
This neck exercise works wonders. Exercises for the neck for osteochondrosis: getting rid of pain with the help of gymnastics

The cervical spine is one of the most mobile and unprotected areas of the musculoskeletal system, which is subject to various degenerative changes with age. Hence the decrease in mobility and the occurrence of pain. Gymnastic neck exercises according to Bubnovsky- a real salvation for millions, because they do not require much time, and their effectiveness has been proven in practice.

"So simple!" will tell you how to get rid of neck pain and strengthen muscles using the simple method of Dr. Bubnovsky. 7 simple exercises will do the impossible. The main thing is not to be lazy!

Exercises to strengthen your neck

These simple and effective exercises can be mastered in 1-2 workouts at any age; they can be included in a complex for morning exercises or performed separately. Before classes start do a light workout or warming self-massage of the neck. This trick will help speed up blood circulation and lymph flow, as well as relieve muscle spasms.

If dizziness and malaise occur while standing, the exercises should be performed while sitting. If pain or discomfort increases, the activity should be stopped and consulted with an instructor or doctor. The breathing rhythm is also important: the exercise is performed while inhaling, and returning to the starting position while exhaling.

  1. "Metronome"
    The first exercise is slow tilting of the head to the right shoulder, then to the left. Straighten your back and smoothly tilt your head towards your right shoulder. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. After returning to the starting position, perform the same manipulation in the opposite direction. Repeat 5 times.

  2. "Spring"
    Bend your head as far forward as possible, touching your chin to your chest. Then gently stretch your neck forward and up. Do 5 reps.

  3. "Heron"
    During this simple exercise, the muscles of the neck and thoracic spine are perfectly worked out. While sitting, straighten your back and place your hands on your knees. Gradually move your arms behind your back while simultaneously pulling your chin up. Gently tense your muscles and hold in this position for 30 seconds. Do 5 reps.

  4. "Look to the Sky"
    Tilt your head back, then smoothly turn it from side to side. This exercise consists of 6 repetitions.

  5. "Fakir"
    This exercise partially repeats the previous one. Raise your arms bent at the elbows and clasp them above your head. Smoothly turn your head to the right and left, holding each position for 15–30 seconds. Do 6 reps.

  6. "Frame"
    This exercise is effective for osteochondrosis of the cervical and thoracic spine. Place your left hand on your right shoulder, then slowly turn your head to the left. Stay in this position for 30 seconds. Then, changing the position of your hand, repeat in the opposite direction. Do 5 smooth reps. Do you feel your muscles tense?

  7. "Goose"
    The final exercise to strengthen the neck muscles is performed in a standing position. It is extremely effective in relaxing and stretching the muscles, giving a feeling of release and relaxation. Stand up straight, stretch your arms at your sides. The neck should be straight, chin and shoulders parallel to the floor.

    Pull your head forward, turn to the side and stretch your chin to your shoulder, trying to touch the latter. Repeat the same action in the opposite direction. Perform 5 reps for each shoulder.

According to you, you can get rid of neck pain quite quickly, but only with regular and correct performance of these simple and accessible exercises. In addition, we should not forget about proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. A little effort and self-organization, and very soon you will get rid of debilitating neck pain. Be healthy!

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Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine is one of the most dangerous diseases, which can lead to irreversible changes in the vertebral discs and cause disability.

The cervical region contains important blood vessels that supply the brain; nerve endings responsible for the motor functions of the forelimbs are located here.

The disease is characterized not only by a significant deterioration in the quality of life and severe headaches, but also by numbness of the hands during sleep.

Headaches and numbness of the hands are symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis

To treat osteochondrosis, various methods are used depending on the cause and clinical picture of the disease. Therapeutic exercise, gymnastics, massage and self-massage play a positive role in the effectiveness of drug treatment. The main caution is that you can exercise only during a period of stable remission and after consultation with your doctor.

As mentioned above, therapeutic exercises and massage will be most effective only in combination with other types of treatment for the disease. In addition, several general conditions must be met:

  • before starting, you should consult with your doctor and together with him choose the optimal set of exercises, their duration and frequency;

  • regularity. Most types of osteochondrosis of the cervical spine are irreversible. This means that the exercises need to be done regularly and for a very long period of time;

  • increased pain serves as a signal to temporarily stop exercising.

Gymnastic exercises can be used not only during the treatment of an illness, but also to prevent it. Medicine strongly advises people who lead a sedentary lifestyle or have a sedentary job to do such exercises. Preventing a disease is much easier and simpler than treating it.

It is recommended, if possible, to repeat the simplest exercises several times during the day. The full set of exercises can be divided into stages and done in parts over a few hours. Such actions significantly increase the effectiveness of therapeutic or preventive gymnastics.

Exercises recommended for performing during remission of the disease

During this period, you need to be very careful when developing exercises, perform them as sparingly as possible, and avoid excessive stress and resumption of pain. Therapeutic exercises are best done while sitting - relaxation of the back muscles is achieved, which is extremely important.

Each movement should be performed 10÷20 times. If possible, it is recommended to increase the duration to two minutes for each exercise.

In the first days of doing the exercises, you can hear characteristic cracking sounds in the cervical vertebrae. This is normal; after a few days of constant practice, the sounds will stop. A slight crunching sound indicates spasms of the vertebrae; it should not exist in a healthy spine.

If the patient’s condition is so severe that it does not allow him to do exercises standing or sitting, then a set of movements should be performed in a lying position. You need to lie down on a flat, hard surface, with your arms always along your body. The number of repetitions is no more than ten; each exercise should not take more than one minute.

It is recommended to repeat these steps until a lasting positive effect is obtained, and then move on to the more complex complex described above. As a result of gymnastics, blood circulation in the cervical vertebrae will significantly improve, and their motor capabilities will begin to be restored. This will allow you to easily perform more complex complexes with increased physical activity.

If during therapeutic exercises a deterioration in the patient’s condition is detected, then the exercises should be stopped. Treatment continues with the usual medications; after the condition improves, physical therapy can be resumed.

Video - Exercises for cervical osteochondrosis

Exercises recommended for performance during the chronic course of the disease and for prevention

Gymnastics can be done lying down, sitting or standing, the back is straight, the neck muscles are relaxed.

  1. Lying on your stomach, push up from the floor, bend back and turn your head left/right. Try to see the left and right heels of your feet in turn. At first it will be difficult to do this, but after one or two weeks of constant training there will be a noticeable positive effect. Repeat the exercise 10÷20 times.

  2. Starting position: lying on your back, clasp your hands behind your head. Raise your straight legs up to a vertical position and at the same time try to touch your chest with your chin.

    The exercise should be done while exhaling through the nose. Pull your socks towards you, raise your legs to a vertical position. If it is difficult to perform such movements, raise your legs 15÷20°. Lower your head first and then your legs. The number of repetitions is from ten to twenty.

  3. Sitting or standing position, chin pressed to chest.

    Without lifting your chin, roll it from one shoulder to the other, repeat the exercise 10–20 times. Make the last two/three movements while exhaling, helping with your hand and trying to look behind your back. Do not make sudden movements, do not try to turn your head too much with your hands. While performing this exercise, you can sometimes hear a characteristic click in the cervical vertebrae, indicating that the block has been removed. After a few days of regular exercise, clicking in the cervical spine should disappear, which will indicate a significant improvement in its condition.

  4. Starting position: the right palm is pressed to the head, the left hand holds the right elbow. Turn your head towards your right shoulder and press it with your right palm. Slowly return your head to the starting position, applying increasing resistance with your right hand, then freely turn your head to the left. The number of repetitions is 10÷20, then change the position of your hands and do the same in the opposite direction.

  5. Place your head on your right shoulder and press it with your right hand.

    Slowly raise your head to a vertical position, applying increasing resistance with your hand. Change the position of your hand and tilt your head to the other side. Number of repetitions 10÷20 times. It should be borne in mind that at first it will not be possible to tilt your head close to your shoulder; the amplitude of the tilt will increase gradually as the mobility of the vertebrae is restored.

  6. Place the fingers of your right hand on the sixth and seventh processes of the cervical vertebra, press them with your left palm. Tilt your head back, simultaneously pressing on the sixth and seventh vertebrae. Make five to six movements, remove your left hand and repeat turning your head to the left four to five times. Switch hands and repeat the same to the right.

  7. Place the palms of your hands on your face, fingers should cover your forehead. As you tilt your head forward/backward, press your palms onto your face with increasing force. For the first few days, you should apply pressure on the face only when tilting your head to your chest; later, efforts can be made when moving in both directions. Repeat the exercise ten times.

You need to understand that pathological changes in the cervical spine have occurred for several years; it is impossible to return it to its original state in a few days of training. You should be persistent and patient, regular exercise will make your neck flexible and healthy, blood supply will be completely restored, headaches and numbness in your hands will disappear. The more regularly the exercises are performed, the more noticeable the final positive effect.

Video - Exercises for prevention

Self-massage for osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Can be done as an independent procedure or after a set of gymnastic exercises. It is better to perform the procedures while sitting, with a straight back and relaxed muscles. Stroking, kneading and shaking movements are performed, increasing pain is not allowed. A preliminary consultation with a doctor is required.

All techniques should be repeated 5-7 times, finishing the massage by repeated rubbing and stroking the cervical spine. Stroking should be done with slight pressure with a full hand; movements can be performed in different directions. Encircling stroking is not recommended due to the effect on large areas of the cervical spine.

Video – Self-massage of the neck

Should only be performed by a specialist with medical education, otherwise your health may worsen.

The neck should be massaged on both sides by stroking, squeezing and kneading. Single, circular double and circular movements are used with the phalanges of the bent fingers of both hands. Flat rubbing of the vertebral muscles is performed with the pads of the thumbs; during circular rubbing, the phalanges of the four fingers of each hand should work.

The effectiveness of massage depends on the skill of the massage therapist, the severity of the disease and the duration of the course.

To enhance the effect, the use of medicinal ointments and gels is allowed. The ingredients included in the ointments can have a decongestant or anti-inflammatory effect, improve blood flow and relieve pain in inflamed areas.

It is forbidden to massage during acute periods of the disease, thrombosis, atherosclerosis of peripheral vessels, mental disorders and some skin diseases. The attending physician prescribes massage; the patient must inform him of any changes in well-being.

Therapeutic massage can be local or general; it is widely used during joint diseases as one of the complex methods of treating the disease. In combination with the correct regimen of drug therapy and therapeutic exercises, it gives a noticeable positive effect.

Recently, reflex massage of the Zakharyin-Ged zones has been often used. The purpose of the treatment is to find and have a positive effect on individual reflex zones on the surface of the skin. Performed only by the most experienced massage therapists with extensive practical experience and deep theoretical knowledge.

For osteochondrosis, only manual massage is allowed; exposure to various electrical devices is not allowed.

The total duration of the procedures should not exceed 25 minutes; the number of sessions is determined by the attending physician and can be adjusted depending on changes in the patient’s well-being.

Doctors recommend regularly performing neck exercises for osteochondrosis, because no medicine will work better than gymnastics. This is a common illness today as we spend most of our time at our desks or in front of the computer. The load on the vertebrae of the cervical spine is also increased when working with a load and even when lifting heavy bags of groceries. By the way, the disease is almost impossible to cure with medication. Therefore, if you have the slightest pain in the cervical area, perform simple exercises.

You ask, what is osteochondrosis? This is a lesion of the articular cartilage, due to which the functioning of the joints is disrupted. Every day the disease affects more and more young people because they lead a sedentary lifestyle. Therefore, the recommendations that we will consider today will be useful to adults of all ages.

Symptoms of osteochondrosis

To be sure of the need for exercise, it is important to accurately determine the presence of osteochondrosis. You definitely need to perform therapeutic and preventive exercises if you have the following symptoms inherent in the types of the disease:

  • cutting pain moving from the neck to the scapula area and through the forearm to the fingers characterizes cervical radiculitis;
  • boring pain in the occipital and cervical region, which manifests itself in the shoulder joint, chest, forearm, are acceptable for irritative-reflex syndrome;
  • constant headache, tinnitus, dizziness, visual disturbances are symptoms of vertebral artery syndrome, for which exercise alone is not enough;
  • Localized pain in the cervical area, the area of ​​the shoulder blades and the heart, which intensifies when turning the head or sneezing, is distinguished by cardiac syndrome.

It is important to identify the presence of symptoms of the disease in a timely manner and promptly begin exercises to eliminate them.

Advice! Remember that exercise will not cure the disease, but only eliminate the pain. As soon as you stop exercising, the discomfort will return.

Exercises for prevention

As we found out, all people who lead a sedentary lifestyle are prone to cervical osteochondrosis. If you do not want to experience unbearable pain in your head, neck, arms, shoulder blades and even heart, perform preventive exercises. They will keep you safe and also improve blood flow to the brain, which leads to improved memory and concentration. This means that gymnastics for the neck will definitely not be superfluous.

Please note that all exercises must be done smoothly and without sudden movements, otherwise there is a risk of harming yourself. So, make yourself comfortable.

  • Sit straight on a chair and relax your lowered arms. Then make maximum head turns 10 times to the right and left. If, due to pain, you cannot do this slowly, several sharp jerks of your head in different directions will help you.
  • Remain seated in your chair with your back straight. Slowly lower your head down and touch your chin to your chest as much as possible. Once done, freeze for 10 seconds. Repeat the manipulations at least five times.
  • While sitting on a chair, relax your arms. You need to tuck your chin in as much as possible and smoothly tilt your head back. Repeat the exercise 10 times. If you do not have osteochondrosis, but you constantly work in a tense position, these movements are also useful for you.
  • Without getting up from your chair, place the palm of either hand on your forehead and tilt your head forward so that your palm puts very strong pressure on it. Overcome resistance for 10 seconds. By doing this exercise regularly, you will strengthen the front of your neck.
  • Stand up straight and relax your arms. You need to raise your shoulders as high as possible and stay in the resulting position for 10 seconds. After you relax them, take a breath and feel that your hands are noticeably pulling your shoulders towards the floor. Repeat 5-10 times.
  • Lie on your back on a hard surface (preferably the floor). You need to raise your head 8 times and stay in this position for 10 seconds. Repeat the exercise every 5 seconds.

Advice! Before starting exercise, create a suitable atmosphere for yourself, for example, turn on soothing music or wait until the children fall asleep. The noise will make it difficult to concentrate.

Strengthening and relaxing neck muscles

A set of exercises should be started with a simple warm-up, so as not to pull the muscles and harm yourself more. To do this, walk for a few minutes on your full feet, toes and heels until you feel a surge of warmth. So, let's proceed directly to performing special exercises.

  • Place your palm on your forehead three times and press on it for 10 seconds, straining your neck. Then do the same manipulation with the back of the head.
  • Alternately press with your left and then with your right hand on your temple. Also for 10 seconds each time.

  • Tilt your head back and try to touch your ear to your shoulder. Do the exercise, alternately changing ears, five times.
  • Make rotational movements with your head in different directions five times. First one way, then the other.
  • With your right palm, take your left cheek and help yourself rotate your head.
  • Ask someone at home to massage the muscles that are located between the bone and the back of the head (where the soft part is). Intense pain will be replaced by relaxing relief.
  • In a straight position, lower your arms along your body. Now tighten them and hold in this position for at least 30 seconds. While you do this, straighten your back and slowly lower your shoulder blades and shoulders. When you're done, relax.
  • While standing, gently lower the back of your head so that your cervical vertebrae twist. Imagine how the base of the spine moves along a given trajectory. Avoid sudden movements. You should feel how the vertebrae descend one after another. The ideal execution is to have your shoulders down and your chin resting on your chest. When straightening, move in the reverse order. Repeat the exercise until warmth appears in the neck area.
  • Stand up straight and bend parallel to the floor. Extend your arms straight to your sides. Try to simultaneously stretch the top of your head forward and lower your shoulder blades towards your spine. Make only your back muscles work.

Advice! Regular exercise helps reduce pain, restore blood flow in affected areas and improve overall well-being.

Gymnastics for the neck according to Shishonin

The scientific director of the Bubnovsky LOC and, by compatibility, the head of the kinisitherapy and rehabilitation clinic “Health of the XXI Century” in the city of Rostov-on-Don, as well as a consultant at the London Body School Personal Training Studio in Moscow, Alexander Shishonin, offers patients his own method of restoring the muscles of the cervical spine. Its peculiarity is in fixing positions. Gymnastics is accessible to everyone and easy to perform.

Let's take a look at the effective exercises using the Shishonin method, which need to be repeated five times in different directions.

  • Metronome. Sit down on a hard surface, preferably a chair, and slowly tilt your head without sudden movements. As you move, gradually try to reach the top of your head towards your right shoulder. Once there is noticeable tension in your sore muscles, you need to stay in this pose for 30 seconds. Then take the primary position and do the same manipulation in the other direction.
  • Spring. Lower your head as much as possible. Freeze without moving in this pose for 30–40 seconds. After this, you need to slowly stretch your neck forward and upward. Stop again for the same amount of time.
  • Looking to the sky. Turn your head to the left side all the way. Sharp pain should appear. Freeze for 30–40 seconds. When the pain begins to change to warming, repeat the turns in the opposite direction.
  • Frame. Slowly place your left hand on your right shoulder, although it may seem uncomfortable at first. Keep your elbow so that it is parallel to the floor. At this time, the right hand rests calmly and relaxed on the knee. Hold the position for 30–40 seconds, then do the same manipulation in the opposite direction.
    Fakir. Bring your palms together above the top of your head so that your elbows are parallel to the floor. Now slowly turn your head to the right side. Hold for 30–40 seconds and repeat the exercise to the left.
  • Heron. While sitting, leave your palms relaxed on your knees. Now slowly and gently pull your chin up so that you feel the muscle tension. At the same time, move your hands behind your back. Stay in this position for half a minute. Repeat on the other side and lightly stretch the muscles by gently tilting your head in different directions.
  • Goose. Stand up straight. Place your toes parallel to your chin. Slowly stretch your neck forward. Turn your head to the right and stretch your shoulder until you feel discomfort. Hold in this position for 30–40 seconds. Repeat in the opposite direction.

In addition to preventing osteochondrosis, these exercises will strengthen the muscle corset in the chest and neck, improve blood circulation, restore ability to work and have a beneficial effect on the nervous system.

Advice! Perform a set of exercises whenever possible. Even at work in the office, you can spend 10 minutes on your health during a break.

Exercises by Dr. Bubnovsky

Dr. Bubnovsky is known for being able to combine the most effective exercises for the cervical spine into a single complex that helps get rid of pain in the shortest possible time. His gymnastics can be performed at different ages without worrying about complications. You will get the effect after two weeks of regular exercise.

Let's check the method too, performing all the exercises in strict sequence.

  • Sit upright in a chair. Now smoothly and slowly tilt your head towards your right shoulder. At this time, try to pull the top of your head up. When you feel tension in your muscles, freeze for 30–40 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise in the opposite direction.
  • Lower your head as far as possible and lock in the position for 30–40 seconds. Then pull up and forward.
  • Smoothly turn your head to one side until tension appears in the muscles of the cervical region. Repeat the turn in the other direction as well. Five exercises in different directions are enough.
  • Place your left hand on your right shoulder and gently slowly turn your head in the opposite direction. Hold the resulting pose for 30 seconds. Do repetitions on the other side.
  • Connect your palms above your head with your elbows parallel to the floor and twist in different directions, holding the pose for a few seconds each time.
  • Stand up straight and stretch your neck forward while turning your head towards your shoulder. When pain appears, fixate for 30 minutes. Make sure your back is straight.
If you don’t have 10 free minutes, replace the exercises with lightly rubbing the problem area and tilting your head

If you work at a computer for a long time, doctors recommend doing neck exercises every hour. If you don’t have 10 free minutes, replace the exercises with lightly rubbing the problem area and tilting your head.

There are hardly any people who disagree with the fact that neck exercises help to significantly keep your back healthy. After all, ill health of the spine can cause ailments that are much more serious than discomfort when moving.

At the same time, spinal osteochondrosis, protrusion and herniated intervertebral discs have become significantly “younger” in recent years. If previously the mentioned diseases were more typical for the elderly, today the sedentary lifestyle of most people and office work, when the body is forced to remain in the same position for a long time, only contribute to the progression of pathologies of the spine, especially its upper parts.

There is always a load on the cervical spine. It is more susceptible to pathological changes due to the fact that it is under almost constant tension, and the vertebrae here are the thinnest and the thickness of the intervertebral discs is the smallest.

At the same time, large blood vessels supplying the brain pass through here. If the legs or arms can be given a break, then the neck must constantly support the head and this part of the spine can rest only at night and under the condition of a well-chosen pillow for sleeping.

The occurrence of pathologies in the cervical spine is “announced” by crunching in the neck, tinnitus, pressure surges and often aching muscles of the shoulder girdle.

Good results in the fight against the development of diseases of the cervical spine are achieved by special gymnastics for the neck, physical therapy, as well as massage of the neck and collar area.

  • Today, various exercises for the neck are known. However, most of them are aimed at achieving the following results:
  • Restoring the mobility of the vertebrae relative to their own axis;
  • Gymnastics helps strengthen the muscles of the neck and tone it. Systematic exercise for the cervical vertebrae helps restore elasticity to muscles constrained by constant overstrain due to inflammation.
  • Restoration of normal blood supply to tissues with subsequent elimination of compression of neurovascular bundles;
  • Activation of metabolic processes in tissues. In the first place in this situation is the level of glucose metabolism, which provides nutrition to the tissues of the intervertebral discs.
  • Activation of the body’s release of endorphins – “pleasure” hormones, which additionally helps with neck pain and increases tone;

Gymnastics for the neck has long been successfully prescribed for the treatment of diseases of this region and for their prevention. However, a specialist should prescribe a set of exercises to warm up the neck for each specific case of pathology and based on the results of a thorough examination of the patient.

When selecting exercises, the degree of “advancedness” of the disease must be taken into account, and the patient must perform the first exercises under the supervision of a specialist in exercise therapy. He will be able to monitor the correctness of the exercises, since this is the only way to guarantee the effectiveness of the treatment.

  • When the patient masters the technique of performing the movements, he can continue practicing at home. Regardless of the focus of the complex, there are a number of recommendations that apply to all exercises:
  • Physical stress on the neck is permissible only when the inflammation and its characteristic pain syndrome have been relieved, and the disease itself has entered the stage of remission. It is important for patients themselves to understand this, since excessive zeal in the desire to recover quickly and performing exercises for the cervical spine without waiting for remission can only aggravate the process and further complicate the course of the disease:
  • Gymnastics should be performed regularly according to the principle “from simple to complex.” Over time, the number of approaches for each exercise, and therefore the load, will increase.
  • Doing exercises correctly does not mean it hurts. On the contrary, pain must be avoided. If exercise therapy sessions are always accompanied by pain, it is necessary to urgently consult with your doctor. You may have to give up some exercises or replace them with others that are more gentle. Or perhaps it turns out that the disease has again entered the “acute” phase, and you will have to wait a while with therapeutic exercises for the neck.
  • Gymnastics for the neck is always performed smoothly, since sharp bends or turns can further injure the vertebrae, cause muscle overstretching, or even injury to nerves and blood vessels;
  • Correct posture while performing the prescribed exercise therapy complex for neck health helps to increase the effect of the exercises;
  • Rotating the head and throwing it back is done very carefully. It is better to initially coordinate such exercises with specialists;

  • At first, the duration of classes should not exceed 10 minutes. Gradually the load will increase to 30 minutes. In total, the exercises can be performed up to three times per day.

We will recommend you simple and effective sets of exercises that will make it possible to increase the maneuverability of the vertebrae and the flexibility of the neck. The first set of exercises for the neck is good and convenient because it can be easily done both at home and without leaving your workplace.

First exercise

Performed standing or sitting on a chair. The arms are relaxed and hanging along the body. The head smoothly turns to the left, then moves as far as possible to the right. When performing this, you need to position your nose and chin above your shoulder and hold there for 1–2 seconds.

If doing the exercise is difficult, you should start with an easier version: instead of slowly but “specifically” turning your head in each direction, make several smooth turns with a small amplitude.


When doing neck exercises, focus on your own sensations. Remember: pain during exercise is not a help; you cannot bring it to that point. If it occurs, you must immediately tell the instructor, under whose supervision you are doing exercises for the cervical vertebrae.

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Second exercise

It is also performed standing or sitting, with the arms hanging along the body. The head drops down, you should try to touch the chest with your chin.

Performing the exercise allows you to improve neck flexibility and stretch tight muscles in the back.

Third exercise

The starting position is the same. With them hanging along the body, try to move your head back, retracting your chin. Regular practice allows you to compensate for the position in which most office workers almost constantly find themselves when the neck “stretches” forward, forming hyperextension of the posterior neck muscles.

The second complex can be prescribed in cases of chronic diseases of the cervical spine. Neck exercises in this complex are designed to strengthen weakened muscles, as well as relieve pain and strain.

  1. The first exercise can be done while sitting, place your palms on your forehead and try to lower your head, while overcoming their resistance. Exercise makes it possible to strengthen weakened muscles and develop “stagnant” vertebrae.
  2. The second exercise is performed almost the same as the first, only now you need to alternately rest your palms on your temples, trying to tilt your head to the sides, while simultaneously creating counteraction with your hands. Performing this helps strengthen the lateral muscles of the neck and makes it possible to partially relieve pain.
  3. Third exercise: sitting or standing, arms down, raise your shoulders as high as possible and then lower your shoulders.
  4. The fourth exercise is massaging the area where the occipital bone meets the cervical muscles on the back of the head.
  5. The fifth exercise is also massage. Only this time you need to massage the shoulder blades at the attachment points of the neck muscles.

If a cervical hernia is detected, the entire exercise for the neck may consist of just one exercise:

  • Sitting straight, take a deep breath, slowly raise and throw back your head, directing your gaze to the ceiling;
  • Fix the position for 3-5 seconds, after which, also slowly, lower your head again.
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In addition to the classic complexes of physical therapy for the neck, some experts may recommend asanas and yoga poses from the recently gaining popularity of eastern practices, which have already proven themselves well as a kind of gymnastics for cervical osteochondrosis and other diseases. Thus, if performed correctly, yoga has no less therapeutic and preventive effect than classical exercises for neck pain.

Your review of the article

Shishonin neck gymnastics is a set of exercises designed to train the neck muscles. This is an auxiliary therapeutic method that will help reduce the symptoms of diseases of the musculoskeletal system and cope with the resulting problems. Regular exercise helps stop processes that are destructive to the upper part of the spinal column.

For the first time, he presented his technique to the world at an international medical congress, which was held in the USA. The set of exercises was received positively, after which Alexander Shishonin became a member of the New York Academy of Sciences.

In 2008, the technique he developed became popular and is currently actively used to treat various diseases.

Indications for use

Shishonin gymnastics for the neck is designed specifically for training the muscles located in the cervical area. Regular classes are prescribed to patients suffering from a number of pathologies.

These include:

  • long-term and persistent increase in blood pressure;
  • compressed vertebral arteries;
  • pinched nerve roots;
  • chronic migraine, headaches and dizziness;
  • weakened blood vessels;
  • poor memorization of new information, deterioration of thinking abilities;
  • disruption of blood flow in the veins that lead to the brain;
  • damage to the spine in the cervical area as a result of trauma;
  • a condition in which the upper limbs become numb and lose mobility;
  • malfunction of the brain resulting from impaired blood flow in the vertebral and basilar arteries.

Most often, the Shishonin method is prescribed to patients suffering from osteochondrosis in the cervical area.

Moderate exercise will be useful for people who move little, often work in one position, constantly engage in intense mental work, or eat poorly.

Physical exercise for prevention

Nervous stress, prolonged stay in one position, age-related changes and irregular sports activities are risk factors for the development of cervical osteochondrosis. To prevent the development of the disease, the doctor prescribes Shishonin gymnastics for preventive purposes.

  • frequent stress and emotional distress;
  • chronic insomnia;
  • physical and mental stress;
  • difficulty concentrating;
  • salt deposition in the cervical spine;
  • hypothermia of the cervical joints;
  • muscle spasms that limit neck mobility.

Thanks to the creation of a muscle corset in the cervical area, the symptoms of cervical osteochondrosis and other pathologies become less pronounced. Exercise reduces spasm of deep muscles, so that a person no longer experiences pain, headaches and heaviness in the neck and shoulders.

Advantages of the method

The gymnastic complex, invented by Alexander Shishonin, eliminates pain radiating to the limbs, normalizes blood and lymph flow, activates metabolic processes and eliminates swelling. This helps stimulate the tissue's ability to regenerate and improve the general condition of the sick person.

The advantages of the technique do not end there:

  • Gymnastics for the neck is a set of measured and slow movements that do not require special preparation. They are suitable for any level, as they eliminate the possibility of injury;
  • The classes are suitable for busy people as they do not take much time. It is enough to do gymnastics 25-30 minutes a day;
  • To perform the exercises, you do not need a separate room, special equipment or exercise machine. You can exercise at home, at work or on the street - the main thing is that you feel comfortable enough during the training process;
  • Unlike other types of physical therapy, you do not need a tracksuit. It is enough to wear something loose that will not restrict your movements.


Please note that for cervical osteochondrosis, gymnastics is performed only at the 1st or 2nd stage of the disease. If the diagnosis reveals serious damage to the spine, a set of exercises to restore the cervical area will no longer help. In this case, the patient is prescribed surgical correction of the affected area.

Before starting classes, you must consult a doctor and undergo a medical examination. The doctor may not allow the patient to attend classes if the person has at least one of the following pathologies:

  • acute inflammatory processes occurring in the body;
  • elevated temperature (from 37 degrees and above);
  • disruption of the endocrine system;
  • internal bleeding;
  • pain in the neck, upper back and shoulders;
  • tumor neoplasms in the cervical spine.

Execution Rules

To effectively perform Shishonin gymnastics, it is important to familiarize yourself with the basic rules.

  1. Don't start exercising immediately after eating. It is recommended to eat 1-1.5 hours before the start of classes.
  2. Before you start exercising, warm up your neck area. Gently massage the back of your head, neck and shoulders using light circular motions.
  3. At the initial stage, do exercises in front of a mirror - this way you can track your movements and, if necessary, correct mistakes.
  4. Increase the load gradually - otherwise you risk damaging the cervical vertebrae. In the first week, it is enough to perform 3 or 5 exercises from the entire complex and 5 repetitions of each of them.
  5. Don't forget about regularity. In the first stages, you need to do gymnastics daily. Once your body gets used to physical activity and the muscle corset is formed, you can reduce the number of classes to 3 per week. During the period of remission, such activity is sufficient.
  6. Try to do at least 5 sets of each exercise. Fewer repetitions will reduce the effectiveness of gymnastics.
  7. Watch your body position during physical activity - keep your neck and back straight.

Perform all movements smoothly and carefully. Quick jerks will not give the expected result and will only make the situation worse.

Doctor Shishonin’s neck gymnastics is a combination of 7 exercises. In the table below we will look at each of them in detail.

Exercise nameExecution technique
MetronomeStand next to a wall or sit on a chair. Keep your head and back straight. Gradually tilt your neck towards your left shoulder, fix it and freeze in this position for half a minute. Repeat this movement, but do it in the other direction (towards your right shoulder).

The moment you tilt your head, there will be slight pain in your neck. The cause of such sensations is a slight muscle strain; there is no need to stop exercising because of this. However, if the pain is sharp and sharp, you should stop training.

HeronSit on a chair and place your hands on your knees. Start doing the exercise: lower your arms, then move them back a little and pull your head up. Maintain this position for 30 seconds, then return to the starting position.
GooseBefore starting the exercise, stand up straight. Hold your head so that your chin is parallel to the floor. Stretch your neck forward so that your chin remains in the same position (there is no need to raise or lower it). Then turn your neck to the left side, lower it down and return to the starting position. In the next approach, repeat the last action in the other direction.
Looking to the skyThis exercise almost completely duplicates the previous one. The difference is that you need to stretch your head to the maximum possible distance (however, this must be done slowly and smoothly). After you turn your neck towards one of your shoulders, fix it in this position for 30 seconds. Monitor your sensations - you should not feel pain during the exercises. If discomfort still bothers you, turn your head until the pain becomes less pronounced. Remember that the load should be moderate.
FrameSit on a chair. Place your right hand on the shoulder, which is on the opposite side. Raise your elbow so that it is parallel to the floor. Place your left hand on your knee. The frame is performed in the same way as the previous exercise: the neck is turned to the right side and fixed in this position for 30 seconds. Movements in the second approach are performed in a mirror projection.
FakirRaise your arms, bend them slightly at the elbows and clasp them overhead. Turn your head alternately in both directions and hold for 30 seconds.
SpringSit up straight. Tilt your chin slightly, stop and leave your head in this position for 4-6 seconds. Smoothly raise your head, pull your chin first forward and then upward.

Post-workout stretching

Once you have mastered the basic exercises, the workout can be supplemented with a small complication - stretching. It is performed as follows.

  1. Raise your left or right hand and grab the ear located on the opposite side with your palm.
  2. Tilt your head in opposite directions, pressing lightly with your hand on your ear.
  3. Place your palm on the back of your head, apply light pressure and rock your head back and forth.
  4. Change your hand and repeat all the steps described above.

The combination of the main complex and stretching promotes deep development of the muscular corset and increases their flexibility.