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What are the benefits of bodybuilding - the main goodies. What is bodybuilding: benefits and harm to the body

Most athletes believe that sport has an extremely positive effect on the body. But it is not so. There is a certain negative impact, but it is not the sport itself that has it, but the right approach to classes. In particular, the situation with bodybuilding is very interesting. It’s worth noting right away that bodybuilding is not an ordinary training process with light weights. We are talking about a heavy load on all groups muscle fibers and, as a result, on the cardiovascular system of the body. In bodybuilding, work is carried out on maximum weights, because to maintain shape the athlete must constantly improve his results.

In this “work” mode, the athlete must clearly understand what dangers await him. But for maximum safety, you need to clearly know what effect bodybuilding has on the entire body as a whole. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of this sport.


The first is reducing body fat (weight loss). For many people, this aspect is decisive when choosing an occupation. But bodybuilding helps not only to “kill” all the fat in the body, but also to replace it with muscle mass. This allows the skin to remain tight. Each workout burns a huge amount of energy, the source of which is fat itself. So obese people have a certain advantage - they have something to convert into muscle. A thin person will have it twice as difficult.

The second is an increase in strength. Even if the athlete is not engaged in special program, he can count on a significant increase in strength with regular training. The increase in indicators will occur as a matter of course. Naturally, this can be achieved by constantly increasing the weight during exercise.

Third, improving immunity. There are many cases where bodybuilding helped to recover from many chronic diseases that had been tormenting for many months or even years. This is due to an increase in the athlete’s immunity, which allows the body to effectively cope with various ailments. In particular, people use sports to cope with serious spinal problems. If you build a training program correctly, you can qualitatively strengthen the entire group of spinal muscles. Subsequently, the vertebrae experience significantly less stress.

Fourth, endurance increases. Regular classes in gym or even at home will definitely lead to increased endurance of the body. In everyday life, these changes are immediately noticeable.

Bodybuilding, like any other sport, can have an impact on the body certain influences, after all, we are talking about working with heavy loads and high intensity training. So what is the danger?


The first is heart disease. During training, not only the muscles of the arms, legs, back, chest and other parts of the body experience stress. The heart muscle also actively works together with them. Many athletes forget that they also desperately need rest. Practice shows that the heart needs at least two days to fully rest.

The second is diseases of tendons and joints. Working with heavy weights can take a toll on joints and tendons, which often bother professional athletes. This problem is especially relevant for athletes who have been involved in bodybuilding for more than one year. Only ointments, creams, and trips to the sauna or bathhouse can save you from painful sensations.

Third, possible injuries. Working under enormous loads often leads to injuries. In turn, sprains, muscle tears, and bruises can take a very long time to heal. It is better to prevent such unpleasant manifestations, and for this you need to warm up well before each workout. It is also important right choice clothing that will prevent muscle damage.

Thus, in bodybuilding, as in any other sport, you need accuracy and increased attention to your health.

Hi people! My name from birth is Vitaly Okhrimenko and today I will begin my post by wishing you all health and longevity.

Today we will talk about diseases health and bodybuilding. Let's look at what contraindications are typical for bodybuilding and what diseases are prohibited from playing sports. And most importantly, I propose to understand how bodybuilding affects health, and in general whether bodybuilding is good for health.

What diseases should you not exercise for?

I'm very sorry, but there really are a lot of diseases when bodybuilding will be harmful. Here is a preliminary list of them:

  • for the consequences of old injuries, fractures, dislocations, etc.;
  • for cancer;
  • in acute stages of colds: acute respiratory infections, acute respiratory viral infections, influenza;
  • for mental disorders;
  • for HIV;
  • for scoliosis and flat feet;
  • in case of violation of the integrity of the spine;
  • for hemorrhoids;
  • with a hernia;
  • for pulmonary diseases;
  • when the functionality of the joints is impaired.

But in addition to the above diseases, there is also a whole bunch of diseases that can either arise or get worse as a result of bodybuilding. However, with the right approach, there is a chance, on the contrary, to improve the condition or profile the disease.

Bodybuilding diseases

As I already said, you shouldn’t be too categorical because everything is useful in moderation. With the right approach, bodybuilding can be done with almost any disease, and the only person who has the right to forbid us to do it is sports doctor. Because only he has enough qualifications and understands both medicine and sports.

Before examining each area of ​​disease, let me start with my own example.

While still at school, I was diagnosed with a duodenal ulcer and scoliosis. I’m sure most doctors would have forbidden me to go near the barbell at all, but going to the gym I didn’t think about it at all. I wanted to create myself a muscular attractive body, and little things (at that time I perceived my health as little things) hardly bothered me. The first couple of years of training, I devoted myself to the gym to the fullest, absolutely without thinking about any consequences. It’s funny, having acquired knowledge about healthy eating when I came to the gym, I completely forgot about my stomach problems, and this despite the fact that I never denied myself the pleasure of a glass or two on a holiday.

The first thought about health came to me after I tore my back in a mine and went to the hospital for two weeks with a diagnosis of “ lumbodynia"(initial stage of radiculitis). After rehabilitation, I began to be more careful about work (according to the principle: work, don’t be afraid of me, I won’t touch you), and to exercises like this. But, alas, at my job it’s not possible to foresee everything, and a year later I slammed my helmet into the frames as hard as I could (don’t think anything bad, it all happened by accident). Since the head was in the helmet, all the force of the blow fell on the cervical vertebrae.

I worked for another week and got so worked up that I couldn’t get out of bed without my wife’s help. As a result of examination of the cervical spine, scoliosis, Schmorl's hernia and osteochondrosis were discovered. To be honest, at that time I was already thinking about saying goodbye to my hobby. I surfed the internet and on most forums people were screaming STOP BODYBUILDING! I stopped training for about two months. Well, when I got the hang of it, I started to study a little, and - lo and behold (!) I succeeded! I completely erased the first six months from training program squats and deadlift , and all the exercises that loaded the spine in one way or another were made twice as easy.

By today, I have almost recovered the weights that I had overcome before. The only deadlift had to be replaced.

It's funny, I haven't been going to the gym for almost a month now (standard excuses: either no money or time) and it started bothering me again cervical region spine. Strictly speaking, there is nothing surprising in this and the reasons for this phenomenon are described below.

The most important idea that I wanted to convey to each of you: if you build a training program correctly, you can deal with any non-critical illness, while rare diseases in bodybuilding are critical in nature, in most cases rather preventive. With the right approach, bodybuilding is good for your health!

Diseases that you need to think about if you have them

Now I will give the most, so to speak, occupational diseases in the presence of which you need to be careful about bodybuilding.

These diseases, moreover, can often be triggered by weight training. Just please do not consider this list as a categorical refusal to train, because any of the diseases listed below is more of an opportunity to reconsider your lifestyle and attitude towards sports than a strict prohibition. So, what are the health benefits of bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding and the heart

Definitely hard and grueling training can negatively affect the functioning of our most important muscle.

Possible diseases:

  • cardiac ischemia;
  • hypertension.

Symptoms of illnesses:

  • increased blood pressure;
  • tachycardia;
  • depressed state;
  • decline in performance;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • pain in the chest;
  • hard breath;
  • arrhythmia;
  • shortness of breath.

Causes of ailments:

  • brutal training, which is called “wear and tear”;
  • insufficient fluid intake;
  • abuse of caffeine and energy drinks;
  • insufficient rest time between sets to normalize heart rate.
  • alternating both intensity and severity of training;
  • nutrition rich in microelements and nutrients;
  • taking medications to improve blood flow (angioprotectors);
  • good rest between workouts;
  • increased H2O consumption (both in and outside of training);
  • abstaining from training in a stuffy, poorly ventilated room;
  • mandatory inclusion of cardio equipment in the training program.

The benefits of bodybuilding for the heart:

Weight training improves vascular conductivity, improves resistance to stress and prolongs the longevity of the heart muscle.

Bodybuilding and the spine

Of course, the pressure of gravity on the intervertebral discs has a negative impact on our back. But with the right approach, here, instead of crosses, you can consider only solid advantages.

Possible diseases:

  • scoliosis;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • Schmorl's hernia;
  • osteochondrosis.

Symptoms of illnesses:

  • crunch in the spine;
  • systematic aching pain in back;
  • shooting pains in the back;
  • stiffness and limitation of mobility;
  • poor posture;
  • pain that occurs in specific positions or exclusively under load.

Causes of ailments:

  • neglecting warm-up;
  • inadequate assessment of one's own capabilities;
  • training with extreme weights;
  • too many basic exercises in the training program;
  • training too often.
  • keep a training diary so that when starting an exercise you can always resort to past experience and know what weight to work with;
  • exclusion of the most uncomfortable exercises from the training program (for me these are pull-ups and overhead barbell presses);
  • training and;
  • each basic exercise do it gradually, getting to working weights from the 2nd or even 3rd approach;
  • is attentive to back pain;
  • If you feel pain during training, cool down and go home.

The benefits of bodybuilding for the back:

By strengthening the back muscles, the load on the spinal joints is relieved in everyday life. Bodybuilding is especially useful for those who leads a sedentary lifestyle. Strong muscles fix the spine, preventing disc loosening due to osteochondrosis and intervertebral hernia. Accelerated bodybuilding exercises have a good effect on posture problems.

Bodybuilding and joints

Damage, sometimes irreversible, to the joints is a fairly common occurrence among bodybuilders. And it’s not that this is inevitable, the problem is rather that athletes do not think about preventing wear and tear on their joints until trouble specifically strikes them.

Possible diseases:

  • arthritis;
  • arthrosis;
  • bursitis;
  • tendinitis;
  • stretching

Symptoms of illnesses:

  • crackling joints;
  • aching pain in a specific joint;
  • pain under exertion;
  • limitation of joint mobility associated with pain.

Causes of ailments:

  • working with critical scales;
  • insufficient warm-up before training;
  • wear and tear of joints.
  • good warm-up before training;
  • consumption of vegetable fats;
  • periodic drinking of fish oil;
  • exclusion of uncomfortable exercises from the program;
  • do not tie tight bandages on joints;
  • react to painful sensations and, if necessary, quit
  • exercise and consult a doctor.

The benefits of bodybuilding for joints:

Moderate amateur bodybuilding exercises can serve well for the longevity of joints, but the risk of injury is still quite high, so you need to be very careful with your joints and periodically spend money on fish oil.

Bodybuilding and muscles

No matter how absurd what I’m about to say may sound, bodybuilding in specific cases can also have a far from positive effect on muscles.

Possible diseases:

  • demineralization;
  • dehydration;
  • overtraining.

Symptoms of illnesses:

  • convulsions;
  • pain from touch;
  • painful sensations when moving;
  • increased body temperature;
  • decrease in performance.

Causes of ailments:

  • a fundamentally wrong approach to nutrition and training;
  • insufficient protein intake;
  • exclusion of carbohydrates or fats from the diet;
  • drinking little;
  • exercising too frequently and/or too intensely.
  • train no more than 3 times a week;
  • eat a lot of protein;
  • do not neglect fats and carbohydrates;
  • increased consumption of H2O (both in and outside of training).

The benefits of bodybuilding for muscles:

If you train correctly, then there is only one benefit. The muscles become stronger, more resilient, retain their functions longer, and the speed of muscle contraction improves.

Bodybuilding and vision

Vision problems are more common among professional bodybuilders, although there is still a certain risk for amateurs.

Possible diseases:

  • glaucoma;
  • myopia;
  • astigmatism.

Symptoms of illnesses:

  • sudden deterioration of vision;
  • lack of focus;
  • circles before the eyes.

Causes of ailments:

  • a sharp increase in intracranial, and as a consequence, intraocular pressure, which is directly related to holding the breath before a push or jerk;
  • working with record weights;
  • frequent trierov with insufficient time for rest;
  • too intense training.
  • reduce the intensity of training;
  • playing sports in a cool, well-ventilated area;
  • performing gymnastics for the eyes.

The benefits of bodybuilding for vision:

Training will be beneficial for your vision if you do not lift heavy weights for 1-5 repetitions per set and only exercise while in a rested state.

Workouts and colds

There was once a lot of controversy surrounding bodybuilding and colds. Some insisted that it is necessary to exercise despite the symptoms, others say that there is no point in such activities. American scientists experimentally resolved this dispute. They infected a group of bodybuilders with a cold virus, and left one half without training, while the other half continued to actively train.

As a result, those subjects who allowed the body to calmly cope with the virus without overloading them with training recovered an order of magnitude faster. It is interesting that the anabolic effect was not in any way beneficial for the trainees. The fact is that any cold suppresses the anabolic effect and activates cortisol (catabolic effect).

Bodybuilding after illness

After recovery, it is advisable to refrain from bodybuilding for 1-3 days, after which you can gradually begin training. Even if your body seems to have recovered and you feel 100% healthy, rushing to reach maximum working weights is highly not recommended.

Bodybuilding and recovery from illness are somewhat delicate things. It is very advisable not to overexert yourself in training for 7-10 days after the cold has gone away, allowing your body to recover and return to its previous rhythm. Working weights should be reduced by about 30%, while also reducing the intensity of the workout.

Health and bodybuilding, benefits of bodybuilding

Before I say goodbye, I suggest summing up the results of today’s work:

Yes, of course, bodybuilding and illnesses complement each other, and besides, bodybuilding has a whole list of occupational diseases. But (!) the correct approach to training, tailored to the specific disease, the training process in “ comfort zone", without exorbitant weights and " torn veins", can insure the athlete against diseases, or in any case, minimize the harm of bodybuilding to health.

The right approach to amateur bodybuilding can help get rid of existing diseases, and if you also take into account that playing sports in one way or another directs each of us towards a healthy lifestyle, then the benefits of bodybuilding increase threefold. So I can say with confidence: bodybuilding is more beneficial for health, than harmful, and diseases and bodybuilding do not necessarily complement each other, rather the opposite!

Thank you for your attention! As they say: thank you all, everyone is free!

P.S. If I managed to be useful, I ask you to subscribe to blog updates and click on any button social network(buttons are located below).

Well, that’s all for sure now! Good health to you, friends, and may illness not force you to quit doing what you love.

I was worried about your health Vitaly Okhrimenko !

60 comments on “Health and bodybuilding, health benefits with the right approach”

    Everything is good in moderation. For any disease, you can find exercises that are suitable for practice. Let it be an incomplete load, but still not abandoned

    Hello Vitaly. Regarding the article, I want to say the following, a person who reads it passionately may think: “Oh, fuck it, I don’t care about bodybuilding and sports in general. I’d rather lie at home and drink beer and chips.” But thinking about what you read, it becomes clear that you show that almost any disease can be exercised in the gym, and you prove this by your own example. I completely share your thoughts. Sport is movement and life. Exercise without injury.

    I once heard a story: in Donetsk, a man had very serious problems with his spine after an injury, doctors predicted that he would live in bed for the rest of his days. He developed a training program for himself gymnastic stick and a horizontal bar, and managed to avoid this terrible sentence

    Thank you Ivan! I respect your point of view, moreover: I really noticed that when I don’t work out for a long time (unfortunately, now is exactly that period, it will be a month soon) the sores start to appear, and in general, I become so lazy 😈
    Life is definitely on the move, a sedentary lifestyle only makes us sleep longer and be more lazy

    There are many such examples. But from the outside it is seen in a completely different way than from the inside. I admire the willpower and fortitude of such people.

    A sedentary lifestyle will not bring anything good to anyone. Therefore, you need to try to move while you have the strength - exercise, train, dance, swim - whoever can do what.

    Great article, Vitaly. Everything is good in moderation, and this applies not only to bodybuilding. And the elderly need to move while their legs are carrying. Pregnant women are also advised to move as much as possible.

    If you listen to all the doctors’ recommendations, then you don’t need to live at all. Almost everyone has one or another disease from the ones you listed. So it turns out that no one can study?
    I think everything is good in moderation. Don’t tear your strength and ligaments, but train wisely, as you do. Thinking and caring about health.
    I once watched a program about a pensioner in America. This woman, when she retired, began to have health problems, plus obesity. She was almost prescribed bed rest, but she did not agree to live like that, and began to slowly train at home, then went to the gym and began to work out more intensely. At the time the film was shown, she was 76 years old, had an excellent figure, and was in good health. So you can start playing sports at any age, the main thing is desire!

    Pregnancy is not a disease, of course heavy loads are not recommended, but moderate workouts under the guidance of a specialist will only benefit.

    They said it very correctly: “under the guidance of a specialist”
    Unfortunately, it often happens when trainers act as trainers in gyms. former athletes who achieved certain results in their time, but do not have enough knowledge and special education to adequately approach this issue
    Therefore, before trusting a coach in such a difficult situation, you need to inquire about his level of qualifications

    Yes, and it’s not even the desire to train, the main thing is the desire to live!

    Yes, it’s not without reason that they say: movement is life!

    I don’t argue that choosing a coach is a serious step, and you need to approach it with all responsibility. He must be a professional in the field of teaching.

    Anyutka, you are right, many people lose heart from such a verdict from doctors and feel sorry for themselves, not doing anything that can change their life.

    There are also gyms where the trainer is not a professional at all. I bought the equipment, installed it, and then the people themselves will figure out what they need.

    Irina, you can’t do sports, but you have to do them at any age, and then you definitely won’t become a vegetable.

    Yes, I’m not arguing, of course it’s necessary. The main thing is in moderation so as not to harm. And it’s better under the guidance of an experienced trainer.

    Hello, I'll be honest, sports are crazy. When you play sports, you go for great results and squeeze out of yourself everything possible and impossible, and the choice of a coach no longer matters, he will constantly demand results. I am writing this because I was in this mess called big sport, as a result, two vertebral disc displacements, a minor tendon rupture, cardiac problems, not counting injuries, dislocations, bruises. It's best if you want to have beautiful body build, strength and agility, exercise and do everything gradually, this is of course a long process, but the result will be without loss.

    Hello Garik!
    Big sport is definitely a utopia. It has always been and will be that big sport only destroys health. It’s much better to engage in amateur bodybuilding, combining a beautiful body and improved (or at least not worsened) health

    How difficult it is to combine computer work with a healthy lifestyle! As soon as you sit down in the morning, you forget about time. It’s good that the little granddaughter makes her move more, walk and dance!

    I went to the gym and signed up for support. physical health, otherwise my back became really bad.

    When I was pregnant, I really regretted that we didn’t have classes for pregnant women, maybe it would have been easier to give birth.

    The desire to live like everyone else and not depend on anyone, not to feel inferior.

    At the initial stage, a coach is definitely needed.

    In general, by and large, classes with pregnant women should be mandatory and should be carried out in consultation.

    Ideally they should. But, alas, there is no such thing in my city yet.

    We have many such gyms. I am my own boss.

    Ekaterina, do you do fitness under the guidance of an experienced trainer?

    Thank you for the information. I would like to see an article about warm-up and cool-down: what exactly to do and how many times.
    Thank you.

    Personally, I have never been able to play sports at home. I'm too lazy. There should be a supervisor at home.

    Very experienced. This woman has trained more than one master of sports in aerobics. She is a big smart girl with an iron grip.

    We seem to have quite a room high level, but the professional staff of coaches... is, to put it mildly, lame. One coach only has education, and that is not specific at all. All my life I taught physical education at school and college, and now in retirement I work part-time at a fitness center. Others are former athletes of the coaches is especially amused. He wants to seem smart so much that sometimes it comes to laughter... he starts telling blondes who came to the gym for the first time about muscle compression or some other bullshit... even I don’t always understand what he says, but to blondes it’s okay no need at all

    However, it is worth recognizing that injuries still allowed these people to overcome their illnesses. But there were more terrible injuries, when even people with a strong will could not do anything.
    There was a gymnast, Lena Mukhina, who broke her spine at another competition and spent 25 years in bed until her death.

    You need to move without making allowances for age. Just regulate the load - reduce it, but don’t stop moving.
    This is how you can prolong life.

    How right you are, Irina, that working at a computer forces you to sit at the monitor for many hours. Here you really need willpower to overcome yourself and do physical exercise.

    I took the advice of one student who, every 25 minutes of sitting at the computer, takes a 5-minute break to do exercises.

    A love for physical education, or at least an interest, should be developed from childhood, from school. But in schools sometimes this subject is taught in such a way that it ends up with just one name.

    For pregnant women, during consultations, they conduct their own special physical therapy classes.

    This is how we should distinguish between physical education and sports. Let those especially gifted in this type of human activity engage in sports, but for the rest, physical education is enough.

    You cannot check all trainers for qualifications. You still have to agree with the presence of those who work in the club.

    Cool article, respect! Now I’ve decided to reconsider my program, otherwise chest I often got sick, the loads were too great. I exercise 4 days a week and eat a lot of buckwheat, my muscles grow like clockwork.

    Physical education heals, but sport cripples! Many bodybuilders have heart problems!

Surely, you have already thought more than once about the benefits of bodybuilding and whether there are any benefits at all from bodybuilding. After all, all the “experts” around are just saying that it’s harmful, that the muscles and something else will sag, the liver will fall off, and so on, while they themselves eat whatever they can, drink and smoke. But this is a separate topic. So what are the benefits of bodybuilding? Let's figure it out.

If you are seriously interested in bodybuilding, then you have to follow a regimen and eat right. While the rest are partying until the morning in nightclubs in a drunken stupor, you eat cottage cheese at night and go to bed. Agree, correct mode day and nutrition cannot have any negative effect on the body. But the benefits of bodybuilding do not end there.

What are the benefits of bodybuilding:

Bodybuilding helps you lose weight

If you are overweight, bodybuilding and proper nutrition will help you effectively lose weight without all the idiotic diets that are littered all over the Internet. There are no secrets. Everything you need to reset excess weight, it's eating right and exercising regularly. If you want something beautiful and toned body, This is what you need!

Bodybuilding prevents arthritis

A modern sedentary lifestyle negatively affects our health, as a result of which diseases of the musculoskeletal system such as arthritis and arthrosis very often occur. Regular bodybuilding exercises are an excellent prevention of these diseases.

Bodybuilding slows down the aging of the body

You've probably noticed that people who play sports look much younger than their peers. This is facilitated not only by regular physical exercise, but also healthy image life, proper nutrition and daily routine. Therefore, if you want to extend your life and look much younger, then do bodybuilding!

Bodybuilding prevents cardiovascular disease

Bodybuilding and fitness classes are an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Training with weights not only trains skeletal muscles, but also our heart, increasing its working volume and strength. In addition, our muscles are essentially a second heart, as they also help pump blood throughout the body. Thus, bodybuilding exercises have a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and prevent its diseases.

Bodybuilding relieves stress

Unlike alcohol, which is a depressant, bodybuilding is actually an excellent stress reliever. During exercise, the brain releases special substances into the blood that we call antidepressants. That is why, after training, you always have good mood despite being tired.

As you can see, the benefits of bodybuilding are obvious. But don't forget that good things should be in moderation. Otherwise, instead of benefiting you, you can harm your body. What other benefits do you think bodybuilding has? Write in the comments.

Sport has a positive effect on the body. But in training you need to exercise moderation. Professional bodybuilders have ideal external parameters, but their internal organs work intermittently and there are many diseases. Let's look at how bodybuilding affects a person and who needs such sacrifices.

The concepts of bodybuilding and health stand side by side. This is a direction in sports where an athlete often takes various anabolic steroids and pills. It is impossible to pump up muscles to such relief and dry out the body on your own. Plus, daily workouts and healthy eating give results. You can decide whether bodybuilding is beneficial or harmful when determining your training goals.

What is bodybuilding like?

Athletes divide this direction into:

  • Professional.
  • Hobby.

In the first case, this is a sport in which there is competition and you need to learn to promote yourself, train, and be at the peak of popularity. Such people go to the gym as if they were going to work. They spend 5-7 hours a day there. It is important for him to show the utmost and extreme level of preparation.

Bodybuilding as a hobby is a common physical activity.

A person trains, watches his diet, but does not use stimulants for muscle growth. Such activities have a positive effect on the spine and metabolism. Any physical activity improves human health and improves mood.

The influence of bodybuilding


Main by-effect- this is the need to constantly maintain shape. If you stop exercising, the body will lose its acquired elasticity. This is caused by the fact that athletes take anabolic drugs stimulating muscle growth. When you stop training and use steroids, the body returns to its previous shape.

With constant use of drugs, organs accumulate cholesterol fats. This is dangerous for the cardiovascular system. Long-term use of steroids negatively affects the body:

  • Blood pressure increases.
  • Headache.
  • Impaired liver functions.
  • Poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Hair loss.
  • Aggressiveness.
  • Depression.
  • Decreased potency.

The functioning of the nervous and hormonal systems is disrupted, resulting in a nervous breakdown. In men, natural production decreases. The drug has similar components, so the body stops secretion. The functioning of the genital organs is disrupted, the testicles become smaller.

Serious heart problems begin. The athlete spends all his time pumping up his muscles, rather than strengthening his heart muscle. Therefore, it pumps blood worse. Overload and wear begin. Bodybuilders have virtually no body fat. So as not to appear body fat they have to do it every day. However, it is worth understanding that all the harm occurs with prolonged bodybuilding and excessive training.


Frequent exercise has a rejuvenating effect. High intensity allows removal subcutaneous fat. Especially for people with extra pounds. In the initial stages, bodybuilding has the following advantages:

  • Strengthens hearts.
  • Improves the elasticity of blood vessels.
  • Revitalizes small capillaries.
  • Normalizes blood pressure.
  • Improves mood.
  • Relieves depression.
  • Self-esteem increases.
  • Joint mobility is maintained.
  • The bone skeleton will become stronger.

Who is prohibited from bodybuilding?

Bodybuilding is a serious sport. They devote a lot of time to him. Some people have poor health and any stress will be harmful. There is a list of diseases for which training is prohibited:

  • Serious injuries, fractures, dislocations.
  • Cancer formation.
  • ARI, ARVI, influenza.
  • Psychical deviations.
  • Scoliosis.
  • Flat feet.
  • Broken integrity of the spine.
  • Haemorrhoids.
  • Hernia.
  • Pulmonary diseases.
  • Joint problems.

If the bodybuilder did not know about the presence of such diseases, then they get worse. In this case, training should be stopped.

How to practice?

In bodybuilding, harm and benefit are close together. If you are fanatical about training, then negative results cannot be avoided. Classes should be approached based on gender, age, weight and training. Be sure to do exercises to strengthen your heart. If you do not have a goal to engage in professional bodybuilding and compete, then it is not recommended to start using steroids.

The body produces hormones on its own for muscle growth, recovery and development. Excessive power loads worsen the physical and emotional state of the athlete. Depression, apathy, stress and depression appear.

In order for your health to improve or remain stable, it is recommended to adhere to the following components:

  • Nutrition - balanced, healthy, rich in useful elements.
  • Sports - regular, with moderate loads, thoughtful and varied programs.
  • Rest - for muscle growth you need to take breaks, monitor the amount of sleep, alternate days of rest and training.

If you do not resort to steroids, then gain muscle mass possible in 6-12 months. In this case, the benefits for humans will be 5 times greater than when using artificial hormones.

To begin with, before moving on to the story about the benefits and harms of bodybuilding, let's remind ourselves once again what bodybuilding is.

Body-building- (from the English body - body and building - construction) or as it is also called Body-building(from French culturisme). This is a process that builds muscle mass, improving the human body, by performing physical exercise with weights. And it requires a high-energy diet, which should include an increased amount of protein and carbohydrates to build the muscles of the body.

Harm of bodybuilding

Now let’s move closer to the harm and benefits of bodybuilding for humans. This sport can still harm you. But which one?

In fact, if you are engaged in natural bodybuilding, namely, do not use special pills or pharmaceuticals that stimulate rapid muscle growth, then the harm from bodybuilding will be minimal.

This means that while performing the exercise, you can get, for example, an injury or sprain. To prevent this from happening, you should do each exercise with perfect technique, and you should not take weights that are higher than your norm, this applies to a greater extent shoulder exercises, because when the shoulder is damaged, almost all exercises cannot be performed.

If you are a beginner, it is better to train with a trainer. Another disadvantage of bodybuilding is constant training and proper nutrition to keep yourself in shape. Also, do not forget that by doing heavy physical exercise, you strain your heart, and it should be trained too, for this you should perform special exercises.

And so, here are the main disadvantages of natural bodybuilding:

  • You need to constantly keep yourself in shape
  • There is a risk of injury

But since we are talking about the dangers of bodybuilding, we should remember what harm such a sport can cause for those who use special drugs for rapid muscle growth and physical strength.

Moreover, often those who engage in professional bodybuilding use various steroids, and without this, it is almost impossible to win competitions today.

Side effect of steroids

The consequences of all this, if taken over a long period of time, are from exercise in a rocking chair:

  • You get depressed
  • Complete biochemical disorder in cells
  • Headaches will be tormented
  • Blood pressure will increase
  • Changes in liver function
  • Gastrointestinal tract dysfunction
  • Hair will fall out
  • Aggression will appear
  • Decreased potency
  • A large number of acne will form on the body
Steroids are similar to the male hormone - testosterone, which is produced by the male body itself, and its amount is regulated by the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland will not produce its own testosterone, since when taking steroids they will increase this hormone and there will be an excess of the norm. This disrupts the functioning of the genital organ.

By building muscle mass with steroids, a person will lose an erection within 5 years, since the body will no longer produce its hormone.

As you can see for yourself, it is better to engage in natural bodybuilding. But remember not to expect quick results.

The benefits of bodybuilding

Almost every young person, including girls, wants to have a beautiful, healthy and fit body. Girls dream that they would have beautiful figure, and all their advantages were emphasized. Guys have handsome big muscles so that girls would pay attention to them.

That is why many young people go to the gym, some do fitness, and some pump iron.

What benefits will visiting gyms and bodybuilding bring us:

  • Beautiful body shape – this sport will make your body ideal, the way you “build it” yourself
  • Proper nutrition - for achievement good results, bodybuilding will force you to eat right and follow a routine. For some this is a minus, but for most it is a big plus.
  • Strengthening your health.
  • Weight loss – many people strive to lose weight. Proper nutrition and exercise will help her with this.
  • Anti-aging effect – however, like any other dispute, it is aimed at training your body.
  • Heart training – vascular walls become elastic, the strength and volume of the heart increase.
  • Depression – running and lifting weights will help you cope with this. During exercise, the brain releases an antidepressant
  • Reduces salt deposition in bones
  • Eating a balanced diet and lifting weights can help those with diabetes.
  • Happiness – when you exercise, endorphin is produced, which is the hormone of happiness.
  • You become more confident

As you can see for yourself, when natural bodybuilding, the benefits will be significant and will greatly exceed the harm from working out in the gym. Bodybuilding, with a moderate and reasonable approach, will help you feel more confident, be better than others, be an example for the younger generation, because it is better than getting your “happiness” from alcohol.

So, if you are already working out in the gym, then you can be proud of yourself - you are on the right path. And if you are still considering this possibility, then in the next article read more about what is better and more beneficial for a person, bodybuilding or powerlifting, and you can also find here, and even a separate one.