
What are wrist bandages and what are they for? Bandages Hand bandages for powerlifting

In the modern world, more and more people lead a sedentary lifestyle and work with a computer. There is no time allocated for physical activity, which are simply necessary for the normal development of the body and promotion of health. Literally ten years ago no one thought about this state of affairs. But recently, active promotion of a healthy lifestyle has begun, and many people have started working out in gyms.

A healthy lifestyle without injuries is great!

It is, of course, good that people have begun to think about their health, proper nutrition, quit bad habits. In the case of a gym, do not forget that in addition to large muscles And beautiful figure he can give you many painful injuries if you do not follow the techniques correct execution exercises and use sports equipment to prevent various injuries to muscles, ligaments, and joints. For example, such as hand bandages for bench press.

Any task must be approached wisely, especially in strength sports, otherwise you simply cannot avoid injuries that can last a lifetime. In the late 90s and early 2000s, there was fairly little literature on powerlifting and bodybuilding, so most young athletes consulted experienced trainers during training, thereby maintaining their health.

Today, it is enough to go to any resource for “jocks”, where you can find hundreds of programs, as well as many different methods for preparing an athlete for competitions, etc. Due to such a large number of sources, more and more athletes are beginning to think that they are already they know everything and they don’t need a coach. Against this background, the number of injuries that people received during training is growing.

Muscles grow faster than the skeleton strengthens

One of the most common injuries sustained in the gym is damage to the joint and ligaments of the hand. This often happens because athletes train only the muscles and forget about strengthening the ligaments and hands.

A sharp increase in workload does not always have the best effect on the human body. Known fact that muscles are capable of growing much faster than bones are strengthening and the rapid transition of loads to a greater level of severity with a corresponding unpreparedness of the ligaments or joints leads to an increased risk of injury.

Dangerous exercises

If we talk specifically about the hand, then exercises with free weights are quite dangerous. For example, even with the correct angle of the hand and position of the arms, pain may appear inside the wrist joint under heavy loads. You can also consider the rest popular exercises, which are accompanied by heavy loads on the hand - deadlift and others. All men want to have powerful back and pay a lot of attention to exercises for its development. Moreover, the weight used during such exercises can be more than 300-400 kg. Of course, joints under such loads without use sports equipment They won't last long.

There are exercises that are less difficult, but which also create a significant load on the hand. Basically, these are specific exercises with dumbbells, during which the hand is in an unnatural position.

Application of wrist bandages

In order to avoid such injuries during exercises, athletes use a wrist bandage. It really helps to prolong the functionality of the wrist joint and protect it from various injuries and sprains.

Indeed, due to the fact that the wrist bandage compresses the joint, the “strength of the hand structure” increases, and this allows it to withstand greater loads while significantly reducing the risk of injury.

Powerlifting coaches recommend using a special wrist bandage for both beginning athletes and veterans of the sport. Regardless of how many years an athlete has been practicing, he must take care of his health, because even a minor injury received during training or competition can cause pain for a long time. If the hand is damaged, pain can remain for life, so you should not take risks, you need to use a wrist bandage.

What to do to keep your hand healthy?

To maintain the performance and health of your hands, in particular the wrist joint, special hand bandages are an indispensable means of protection. They help to avoid injuries both when performing heavy basic exercises and light, isolating exercises. certain groups muscles, exercises in which there is an increase in the load on the hand.

When buying carpals, you need to take into account their length, as well as width. After you put it on, your hand should not be pinched so that blood stops flowing into the hand - this can have bad consequences. Also, after rewinding, the hand should not move freely, but should be well fixed in one position - only in this case will the bandage take on part of the load. Inzer hand bandages are considered a good option, the manufacturer of which has already established itself in the sports accessories market as a manufacturer of high-quality and reliable products.

Press wrist wraps are a very useful piece of equipment. Thanks to the use of such equipment, you can lift more weight. In addition, wrist wraps are not prohibited by powerlifting associations. Therefore, they can be used not only during training, but also during competitive practice.


For what purposes is a wrist bandage used? Such equipment allows you to protect the athlete’s joints and ligaments from accidental damage. After all, when the conversation turns to lifting impressive weights, such cases are not uncommon. Among other things, using a wrist bandage, you can achieve improved strength in powerlifting.

By tightly wrapping his hands, the athlete provides so-called compression to his limbs. The wrist becomes inactive and is fixed in a certain position, which makes it possible to improve the quality of the grip sports equipment. The options for using hand bandages are not limited to this. This equipment is used by athletes during rehabilitation after injuries.


What types of bandages exist for fixing the hands? Manufacturers of such equipment produce products intended for athletes with separate level preparation. Thus, novice athletes are offered bandages with a high elasticity index. The equipment of this plan provides increased ease of use and is suitable for working with light weights.

More experienced athletes need to use stiffer products. For their manufacture, dense and high-quality material is used, which contributes to the most reliable fixation of the limbs in the wrist area. It is recommended to use such bandages when it is necessary to work with impressive weights.

Such equipment also differs according to the length parameter. Bandages with a length of 30 to 50 centimeters are considered standard. There are longer options - up to 90 centimeters. The larger the parameter, the more effectively the product fixes the joints and ligaments of the limbs.

What can be said about the products of individual manufacturers? At the moment, the wrist bandages Inzer, Titan, and Metal are in highest demand among experienced athletes. It is wrong to say that the products of some brands are significantly worse than others. The choice of a specific option depends on the individual requirements and tasks assigned to the athlete.

Features of application

How are wrist bandages wrapped around limbs? The process is quite simple. Even beginners can cope with the task. The bulk of samples of such products contain Velcro. The latter make it possible to firmly fix the bandage so that it does not fly off the hand under the most severe loads. All that is required of the athlete is to wrap the wrist bandage tightly in the middle of the joint. In this case, the product should not be displaced more than a few centimeters from the center of the joint. Otherwise, the likelihood of accidental injury increases significantly. It is also important not to overdo it, because tightening the bandages too tightly will interfere with normal blood flow.

Brush – this is one of the most mobile and therefore fragile joints in the human body, and that is why among athletes power types In sports, carpal injuries are among the five most common injuries. Moreover, it should be borne in mind that traumas do not necessarily immediately lead to immobilization, they can also be a This can ultimately lead to chronic pain in the joint or acute injury, which will force the athlete to temporarily stop training. In this regard, it is not necessary to take measures to prevent sports injuries, in particular, to use the principles of gram-mi-ro-va-nia training process, do-zi-ro-va-nia on-load, time-min-ki and other me-to-lo-gi-ches instructions, about which we write in detail sa-li in corresponding article . But it should be borne in mind that there are “weak places” in the body, and one of such places is the wrist joint!

Is it possible to strengthen the brush with something? Can! For this purpose, special wrist bandages are used, which allow you to fix the joint and remove part of the load from it. As a rule, wrist bandages are used in such exercises, during which an axial load is placed on the wrist joint. Such exercises include: bench press, squats with a barbell, military press and others. But some athletes prefer to use them while performing deadlifts. And that might make sense! Firstly, psychological factors may be important, and secondly, since the bandages fix the hand, the nervous system produces more powerful nerves impulses, allowing the muscles to in-ner-vi-ro-vate stronger. This is due to the fact that more rigid fixation of the joint reduces the likelihood of injury, so the Golgi tendon complex allows more powerful nerve impulses to pass through -sy.

Please note that after the wrist bandage is tightened, the strap from the thumb should be removed. Firstly, it’s simply more convenient, because if you tighten the bandage well, the strap will pull back your finger, preventing you from properly compressing the barbell. Secondly, according to the rules of most federations, it is not allowed to leave the strap on the thumb at competitions. The latter, of course, does not bother everyone, but it’s still better to immediately learn how to do the management correctly, so that you don’t have to re-learn it in the future -xia. Also take into account that hand bandages come in different types, and they should be selected in accordance with the sports discipline and/or stage tre-ni-ro-voch-no-go plan .

As you can see, hand bandages are very different, and they should be chosen wisely, in accordance with the training loads. In this context, we should mention another type of sports equipment called gloves. Sometimes, by the way, in per-chat-ki in-tag-ri-ro-va-ny and hand bandages, and in case of use you-with-volume-recovery training schemes , which ha-rak-te-ri-zu-yut-sya you-have-not-managed with a low percentage relative to the per-so-nal-no-go ra- zo-vo-go mak-si-mu-ma, their use can be justified. Gloves help retain heat, prevent the appearance of calluses, eliminate the inconvenience of using magnesium and are a means of hygiene. But it is not recommended to use them during periods of strength or periods of peak strength, since they reduce grip strength

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Wrist wraps are very useful. They can easily add 5-5 pounds to your bench and will make heavy squats much easier.

Wrist wraps are legal by most powerlifting associations and can easily be used in competition.

What are you getting yourself into? b: 10,000 characters, 10-15 minutes of reading.
Keywords: wrist bandages, prevention of elbow and hand injuries in powerlifting.

Selection of hand bandages

Wrist wraps have two length options: 50 and 61 cm. If you want to get everything from your equipment, then 61 centimeters is your choice.

But you need to understand that this length is enough to wrap not only the hand, but also the arm up to the elbow. In most cases, a bandage length of 50 centimeters is enough - in the end you are bandaging not a leg, but a hand.

The hand is always a rather narrow part of the body.

Bandage length: 50 centimeters.

Selecting hardness

Unlike knee bandages, hand bandages do not have a clear gradation of hardness. If you look at knee wraps, there are three categories:

1. Soft winding (usually white or light color)
2. Medium winding (usually blue or blue)
3. And hard winding (red)

The hand bandages are all the same. Some manufacturers say their wraps are tougher than others, but there are no clear categories.

It seems to me that the quality of the winding is more important in hand wraps than the stiffness of the fabric, but no one is stopping you from trying several different options and seeing what you like best.

Rigidity: try different options

Choosing a manufacturer of hand bandages

The two most common manufacturers are Inzer and Titan. Bandages are also produced by a newcomer to the market - SBD.

Everything is allowed in the IPF, so you can take it with confidence.

Which brand of hand bandages should I choose?

If there is still some point in arguing when choosing knee pads (we will have a separate article about this), then the bandages (again, from my point of view) are all the same.

Take what is cheaper.

I'm currently using Titan and am completely satisfied with it.

How to wrap wrist bandages

The winding process is simple. These are not knee wraps where there are two wrapping options and it takes time to perfect the technique.

The bandages come with Velcro, so they definitely won't fall off in the middle of the approach. All you need to do is wrap the bandage fairly tightly around the middle of the joint.

If you compete, carefully read the rules of your federation - for example, the IPF clearly states that bandages should not go higher than 2 cm from the center of the joint.


Otherwise, the rules for winding wrist bandages are no different from winding a regular elastic bandage - you need to wrap it tightly, but so as not to interfere with the normal flow of blood.

Wrap evenly so that the bandage is evenly tight along its entire length. To do this, you need to take the bandage not by the end, but pull off a section of the bandage that is approximately 10-15 centimeters below the wrist.

Wrist wraps for bench press

Wrist wraps should primarily be used for bench press (and standing press). In this case, they help keep the wrist straighter, which greatly affects how the barbell moves.

Ideally, the forearm-hand line should be straight. This will prevent you from losing strength when performing the press.

You can try it yourself - as soon as you bend your wrist back too much, it becomes much more difficult to press.

Wrist wraps for squats

When doing barbell squats, wrist wraps will not add pounds to your weight. Only if before this you held your elbows and hands very incorrectly.

But wrapping bandages tightly enough will reduce the pressure of the barbell on your elbows. And this is very correct, since elbow tendonitis is a very common problem for those who squat a lot.

Heavy weight, one way or another, affects the elbows. And the less weight you put on your elbow joint, the better it will feel.

Wrapping the wrist tightly takes some of the weight on itself and takes it off the elbows. You will immediately notice the difference.

Wrist wraps for deadlifts

The least common scenario for using bandages is deadlift. In this case, the bandages are not intended to add kilograms to you, nor do they help relieve stress from your wrist or elbow.

Then what is the point of using them when deadlifting?

Tighter grip.

With a tightly wrapped wrist, it will be more difficult for you to spread your fingers to the sides than with a loose hand. This is not much help, but it is quite sufficient.

Plus, it doesn't hinder you in any way from performing the movement—so you're free to try.

Question for readers

Do you use wrist wraps? Which company? In what exercises? I use all three - the difference in deadlifting is also significant for me, especially on maximum and submaximal weights.

For the squat, I only lift bands with weights that are 80% of my max. This is not a special number, I just don’t feel a fundamental difference up to this level.

In the bench press, I try to wrap the bands at 60% of my maximum. To be honest, I just don’t want to injure my wrist.