differences of powerlifting:

Repetitions : 1 – 6

Muscles trained : a lot, 3 – 4, and sometimes the whole body

Rest between sets : 2 – 5 minutes

Break between workouts : 1/2 day = 24/48 hours

Training volume : average

From all of the above, we can conclude that bodybuilding and powerlifting are not particularly different from each other. These two sports can also be used simultaneously. For example, famous and world-famous athletes did this: Arnold Schwarzenegger, Ronnie Coleman, Franco Colombo.

But it’s better to determine in advance what you like best. Superhuman strength or big muscles And beautiful body, and only then choose the sport that suits you best, then your results will be better.

Some people want to add weight to their body through muscles, while others want to be strong. The choice is yours. And don’t forget that all exercises, regardless of whether it’s powerlifting or bodybuilding, should be done with perfectly honed technique to prevent injury, which is especially true for novice athletes

So the correct answer to which sport is better, powerlifting or bodybuilding, can be given a clear answer - it will depend on your personal preferences and goals. If you have a beautiful body and muscle definition, then engage in bodybuilding, and if you don’t care whether your muscles are visible, and you are not afraid to gain a couple of dozen extra kilograms of subcutaneous fat, and your main goal is to lift very heavy weights, then your sport is definitely powerlifting.

Well, with this I finish this article, and I also advise you to familiarize yourself with, about bodybuilding, and our example for guys and. Although, of course, if you have the opportunity, it is best to create an individual program with a specialist.

Hello! Now you can find tons of information on how to dial muscle mass. Some training schemes are more effective, some are less effective. The training system of “The Rock”, Vin Diesel, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike Mentzer and others. Everyone has their own training principles. Who to believe? How to understand different techniques? How is bodybuilding different from powerlifting? I will consider these and many questions in this article.

I'm a little scared by people who always try to prove to everyone that their scheme works. Arguing with people who believe that they have known the truth and are not looking for it is simply useless!

A true specialist is always on the lookout the best ways and his mind is always open to new information that opens up completely new horizons. After all, the mind was given to us specifically in order to analyze everything that happens around us.

Someone might say: “Dude, look at Arnold and you’ll immediately understand everything!” I would not say this so confidently, because... What many don't know is that the monstrous high-volume training that Arnie trained in will simply kill many. The fact is that Arnold, from childhood, as soon as he started going to the gym, used steroids (mostly oral, like methandronstenolone). This is what, in many ways, helped him progress so much and smooth out the corners of his far from imperfect training schemes.

I say this not to downplay his work. Arnold is the greatest athlete with incredible tenacity! I say this only to show that everything in the world is changing, including the principles of the training process.

What is the “trick” of large muscles?

In this article I have to show the essence of those things that most beginner bodybuilders do not understand.

As I said above, everyone who works out in the gym faces the question: “How to train?” How many repetitions to do , to build up big muscles, etc.

First, it’s worth understanding what “big muscles” actually are.

Our muscles are not homogeneous. Those. consist of various structures, most of which can increase, BUT each of these structures grows and increases under various types impact on her. Some give greater muscle volume, some more modest.

The largest muscle volume is given by:

  • MYOFIBRILLS(“muscle threads”, fibers).
  • SARCOPLASMA(glycogen, mitochondria, etc.).

Myofibrils are also divided into several types:

  • High threshold fast muscle fibers(WBMW).
  • Fast-twitch muscle fibers (FMTs).
  • Slow-twitch muscle fibers (SMF).

Each type of myofibrils is designed and grows from different loads, with different types glycolysis (anaerobic, aerobic), etc.

Fast muscle fibers are designed to perform high-volume work, so they are of greatest interest to bodybuilders.

High threshold fast muscle fibers designed to overcome a very high load, but in a small number of repetitions, i.e. just for the load that powerlifters and weightlifters overcome.

A slow twitch muscle fibers are needed to overcome low-intensity loads, but over a very long time. For example, for running long distances etc.

How to build big muscles?

Obviously, in order to pump up large muscles you need to train:

Fast twitch muscle fibers + sarcoplasm (energy tanks)

Those. you will hypertrophy your myofibrils and increase the volume of energy tanks (sarcoplasm).

Your larger myofibrils (muscle fibers) will give you strength, and your larger volume of sarcoplasm will give you the energy to work your muscles for long periods of time. In short, you will be able to perform high-volume strength work.

In this regard, you gain an advantage over powerlifters, because... you can not only show strength, but also demonstrate it for a long time and with minimal rest.

What is the difference between bodybuilding and powerlifting?

You need to clearly understand that in order to pump up large muscles beautiful shape you have to train in one way, but in order to lift or push the maximum weight one time, in a completely different way.

Many strange guys I call , they often say that BIG MUSCLES DO NOT WORK, or that it is not natural, or that the larger the cabinet, the louder it falls, etc. This is pure nonsense.

MUSCLE VOLUME IS NEVER USELESS! You need to remember this. Understand that if your body decided to grow large “cans” for itself, then there were VERY GOOD reasons for this! The body will never do anything that is not beneficial for it!

If we now plunge into the world in which our ancestors lived, then from the point of view of “usefulness,” what skill did our distant grandparents need more?

One primitive man found a very large stone and lifted it once to surprise his fellow tribesmen.

And the second Cro-Magnon man, who found many stones of moderate weight and size and dragged them around to build himself a shelter.

Which has more valuable skills from an evolutionary point of view? I think the answer is clear.

Large muscles are an indicator that a person is able not only to lift weights, but also to do it for a long time and intensively. This is why girls like muscular guys. Because this is an indicator that a male (male) can WORK hard, long and intensely.

Another example. Let's say a primitive man killed alone (which is unlikely) a large boar and is going to drag it to his shelter to skin it.

So he makes a jerk and rests for 3-5 minutes, then another jerk. But another primitive man in the same situation made 6-12 jerks, rested for a minute and again 6-12 jerks. Who will feed the hungry lady in his cave faster? Obviously the second ancestor. And which of these two Cro-Magnons is the lady most likely to give?

Now we should more or less get to the core of bodybuilding. Our goal is to make our muscles bigger: activate and exhaust our muscles with heavy, intense strength training.

This is what will lead to hypertrophy of our myofibrils and sarcoplasmic elements.

Now it's time to look specifically at the essence of training a bodybuilder to achieve maximum muscle volumes and powerlifter to achieve maximum strength indicators.

The essence of a bodybuilder's training

Purpose of the training: Activation and exhaustion of muscles by forceful, intense exercise.

Number of repetitions: 6-12.

Muscle failure: should occur within 10-30 seconds.

Rest between sets: 45-120 seconds.

Rest between workouts: 48-72 hours.

2-3 in split.

Training volume: Large (many approaches in a short period of time).

The essence of powerlifter training

Purpose of the training: Activating as many muscles as possible at the same time to lift as much weight as possible.

Number of repetitions: 1-5.

Muscle failure: occurs earlier than in the range of 10-30 seconds.

Rest between sets: Long 3-5 minutes.

Rest between workouts: Short 24-48 hours.

Muscle groups involved in training: many 3-4, and possibly all groups.

Training volume: Average.

To learn how to perform long and intensively hard work, you need to “sharpen” your body for quite a long time. This is not a matter of one month, but often even a year.

The fitter athlete you become, the more you can accomplish in training. The more load you can bear.

Pay attention to the training of bodybuilding champions: crazy load, set after set, very little rest, they’re just like the real thing. . The muscles feel like they are about to explode, but they continue to generate force and contract. This is simply incredible.

The proof that you can do a large amount of work is provided by your large muscles, which become larger and larger, thus showing us their adaptation to such loads.

I think that this article not only explains how bodybuilding differs from powerlifting, but also reveals the very essence of bodybuilding.

The purpose of this article, friends, was not to pull you to one side or the other, but to explain to you one simple thing: you must clearly understand what muscle quality you want to develop, because You cannot run in different directions at the same time and get an outstanding result.

The main thing is that what you do brings you true pleasure.

I hope you found this material useful.

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With respect and best wishes,!