
The benefits of an orbitrek, or what muscles does an orbitrek work? What muscles work on the elliptical trainer, training options

Various exercise machines allow you to get rid of excess weight at the most short time. The only problem is that for home exercises, most models are too bulky and expensive, and for training in gym not everyone has time. It is quite possible to overcome all these difficulties if you use an orbitrek for weight loss, which has gained great popularity since the end of the last century due to its compactness and versatility.

It belongs to the category of cardio equipment and combines elements of a stepper, treadmill and exercise bike. Regular exercise on it is equal in effectiveness to riding a bicycle, skiing And gymnastic exercises. The ellipsoid is worth the money spent on it because it can perfectly correct the most problematic areas of the body.

Advantages and disadvantages

Still, buying an exercise machine for home is a responsible decision, which may initially raise a lot of doubts: does the orbitrek help you lose weight and what results can be achieved by regularly and correctly exercising on it?

Before spending money on purchasing this sports equipment, carefully study all its advantages and disadvantages.


  1. Orbitrek pumps up the most deep muscles press, reducing waist size and helping to lose belly fat.
  2. For many, problem areas are the buttocks and thighs with orange peel and fat deposits. To eliminate them, use an elliptical trainer to train your quadriceps muscles. It perfectly pumps the inner and outer thighs, distributing the load evenly.
  3. The ellipsoid is also useful for correcting the shape of the legs, as it provides sufficient load on the calves and hamstrings.
  4. As a result, the shape and relief of the figure are improved.
  5. Muscle mass, body flexibility, strength and endurance increase.
  6. Develops the heart muscle, develops the respiratory system, improves metabolism. All this contributes to effective weight loss.
  7. The elliptical trajectory of the pedals and smooth stroke reduce the load on the joints.
  8. In many models, you can change the tilt of the body, so that the load on the muscles is distributed differently.
  9. Coordination improves, dexterity develops, and all this contributes to maximum motor activity and burning extra calories.


  1. Presence of contraindications: problems with blood pressure, heart, joints, oncology, diabetes, infectious diseases.
  2. If you leave the edges of clothing hanging loosely, they can get caught in moving parts of the machine and cause injury.
  3. Some models are quite large and take up a lot of space at home.
  4. Training on an ellipsoid puts a powerful strain on muscles, joints and many internal organs. If left unchecked, you can seriously harm your own health.

Comparing these two lists allows you to understand why this exercise machine is at the peak of popularity and is a bestseller. If you support regular exercises on the orbitrek for weight loss with a low-calorie diet, you can achieve impressive results and lose up to 5-6 kg of excess weight in a month.

This effect inspires you to purchase this sports equipment for your home. But first you have to understand the variety of products offered.

Variety of models

Trainers with rear, front and central flywheel placement

On the one hand, on the orbit track you can effectively work out in the gym, but such training has its drawbacks (travel time, extra eyes, you need to adapt to the schedule, etc.).

Therefore, many people dream of purchasing this weight loss machine at home, where they can relax and have fun at any time of the day, without embarrassing anyone. When you go shopping, decide which model suits you more than the others.

Classification by flywheel location

The flywheel ensures continuous pedaling during training. The more it weighs, the smoother the movements become, the more comfortable the exercises are and the less damage it causes to the joints.

  • Rear wheel drive

The classic type of orbitreks, when the flywheel is located at the rear. They are characterized by longer pedal travel and extremely smooth movements. Movable levers are mounted to the pedals and can also help slim your arms. Such designs are not cluttered with moving parts and are easy to maintain.

  • Front wheel drive

When practicing on such orbitreks, you can see the flywheel in front of you. The weight is shifted towards the front, making the structure very unstable. The problem can only be solved by using a heavy flywheel.

Interesting fact. The front-wheel drive design of ellipsoids is forced for many companies, since Precor has patented rear-wheel drive technology in its name. After such a cunning move, the rest had to redo the development and produce only front-wheel drive orbitreks.

  • With central flywheel

This model appeared on the market quite recently. It has a short shape and excellent stability due to the wide base, which makes weight loss exercises very comfortable. The flywheel allows for optimal placement of the pedals on this design. It is compact and takes up very little space at home.

Pulse measurement sensors (on the handles), mini computer and resistance load regulator of the exercise machine

Classification by type of resistance

  • With mechanical resistance

Orbitreks with a mechanical drive are the simplest and most affordable. For loading, a belt is used around the flywheel. Reminds me of its system. The weight loss load of different parts of the body can be adjusted with a special handle located on the panel.

However, such models have many disadvantages: lack of smooth operation, fragility of the belt, strong noise effect during operation. Among the advantages are low price, independence from the power supply, and compactness. After training, they can be folded and put away so that they do not take up much space.

Models: Style SS-82001 or 822 (USA).

  • With magnetic resistance

The load in orbitreks with magnetic resistance is carried out by the influence of magnets on the flywheel. It can be changed in any range. The model is characterized by smooth braking. The degree of resistance is adjusted manually or with a special servo drive. Such simulators belong to the middle price category.

Models: Style SS-94E or 7788, Vigor AL602E (USA).

  • With electromagnetic resistance

These are the most functional orbitreks, which are very convenient to use for weight loss. The load is carried out by the influence of an electromagnetic field on the flywheel. It is regulated by an electronic system. The built-in computer includes a large number of user programs that allow you to calculate the load based on the weight of the person doing the exercise. Pulse and motion sensors analyze readiness, warning of overloads.

There are minimal moving parts here. Durability is a definite plus. The price will empty your wallet for a considerable amount.

If you want exercises on an orbitrek for weight loss to be as effective and comfortable as possible, you will have to make a hole in your budget and purchase a model with a central flywheel and electromagnetic resistance. It will be very expensive, but you will really like losing weight with it. And don’t forget to pay attention to smaller details when purchasing, which will prevent you from being disappointed with your purchase.

How not to make a mistake with your choice?

To purchase good trainer orbitrek for weight loss at home, pay attention to its following parameters and our recommendations for them:

  1. The drive location is rear.
  2. The dimensions of the flywheel are impressive.
  3. The amplitude of movements is maximum.
  4. Load capacity - at least 90-130 kg.
  5. Load adjustment is mandatory.
  6. Ease of use - having a built-in computer.
  7. Design. Stationary ones are stable, but take up a lot of space in the apartment. Folding ones are characterized by lightness and ergonomics.

If sport equipment If chosen correctly, taking into account all these recommendations, training on the orbit track will provide maximum comfort. They will be a joy, because after just a couple of weeks of classes you will feel lightness and flexibility throughout your body. Extra pounds will begin to melt, your figure will improve, and your self-esteem will increase.

Do you want to achieve brilliant results? Then you will have to develop a weight loss program.

Lesson program

If the training program on the orbitrek for weight loss is chosen correctly, with regular exercise you can achieve maximum results in a short time.

For newbies

  • Frequency: 3-4 times a week;
  • Duration: 20-30 minutes;
  • Heart rate: 60-70% of maximum;
  • Steps: 50 per minute;
  • Weight loss course: 6-8 weeks.

How to measure your maximum heart rate? The formula is simple: 220 minus your age.

Interim program

  • Frequency: 3-5 lessons per week;
  • Duration: 20-45 minutes;
  • Heart rate: 70-80% of maximum;
  • Steps: 60 per minute;
  • Weight loss course: determined individually.

For professionals

  • Frequency: 4-6 times a week;
  • Duration: 30-60 minutes;
  • Heart rate: 80-90% of maximum;
  • Steps: 60-80 per minute.

All these programs are well complemented by special orbital exercises for weight loss, which help eliminate fat deposits and reduce volume in problem parts of the body.

  1. Move in a standing position, keeping your back straight. This exercise works all muscles and parts of the body.
  2. Move by leaning your body back, keeping your hands on the handrails. This will give you a good workout on your buttocks and thighs (if you see a problem in these parts of the body, you can do this in addition to exercises on the orbit track).
  3. Perform the movements by tilting your body forward. This exercise helps you lose weight in your legs.
  4. Move backwards. Bend your knees as you move your legs. The load is on the buttocks.

Such weight loss exercises, performed on an orbitrek, will allow you to correct your figure in the most problematic areas and make it more prominent. Their advantage is that, despite weight loss, the muscles will be in constant tone. This will make your body very beautiful and fit.

Muscles involved during exercises on the orbit track

If you decide to get rid of extra pounds using an orbitrek at home, you will need the advice of a professional. After all, sometimes the effectiveness of training depends on small nuances. Follow certain rules - and your weight loss exercises will be worth the time and effort spent on them:

  1. Do not exercise early in the morning to avoid overstraining your heart.
  2. Finish your workout no later than 2-2.5 hours before bedtime, otherwise you are guaranteed insomnia.
  3. 2 hours before classes and 2 hours after them you should not eat.
  4. But water and green tea are allowed in unlimited quantities.
  5. Always start with a warm-up.
  6. Choose any low-calorie diet that, in tandem with Orbitrek, will promote fast and effective weight loss.
  7. Lead a healthy lifestyle.

First, study in detail how to properly exercise on an orbitrek for weight loss (you can watch training videos), and only then start training.

If you feel bad after them, try to find out the reasons. Maybe you ignored the contraindications? Or did you choose the wrong program that does not match your physical fitness? Try to correct these points in order to still see the necessary numbers on the scales.

Alternative options

When buying an ellipsoid for home, everyone thinks about the rationality of the choice. Orbitrek, like a treadmill with an exercise bike, improves heart function, strengthens muscles, and promotes weight loss. But each of these devices has its own advantages.

So what is better for losing weight...

  • Orbitrack or treadmill?

— The ellipsoid provides an even load on all muscles. The treadmill makes the heart work easier.
— Orbitrek burns fat in any part of the body, the treadmill works mainly with the legs and buttocks.
— The elliptical trainer is universal, while the treadmill is recommended for athletes.

  • Orbitrek or exercise bike?

— Both pump up the muscles of the buttocks and legs, but the elliptical also puts stress on the back and arms.
— Orbitrek burns more calories.
— The elliptical trainer puts maximum load on different parts of the body.
- is more suitable for beginners, while Orbitrek helps everyone lose weight.

In order for weight loss training on the orbitrack to be effective, you need to competently draw up a training program and strictly follow it. If certain difficulties arise, it is better to initially seek help from a coach who will help you select necessary exercises and will give recommendations on how to implement them correctly.

An elliptical trainer is a great find for those who want to get rid of extra pounds without leaving home. This is one of the most effective sports equipment for self-correction of the figure.

Recently, orbitrek has gained unprecedented popularity. This became possible not only due to the fact that innovative technologies are used to create it. Orbitrek helps a person both lose weight and improve their health. Almost everyone who has practiced or is practicing on the orbitrek notes the positive effect it produces on the body and the organism as a whole.

Even if you are an ardent supporter of more intensive activities, you will not be able to resist orbitreks. After all, it is used not only by beginners, but also by professionals. The point is that it forces all muscles to work. After all, what is an orbitrek? This is an imitation of a “ski”, that is, the arms, legs, back and stomach are actively working.

That is, thanks to this alone, you can understand how useful classes on the orbit track are. Unlike other simulators, the orbitrek is practically harmless to your health. This means that you can exercise on it without fear of pulling your leg muscles, as happens when exercising on treadmills. Thanks to good coordination and synchronization of muscle work, a person begins to rapidly lose weight and develop his muscles. Of course, one cannot fail to note the enormous benefits of the orbitrek for cardiovascular and respiratory systems. When exercising on an orbitrek, blood begins to circulate faster through the vessels, thereby strengthening the heart muscle.

Orbitrek includes mainly slow ones muscle fibers, which allows you to develop endurance and significantly lose weight. That is, the work of the orbitrek is that it uses all the mechanisms of your body, which not only contribute to weight loss, but also significantly increase your performance and overall well-being. This one is not just meant to move in one direction. You can safely do leg exercises in the opposite direction, which allows you to train your quadriceps and hamstrings. Such a system allows the load to be evenly distributed throughout the body, thereby helping to develop your muscular system.

If you want to gain lean muscle mass, then in this case you will really need an orbitrack. After all, when you gain dry mass, you begin to perform aerobic exercise. Proper breathing in combination with intense exercise allows you to get rid of excess weight quite quickly.

Some doctors advise exercising in order to calm the heart. It doesn’t matter at all whether you were engaged in a different type of physical activity or were simply nervous - the orbitrek will help your heart work at a normal pace. Moderate, not very intense exercise significantly calms the heart and reduces blood pressure. If you are susceptible to colds, then in this case the orbitrek may be useful to you. Very often, especially in the cold season, you can leave a warm apartment and immediately find yourself in the cold. A vulnerable organism immediately picks up various viruses.

When exercising outside the orbitrek, you will be able to cool down a little and feel free to go out into the cold environment. If it so happens that you for a long time haven’t been involved in sports and want to return to healthy image life, then adaptation must begin with cardio training. That is, the orbitrek in this case is ideal for you.

Thanks to different levels of load, your body and your body will begin to get used to training. Taking into account various factors and methods of training on the simulator, you will get the desired effect and can proceed to more intense physical activity. By the way, if you want to take a little break from this lifestyle or sports in general, then the orbitrek can help you even in such a case. This is necessary to ensure that there are no surges that negatively affect the condition of the muscles, blood vessels and heart.

By adhering to such rules and following all the recommendations, you can really get maximum benefit from orbitrek.

Ellipsoid. This is what bodybuilders and lovers of physical activity call an elliptical trainer among themselves. Another name is cross-trainer. This is sports equipment that is intended for exercise at home and gym. One of the main advantages of the ellipsoid is the absence of a large load on the joint area, which is often injured during normal running.

The ellipsoid combines the useful qualities of a treadmill, stepper and ski equipment. Working on an ellipsoid is considered to stimulate the functioning of the cardiovascular system and promote rapid but correct weight loss.

Today there are two types of ellipsoidal trainers:

  • amateur;
  • professional.

Depending on the resistance system, they are divided into:

They differ in price and set of options, of course. A professional one costs from 20 thousand rubles to 400 thousand, has 10 or more speeds, is able to read an athlete’s pulse, and calculate the time during which a person of a given weight needs to exercise. Amateur exercise machines cost half as much, but they also have fewer functions. These are not considered wear-resistant, because they are intended for use in one family. Professional ones can be used around the clock without interruptions.

In order to strengthen muscles and lose weight at home, you do not need an expensive professional device. It is important that it operates from a simple electrical network, does not take up too much space, and is easily folded and reassembled if necessary. When choosing, consider:

  • the maximum weight of a person who can exercise on the simulator;
  • equipment step length;
  • flywheel parameters.

What muscles work on the orbit track?

The elliptical makes all the muscles of the body work, namely, the area:

The ellipsoid is universal - one simulator will replace 5 others at once! This includes a treadmill, a stepper, skis, dumbbells for the arms and a warm-up for the back. There is no sudden and strong load on the joints, as when running, for example. Therefore, even older people can exercise on an ellipsoid.

The exercise machine is capable of burning calories. An hour of running on an elliptical burns approximately 500-700 kilocalories. It all depends on the intensity of the run.

To lose weight using an ellipsoid, you need to exercise at least 3-4 times a week for at least 30 minutes. The first results will be noticeable within a week.

How to exercise correctly

In order to start training on an ellipsoid, you do not need to have a special physical training. You just need to stand on the simulator and start imitating skiing. Start with low speed and load. You need to increase the parameters gradually so as not to create an inadequate load on the cardiovascular system. The basic rules for smart practice are:

  • warming up before class is not necessary, but desirable;
  • if you suffer from chronic diseases of the cardiovascular or respiratory systems, consult your doctor before exercising;
  • if you feel sharp pain in any area of ​​the body while training on the elliptical, stop exercising immediately;
  • do not set too large parameters at once to avoid overload;
  • Do not exercise on the machine for more than an hour without a break.

Basic body positions during training

Basic position - all major muscle groups are involved, reverse movement - the load falls on gluteal muscles and hamstring, bending forward - the greatest load on the thigh and calf muscles, bending back - training the gluteal muscles.

In order for exercise on an ellipsoid to be beneficial, you need to take care of the correct body position during training:

Legs should be bent at the knees, hands should be held at chest level or slightly higher.

The head is positioned straight, the gaze is directed directly at the wall, not to the side or down.

During training process You must hold onto the elliptical with both hands to avoid injury from falling from the equipment.

The foot should be in close contact with the “step” of the machine. You cannot practice on tiptoes or on your heels.

Elliptical training program for weight loss

Losing weight with the help of an ellipsoid is quite possible. This has been proven in practice. To do this you need to follow a certain program:

  • devote about 30 minutes to classes a day or every other day;
  • start with light loads. The increase in load should occur gradually, but weekly;
  • To make the process of losing weight go faster, you can increase the duration of exercise on the ellipsoid weekly;
  • exercise on an elliptical is a cardio exercise, it must be done after strength training, then the weight will go away faster;
  • Take into account the age characteristics of the body; the older a person is, the more difficult it is for him to lose weight. Even if training on an ellipsoid is carried out taking into account all the recommendations.

What should you eat when losing weight using an elliptical trainer?

An ellipsoid is not a panacea for excess weight. You can lose weight with it, provided that a person eats right. What are the basics proper nutrition when losing weight using an elliptical trainer:

  • refusal of flour, fatty, fried foods;
  • complete exclusion of sugar from the diet;
  • exclusion of alcohol, soda, packaged juices;
  • refusal to eat sweets;
  • reducing the consumption of fatty dairy products, replacing these products with low-fat ones;
  • refusal of mayonnaise, sour cream, butter;
  • refusal of potatoes, bananas, grapes;
  • exclusion from food of wheat flour and any products prepared with its addition;
  • limiting the consumption of egg yolks to 2 per day;
  • restriction in the use of even black bread.

Proper nutrition and exercise on the elliptical will quickly bring the desired result.

Benefit exercises on the ellipsoid

Exercising on an ellipsoid helps you lose weight, improve body contours, and improve your mood. The benefits of such training are obvious. Moreover, the classes do not require special physical training!

The process involves various muscles of the human body - from lower limbs up to the neck. There is excellent stimulation of the cardiovascular system, this is important if a person has already crossed the 40-year mark, suffers from obesity, and leads a sedentary lifestyle. He rarely gets up from his computer and loves to eat delicious food.

On the elliptical, joints are not affected. There is a load on them, but it is not as strong and serious as when exercising on a treadmill or, for example, on a bicycle.

Medical warnings and safety

Does the ellipsoid have any contraindications? It is not recommended for people who:

  • with serious diseases of the heart and internal organs;
  • with diseases of the bones and spine;
  • those who have suffered injury to any part of the body;
  • people with unhealed fractures or dislocations;
  • those who suffer from tachycardia or angina pectoris.

Relative indications are varicose veins and excessive fatness. In these cases, it is recommended to exercise on a simulator only after consultation with your doctor. He will also suggest the best option for classes, and tell you how long the classes will be useful and safe.

To ensure that training does not bring problems, you need to take the correct position on the ellipsoid. Hold the handrails with both hands, do not jump on the machine, use it only for its intended purpose.

This question can be answered this way: the ellipsoid combines and treadmill or an exercise bike. An elliptical is ideal for home training. It helps to quickly build muscles and lose weight, and does not have a large and negative effect on human joints. In general, solid advantages...

Video: how to lose weight using an elliptical trainer


In conclusion, I would like to note that the ellipsoid is perfect trainer for home. He alone will replace several others. Helps build muscles. Lose weight, get your body in order.

Be sure to read about it

Elliptical trainers, such as the Orbitrack, are designed to burn fat without causing severe stress on your joints. This advantage alone is enough to make you want to buy an orbitrek, but that’s not all the advantages. Smooth, ski-like movements allow you to work both your lower and upper body, helping you save time and increase your workout efficiency. Also, the orbitrack pedals can rotate in the opposite direction, which contributes to the load on other muscles. Let's take a closer look,

#1 Hamstrings

The hamstrings, located on the back of the legs, are activated when they flex and extend during aerobic exercise. Modern orbitreks are equipped with a mechanism that allows you to adjust the angle of inclination of the simulator, simulating climbing to the top. In this case, the legs bend more intensely, providing an effective stretch for the hamstrings. A particularly good load on the hamstrings occurs when moving in the opposite direction.

#2: Quadriceps

The quadriceps muscle is located in the front of the thigh. This muscle is involved in the offensive movement of the leg. Exercising on the machine strengthens your legs in general, including your quadriceps, but don't be surprised if you don't feel a lot of stress on them. For example, an exercise bike mainly pumps up the quadriceps muscle, but elliptical trainers give the same effect. effective loads for the muscles of the back and front of the thigh, buttocks and upper body. Therefore, the load is distributed evenly between all muscles.

#3: Gluteal Muscles

The gluteal muscles are also perfectly worked out when exercising on the orbit track. The load on the gluteal muscles increases when the machine itself is tilted, or when the athlete exercises by leaning back, holding the handrails with his hands.

#4: Triceps and pectoral muscles

The movable arms of the orbit track, which the athlete holds on to during exercise, are responsible for training the triceps and pectoral muscles. Thanks to the pushing movements, the pectoral muscles and triceps (muscles located on the back of the humerus) are actively involved.

No. 5: Biceps and back muscles

If elliptical trainers are equipped with movable arms, then the pulling motion of the handrails helps to engage both the biceps and the back muscles. It is the pulling force that is associated with the biceps located in the bend elbow joint, and rhomboid muscle located between the shoulder blades. Using the machine in a reverse motion increases the emphasis on working these muscles.

#6: Deep Core Muscles

Even if your orbitrack model does not have movable arms, training on an ellipsoid causes the activity of deeply located muscle groups.

No. 7: Heart

As you know, the heart is also a muscle. Since elliptical exercises are aerobic, they also train the heart.

No. 8: Calf Muscles

The gastrocnemius muscle is located on back surface shins. To increase the load on the calf muscles, it is recommended that during exercise on the orbit track, tilt the body forward, holding on to the stationary handrail.

What muscle groups can be pumped with elliptical trainer? During training on the simulator, all the muscles of the body work, and the heart, blood vessels and respiratory system function at full strength, filling the body with oxygen.

Elliptical trainer: purpose

Orbitrek in the house replaces visiting the fitness center and park paths. Why buy an elliptical trainer? To heal and strengthen the body. For complete training for all muscle groups. To form a sculpted, toned figure. Why is it so effective and what muscles does it affect?


The legs are always in a bent state, and the footrests move in an elliptical circle - these design features of the device protect the joints from unnecessary loads.


On an elliptical trainer, the body uses all muscle groups. The device is suitable for warm-up, gentle training (in the recovery period or for beginners) and full-fledged professional training.

The backward motion mode of the footrests works muscles that cannot be trained by any other exercise.

Cardio effect

When you exercise on the orbit track, your heart and lungs function at full capacity.

What muscles does the orbitrek use?

During training, the ellipsoid uses all muscle groups: legs, abs, back, buttocks.

The Orbitrek is a cardio exercise machine; it is almost impossible to build muscle mass with it. Therefore, training on an ellipsoid is always supplemented with strength exercises.

The work of muscles on the orbit track depends on the position of the body relative to the simulator.

Main point

You need to stay very straight, you can’t bend your head or stand on your tiptoes. In this position, all muscles will work.

Foot position

The closer the feet are to the edges of the footrests, the more intense the load on the body.

Strengthening your thighs and calves

To strengthen calf muscles and quadriceps (thigh muscles) tilt the body forward and hold onto a stationary handrail.

Butt workout

They hold onto a stationary handrail, tilt their body back with their head straight and take a “half-sitting” position.


When on the ellipse extension muscle mass will not be. Exercise stimulates the functioning of the circulatory and respiratory systems, increasing the body's endurance.

Load change

The transition from a calm mode to a two-minute “maximum” mode increases the endurance and strength of the athlete. This method is used in professional training.

The maximum load mode is individual for everyone - there is no need to turn on the simulator at full power during the first lessons!

When is the result visible?

In the first 15-20 days of training, a slight increase in muscle mass is observed: the girth of the arms, legs, and hips increases. After about 20 days of regular exercise, the first kilograms disappear and clothes begin to sag.

Sustainable results from training on the orbit track will appear only after three months- these are the long-term observations of coaches.

How to get the effect of exercising on an ellipse?

To look good, you need to exercise constantly, at least three times a week. Muscle firmness, endurance and weight loss are reversible - the results of training disappear much faster than they appear.

How to lose weight while exercising on an orbitrek?

During a 40-minute workout, the body loses 350-400 kilocalories.

You need to exercise without breaks, preferably 5 times a week.

It is impossible to lose weight only through sports activities: A low-calorie diet will be required.

To exercise on an elliptical trainer, you will need to allocate the optimal time in your daily schedule and purchase a heart rate monitor with chest sensor- the readings of the heart rate monitor built into the ellipse are not so accurate.

When to practice?

Finding time to exercise during the day is difficult, so many people exercise in the morning, immediately after waking up.


You cannot exercise after breakfast, so exercises are carried out on an empty stomach - there are restrictions here.

Who is contraindicated for “hungry” training?

  • Hypotonics;
  • those who are on a strict diet and do not eat after 18:00;
  • persons prone to fainting;
  • cores;
  • those who have increased stomach acidity;
  • for beginners.


You can exercise after eating 1.5-2 hours. After training, do not eat for an hour.

The last meal before training should be nutritious: a protein diet and vegetables, without carbohydrates.


Orbitrek training program

The intensity of classes is gradually increased all the time. If the workout has become too easy, you need to increase the load.


Before and after exercises, do a warm-up.

For about 5 minutes, do any exercises that warm up the muscles, stretching exercises, or simply stand on the machine and exercise in the “minimum” mode.

You cannot end the exercises unexpectedly: gradually reduce the load, do a warm-up - and the workout is completed.


The period of adaptation lasts 1.5-2 months.

3 (up to 4) lessons per week.

Duration 20 (up to 30) minutes.

Heart rate is 60-70% of the maximum individual rate.

Number of steps per minute: up to 50.

The intensity of the load is slowly increased during the first 20 minutes of classes. When you can exercise continuously for 20 minutes, you can slightly increase the intensity of the workout.

Standard program

There are 4 (up to 5) classes per week.

Duration 20 (up to 45) minutes.

Heart rate is 70-80% of the maximum individual rate.

Number of steps per minute: 50 (up to 60).

Advanced program

There are 4 (up to 6) lessons per week.

Duration 30 minutes (up to 1 hour).

Heart rate is 80-90% of the maximum individual rate.

Number of steps per minute: 60 (up to 80).

Constant heart rate monitoring

To ensure that your elliptical training is effective and safe, you need to constantly monitor your pulse.

Immediately after completing the exercises, you can calculate the heart rate at the wrist or at the carotid artery. Usually count the number of beats in 10 seconds and multiply the result by 6.

Experienced trainers advise focusing on the readings of a heart rate monitor with a chest sensor - it gives the most accurate readings.

Immediately after exercise, the body produces maximum heart rate (heart rate).

The maximum indicator for each individual is calculated using the formula: 220 minus age.

The table shows max heart rate indicators for different age groups.

For every year of life greater than ten, the number 1 is added.

Safety regulations

Exercise on the simulator requires compliance with safety rules and medical restrictions.

Safety precautions when using the elliptical cardio machine

  1. The orbitrek must be securely installed on a flat, flat surface.
  2. Watch your clothes and hair - they can get caught in moving parts of the mechanism.
  3. Be careful when getting on and off the exercise machine. At these moments you need to hold on to the stationary handrail.
  4. If there is a child in the orbit, an adult must be nearby at all times.

If the device operates intermittently, sparks, or other malfunctions appear, it is strictly prohibited to use it!

Medical contraindications

After the first workouts, muscle pain may occur. The pain gradually subsides and disappears after several weeks of reasonable training.

There should be no pain during exercise. Muscle pain during exercise or immediately after it is a reason to stop training and consult a doctor.

If chest pain, shortness of breath, tachycardia or fainting weakness begin during the exercise, stop training.

All athletes know a simple rule: if you are unable to exercise, you should skip training.

In some conditions, you should carefully monitor the load:

  • hypertension;
  • tachycardia;
  • thrombophlebitis;
  • cardiovascular failure;
  • oncological diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • asthma;
  • angina pectoris;
  • acute period of infectious disease.