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Sports nutrition for weight gain. How to gain weight for a skinny guy Sports nutrition to gain weight

The problem of underweight is relevant, as are the issues of losing weight, and most importantly, not only men, but also females strive to gain weight. No matter how absurd this idea may seem, it affects a huge part of the population, and as nutritionists say, losing weight is sometimes easier than gaining a couple of kilograms. Everyone has heard about a lot of diets and nutritional options that help you lose weight quickly and effectively, but not everyone understands how to gain weight so that it looks beautiful and harmonious. There are many nutrition plans and rules that will help you gain those treasured kilograms.

Causes of thinness or why people cannot gain weight

We often meet thin people who don’t know the word “diet”, eat large portions, overindulge in sweets, and look as if no one is feeding them. There can be many reasons that prevent you from gaining the desired weight, and simple guesses or Internet monitoring are not enough to determine. If you have been struggling with the problem of being underweight for a long time, you should contact a specialist who will help you choose the right treatment plan and the necessary medications to gain weight.

To start therapy and achieve stunning results, you need to eradicate the patient’s main problem, cure the ailment that hinders you on the path to health, good mood, beautiful figure. Often teenagers whose bodies are going through puberty suffer from weight problems. Below is a large number of various tips, rules, proper nutrition diets that are necessary for healthy image life and getting the figure of your dreams.

Effective ways to gain weight at home

The entire Internet is filled with advice on how to quickly lose weight, get pumped up, dry out, but few people write about how to increase weight, and for some this issue is much more pressing than the problem of excess weight. Not everyone wants to go to the doctor, some are simply afraid, others don’t want to. Therefore, gaining weight at home is the best choice. There are several interesting safe tips that do not require a doctor's permission:

  • Proper nutrition, moderate consumption of proteins, fats and carbohydrates.
  • Positive attitude, attitudes.
  • Useful vitamin preparations, for example, fish oil.
  • Sports supplements (protein).

In order for a person to have a normal weight, you need to know the basics of proper nutrition. To gain weight, you don’t have to overeat on buns, sweets and pasta. Proper nutrition is a lifestyle that will help regulate metabolism. By eating right, you will always be in a great mood, your skin, nails and hair will glow, and the problem of excess and underweight will no longer bother you.

  • The main meal of the day is breakfast; it should be hearty and rich. This is the time when we can even afford simple carbohydrates: sweet buns, cakes, sweets. If you want to gain weight, then the ideal breakfast for you would be: oatmeal with milk with a spoonful of honey, banana, tea, coffee with cookies, waffles or delicious chocolate. A couple of hours after breakfast, have a light snack: yogurt, whole grain sandwich, fruit.
  • For lunch, a light soup with croutons, an omelette with vegetables, or porridge: buckwheat, rice or barley are ideal. It is worth remembering that in order to gain weight, it is imperative to consume a sufficient amount of complex carbohydrates, and sometimes you need to add baked potatoes to your diet. After lunch, don't forget about snacks. To prevent the body from getting used to it, give it a slight shake, then it will begin to save “in reserve.” These can be fasting days on kefir, apples or buckwheat, and the next day return to your diet.

  • Dinner is a modest meal. Even if you want to gain weight, you don’t need to overeat foods that are forbidden for proper nutrition: sweets, chips, crackers, sweet carbonated water. The body prepares for rest in the evening, so you should not strain it. For a proper dinner, the following are suitable: grilled vegetables, salads, chicken - boiled or baked, turkey fillet, fish. Cottage cheese is an ideal evening dessert; those who want to gain weight can add a spoonful of honey or jam to it.

Weight Gain Products

To gain weight, you need to familiarize yourself with the list of must-have foods. Unfortunately for all those with a sweet tooth and lovers of junk food, such products are not included in the top of healthy nutrition and are also not suitable for gaining weight; they can negatively affect your health and add a couple of unwanted kilograms to you, which will consist only of fat. To get enough vitamins, benefits and the right weight from food, you need to consume in moderation:

  • Eggs. They contain many useful vitamins and minerals necessary for the body: vitamin A, folic acid. The most important thing is that egg white is best absorbed in the body.
  • Porridge. They will provide the body with the necessary energy, vitamins and a considerable amount of calories. Porridges prepared with milk have twice the energy value.
  • Meat. Chicken, turkey, beef are the best friends for those who are wondering how to gain weight.
  • Pasta. This should be pasta made from durum wheat; it will provide the body with the necessary vitamins, and most importantly, it will fill it up, help you gain weight, and in addition to minced meat, it will make your dish not only satisfying, but also tasty.

Approximate diet

Diet is an important element for those who want to gain weight, gain muscle mass. A large amount of proteins, vitamins, minerals, as well as energy is what the body needs to gain kilograms. Therefore, a properly designed weekly meal plan will help skinny people get rid of the problems of missing weight. Here are some tips regarding your correct menu, diets that will help you gain weight:

  1. Oatmeal, a cup of coffee, cocoa, tea with a small chocolate or cookie, any fruit.
  2. Omelette of two yolks and three whites, toast, tea, coffee with milk, waffle, banana.
  3. Vegetable casserole with a small amount of potatoes, a glass of milk, cookies, fruit.
  1. Cottage cheese with fruit or jam.
  2. Cracker or bagel with tea.
  3. Nuts, dried fruits.
  4. Sandwich with cheese, ham, green tea.
  1. Soup, porridge with chicken, salad, juice.
  2. Soup, porridge with fish, green tea with honey, fruit.
  3. Potatoes baked with meat, eggs, juice.
  1. Fruits, coffee with dark chocolate.
  2. Bananas with cottage cheese.
  1. Buckwheat, rice, fish, fresh vegetables, oranges.
  2. Cottage cheese, jam, tea.
  3. Salad, boiled eggs, juice.

How to gain weight quickly for a man

The question is how to gain weight for a guy short term, is of interest to gym lovers, asthenics and those simply wanting to purchase beautiful figure. Tall guys usually have a hard time gaining weight, and even with the densest diet, they sometimes only lose pounds. If, after a comprehensive examination, no violations or abnormalities are revealed in a man, then you should take note of a few tips:

  • To drink a lot of water.
  • Increase the calorie content of foods.
  • Increase the frequency of meals. Three mains and at least two snacks.
  • Eating protein and gainers.
  • Physical, strength loads.
  • Healthy sleep, at least eight hours.

Brewer's yeast for weight gain

Brewer's yeast is one of the effective means quickly gain the weight you need, as they speed up metabolism and help stabilize body weight. Don't confuse beer with brewer's yeast; beer can have a negative impact on your figure.

Brewer's yeast contains few calories, practically no fats and carbohydrates, and the presence of necessary minerals, vitamins and proteins has a beneficial effect on the body's condition, proteins are absorbed, and fats are quickly burned. Buying such a product is not difficult. They are sold in powder, tablets or flakes. To avoid eating them just like that, you should sprinkle them on oatmeal, add them to protein shakes and gainers.


Protein is a mandatory supplement for an athlete, which, together with physical activity, proper nutrition has a positive effect on weight gain. However, you should also combine protein intake with proper training for gaining weight. Protein is an essential building material for our muscles; it is the basis for proper sports nutrition.

There are a huge number of recipes for pancakes and muffins based on protein, which makes them healthy, rich in protein. Protein is best drunk in cocktails; it is easily digestible, convenient to use, and the variety of flavors makes it even more enjoyable. There are several types of protein, to decide which one will be best for you, you should consult with nutritionists and trainers:

  • Whey Protein.
  • Casein.
  • Soy protein.
  • Egg white.
  • Protein isolates.
  • Hydrolysates.

How to gain weight for a woman during pregnancy

It is believed that during pregnancy a girl should gain about 10-18 kg. If weight is gained slowly, this can have a bad effect on the development of your fetus, its size and weight. If a woman does not gain the required kilograms, the baby may be born underweight. Therefore, if you are pregnant, you should adhere to the principles of proper nutrition:

  • Take the right amount of vitamins and minerals. It must be prescribed by a doctor, no amateur activities, because this can be dangerous for the fetus.
  • Proper, healthy nutrition.
  • Fresh air. Walks in the park or simple gatherings near the house will have a beneficial effect on your health and the condition of the fetus.
  • Consumption of infant formula.

After childbirth

After giving birth, some mothers complain of weight loss and inability to gain it back. Breastfeeding helps you lose weight, so you need to be careful about your health, stick to proper nutrition, don’t be nervous, and most importantly, rest. Problems with being underweight can cause missed periods. If you adhere to all the rules, then the problem should be sought in the improper functioning of the body. To understand what the problem is, you should undergo an examination:

  • Stomach check. To exclude gastritis, prolapse of the stomach.
  • Intestines.
  • Endocrine system.

How to gain weight very quickly in a short time

If you want to quickly get back into shape, pump up, gain a couple of kilograms, then you need to understand that everything must be in harmony. Fast weight loss, and sudden weight gain is not a natural phenomenon for the body, so you shouldn’t chase quick results, but slowly and confidently move towards your goal. There are many ways to gain weight, and most importantly, to normalize your metabolism and make your body work like a clock. There is no need to rush for this; there are mythical supplements that will help you achieve your goal.

You need to remember that it is almost impossible to gain muscle mass quickly, and you don’t need layers of fat at all. There are also folk methods that you can borrow from your grandmothers. The main thing is, try to eat right, in moderation, consume the correct ratio of fats-proteins-carbohydrates, and then you will achieve your goal in the shortest possible time, and most importantly, maintain the health and beauty of the whole body.

Workouts for skinny people

The body of ectomorphs does not tolerate power loads quite well, which is why it is sometimes necessary to reduce their intensity. For example, you can reduce the amount training days per week in order to give the body additional time to recover or to do fewer working approaches for a particular exercise. Of course, this approach is only suitable for beginners who are just getting started with hard training in the gym. How to gain muscle mass for a skinny person? Get more done basic exercises, which usually include the following: squats, bench presses, rows, biceps curls, pull-ups and push-ups (from the floor and on parallel bars). As for the frequency of training, going to the gym 3 times a day will be the best choice for everyone. What to pump on a given day? Your program should be something like this:

Between training days take one day of rest. Proper nutrition and adherence to the regime are the key to your success!

Sports nutrition

The importance of sports nutrition is often greatly exaggerated. Is not anabolic steroid, and therefore a rapid increase in muscle mass and strength indicators cannot be expected. First of all, these are ordinary food products that, to some extent, can complement your natural food. What is included in this group of additives? Let's list them all:

  1. Protein. High-protein mixtures are the most popular in bodybuilding due to the priority importance of protein in this sport. There are several types: whey ( fast protein, which is suitable for taking in the morning and immediately after training), casein (slow, which is suitable for use before bed), egg (medium-acting) and soy (also medium-level). The priority for athletes should be the first 3 types.
  2. Gainer. Carbohydrate-protein mixtures for accelerated weight gain. The product contains fast carbohydrates and proteins, and therefore this cocktail is ideal for ectomorphs after training and in the morning. How to gain weight for a thin teenager? A gainer can help you gain your desired weight and get in shape.
  3. Amino acids. An important component that prevents catabolic processes in your body. Can be taken during and after strength training.
  4. Creatine. Increases strength and endurance.
  5. Fat burners.


Gaining mass for skinny guys, especially hardgainers, can sometimes be very difficult. However, nothing is impossible. Proper balanced nutrition, adherence to a regimen and hard training will change even the thinnest person. Good luck to you in achieving your goals!

A person’s weight affects not only the attractiveness of the external image, but also an indicator of health in general. Usually we are talking about the fight against extra pounds. In fact, there is also the problem of underweight. At first glance, a thin person looks slim and attractive, but this can have a negative impact on well-being. Therefore, the issue of weight loss and weight gain must be approached comprehensively.

How to gain weight quickly?

An indicator for determining weight deficiency is the so-called body mass index, which should not be lower than 18.5. If the calculations show a reduced value, you should think about gaining additional kilograms. According to statistics, this problem affects the female sex to a greater extent, but men are also susceptible to excessive thinness.

From a scientific point of view, a low indicator is much more dangerous than a high one. It poses very great threats to the health of the body: immunity decreases, atrophy muscle, joints are affected. And according to some data, the risk of premature death increases. It is worth clarifying that in this case we will talk about thinness as a separate problem of rapid metabolism. If it is caused by internal diseases (oncology, thyroid dysfunction, diabetes), the underlying pathology must be treated.

Getting better, to some extent, is more difficult than losing extra pounds, but, nevertheless, it is quite possible.

Most quick way The stress-free body kit includes the following key recommendations:

Weight gain at home

Many people believe that it is very easy to gain weight, you just need to eat a lot of all sorts of harmful things. But this is absolutely not true. You can get fat and develop a couple of chronic diseases this way. But to achieve ideal internal and external indicators you need to work hard.

You can gain weight quite effectively at home. You just need to know how to do it correctly and not harm yourself.

Safe weight gain involves:

  • increasing the amount of food consumed, in simple words - the portion should be approximately twice as large as usual;
  • mandatory increase in caloric content due to dairy products, dried fruits, nuts, fatty meats, olive oil, cereals, potatoes, dark chocolate;
  • frequent meals (every 3 hours) at approximately the same time, it is especially important not to skip breakfast;
  • large bowls and plates that serve as a visual decoy of the size of the portion: the larger the plate, the smaller the volume of food seems;
  • reducing the amount of vegetables and fruits, it is optimal to make juices or mousses from them to replenish vitamin reserves;
  • constant monitoring of nutrition, which involves daily keeping a calorie diary - this is how the norm is determined so as not to slide into obesity;
  • power training several times a week, but only if there is knowledge in this area and there are no contraindications.

You shouldn’t go to great lengths and follow all instructions from the first day. You need to gain weight gradually, listening to the body’s reaction to a particular method. Over time, an individual effective regimen is formed that brings only benefits and positive emotions.

How to quickly gain 10 kg?

Gain 5-10 kg in a short time It is quite possible, but it will take a little effort. For a thin person, even a couple of kilograms affect their appearance, let alone large numbers. Therefore, it is very important to understand that it is impossible to gain significant weight only with fat. Or rather, perhaps, but this will already be obesity, and you will have to deal with a sagging belly or sides.

Gaining 10 kg of weight involves a combination of fat and muscle mass. Therefore, the recommendations include two main areas - diet and sports. Proper nutrition will help you gain 10 kg quickly. We are talking about healthy, but high-calorie foods. It is necessary to determine the norm of calories consumed for a comfortable gain of kilograms experimentally. You just need to count the calorie content of the food you consume every day and compare it with the result.

An approximate menu option to gain weight and gain weight:

  • For breakfast, an omelet with porridge cooked in sunflower oil, and cottage cheese with honey or fruit are suitable;
  • lunch should consist of a side dish (pasta, potatoes) and meat or fish, washed down with sweet coffee with cream;
  • dinner is lighter but satisfying, for example, chicken breast with vegetable salad.
  • Don’t forget about snacks – dried fruits, nuts, eggs, salads, dairy products.

By following a diet and a fractional diet, you can gain 5 kg, but the rest needs to be gained in the gym. Exercises should be strength training, not cardio: deadlift, push-ups, barbell, dumbbells, squats.

An integrated approach guarantees a harmonious physique and excellent well-being.

How to quickly gain weight for a girl?

A beautiful figure is very important for a girl. And this applies not only to overweight young ladies, but also to those who are too thin. Therefore, sometimes you can hear the question: what to do to gain weight? The answer is simple - you need to play sports. It is training that plays the main role in the formation of a harmonious young body.

A set of simple exercises that can be performed even at home will have a very good effect in just a week:

  • for the hips and buttocks: squats, legs in the simulator, bending forward with a barbell;
  • for arm muscles: push-ups, dumbbell or barbell presses overhead and toward you.

The optimal amount of training in order to quickly recover and gain a few kilograms, according to reviews, is 3 times a week. You should not overdo it, it may have the opposite effect due to overwork. Thanks to sports, correct regimen day, balanced diet and when you relax, your figure becomes ideal.

How to gain weight in a week?

It is better to gain weight at a slow pace, without creating a stressful situation for the body. But in some cases, prompt measures are required, for example, before a special event or filming. Is it possible to recover quickly? The answer is yes - it is quite possible if you significantly adjust your lifestyle.

  1. You can gain 5 kg in 7 days by doubling the calorie content of your food. However, most calories should be healthy (nuts, fatty meats, honey). You also need some sweets, but only as dessert. As a result, up to 10 kg are added in 2 weeks.
  2. You should not eat all your food supplies for the day at one time. Meals should be frequent, without skipping. In this case, fat increases steadily.
  3. The menu must include proteins (chicken meat, eggs) and fats (pork, olive oil).
  4. Dairy products with a high percentage of fat content help in gaining weight. If you are not lactose intolerant, you should drink a glass of milk several times a day between meals.
  5. Snacks should consist of healthy foods (dried fruits, nuts, fruit mousses), and not fast food.
  6. It is important to constantly monitor the caloric content of dishes during the recruitment process and adjust according to your feelings. It is better to keep a special diet diary.
  7. In order to gain weight, but not to gain weight or gain excess weight, you should not forget about physical activity. Fitness will help turn calories into muscle.

If there are no compelling reasons, then you shouldn’t gain weight in an emergency. With a little more time you can get a lot more best result, which will last a lifetime.

How can a man gain weight quickly?

Men rarely complain about being thin, but rather about figure flaws. Therefore, the approach to weight gain in men is slightly different. The main focus is primarily on nutrition and specific products.

A guy who is underweight most likely benefits from a fast metabolism. Everything eaten is processed faster than it can be absorbed by the body. Therefore, special attention should be paid to the calorie content of food, and not its quantity. You should always satisfy your hunger by bringing small snacks from home. An approximate set of high-calorie and healthy foods has already been mentioned.

A proven folk remedy - brewer's yeast - will help a man recover. In tablet form, they will not form a beer belly, but will stimulate the appetite. You need to take 2-6 tablets with meals. Be sure to maintain a balance in your diet at this time and not eat everything.

Many men manage to gain weight up to 5 kg in a week with a very intensive diet. But the problem is that, for the most part, it will be simple fat. But you need muscles, relief and strength. You can't do without serious strength training. They can be carried out both at home and in a specially equipped room. The fastest way to build muscle mass is to follow an individual program with a trainer. The ideal result will not come immediately, but it will definitely happen.

What can a woman eat to get better quickly?

Diet, as it has already turned out, plays one of the leading roles in weight gain. It is especially relevant for women who want to gain weight, but at the same time are afraid of getting fat. To improve your figure without harming your health and appearance, you need to know what you can eat during this period.

In order to quickly recover, the set of mandatory products should include:

  • full-fat natural milk (up to 3 tbsp.);
  • sweet tea, coffee, compote with pastries;
  • sour cream;
  • butter;
  • meat (pork, chicken, beef);
  • fish (fatty varieties);
  • porridge (rice, buckwheat, oatmeal);
  • pasta;
  • potato;
  • fruits and vegetables in the form of salads, purees, mousses.

The main condition for quick results is that calorie consumption should be lower than their consumption. It is also important to understand that the menu is approximate and is designed for a one-time effect. For a prolonged result, a more comprehensive approach is needed, including sports activities and health monitoring.

People who want to gain weight can, and sometimes even need to, include sports nutrition in their diet, of which there is a great variety on the market now.

Let's figure out which sports nutrition for weight gain is most suitable for our goals:

  1. Protein
  2. Amino acid complexes

In this article we will look at the first two: gainers and proteins.

What you lack, and how much it will take to quickly gain weight.

1. Gainers for weight gain.

Gainers in sports nutrition are high-calorie protein-carbohydrate mixtures, which may additionally contain mineral supplements, vitamins and creatine.
Their the main taskspeed dial body weight and replenishment of burned calories.

Approximate composition of the mixture:

Who is the gainer intended for first of all?

For people suffering quick exchange substances in which fats are burned as in an open-hearth furnace. Who eat for three, but the arrow on the scale does not move. Gaining weight is not a dream come true.

It is also very convenient to use, you can add it to your regular diet, or as an emergency, to close a missed eating window.

How to prepare the mixture to gain weight?

It is best to dilute the mixture with milk, thereby increasing the calorie content of the drink, which will help you gain weight faster. Sports nutrition is the most important aid in gaining weight.

How to take a gainer to quickly gain weight?

If you train or go to the gym, then it is best to drink the mixture after training within the first 30 minutes, when the so-called protein-carbohydrate window opens. This allows you to stop the destructive processes in the muscles and recover quickly.

Don't look at people who are overweight, you need to Take the gainer up to 4 times a day. Add one serving of the mixture every week until you gain a weight of 700-1000 grams per week.

Representatives of gainers:

But, we must not forget that our goal when using sports nutrition is not only weight gain, but also building a beautiful and healthy body, and for this we need protein, i.e. – protein.

2. Protein – Sports nutrition for weight gain

Protein is a chain of amino acids that forms a polypeptide. It is proteins that are involved in building muscle fibers. In sports nutrition, concentrated protein is used to rapidly increase skeletal muscle mass.

It is advisable to take protein supplements in cases where you work out persistently and systematically in the gym. When your muscle volume is not enough protein from regular food. There is an opinion that these are professional athletes.

And so, if you regularly train in the gym and take sports nutrition to gain weight, make sure that the protein level is 3.4 grams per kilogram of weight per day.

And so, in order to quickly get healthy, you need to train to take gainers and fast protein (whey protein isolate or hydrolyzate), this is the protein that is recommended for weight gain for people prone to thinness.

One of the best isolates:

The most expensive form of protein on the market is hydrolyzate. The protein is partially broken down by enzymes for rapid absorption. It promotes the production of insulin, a well-known hormone with an anabolic effect.

One of the best hydrolysates

from sports nutrition for weight gain:


To gain weight quickly, you need to use sports nutrition and work out in the gym, or you risk slowing down the process or gaining more fat tissue.

This guide will tell you step by step how to gain weight quickly. skinny guy or a man. Here you will find a nutrition plan and workout program. We will tell you in detail about the nuances and implementation of the exercises.

This tutorial will teach you:

  1. How to determine the number of calories consumed.
  2. How to change your diet so that you can start gaining weight without harming your health.
  3. What you need to eat to grow muscles well.
  4. How to eat enough calories even when you're not hungry.
  5. How to train correctly.
  6. What sports nutrition supplements to use.

I used to be thin. Very thin. And I can't understand why I can't gain weight.

In addition, I was the so-called skinny, but with fat (skin, bones, fat and no muscles). Despite my love of exercise, I looked terrible. It was impossible to see me without a T-shirt and I wanted to get better and pump up as quickly as possible.

Gaining weight was very difficult for me. Sometimes it seemed to me that I was constantly eating: from dusk to dawn. And despite this, I weighed only 63-65 kilograms. This continued throughout my school years.

In the two and a half years after graduating from high school, by the time I turned 20, my life had changed dramatically. My weight was 86 kilograms of pure muscle. I was stronger than I could have imagined. The girls began to pay attention to me.

It sounds like I'm exaggerating to try to sell something. But believe me, everything that is written in this article is the pure truth. I will tell you how to quickly recover without harm to your health or the use of dubious means, and you will not need to buy anything.

Why can't I gain weight?

Below I will tell you how to train and eat properly in order to gain high-quality muscle mass, but I will say right away that most skinny guys are similar in that they spend a lot of time playing football or similar type sports. Looking back, I clearly understand what I did wrong and why I couldn’t gain weight. Here is the main reason for my failures:

Too much cardio I trained too much. Too much. In the summer I spent whole days outside: running, playing football or basketball, swimming.

When I wasn't outside, I continued to do cardio exercises: climbing stairs, jumping rope, even aerobics. It was normal for me to run 5 kilometers in a day, then run up the stairs for 45 minutes and play football for another 4 hours.

That was the problem: sure, I was in shape thanks to frequent exercise, but at the time I had to consume a huge amount of calories. I didn’t know that doing active sports too often does not lead to muscle growth, and do you think now I’ll say that I should have stopped doing it completely? Not at all. Cardio has a beneficial effect on your overall health. The problem was that there was a lot of it and this made it difficult to build new muscle fibers due to the high energy consumption.

There are a number of studies on this topic. A recent meta-analysis on the effects of cardio exercise on strength training concluded:

The study found that the interference effect of endurance training lies in the focus, frequency and duration of the exercise.

In other words, if during class power loads If you do a lot of cardio, you won't be able to gain weight because your body won't have enough energy to increase the number of muscle fibers. The more cardio, the more calories you need to consume to gain weight.

If your goal is to gain weight and build lean muscle mass, then you may want to tone down your cardio efforts.

If you are prone to thinness, you are underweight and it is difficult for you to increase the reading on the scales by at least a kilogram (people with this body type are called ectomorphs), then try to do cardio no more than 20-30 minutes and no more than 3-4 times a day. week. If you are an athlete or lead a very active lifestyle and cannot give up cardio so easily, then you should reconsider your diet.

Not enough food

Most skinny guys think they eat enough, but in reality they have a hard time understanding their daily diet. They simply do not know what enhanced nutrition according to the regime is and how to properly create a diet. I recommend that instead of ruminating, for a week you write down everything you eat in a day. Don't try to change your eating habits: don't try to eat more or less than usual. At this stage, you need to figure out how many calories you are consuming to get a starting point for growth. To quickly gain muscle mass, you need to significantly increase your caloric intake, but at the same time not go too far, so as not to start to become fat.

At the end of the week, analyze the data collected. Determine how many calories you consume on average per day. If you need help, there are now many websites and books online that provide detailed nutritional information for most foods available.

How much did you get? More than 3000 kcal per day? I assume that you eat less per day than you think.

Gaining body weight, like any other activity, takes time. If you want to make a real good team in basketball, then you need to devote some time to training. If you want to play through a recently released Xbox game, you'll also need to invest some time into it.

If you want to achieve results, then you need to take the time to analyze your habits and create a nutrition plan.

Few power loads

Increasing workload is the key to success. “Working out” is not a magical way to build muscle. If you don't force your body to get stronger, your attempts to gain weight will not be successful. The body must see a reason to become bigger and stronger, which is not energetically beneficial.

When you push yourself to the limit, you trigger muscle growth (if you consume the right amount of nutrients).

As a teenager, I often did exercises with own weight: did push-ups, pumped up the press. Unfortunately, I always used the same weights when doing the exercises, week after week, year after year. I didn’t gain any muscle mass then.

I didn’t know much, no one told me that it turns out that our body adapts to the load quite quickly. I sincerely believed that I would “inflate” my chest and biceps muscles without straining by constantly changing the load of dumbbells and barbells.

What should skinny guys do?

So, we have determined that thin guys need:

  1. Stop doing so much cardio
  2. There's more
  3. Become much stronger than they are now

The issue with cardio is the easiest to solve. We can completely control the load. Therefore, let’s move on to the next step of our transformation and find out how to gain weight for a skinny guy without harm to health and while maintaining the result.

This section presents step-by-step instruction, building muscle without harm to health. If you have any questions about nutrition, feel free to ask in the comments.

Step 1 - Analyze your current diet

This stage is very important. Don't skip it and don't try to estimate your average calorie intake by eye.

The truth is that most thin The guys think they eat enough. But few of them can say exactly how many calories they consume per day. This uncertainty is a large part of the current problem.

If you do not see progress in the growth of strength and mass, then some action clearly needs to be taken. You have two options:

  1. Leave everything as it is, estimate the number of calories consumed by eye and hope that you will be able to gain at least a kilogram of weight.
  2. Take control. Determine the calorie content of the daily diet, adjust if necessary and adhere to the created plan.

It is clear that the only option is the second one. Shall we get started?

Arm yourself with a notepad, computer, tablet or phone. Write down absolutely everything you eat and drink during the day. If you're unsure about portion sizes, choose something that makes sense to you. For example.

  • A portion of potatoes is the size of a fist.
  • Half a box of pasta.
  • Almost full large glass of milk.

Then use a counting service and calculator to determine how many calories you consumed this week. Some values ​​will still have to be set at random, but this is an integral part of learning. Don't worry if you can't record your weekly diet with 100% accuracy. That's not the point. Your goal is to start learning something about the nutritional value of foods, their calorie content, and so on.

Now calculate the average for the day. How many calories do you consume per day? 2200? 2500? Is the amount received higher or lower than your expectations?

Step 2 - Adjust your diet

It's time to structure your meal plan. Let's figure out what you need to eat. Start with this:

  • Calories. Add 500 kcal to the amount obtained in the first step.
  • Protein. Make sure you consume at least 180 grams of protein per day.
  • Fats. About 20% of your daily diet should contain healthy fats.
  • Carbohydrates. Fill the rest of your daily intake with carbohydrates - fruits, vegetables, cereals, etc.

It's good if you eat more than 180 grams of protein per day. Research has shown that 150 grams of protein per day is sufficient for muscle growth. But it is worth considering that you are currently underweight, so it is better to eat a little more protein than a little less.

High protein intake is safe for the body unless you have kidney problems. In addition, it will help you eat a balanced diet and not depend on carbohydrates. It's quite difficult to force yourself to eat a heavy, high-carb meal if you're not at all hungry.

The recommended 20% fat should also be considered a minimum. Fat has high energy value, containing 9 calories per gram, while white and carbohydrates contain 4 grams. What does it mean? This means that by increasing your fat intake, you can easily meet your daily calorie intake.

If you find it difficult to eat this amount of food, increase your daily fat intake to 40%. This way, you can easily follow your plan without forcing yourself to eat an extra portion.

Step 3 - Define your goals

Your goal is 1 kilogram per month. Some may find it "slow". But in a year you can gain up to 12 kilograms, and in 2 years - 25 kilograms.

By following these instructions, training correctly and increasing strength, you will gain a “healthy” weight. In just two years, you'll build a significant amount of muscle mass and look amazing.

Perhaps some of you want to add results as quickly as possible. For some, this is quite possible, but most often such gain occurs due to fat, not muscle. The human body can only build a certain amount of muscle per day, week, month. The more aggressively you approach weight gain, the less time you want to spend on it, the more likely it is that you will eventually become the owner of a significant layer of fat.

And this is not at all what you need!

First two weeks

Ignore the pounds you gain in the first two weeks. During this time, you increase your carbohydrate intake and most likely sodium. Your body delays a lot more water. Don't worry, this is not the "fast" fat we talked about earlier.

After two weeks the situation returns to normal. The next two weeks will show the real state of affairs. Based on the results of the third and fourth weeks, make the necessary adjustments:

  • Weight loss. - Danger! Add another 750 kcal to your daily requirement. Start the countdown again: ignore the first two weeks, start analyzing from the third.
  • The weight doesn't change. - Add 500 calories. Re-evaluate the rate of growth at weeks 3 and 4. Make additional adjustments if necessary.
  • Weight is gaining slowly. - Add 250 calories per day. Re-evaluate results at weeks 3 and 4. Make additional adjustments if necessary.
  • Optimal growth. – Don’t change anything, stick to the current plan.
  • Rapid weight gain. – Reduce your daily caloric intake by 250 kcal. Re-evaluate the effectiveness of the diet after two weeks.

Proper nutrition

Now about specific products nutrition for weight gain. Choose fresh foods that have not been cooked and cook for yourself. Such foods are nutrient-dense, effective and economical, with high caloric density. And today they can be found in any store.

Best Products

You can add a small portion of these foods to one of your main meals or instead of a snack. All of these foods are very high in calories (and delicious). At the same time, you will not feel heaviness in your stomach.

Product A portion Calories
Protein products
Ground meat, cooked, lean 100g 305
Bacon, thinly sliced 2 slices 122
Chicken wings, with skin 4 wings 394
Chicken legs with skin 1 ham 337
Pork chop 2 chops, 200 grams 436
Eggs, large 2 eggs 156
Steak 280 grams 544
Salmon 100g 233
Beef brisket 100g 246
Pork sausages 100g 384
Fruits and vegetables
Bananas 1 large 121
Grape 20 70
Avocado 1 cup 234
A pineapple 1 cup 83
Orange 1 large 86
Pear 1 large 133
Sweet potato 1 large 159
Potato 200 grams 142
Nuts and legumes
Peanut butter 2 tablespoons 188
Peanut 50 grams 321
Almond 50 grams 328
Pistachios 50 grams 316
Peas 1 cup 125
Black beans 1 cup 220
Milk 1 cup 146
Oil 2 pieces 72
Whipped cream 50 grams 205
Cream cheese 25 grams 99
Cheddar cheese 50 grams 228
Cheese Pigtail 1 slice 80
Cottage cheese 1 cup 216
Carbohydrates and grains
Brown rice, cooked 1 cup 216
Quinoa, cooked 1 cup 222
White rice, cooked 1 cup 242
Spaghetti, cooked 1 cup 182
White bread 1 slice 78
Oils and more
Olive oil 1 tablespoon 120
Coconut oil 1 tablespoon 117
Pizza 1 piece 1,267
Hamburger 1 burger 400
Beef and bean burrito 1 burrito 290

A little about junk food

You are young, slim and you have no problems with hubbub. If you don’t want to eat a ton of junk food in one sitting, then 10-15% of your daily diet can be fast food, chips, energy drinks, and cookies without harm to your health. It may even help speed up the process.

The main thing is balance. If the majority of your diet consists of healthy, nutrient-dense foods, then nothing bad will happen if you indulge yourself a little.

Sports nutrition supplements

Now let's move on to sports nutrition supplements for weight gain. For the first step of your training program, you can use the following supplements for muscle growth and faster recovery:

  • Multivitamins
  • Fish fat
  • Whey Protein
  • Gainer (if necessary)

Gainers provide plenty of calories and are convenient for times when you don't have time to cook or when you've missed a meal.

By the second step of the training program, your diet will already be adjusted. It's time to introduce other popular supplements:

  • Creatine
  • Pre-workout supplements
  • Post-workout complexes

A number of supplements can also be used, depending on your needs (age, sleep duration, stress levels, low testosterone, slow recovery, etc.)

  • Antioxidants
  • Supplements for Joint Health
  • Recovery
  • For sexual health
  • For sleep disorders
  • From stress
  • To increase testosterone levels
  • Protein bars
  • Replacement of full meals

Protein shake for ectomorphs

A “protein shake” is the easiest and fastest way to gain the required amount of calories. The bulking protein shake recipe below contains 1,066 calories. You can drink it once a day. Simply add all ingredients to a blender, blend and enjoy.

  • 450 grams of milk – 292 calories
  • 2 scoops of protein – 320 calories
  • 50 grams of heavy cream – 205 calories
  • 1 large banana – 121 calories
  • 2 tablespoons peanut butter – 188 calories

Homemade protein shake recipes

To increase your calorie intake, we will tell you how to cook protein cocktail at home. We have prepared several recipes that differ only in the ingredients. The preparation method is always the same - mix everything in a blender and drink 1-2 times a day.

Recipe No. 1 (classic version):

  • a glass of milk
  • 100 g cottage cheese
  • 1 banana.

Recipe No. 2

  • 1 half glass of milk
  • 2 tbsp milk powder
  • 2 egg whites
  • 1 tbsp. spoon of any jam

To gain weight through muscle growth rather than fat, add 1 teaspoon of flaxseed oil to this smoothie. Polyunsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in flaxseed oils, promote protein synthesis in the body.

Recipe No. 3

  • 50 g cottage cheese
  • a glass of milk
  • 1 egg white without yolk
  • 2 tbsp sweet syrup

If you have it, you can add 25 g of protein to the cocktail whey protein or powdered milk, and replace the syrup with frozen berries or fresh fruit. The daily serving of this protein shake is 600-800 g. Consume half in the first half of the day between breakfast and lunch, and the other half between lunch and dinner or after training. Drinking a shake provides an additional 60-80 g of protein per day.

Recipe No. 4

  • half a glass of kefir
  • 1 tbsp honey
  • a handful of any nuts
  • 1 raw egg

Recipe No. 5

A very unusual recipe for a protein-carbohydrate cocktail for muscle growth.

  • 100 g chopped dried mushrooms
  • 50 g mayonnaise
  • 1 egg
  • 50 g homemade cheese
  • 100 g grated boiled potatoes

This cocktail should be taken 45 minutes before the start of your workout to get an energy boost.

Recipe No. 6

  • 1.5 cups low-fat milk
  • 4 tbsp. spoons of egg powder
  • 1/3 cup milk powder
  • 1/3 cup condensed milk
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of cocoa powder
  • half a banana

Recipe No. 7

  • juice of half a lemon
  • 120 g sour cream
  • 60 g sunflower oil
  • 100 g orange juice
  • 1 egg yolk
  • 25 g cherry jam

Recipe No. 8

  • 2 earthen pear tubers
  • 100 g apple juice
  • 1 spoon of brewer's yeast
  • 1 walnut

Three-step weight training plan

Now that you've figured out nutrition, it's time to figure out how to properly train for weight gain.

For muscle hypertrophy you need:

  • Consistency – Don’t miss visiting the gym. Consistency plays an important role in building muscle.
  • Load Progression – Get stronger every day. Don't make excuses for yourself. You can’t “pump up muscles easily and simply.”
  • Good load – Do it best exercises from those available.
  • Patience – Muscles take years to grow. Don't expect results in a week. You can achieve amazing results in two years, so stay on track.

This three-step plan is just one possible way to gain muscle mass. Combine this workout program with proper nutrition and you can gain weight quickly.

This plan is carried out in 3 steps:

  • Step 1 – Preparation. At this stage, you are preparing for the upcoming heavy loads. It lasts a month. Start with one set of each exercise. After a couple of weeks, increase the number of approaches to two.
  • Step 2 – Construction Phase. During this phase of 5 months you will begin to gain muscle mass
  • Step 3 – “Pumping” phase. Last step of the workout. Do it until you decide to move even further.

Need to know:

  • For each approach, perform the maximum number of repetitions until your legs give way or your arms become weak.
  • Use the same weight for each set.
  • Each exercise has a “rep minimum.” If you can do this minimum, then use more weight for the next three sets. For example, an exercise states that the “minimum repetitions” is 8, if you can do 8 repetitions, then next time take a heavier barbell or dumbbell or perform more repetitions.

Step 1 – Preparation

For the first two weeks, perform one set of each exercise. At 3-4 weeks, increase the number of approaches to two.

Start with light weights. Add only when you can complete the "minimum reps"

Increase the load gradually. Gaining muscle mass is a marathon, not a sprint.

You will train 3 days a week

  • Day 1 – training
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 – training
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 – training
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
1 stepPreparation
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 1/2 10/10
Bench press 1/2 10/10
Deadlift on straight legs 1/2 10/10
Seated chest press 1/2 10/10
Bent-over row 1/2 10/10
French press lying down barbells 1/2 10/10
Pull-ups/Lat Pulldowns 1/2 10/10
Dumbbell Curls 1/2 10/10
Leg Curl 1/2 10/10
Seated calf raise 1/2 10/10
Crunches lying on the floor 1/2 10/10

Step 2 – Construction Phase

Continue with the same weight training exercises you did during the first step, preparation. For those exercises that were not included in the first step, use small working weights to begin with, gradually increasing them.

Train 3 days a week, on the same schedule as the first 4 weeks.

  • Day 1 – workout A
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 – training B
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 – training B
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
Step 2 – Construction Phase
workout A
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 3 8
Bench press 3 8
Bent-over row 3 8
Seated dumbbell press 3 8
Leg Curl 3 10
French bench press 3 8
Dumbbell Curls 3 8
Standing calf raise 3 10
Weighted crunches 3 15
Step 2 – Construction Phase
workout B
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Romanian deadlift 3 8
Leg Curl 3 10
Bent-over dumbbell raises 3 10
3 8
3 10
Extension of arms on a block 3 8
3 8
Shrugs with a barbell 3 10
Side bends 3 15
Step 2 – Construction Phase
workout B
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Leg press 3 15
Lying dumbbell raises 3 8
3 8
Seated barbell press 3 8
Leg Curl 3 10
Dips or Seated Dumbbell Rows 3 8
Scott Bench Curl 3 8
Seated calf raise 3 10
3 15/60 sec

Step 3 – Pumping Phase

The third step is more intense and begins with deadlift and 20 reps of squats. Perform no more than 20 repetitions of squats, and do not increase the load for this exercise.

The training is distributed according to the following principle: Monday is the hardest day. Wednesday – lungs isolated exercises. Friday – medium workload.

  • Day 1 – Workout A – hard
  • Day 2 - rest
  • Day 3 – Workout B – easy
  • Day 4 - rest
  • Day 5 – Workout B – medium
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - rest
Step 3 – Pumping Phase
Workout A
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 3 6
Bench press 3 6
Bent-over row 3 6
Seated barbell press 3 6
Romanian deadlift 3 6
Dips or French Bench Press 3 8
Barbell curl 3 8
Seated calf raise 3 10
Weighted crunches 3 15
Step 3 – Pumping Phase
Workout B
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Deadlift 3 5
Reduction of dumbbells lying down or Reduction of arms in the “butterfly” simulator 3 10
Leg extension 3 10
Pull-ups or Chest Rows 3 10
Reverse bent over dumbbell fly 3 10
Extension of arms on a block 3 10
Hammer biceps exercise 3 8
Shrugs with a barbell 3 8
Side bends with a dumbbell 3 10
Step 3 – Pumping Phase
Workout B
Exercise Number of approaches Minimum reps
Squats 2 20
Bent over dumbbell press 3 8
One-arm dumbbell row 3 8
Arnold press 3 8
Leg Curl 3 10
Dumbbell row from behind the head while sitting 3 8
Dumbbell Curls 3 8
Standing calf raise 3 10
Crunches on upper block"Prayer" or Plank 3 15/60 sec

In the fitness world, hardgainers are truly thin people who cannot gain weight even without any dietary restrictions. Skinny guys also have problems visiting gym. Many young people with a hard gainer build simply don’t know how to gain weight, and without normal weight it is impossible to achieve a muscular, ripped physique.

To gain weight for a skinny guy, you need to follow the recommendations below. They are designed specifically for those young people who do not have a genetic predisposition to obesity.

Increase your diet

This task seems easier than it actually is. Doubling the amount of food consumed per day is not entirely easy. From three meals a day, you need to switch to six meals a day, which means eating every two to three hours. Portions should be full, but not reduced.

The first few weeks you will have to literally force yourself to eat, because in most cases there will simply be no appetite. Increasing your diet by 500 calories will allow you to gain a kilogram per week. If you add 1000 calories to the food consumed during the day, then in 7 days you will current weight will gain 2 kilograms.

Eat quality food

The daily amount of calories must be increased to 3500 or more, but only through the correct and good products nutrition. You should not eat chips or drink sweet soda. The calories obtained from such food are instantly deposited in the fat depot.

You can get high-quality muscle mass only through healthy food. You need to eat healthy fats, carbohydrates and proteins. The number of calories is important, but what's behind them deserves even more attention.

Eat more protein

Protein (protein) is the building material of muscle tissue. It is found in white and red meat, fish, almonds, eggs, milk, and peanuts. And in order to have a decent supply of muscle mass, these products must be constantly present in the menu.

Include carbohydrates in your diet

High carbohydrate foods help you gain weight, but not lean muscle mass. Eating oatmeal, baked goods, pasta, and brown rice will certainly add pounds, some of which will be fat. This often raises doubts about the advisability of eating carbohydrate foods, but there is a good reason for this.

If you limit yourself exclusively to protein foods, then it will be immediately used as a source of energy, but not for building muscles. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to give the body an alternative, which is bad carbohydrates. It is recommended to supplement each meal with fruits and vegetables. They contain healthy carbohydrates.

Always control every product included in your diet

There are many programs and websites for monitoring your own menu. Among foreign resources, this is, registration on which will allow you to track how much protein, carbohydrates and calories you need to consume. The algorithm works based on the input data, that is, taking into account individual characteristics.

Perform challenging physical exercises

To gain the maximum possible muscle mass, you should concentrate on training that includes deadlifts, pull-ups, dumbbell presses, and barbell lifts. You shouldn't make it easy for yourself. Working weights on lifts must be taken to the maximum.

Performing complex (compound) exercises involves all the muscles in the process, which, against the background of a large amount of protein and calories present in the body, begin to grow. At the stage of mass gain, there is no point in including isolation exercises.

You should always monitor changes occurring in your body.

The main motivating factor for anyone who wants to gain muscle mass is appearance. Every change that occurs in the body is a consequence of exercise. And in order to be satisfied with yourself, you need to concentrate on lifting weights, improving your own endurance, and then the results will not be long in coming.

Don't stop there. If at the very beginning of the journey the weight being lifted is small, then, with perseverance, it will soon increase. The main thing is not to be lazy and force yourself to work. This will allow you to develop perseverance, endurance and, of course, achieve the desired shape.

Take a minute break between sets during training.

Rest after each approach should be 60 seconds or less. You should not do more than 12 repetitions at a time. The optimal range of exercises is 6-12 repetitions, but no more. If you lift weights, it is better to do it as follows: 12 repetitions with 50 kg, rest, another set of 10 repetitions with a weight of 55 kg, and then after a break another 8 repetitions, but with 60 kg.

Be sure to give your muscles a good rest

You can't work one muscle group every day. She needs restoration. Otherwise, exhaustion is guaranteed. It is optimal to wait at least two days, and only then work on the same muscle group again.

Sleep at least eight hours a night

Muscles continue to grow during sleep. And for this process to be as effective as possible, you need to sleep at least 8-9 hours. If sleep lasts less than 6 hours, then the effectiveness of diet and training decreases sharply.

Eliminate cardio from your training program

In order not to look like a marathon runner or sprinter, but to gain the body of a real Spartan, you need to completely give up cardio. This applies to running long distances. If the desire to include jogging in your classes is great, then you need to run either uphill or do sprints, that is, reduce the distance to a minimum.

Exercise regularly

Exercise should become part of your daily routine. And if you can sometimes skip classes, then this should not be allowed with meals. Otherwise, all efforts to gain weight will be minimized. You can devote everything to training free time, but without good and high-calorie nutrition, progress will not follow.

Recognize the need to gain weight

Together with muscles, they are also gained body fat, which is a completely normal process. To avoid unwanted consequences, you should set a clear goal for how many kilograms you need to add, and then, when you reach that goal, reduce the amount of carbohydrates you consume. You need to continue to eat vegetables and fruits, but cut pasta, rice, and bread to a minimum. By continuing to exercise and run sprints, you can easily get rid of body fat.