
What is powerlifting: photos of athletes, equipment, training program. Powerlifting is a sport of strong body and spirit! Eventing powerlifting

Many people or beginners are interested in what Powerlifting is. Powerlifting is powerlifting which consists of three exercises. The home country of powerlifting is the United States of America. And the father of powerlifting is Paul Anderson. In this difficult sport, athletes perform three movements or exercises:

The athlete does one exercise, repeating it three times, and the best result and the result counted by the judges is recorded in the final amount. During a performance, each athlete has his own weight and age category. If it turns out that the results are the same, which happens quite often in the fight for first place, then the championship and victory will be given to the athlete who has less weight.

What is powerlifting?

This is a powerlifting competition with three exercises, the main goal of which is the development of your maximum strength, and not the beauty of the body as in bodybuilding. The main goal is to lift the maximum weight one time.

History of powerlifting

As stated above, the birthplace of powerlifting is the USA. Already in the early 50s of the 20th century, competitions in which many participants competed in weight lifting began to rapidly gain popularity in the United States. Towards the end of the 50s and beginning of the 60s, three exercises quickly began to stand out:

  • squat.
  • bench press
  • deadlift.

These exercises are the foundation of powerlifting. One of the first federations formed at that time was the IPF (International Powerlifting Federation) - now it is the most recognizable and respected powerlifting federation in the world. In 1975, the World Powerlifting Championships were held in England, the first competitions outside of America. After them, powerlifting began to gain popularity all over the world, including Russia (USSR).

In the Soviet Union, powerlifting was not immediately accepted; at that time, martial arts and bodybuilding were developing there. Therefore, completely the new kind the sport went into the basement and was called athletic gymnastics for cover, so that the gym equipment would not be closed. However, powerlifting quickly began to develop and became widespread among athletes. Already in 1988, the first national championship was held.

At the international level, a meeting between the giants of the USSR and the USA took place that same year in Moscow. The one and only person from the USSR national team was able to give the fight to the Americans - Vladimir Mironov, who won, overtaking his opponent by a total of 40 kilograms. But in the mid-90s, the situation changed dramatically: Ukrainians and Russians pushed the Americans out of Olympus on the world powerlifting arena.

With the advent of powerlifting, many federations appeared. Today there are 20 powerlifting federations in the world, most of them are located in the USA. Many people call them international. But she herself, respected by them - IPF. It includes about 50-60 European countries, North America, Asia, Australia, South America, only in Africa there are no representatives of powerlifting. The main difference between powerlifting federations is the attitude towards doping.

Many US federations have very liberal rules. For example, in squats, many depth variations are acceptable, and in the bench press various options exercises: holding on the chest, or without, lifting part of the body from the bench, etc. The differences between federations are created by the so-called powerlifting equipment, which is very expensive, so many athletes compete without it.

Therefore, if you want to improve your health, or want to become strong, then make friends with powerlifting. Squat, bench press, and deadlifts will interest any beginner. Thanks to various movements with weights, a novice athlete strengthens osseous-ligamentous apparatus, the muscles become more voluminous. The athlete will acquire good body posture. Correct dosing of loads on the body has a positive effect on the central nervous system athlete Powerlifting will transform a thin, weak person into a strong, motivated athlete for success, who will have a body and strength like Hercules.

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In the era of fashion healthy image There are a huge variety of sports in life. Besides athletics or skiing, to which modernity has long been accustomed, there are also more modern types. They host major international competitions, and the athletes are very famous in their circles. However, the average person may not even realize that such a sports discipline exists. But it’s never too late to learn - today the reader will find out what kind of sport powerlifting is.

The Origins of Powerlifting

The name of the strength sport comes from the English words power - strength, and lift - to raise. Its essence lies in the athlete overcoming the maximum heavy weight. Another name - powerlifting - is explained by the fact that powerlifting athletes compete among themselves in three disciplines: deadlift with a weighted barbell, deep squat with a barbell on the back and two-arm bench press. horizontal bench.

The origins of powerlifting began simultaneously with the advent of human civilization. Demonstration of strength allowed ancient people to occupy a higher social position, and sometimes simply to save their lives. In the history of every culture there are legends about people with incredible physical strength. Bogatyrs are the closest example to a Russian person of what powerlifting is. Photos of strongmen from traveling circuses prove that in Europe great attention was paid to human strength.

The origins of strength sports

The very first sports equipment for classes by force sport was invented in Ancient Greece. It consisted of cores carved from stone or cast from metal. Scientists gave them the name "haloteros". A stone weight weighing about 150 kilograms discovered by archaeologists indicates that some kind of modern powerlifting was included in the list Olympic events sports of ancient Greece.

One of the earliest world champions in powerlifting is Milo of Croton, a Greek athlete who lived in the sixth century BC. It was he who invented powerlifting: Milo's training program consisted of carrying a calf on his shoulders. Time passed, the animal grew, but the athlete did not give up. A historical source tells about Krotonsky’s feat: during the competition, he ran a circle around the stadium with an adult bull on his shoulders.

Powerlifting Epidemic

The popularity of powerlifting in Greece did not ensure the spread of this sport everywhere. However, some of its elements were used much later. For example, English soldiers pushed a heavy iron beam to train their bodies to be more successful in battle. Strength competitions, which consisted of lifting a hundred-kilogram stone, were considered a test of the maturity of Scottish youths.

Other European countries tried to keep up and also trained their athletes. Thomas Tofan was able to lift the platform, which weighed 800 kilograms. Immediately after this, he managed to tear off a stone weighing about four hundred kilos from the ground, using only the strength of his hands. French policeman Louis Cyr was famous for his physical coordination: he delivered criminals to the police station, carrying them under his arms.

The mid-19th century is considered the official beginning of powerlifting becoming a separate sport. Then weightlifting appeared, the rules of which are very similar to powerlifting. However, exercises with a barbell, which form the basis of modern sports, acquired only in the fifties of the XX century. Then powerlifting appeared: the training program literally blew up the minds of athletes in America, England, Sweden, Australia, Norway and other countries. The totalitarian political regime of the USSR did not allow the new sport to grow and acquire its final form, so many did not even know what powerlifting was - photos of even famous athletes were prohibited.

Powerlifting competition

Unlike bodybuilding or fitness, in powerlifting it is not the aesthetic appeal of the body that comes to the fore, but the physical capabilities of the athlete. Competitions show which of the athletes is in the best shape and how much weight he can lift. In this case, technology plays a decisive role. The International Powerlifting Association has adopted rules for performing exercises and the type of equipment that guide both athletes and tournament organizers.

Competitive disciplines

What disciplines are included in this sport?

  1. Squats with weights.
  2. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench.
  3. Deadlift with weight.

In total, the athlete is given three attempts. The technique of execution is monitored by a commission of judges. Final result is calculated as the sum of the best attempts in each exercise. The order of performing disciplines is strictly regulated and corresponds to the list presented above.

Age and weight categories

Contrary to popular belief, women are allowed to compete in powerlifting. Here is a list of age categories:

  • adolescents of both sexes aged 14-15 years, 16-17, 18-19;
  • juniors from 20 to 23 years old;
  • representatives of the open category (athletes aged 24-39 years);
  • sub-veterans (only for setting records) from 33 to 39 years old inclusive;
  • veterans: representatives of all ages from 40 years old at intervals of four years.

MEN (in kg)

WOMEN (in kg)

from 90 to 100

from 100 to 110

from 110 to 125

from 125 to 140

Competition organizers reserve the right to combine age and weight categories to increase the value of titles. There is also no single measure of weight: in some cases, weighing results are announced in pounds, in others - in kilograms.

Team composition

Team victory is awarded at all international competitions, as well as at the National Championship. Thus, the holder of the world powerlifting title was also awarded a team award. Each team must officially register with the competition organizer. The number of participants is unlimited - the association can consist of one or more people. Rules team competitions slightly different from individual ones: here the points for successful completion exercises are awarded only for the first five places with points 12, 5, 3, 2, 1.

Powerlifting equipment

Equipment for powerlifting is varied. The basis of an athlete’s equipment is considered to be: comfortable sport shoes, tight-fitting squat and deadlift tights, bench top, socks, belt or belt, wrist and knee wraps. In exceptional cases, powerlifting equipment is not required. This happens when competitions are held in higher educational institutions, as part of the Olympics, and also in prisons. The use of sports equipment is not considered a prerequisite for playing sports.

Equipment for powerlifting

What equipment is used?

  1. Platform To ensure the safety of the athlete, all exercises are performed on a platform. It is a platform measuring 2.5 m by 2.5 m, made of wood and covered with short-pile carpet. In addition to the athlete, only three judges are allowed to be present on the platform.
  2. Vultures. Organizers of all international and national competitions are required to provide athletes with bars made specifically for deadlifts and squats. The bars required for other exercises must be Olympic style.
  3. Locks. Their presence is a prerequisite. Each lock should weigh 2.5 kilograms - so that with the locks the bar weighs 25 kilograms. The squat bar can only be used with its own set of locks.
  4. Disks. The permissible weight of discs varies from 1.25 kg to 50 kg. Discs weighing a kilogram and half a kilogram are used only for setting records.
  5. Squat racks. They can be a single structure or consist of two supports. The stands should make it possible to adjust their height in accordance with the height of the athlete and not interfere with him performing the exercise.
  6. Bench for bench press. This type of equipment is very important for powerlifting. The bench press is one of the main exercises. In this regard, the bench press must meet a number of requirements. For example, its length should exceed 122 cm, and its width should be in the range of 29-32 cm. The optimal height is from 42 to 45 cm.
  7. Light signaling. The athlete needs a system of light signals to see the judges' decision.

Training program

So, now it’s clear what powerlifting is, photos of athletes inspire achievements. It remains to think about the program training process. Eric Cressy's Maximum Strength program can help you create an individual plan. The workouts are written for 4 months or 16 weeks. Their author is a fitness expert originally from America. The effectiveness of the program has been tested on thousands of athletes.

By training with this plan, everyone can get a feel for what powerlifting is all about. Woman, man, teenager - it doesn't matter. In general terms the program looks like this:

  • Monday - power training on the lower part of the body;
  • Tuesday - cardio training;
  • Wednesday - upper body strength training;
  • Thursday - cardio training;
  • Friday - strength training lower parts bodies;
  • Saturday - strength training upper parts bodies;
  • Sunday is a rest, which can be replaced with cardio training if desired.

This training schedule allows you to keep your body in constant tone, burn fat and increase muscle. After the first week, the athlete will truly understand what powerlifting is. Before and after photos will help you compare the results. The athlete is free to choose exercises himself.

Sports will help you improve your body and spirit and put your thoughts in order. And its strength types will help you believe in yourself. Overcoming impossible weight for ordinary person deserves everyone's respect. Now many are convinced what kind of sport powerlifting is.

6. What age categories exist in powerlifting?



veterans of the 1st gr.

veterans of the 2nd gr.

veterans of the 3rd gr.

from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 60 years old until 69 years of age, including the entire calendar year in which the age limit is reached

veterans of the 4th gr.

from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 70 years of age or older (4th age group veterans are not divided into weight categories)


adults from 14 years old (by date of birth) and older (no restrictions in weight categories)

from 14 years of age (by date of birth) to 18 years of age, including the entire calendar year in which the age limit is reached

from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 19 years of age until 23 years of age, including the entire calendar year in which the age limit is reached

veterans of the 1st gr.

from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 40 years old until 49 years of age, including the entire calendar year in which the age limit is reached,

veterans of the 2nd gr.

from January 1 of the calendar year in which one turns 50 years old until 59 years of age, including the entire calendar year in which the age limit is reached

veterans of the 3rd gr.

from January 1 of the calendar year in which they turn 60 years old and older (the 3rd age group of veterans is not divided into weight categories)

Participation in competitions is permitted from 14 years of age.

7. What are the standards for different weight categories?

On our website, the latest bit standards are always available,

Weighing is carried out no earlier than 2 hours before the start of the competition in this category in the direct presence of 3 appointed judges and lasts 1.5 hours. Athletes use the remaining time to prepare for the competition. Each participant is weighed in a separate room in the presence of his coach and three judges. An athlete's true weight is not released to the public until all candidates competing in the selected category have been weighed in.

An hour before the start, lots will be drawn to determine the weigh-in order. It also determines the sequence of lifts during competitions, when participants order the same weight for their attempts.

If the weight does not correspond to the category, the athlete can repeat the weigh-in within 1.5 hours, but after all participants in the competition have passed it

10 minutes before weigh-in, an athlete can change his usual category by contacting the chief judge of the competition.

Part panel of judges includes:
  • judge-informant;
  • timekeeper;
  • stewards;
  • protocol takers;
  • assistants on the platform.

At competitions Necessarily there is a doctor present.

Judge-informant organizes attempts, announces the set weight required for the next attempt and the participant’s full name (calls him to the platform, announces the set weight).

Timekeeper monitors the recording of the time interval between the announcement of the barbell readiness signal and the beginning of the participant’s attempt, as well as ensuring that the athlete leaves the platform within 30 seconds after the attempt.

The competitor is given 1 minute after being called to the platform to begin the attempt. If the athlete starts moving at the set time, the clock stops. If a 2nd or 3rd attempt is made using the normal system and there is a movement queue at the same time, receives 3 minutes with a mandatory warning signal after the first two minutes. In squats and bench presses, the beginning of the attempt coincides with the judge’s starting signal, and in deadlifts, with the beginning of lifting the barbell.

Administrative Judge immediately after completing the exercise, he should approach the participant and ask how much weight he will lift in the next attempt. The competitor is given 1 minute between the completion of the previous attempt and informing the informant judge, through the distributor, of the weight declared for the next one. If the participant does not report the new weight within a minute, the weight on the apparatus will be adjusted at the request of the next participant in the classic sequence.

Record judges record the progress of the competition, sign the official weight tables, certificates of records and any other papers and documents that require proper signature.

Assistants on the platform provide assistance to athletes preparing for attempts.

Possible errors when loading:
  • if the weight on the apparatus is less than the initial one, the attempt is counted; if the attempt is unsuccessful, the participant is given an additional approach at the end of the round with the initially desired (requested) weight;
  • if a heavier weight is installed on the bar than originally requested, and the attempt is successful, it is counted. If unsuccessful, the participant will be given an additional set with the weight initially requested by the athlete.

Three unsuccessful attempts in any of the movements the participant is automatically removed (excluded) from the competition.

During the competition, on the main platform or stage there are three judges, one of which is main or central and two are lateral. The Chief Judge is responsible for giving the proper signals in all 3 movements.

The signals for the three movements are:

Immediately upon returning the bar to the platform or racks at the end of the movement, all judges announce their decision to the public using light signals:

  • I) white - “good rise”,
  • II) red - “failure”.

Noticing error or inaccuracy sufficient for immediate disqualification in this type of movement, the touch judge must raise his hand. If the main referee and the side judges agree with this decision, the first stops the movement at any safe (in his opinion) point and gives the participant a signal: a downward movement of the hand and a clear voice command: “On the racks!”, and also, as an alternative, “Put !".

If the person who noticed the error is the chief judge, he must, without raising his hand, look (check) whether at least one judge agrees with the decision. If one or both agree, the head judge stops the movement.

Before the start of the movement, if any member of the judging panel does not count the position of the barbell or the starting position of the athlete, they may call the competitor's attention to the error. If the majority of the judges believe that a violation has been committed, the main judge does not give a signal to begin the movement. The head judge is not obliged to explain to the athlete his error if he has some unused time that he can use to correct the grip position of the barbell or body position in order to receive a permissive signal.

Judges are required to refrain from making any comments, not to receive any documents and not to give verbal reports regarding the progress of the competition.

The chief judge has the right to consult with the side judges, the jury or any other official to force the course of the competition.

After the competition, the three judges sign official results tables(points), certificates of records and any other documents.

A judge elected as chief in one category may act as a side judge in another.

Powerlifting categories and basic powerlifting standards

In men's powerlifting sports categories are assigned upon fulfillment of the following standards at competitions:

Table: Rank standards for powerlifting

Powerlifting standards, category requirements


Powerlifting titles and categories, barbell weight (kg)









Powerlifting athletes from the famous Olympic motto “Faster! Higher! Stronger!" I'm especially interested in the last call. Their goal is to become the strongest in their weight category. The word “powerlifting” itself is divided into two components: “power” - strength, power and “lifting” - lifting.

What is powerlifting

Powerlifting, or powerlifting in other words, is a sport in which athletes overcome the resistance of the heaviest weight possible. Competitive exercises in powerlifting include:

  1. Squats with a barbell on the back. When performing this exercise, the athlete observes a number of conditions: when squatting, the hip muscles are at a level below the knees, the feet do not move, just like the barbell.
  2. Bench press on a horizontal bench. Lying on a bench, the athlete takes the weight with straight arms. Using a strong grip with the fingers locked, the athlete lowers the weight and holds it in the lower position for several seconds, after which he returns the bar to its original position without lifting his back, shoulders and legs.
  3. Deadlift. When taking weight, the athlete lifts the barbell and straightens up. In the final position, the knees are kept straight and the shoulders are straightened back, with precise adherence to technique.

This basic exercises. The total amount of weight lifted determines the qualification of the athlete. Unlike bodybuilding, where the emphasis is on the beauty and texture of the body, in powerlifting strength indicators are more important.

All athletes compete in their age and weight category. Then the indicators are compared. The one who takes the maximum total weight in three exercises wins. If the sum of two strongmen is the same, victory is awarded to the one who has less body weight.

Powerlifting as a sport originated from exercises that weightlifters used to improve their performance. Initially, in addition to the three mentioned activities, powerlifters also practiced curling their arms with a barbell while standing and sitting, and doing back presses behind their heads.

Equipment for competitions

Equipment in powerlifting is divided into supporting (reinforcing) and non-supporting. The latter is mandatory in all official competitions and is allowed in “unequipped” and “equipped” powerlifting without restrictions.

The following equipment is used in powerlifting:

  • belt;
  • bandages for knees and wrists;
  • bench press shirt;
  • elastic leotard;
  • long socks, shin guards or gaiters to protect your legs while deadlifting;
  • squat suit;
  • deadlift suit.

Additionally allowed:

  • weightlifting bars or special shoes for squats;
  • slippers or special shoes for traction;
  • soft neoprene knee pads;
  • weightlifting wristbands instead of wrist wraps.

Depending on the federation (IPF, WPC, AWPC, IPA, IPA-A, WDFPF, GPC), T-shirts and overalls with a varying number of layers (1, 2 or 3 layers), as well as bandages 2 or 2 long are allowed as equipment. .5 meters.

Supportive equipment in powerlifting appeared to protect against injury, and due to the rigidity of the fabric, it gave an increase of 5-15 kg in each movement. However, for last years Manufacturers of powerlifting equipment have improved their products so much that the average increase in each exercise has reached 50 kg, and the maximum reaches 150, in some cases even more.

For example, athlete Ryan Kennelly squeezed 487.6 kg in multi-layer equipment, and 294.8 kg without equipment. Andrey Malanichev squatted 475 kg in bandages alone, and 485 kg in single-layer equipment. Vladimir Blinkov squatted 502.5 kg in multilayer equipment, and 400 kg in bandages alone.

Cost of education

Powerlifting training is conducted under the supervision of an experienced trainer. Classes are exercises for developing muscles and strength. Future athletes learn to perform basic exercises - deadlifts, squats and bench presses. In addition to competitive exercises, the training also includes additional complexes for the development of specific muscle groups.

Powerlifting training involves creating a program in which the athlete is calculated as a percentage of his maximum weight per repetition in each main exercise. Then light and heavy workouts are compiled, and the weight is gradually increased during the training program.

Sample training regimen for a powerlifter:

Day one – chest exercises

  • Bench Press – 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Military Press – 5 sets of 10 reps

Day two - back exercises

  • Deadlift – 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Shrugs (shoulder raises with dumbbells) – 5 sets of 20 reps
  • Press narrow grip– 5 sets of 10 reps

Day three – exercises to develop leg strength

  • Barbell Squats – 5 sets of 5 reps
  • Calf raises – 3 sets of 20 reps
  • Barbell rows to the chin – 5 sets of 10 reps

The first week the athlete performs basic exercises with 75% of the maximum weight he could lift. The next week, the exercises are completed at 80%. Then each week the athlete takes a 2.5% step. This scheme has been under development for 3 months. At the end of the program it should be changed. Such gradual progress ensures an increase in strength indicators.

The cost of training in Russia depends on the region and the qualifications of the trainer. In Moscow and other large cities, an hour of lessons with a professional will cost from 1,500 to 3,500 rubles. Often the first lesson is free, and discounts are available when purchasing a monthly subscription. In the regions, the cost of an hour of training with a powerlifting coach starts from 500 rubles.

Championships and competitions

The birthplace of powerlifting is the USA. In the 50s of the twentieth century, competitions in which participants competed in strength by lifting weights became very popular in America. different ways. Gradually (from the late 1950s to the early 1960s), the traditional powerlifting back squats, bench press and deadlift emerged from the variety of competitive exercises.

Several international friendlies were held between the late 1960s and early 1970s. In 1971, the first “world championship” in powerlifting took place. In quotes, because at that time there was not a single powerlifting federation, that is, there was no body that could officially record the results.

In 1972, the IPF (International Powerlifting Federation) was formed - the oldest and most respected powerlifting federation in the world. At the 1973 championship, the exercises were first performed in the order that still exists today: squat, bench press, deadlift.

In 1975, the World Cup was held outside of America for the first time - in England. Subsequently, powerlifting spread throughout the world and became popular in many countries, including Russia.

In the USSR, powerlifting together with martial arts and bodybuilding was initially considered “ideologically harmful.” Therefore, the new sport immediately went underground. In order not to close the halls equipped by enthusiasts, we had to call it athletic gymnastics.

However, athleticism gradually took on the character of a real mass movement, to which it was no longer possible to turn a blind eye, and in 1979, an All-Union Commission was created under the USSR Weightlifting Federation athletic gymnastics. All-Union tournaments began to be held strength exercises.

There were no USSR championships then, but the country's records had already been registered. Subsequently, the All-Union Commission was transformed into the USSR Athletic Gymnastics Federation, and in 1988 the first RSFSR Powerlifting Championship was held.

In the 21st century in Russia, both men and women engage in powerlifting. In 2017, standards for awarding were established for athletes of both sexes. sports titles and categories, depending on age and weight category.

For men:

For women:

The World Powerlifting Championships have been held annually since 1974. The tournaments are organized by the IPF. Since 1980, the Women's World Championship began to be played. Since 2006, competitions among men and women began to be held jointly. Since 2013, championships have been held in two areas: with special equipment and without special equipment.

In 2017, 10 international competitions for powerlifting:

The 2017 World Championships were held in Sweden in the first week of October. 223 athletes took part. The “host” of the competition, Sweden, won the team event (50 points). Finland took second place (40 points). The USA closes the top three (39 points). Representatives of Russia in the team competition scored 9 points and took 11th place, sharing it with athletes from Romania.

The top ten strongest powerlifters included:

Because athletes from different weight categories competed, then the Wilks coefficient (fourth column) is calculated to compile a summary table of results. This is the ratio between the athlete’s own weight and the weight he lifted, calculated using a certain formula. The last, 5th column indicates the total weight lifted by the athlete, and after the @ sign - the weight of the athlete.

Many famous bodybuilders started with powerlifting or practiced two sports at the same time. It's from Russian athletes- Mikhail Sidorychev, Andrey Sorokin.

Powerlifters train to lift the most weight possible in competition. So they often push the barbell to the limit and perform triples, doubles, or singles with long pauses between sets to prepare the body for lifting enormous weights on the gym floor.

A woman with the appearance of a man, a multiple world champion in powerlifting, still surprises those around her. Nobody distinguishes her from a man.

Since 1963, powerlifting has been included in the Paralympic Games program as “weightlifting”, and since 1992 - as powerlifting. There is one type of exercise in the Paralympic program - the bench press without equipment.