
Fitness classes for children. Sports tourism and orienteering. Children's, adults - what's the difference

We adults can only be amazed at our child’s inexhaustible supply of energy.

One minute he fell exhausted, and a minute later he is running again, headlong, as if he had spent the whole day in captivity. It seems he draws strength from thin air!

What to do with an energetic fidget?

Perhaps this is true: children move a lot, and their bodies work in much the same way as an adult’s body does during aerobics. It actively uses oxygen to replenish energy reserves. Therefore, aerobics for children, the video of which we now present to your attention, is simply pleasure and an opportunity to direct your activity in a useful direction.

Aerobics for children is simply fun and an opportunity to direct their activity in a useful direction.

The only problem is that finding a suitable children's aerobics section is not so easy. Sometimes aerobics is carried out in kindergarten, but more often parents have to take their child to a fitness club or sports school, and this takes time and effort, especially considering that classes need to be attended in the evening.

This means it’s easier to organize training at home. And this is where a video with instructions from experienced trainers helps a lot for those who are interested in children’s aerobics. It is not difficult to repeat their movements, and even if mom and dad are not in good physical shape, they will be able to work out together with the baby, while being charged not only with energy, but also in a good mood.

You can start classes with both two- and three-year-old children, it all depends on their interests. If your child is already doing simple exercises, imitating athletes or dancers seen on TV, you can safely start learning aerobics!

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example. Children strive to become big, and gradually the child will begin to imitate your movements more and more in order to become like mom or dad.

The best example is the example of parents

There is no need to insist that the exercises are performed correctly, just try to lead by example!

Any joint activity is the key to mutual understanding. If you are lucky enough to be the parent of an active child, be sure to devote a few tens of minutes a day to exercise with him. Perhaps, over time, these moments will replenish the happiest memories!

If you are lucky enough to be the parent of an active child, be sure to devote a few tens of minutes a day to exercise with him!

Aerobics for children (video):

Aerobics for children:

Exercises for children:

Children's aerobics:

Dance School (Edition 1):

Aerobics for children reviews:

I know from myself that it is not easy to force a child to do physical education without getting irritated... But I continue to try... But after physical education the child feels better and this is noticeable.

During school years, it is very important to properly form the mental and physiological health of the child. To successfully develop the physical aspect, many parents prefer to send their children to various sections. In these sections, children master a specific sport. In recent years, children's aerobics has become quite popular. What does this type of children's sport consist of and is aerobics really so good for health?

Aerobics is considered the most a real and challenging sport. Judge for yourself. It simultaneously includes gymnastic exercises, various artistic elements, dance movements and elements used during fitness classes. Aerobics can be done both at home and by visiting a special section. All sports and dance movements should be performed to music.

Whole varieties of children's aerobics are known. Let's get to know them better.

Main types

There are several varieties.


Involves performing a series of movements in a dance format. All movements used can relate to different types of dances. This aerobic activity should last no more than one hour a day. The loads are moderate.

Each lesson consists of three parts:

Children of school age (7−13 years) and older can engage in dance aerobics. Thanks to such activities, children's levels of endurance increase and coordination of movements improves. Dance aerobics helps to accustom a child to a full and healthy lifestyle.

Animal aerobics. This type with an interesting name involves performing exercises that resemble the movements of animals.


This species is fundamentally different from all other varieties. It is considered a real sports direction, which in the future may become part of the Olympic Games program.

This trend has a lot in common with gymnastics. Aerobics exercises are similar to gymnastics exercises. The only difference is their degree of complexity. The sport does not involve performing complex acrobatic movements, which are mandatory in gymnastics. To perform this type of exercise, special training is required.

Children over five years old can engage in sports aerobics. Often children study in sections. If a child meets certain requirements (good flexibility, plasticity and strength data), he will be accepted into the sports aerobics section. The frequency of classes depends on the child’s skills and abilities. At first, visits to the section occur at least three times a week.

To practice, you not only need to meet certain criteria, but also have a certain type of clothing and shoes with you. Girls should stock up on Czech shoes and a swimsuit, and boys should stock up on Czech shoes, shorts and a T-shirt.

Sports exercises provide good physical fitness.

Step aerobics

Step aerobics Children of different age groups can practice freely. All group classes take place on the basis of an individually developed set of programs. The training complex is compiled taking into account the physical fitness of children. Also taken into account:

Step aerobics exercises for children 10 years of age and below should consist of the following stages:

  • The duration of each lesson is no more than 35 minutes.
  • The lesson necessarily includes a small one.
  • The exercises performed are of a healing nature.

Step aerobics in itself has a beneficial effect on the child’s health. The movements performed teach children to maintain balance correctly. Classes develop the necessary agility, strength and speed. Step aerobics helps you better learn to navigate in space. The child's movements become more precise.

What does this type of physical education for children consist of?

There are several sets of exercises used in the children's fitness program for preschoolers. They are just as useful as shaping and fitball. Let's pay attention to one of them. The one we are considering

All parents want their children to be healthy, smart and beautiful. Children's fitness is the best way to achieve this goal.

Children, adults - what's the difference?

Fitness for children is a type of sports that includes choreography, gymnastics, aerobics and martial arts.

What is the fundamental difference between children's fitness and adult fitness? The most important thing is adapted loads and a psychological approach, since children will not study without interest.

Classes are structured taking into account the characteristics of children's age. Classes for three and four year olds last no more than thirty minutes to avoid overload. Lessons should be entertaining. Children learn basic physical exercises. At the age of six, children already begin to be taught to work in a team. The instructor begins to give exercises that develop logic. At the age of eight, work with objects is added - hoops, balls, jump ropes. And all exercises must be in the form of games, which children love so much.

How are classes conducted?

For classes, they choose a game form, since play becomes a necessary component of a child’s life. The instructor and the kids go on an exciting journey, finding themselves in a world of fantasy and play. Children learn to dance, understand music and rhythm, and improve their health. The presence of play breaks and elements of sports play helps turn monotonous training into fun and educational lessons that develop coordination, increase the child’s ability to navigate in space, and teach communication and play with each other.

Children's fitness groups usually consist of 10 or 15 people. Instructors use playful learning to help children relax and enjoy the teacher's assignments.

Children's fitness, like adults', includes a similar set of exercises. These are three parts: preparatory - warm-up, main and final - stretching.

Part 1. Warm-up

There are no better warm-up exercises than walking, running and jumping. This part lasts 10 to 15 minutes.

At first, the child should walk slowly for 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes they alternate between walking and walking on heels and toes.

Then the child should start jogging in place for 1 to 3 minutes. Sometimes they alternate between running, in which the knees are raised high, and running with the shins overlapping.

After running, you should invite the child to jump in place on two legs, then on each in turn. When performing this exercise, your hands should be kept on your belt.

Part 2. Main part

The main part of the classes lasts at least 20 minutes and consists of active exercises.

No. 1 - “Stretch”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, with his legs slightly apart and his arms down along his body. The baby raises his hands up, places them shoulder-width apart, with his fingers apart, then stands on his toes, stretches and inhales. Then he relaxes the muscles, returns to the starting position and exhales. Repeated 4 to 5 times.

No. 2 - “Chopping wood”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, with his legs slightly apart, his arms raised up, and his palms clasped. Exhaling, the child lowers his hands down, imitating chopping wood and saying “uh.” Repeat at least 10 times.

No. 3 - “Turns”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, his feet are shoulder-width apart, and he holds his hands on his belt. Then he turns his upper body in one direction, then turns back, again - but now in a different direction. Repeat 8 to 10 times.

No. 4 - “Squats”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, keeping his legs together. He slowly squats, holding his hands in front of him, exhales at the same time, quickly straightens up, and returns to his original stance. Perform 5 – 6 times.

No. 5 - “Waving your arms”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, keeps his legs straight, and his arms are spread to the sides. The child twists his arms back and forth at his shoulders for about two minutes, repeats the movements again, but with his arms bent at the elbows.

No. 6 - “Twist your head”

The child in the starting position stands straight, with his arms slightly apart, his hands on his belt. He turns his head in one direction in a circle three times, then in the other.

Part 3. Children's fitness. Stretching for children

Children and adults finish classes by stretching.

No. 1 - “Tilts”

In the starting position, the child stands straight, legs apart shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body. The baby tries to touch the floor with his fingers without bending his knees, after which he returns to the original stance. From 5 to 10 times.

No. 2 - “Stretching”

In the initial position, the child sits on the floor, with his legs straight apart and his arms resting on the floor from behind. He should reach his toes without bending his knees, then return to the starting position and straighten his back.

By doing fitness, your child will grow up healthy and strong.

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What is the first thing a person who does sports aerobics needs? Strength, physical fitness, endurance - some will say. Beauty, precision of movements, grace - others will add. But the truth is that both physical and aesthetic components are equally necessary for this sport, because they are harmoniously combined with each other.

In many children's and youth sports schools (youth sports schools), clubs, and specialized centers, girls and boys in our city can master this type of aerobics. Perhaps for many, such activities will become the road to big-time sports and to future great victories and achievements. Competent and experienced craftsmen will contribute in every possible way to this.

Harmonious development of body and spirit, excellent physical fitness, correct posture, development of coordination, endurance, flexibility - all this becomes possible thanks to sports aerobics: an activity that has earned enormous popularity and love of many modern preschoolers and schoolchildren and their parents interested in their children grew up healthy and strong.

Rhythmics and aerobics: “sisters” or different disciplines?

It would seem that rhythmics and aerobics are almost identical activities in which physical activity occurs to the accompaniment of dynamic music. But in fact, it is important to place emphasis: for example, in rhythm it is important to learn to hear and understand music and “synchronize” the body to it, developing coordination, and the meaning of aerobics lies in the technique of execution and a greater focus on external changes in the figure.

Sports aerobics - an activity for children and adults

Aerobics is suitable for all representatives of the fair sex, regardless of age. Young ladies can engage in sports aerobics from 5-7 years old. Almost all children are flexible and plastic, so if there are no contraindications and there is a desire to train, it’s definitely worth a try. Constant training will help smooth out children's hyperactivity. The child’s energy will be directed not to pampering, but to physical training and health promotion. Aerobics classes are not easy, so you should not assume that your child will be able to quickly achieve the desired results. A set of exercises is selected taking into account the age and level of training of the beginning athlete. A basic complex with a minimum load that suits everyone is called Low impact. More complex exercises in terms of load are called High Impact. Sports aerobics classes include elements such as warming up muscles, walking and running, jumping and movements to train the arms and legs.

Justified severity: about the appearance of those who engage in sports aerobics

Almost every sports discipline puts forward special requirements regarding the appearance of an athlete. Thus, at sports aerobics competitions, participants must wear white sneakers and white socks so that the judges pay attention to them. There is also a “ban on loose hair”: it must be securely secured close to the head. Also, details of the suit and clothing are secured, and the wearing of jewelry is prohibited. Aerobics does not involve the use of body paint - only a moderate amount of cosmetics for women.

Warm-up in kindergarten and physical education at school are, of course, good, but not enough to form a physically healthy child. Few teachers pay special attention to the development of a special program, trying to tailor the lesson to each student. As for sports sections, they are not suitable for everyone, since they have a narrow age range and target orientation, and accept children of the appropriate level of physical fitness.

The best option is children's fitness, the features and advantages of which we will talk about in this article.

Children's fitness is complex sports classes that include aerobics, yoga, martial arts, choreography, swimming, posture exercises, with a jump rope, as well as elements of gymnastics. This is the result of a mix aimed at overall development. The number of group members ranges from 10 to 15 people. Such fullness is optimal and allows the child not only to develop flexibility, dexterity, and strengthen the body, but also to receive a charge of positive emotions while interacting with other children.

Groups are formed according to age and physical abilities. There is the following division by age categories:

  • from 3 years to 6 years;
  • from 7 to 11 years old;
  • from 12 to 16 years old.

The duration of classes for children of the first category is set within 20-30 minutes, 2 times a week. Children of the average category can already visit the fitness club 3 times with a “lesson” duration of 30 minutes. The older group is allowed to attend classes 3 times a week, exercise for 40 minutes a day and include exercise equipment in their training.

Why fitness is for children

Children really need fitness for several reasons:

  1. No need to win. Everyone is treated equally and rewarded equally. Winning is not valued as much as participation.
  2. Game form of classes. The training program is structured in such a way that children want to return to the walls of the fitness club, do the exercises and get exceptional pleasure from it.
  3. The ability to choose. The character of each child is individual. Some people won't like dancing, others won't like repetition exercises. Therefore, sports institutions give the child the opportunity to choose the direction and type of activities that will make up his program, after first allowing him to familiarize himself with each of the options.
  4. Safety. The likelihood of injury during training is reduced to zero. The instructor constantly monitors the children, and the exercises are selected especially carefully.
  5. Availability. The doors of a fitness club or dance school, which also conduct children's fitness classes, are open to all children over 3 years old. And the level of physical fitness does not play a role here, since fitness is designed to strengthen the kids.

A little about training

All sports organizations that provide children's fitness services provide visitors with the necessary equipment. In the first days, the instructor conducts familiarization and full instructions.

For schoolchildren, that is, children from 6 years old, new opportunities are opening up. Their training program includes new equipment - children's exercise equipment. At this age, the child is predisposed to develop flexibility, endurance, speed, strength and coordination. Therefore, special simulators will be most appropriate here. Training to work with them is mandatory.

All classes begin with a warm-up. At this stage, children are taught to walk in place, run, and squat. Next, variety is added to the training with dance exercises. They are needed to develop rhythm and ear for music in children. The main block focuses on strengthening the muscles of the legs, back, abs and arms.

Restrictions? Unfortunately…

Although children's fitness is designed to strengthen the child's body, the presence of certain pathologies requires approval to attend training sessions from a health professional. So, in the case of chronic diseases, before starting classes, it is necessary to consult with your doctor and trainer, develop and agree on a training program that will not worsen the situation, but will promote recovery. For example, asthma requires restrictions on aerobic exercise. Problems with the spine will worsen if you load the child with strength exercises, but swimming and aerobics will improve his condition.

Children's fitness is a necessary thing in children's lives. Another thing is that not all families can afford to take their child to a fitness club. In this case, it would be advisable to practice at home.

To do this, just consult with a pediatrician and find video tutorials on performing a number of exercises for children with recommendations from trainers. The Internet is filled with educational reviews on the topic of children's fitness, so providing yourself with information will not be difficult.

The benefits of children's fitness

The decision to include children's fitness in a child's life will have extremely positive consequences. So, as a result of training:

  • children become more perseverant in school lessons, because all their accumulated energy is completely released during training;
  • develops attentiveness and coordination;
  • confidence in yourself and your abilities appears;
  • the muscle corset is strengthened, flexibility and mobility develop, which helps to avoid scoliosis and other problems with the musculoskeletal system;
  • strong immunity and healthy sleep are guaranteed.

And this is only part of the positive factors. The benefits of fitness for a child are difficult to overestimate. Therefore, feel free to put your child in the hands of an experienced trainer and rejoice in his success!