Weight loss

The best ways to quickly build muscle at home. The most attractive parts of the body: what you need to pump up in the gym

Build muscles - which man wouldn’t want that? Beautiful powerful body allows a man to gain self-confidence and easily solve complex male problems.

Therefore, men go to the gym, and those who do not have this opportunity look for ways to properly build muscles at home.

It is necessary to make a reservation that to pump up professional bodybuilding muscles, like Schwarzenegger or Lee Haney, you still cannot do without a gym. Muscle mass of this level is pumped with a barbell heavy weight— from 100 kg and more. It is unrealistic to use such a projectile at home.

Nevertheless, it is quite possible to strengthen healthy, get strong body at home without leaving your room. The proposed set of exercises allows you to do this at home with systematic training.

To complete the complex you will need:

  1. Horizontal bar. This projectile fits into any room. You can hang a stationary horizontal bar at home, or you can purchase a removable one that is fixed in the doorway.
  2. Push-up bars. They can be attached to the wall at home, or they can be made portable by attaching two chairs with high backs.
  3. A set of dumbbells with removable rings. The weight of the heaviest dumbbell should be at least 32 kg.
  4. A sports mat or mat for doing abdominal exercises.
  5. Wooden block 10x10 50 cm long for performing exercises on the calf muscles. Replacement - a high threshold of a house or a stair step.

The complex consists of six cycles (working days) and one day off.

Each working day's workout begins with a warm-up and ends with abdominal exercises.

First work day


  1. Circular rotation of the head 20 times to the right and left.
  2. Bend forward. Palms reach the floor. The legs do not bend at the knees. 20 tilts.
  3. Tilts of the body to the right and left in the vertical plane alternately. Tilts are performed with force, fixing the final position for 1-2 seconds. 20 times in both directions.
  4. Circular rotations of the body 20 times in both directions.

Isolation exercise, calf muscles: starting position (IP) - standing vertically, feet parallel, spaced at a distance of one and a half foot widths. The back is straight. Socks on a block. The heels hang down. The arms are fixed to maintain balance. One leg is relaxed and controls the movements. The loaded leg is completely lowered with the heel down.

While inhaling, lift the entire body with calf muscle loaded leg to the highest position. The position is fixed for 1-2 seconds. As you exhale, the body lowers to its lowest position with additional pressure on the foot.

Below - fixation for 1-2 seconds. Three sets of 12 repetitions on each leg. 1-2 minutes between sets.

Main block - squats:

IP - standing. The back is straight. The distance between the feet is one and a half foot widths. Feet parallel. Heels are elevated 3-5 cm, arms are lowered. The weight of the body is on one leg, the other controls the load.

While inhaling, squat on the loaded leg to the final bottom position. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

On a half-exhalation, rise until the thigh is parallel to the floor. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

Squatting to the lowest position while gaining air. Fixation for 1-2 seconds.

As you exhale, rise to the highest position. Fixation 1-2 seconds. The number of repetitions is 8 for each leg, alternately (8 - right, 8 - left). Three approaches.

IP, as in the previous exercise:

IP - standing. The back is straight. Legs are 40 cm wide. Toes are pointed outward at 45°:

  1. While inhaling, smoothly squat on both legs to the lowest position. Fixation 1-2 seconds.
  2. As you exhale, smoothly rise until your thighs are parallel to the floor. Fixation 1-2 seconds.
  3. While inhaling, smoothly squat to the lowest position.

Repeat 30 times or until the muscles burn.

Three approaches. Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes.

Isolation exercise, biceps: IP - standing. Feet together. Hands along the body. Palms forward. Dumbbells in hands. The initial weight of the dumbbell is from 5 kg.

Simultaneously bending the arms with dumbbells at the elbows.

During dumbbell curls, the shoulders do not move.

Three sets of 12 reps.

Abdominal training: IP - lying on your back on a mat. Arms along the body, raised above the floor. Feet together, raised above the floor. The head is also raised.

As you exhale, the torso rises, the legs bend at the knees, the hips are pulled towards the torso.

Feet and arms move parallel to the floor.

In the upper position, the body is fixed for 1-2 seconds.

As you inhale, the torso lowers and the legs extend. Return to IP.

The abdominal muscles do not relax.

Three sets of 30 repetitions.

Second working day

Warm up.

Main block - deltoids:

IP - standing. Hands down. Dumbbells in hands. Starting weight - from 5 kg.

As you exhale, raise your straight arms from the sides upward until the backs of your hands touch.

Three sets of 8 reps.

IP - standing. Hands down. The hands are turned back to front. Dumbbells in hands. Starting weight - from 5 kg.

As you exhale, raise your straight arms forward and upward.

Three sets of 8 reps.

IP - standing. Dumbbells in hands. Starting weight - from 15 kg. Shoulders down, forearms up. Dumbbells parallel to each other at head level.

As you exhale, simultaneously lift the dumbbells above your head.

Three sets of 8 reps.

Isolation exercise, triceps: IP - standing. Dumbbells in hands. Starting weight - from 12 kg. Elbows up, dumbbells pressed to your back. Palms facing each other.

As you exhale, simultaneously raise your forearms above your head.

Elbows don't move.

Three sets of 12 repetitions.

Abs training: IP - lying on your back. Legs are bent and fixed. Hands behind the head, elbows apart.

As you exhale, lift your right elbow up and turn your head to the left. Lifting the torso 45°. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

On exhalation - return to IP.

The exercise is repeated from the left elbow.

Three sets of 20 repetitions for each side.

Third working day

Warm up.

The main block is the back muscles:

Pull-up on the horizontal bar wide grip behind your back until your back of your head touches the bar.

Three sets of 10 repetitions.

As you master it, the load increases by using weights from 5 kg.

Narrow pull-up on the horizontal bar reverse grip until your sternum touches the bar.

Three sets of 12 reps.

Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip until your sternum touches the bar.

As mastery progresses, weights of 5 kg or more are applied.

Three sets of 12 reps.

Bent-over dumbbell row: IP - forward bend. The body is parallel to the floor. The back is straight. Hands with dumbbells are lowered down. The initial weight of dumbbells is from 25 kg. Palms are turned towards each other.

As you exhale, the dumbbells are pulled towards your stomach. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

Three sets of 10 repetitions.

Abs training: IP - lying on your back. Legs are bent at the knees. The feet are not fixed. Hands on the back of the head.

As you exhale, lift your torso 45°, keeping your lower back on the floor.

The chin touches the chest, the spine bends.

The elbows are brought together in front and touch the hips whenever possible. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

As you exhale, the torso returns to the IP.

The abdominal muscles do not relax.

Fixation 1-2 seconds.

Three sets of 30 repetitions.

Rest time between sets is 1-2 minutes.

Fourth working day

Warm up.

The main block is the pectoral muscles:

IP - lying position. Feet together. Palms on the floor. The fingers are turned inward at 45°. The distance between the palms is wider than the shoulders. The chin is raised forward. The pelvis is slightly raised - 15-20 cm.

As you inhale, the elbows move forward, the torso smoothly lowers down, touching the floor between the palms with the collarbones.

On a half exhalation, the torso smoothly rises until the arms are half straightened. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

The torso lowers to the lowest position with additional air.

As you exhale, the torso smoothly rises to its highest position. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

IP - as in the first exercise.

As you inhale, smoothly lower your torso down.

Three stops for 1 second.

At each stop, my breath is held.

The fourth stop is the lowest position. Only here is the end of the inhalation.

As you exhale, smoothly lift the torso into the IP position. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

Four sets of 10 repetitions.

IP - as in the first two exercises.

While inhaling, smoothly lower the body to the lowest position. Fixation 1-2 seconds.

As you exhale, smoothly rise the IP.

Fixation 1-2 seconds.

Four sets of 12 reps.

Attention: throughout all push-ups, in all exercises, the triceps should be as relaxed as possible. All attention is focused on pectoral muscles Oh. The pectoral muscles should not relax in all positions.

Rest between sets for 1-2 minutes.

Rest between exercises for 3-5 minutes.

As you train, the load increases with weights from 5 kg.

Leg exercise: IP - standing. Feet shoulder width apart. Hands on the back of the head.

As you inhale, do a smooth full squat.

As you exhale from a squat, jump onto a bench or low sofa.

As you master it, the jumping height increases.

Three sets of 15 repetitions.

Rest time between sets is 1-2 minutes.

Abdominal training: IP - hanging on the horizontal bar. Legs are slightly bent.

As you exhale, raise your legs until your lifts touch the bar.

The leg muscles are as relaxed as possible.

All attention to the work of the press.

Four sets of 12 repetitions.

Fifth working day

Warm up.

The main block is the back muscles:

  1. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a narrow reverse grip without weights. Three sets of 12 repetitions.
  2. Pull-up on the horizontal bar with a regular grip. Hands shoulder-width apart. Three sets of 12 repetitions.

Exercises for the deltoid muscles:

IP - standing. Feet together. Hands down. In your hands are dumbbells weighing 3-5 kg.

Intense rotations with straight arms backwards.

Three sets of 30 repetitions.

IP - as in the first exercise.

Intense rotations with straight arms forward.

Three sets of 30 repetitions.

Abs training: IP - lying on your back. Legs are bent and fixed. Hands with dumbbells behind your head. Weight from 5 kg.

As you exhale, the torso rises.

The lower back lifts off the floor.

The spine is straight.

The upper position is when the sternum touches the thighs.

Three sets of 10 repetitions.

Sixth working day

Warm up.

The isolation exercise of the first working day is the calf muscles.

Triceps exercise: dips. Three sets of 10 repetitions.

Abdominal training is an exercise from the fourth day cycle.

The seventh day is rest.

Proper nutrition as a necessary condition for muscle growth

For muscle growth, the body must provide balanced diet. The building material for muscles is protein, so its share in the diet should be significant.

A lot of protein is found in lean fish and white chicken. Eggs, cottage cheese, and dairy products are also irreplaceable sources of building material for muscles. Mushrooms, legumes, lentils, and spinach are rich in plant protein.

It must be remembered that within an hour and a half after training, a “protein window” opens in the body, when protein foods are most intensively absorbed and processed into muscle tissue.

For proper absorption of proteins, it is advisable to mix them with carbohydrate products as little as possible. The principles of separate nutrition are very relevant in the process correct set muscle mass.

For the normal absorption of any food, the body needs oxygen. That's why Fresh air- a prerequisite for proper muscle pumping.

To build muscles at home, the main thing you need is persistence and systematic training.

Salute to all lovers healthy image life. Today at Once again We turn to the question of how to swing correctly at home. To begin with, I will try to refute the myth that it is unrealistic to pump up at home, you must definitely go to the gym and take all sorts of supplements. And there are two points of view. All gym goers talk about the uselessness of home workouts, and they are right.

After all, in order for muscles to constantly grow, they must constantly experience “stress”. You should regularly increase the load by increasing the weight of the barbell, thereby preventing the muscles from getting used to the load. They, the muscles, in turn, will respond with growth, provided that you eat right.

But gym visitors have their own goals: they want to become huge, compete in some bodybuilding competition, and, of course, training at home is not suitable for them.

Now let's look at pumping up muscles at home from the perspective of a common man in the street, a person who just wants to have a trained body. He doesn’t need huge, 56-centimeter biceps, breasts bigger than his girlfriend’s, no, he doesn’t need all that. He needs a beautiful, athletic physique, having which he can safely go to the beach in the summer and show off his relief press and drawn breasts. For such people, training at home is the easiest and most affordable way.

How to pump muscles at home correctly

So, how to build muscles at home. This is a fairly simple matter, but you need to be patient and stock up on willpower. First, you need to understand simple rules, without compliance with which, your training will not only not bring you results in the form of a sports figure, but will be completely useless.

1. Rule number – proper nutrition. Proper nutrition for muscle growth is 85% of your success. Without good nutrition, all your efforts will be in vain. And under good nutrition I don't mean that you need to start eating like an elephant everything that comes to hand. By good nutrition I mean the following:

  • you definitely need to increase your consumption of protein foods (meat, eggs, fish, cottage cheese), if for ordinary person protein intake rate is 0.5 grams per kilogram of weight, then you need to consume 1.5 proteins per kilogram of weight;
  • It is very important to reduce your carbohydrate intake, we need carbohydrates to maintain our vital functions and for the energy we need during training. Therefore, we reduce the consumption of carbohydrates, especially fast ones (sugar, bread, buns). We eat slow carbohydrates (oatmeal, buckwheat, pasta) and only in the first half of the day. Your dinner should consist entirely of protein foods, plus some vegetables or fruits.

2. We talked about nutrition, now let's move on to training. Since our muscles will not receive serious load, in the form of heavy dumbbells and barbells, we will expose our muscles to other stresses. We will use circuit training and cardio exercises. Cardio training will not only help you “pump up” your endurance, it will also help you get rid of excess weight. By using circuit training, which consists of only seven exercises, we will pump the whole body, four times a week.

Circuit training at home

How to swing correctly at home We've already told you, now it's time to show. Here are seven exercises with which you will pump your entire body, four times a week. First, review all the exercises, and then we will write out a program for you from them.


You probably did pull-ups at school. Let's remember. This will be the first exercise.

Do 10 pull-ups and immediately move on to the next exercise.

Explosive push-ups

These are the same push-ups you do. But the moment you lower yourself, you need to push yourself up as much as possible so that your palms come off the floor.

Do 8 explosive push-ups, and without rest, immediately move on to the next exercise.

Single leg squats

Look at the picture below, squat exactly the same way. Place your right leg on the chair, and move your left leg forward slightly. Squat down and get back up.

We squat 8 times on each leg.

Reverse grip pull-ups

Pull-ups again, this time to pump up the biceps. While performing the exercise, try to feel their work.

Do 12 repetitions and run to another exercise.

Hand push-ups against a wall

Stand on your hands, head down. Place your feet against the wall. Slowly lower yourself down and also come back up.

Do at least 5 reps.

Push-ups on chairs

Take two chairs (prepare them in advance). Throw your legs over one, and rest your hands on the second. Do push-ups, feel your triceps working? Amazing.

Do push-ups like this 12 times and proceed to the last exercise.

Hanging Leg Raise

Hang on the horizontal bar and raise your legs as high as possible. Take your time, don't swing, do controlled lifts and feel the work of your abs.

Do 12 lifts.

Congratulations, you have completed the first circuit of 7 exercises, now rest for a couple of minutes and repeat the circuit again. Do at least 4 laps. If you don’t have a horizontal bar at home, then you can go to the nearest sports ground and train there.

Home workout program

As I promised, here is a detailed circuit training program. You will have to train 4 times a week: Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. On rest days, I recommend stretching or going for a light jog. Each week, try to increase the number of circles or repetitions of the exercises. Choose for yourself.

I hope you enjoy the exercises and enjoy the program. If you have any questions, feel free to ask them in the comments.

Many people are interested in how to build muscles at home. Helps you achieve good results proper training. If you are just starting to swing, decide on the main goal of the training. Beginning athletes make many mistakes. They strive to develop strength and build muscles, but training does not bring results.

Common mistake- a huge number of exercises, while training involves light weights. The essence of the mistake is that this approach does not pump up muscles. Growth is determined not by the amount of exercise, but by increasing weights.

  • Constant lifting of heavy loads forces the body to build up muscle mass, which allows you to cope with increasing loads.
  • Can be used light weight and do lots of exercises. This approach develops endurance. Muscles increase in volume insignificantly.
  • Increase the working weight correctly. Do not change your exercise technique or train without first warming up.
  • For correct height muscle mass per muscle group, perform several exercises. First basic exercise perform with a barbell, doing several sets of 5 repetitions.
  • The second exercise is focused on versatile and deep study muscle fibers and training of muscle energy resources. Perform with dumbbells, no more than 4 sets of 10 repetitions.

Helps make your body beautiful correct amount exercises along with increasing the working weight, maintaining technique and a good warm-up.

List of exercises for training at home

Beginner athletes pump up their muscles at home. Who has reached good results, realizes that they can’t stop and go to the gym, because home exercise is not enough.

  1. Chest exercises. Push-ups - best exercise for the pectoral muscles. Perform with arms spread wide. If you do fifteen repetitions in one approach, increase the load. You can put a backpack filled with heavy things on your back.
  2. Bars are great for your chest muscles. If your strength indicators deserve better, do push-ups on stools with your legs forward. This is how you can lose weight and pass preliminary preparation.
  3. Exercises for the back and shoulders. You will need a horizontal bar. Pull up with a wide and reverse grip. Pull-ups work the deltoids and biceps.
  4. You can train your shoulders at home using two 20-liter water bottles. Raise them in front of you or spread your arms to the sides. The main advantage of such sports equipment is changing the load level by adding or decreasing water.
  5. Such bottles will also help in pumping your biceps. While standing or sitting, bend your arms to imitate an exercise using dumbbells.
  6. Exercises for triceps and abs. Train triceps regular push-ups with a narrow grip. If the number of repetitions reaches 15, be sure to increase the load.
  7. The press is easy. Lie on your back and in a supine position raise your legs up. Perform the exercise until a burning sensation appears in the abdominal area.
  8. It is more difficult to pump up your legs at home. I offer exercises from the school curriculum - squats and a pistol.

Do heavy training twice a month. Increase the load with each subsequent workout.

Exercises for back muscles

A pumped up back looks amazing, protects the spine, makes everyday life easier, supports correct posture.

  • It is better to train your back separately from your chest. As a result, all the energy will be spent on working the back muscles. This type of training is more effective.
  • The biceps are actively involved in back-focused exercises. They should be pumped after the back. You can also include your forearms in the workout. The forearms are characterized by enviable endurance and are involved in all exercises. Therefore, subject them to rigorous treatment no more than once a week.
  • Learn to feel the effect of your workout. Before going to the gym, make sure your muscles have recovered.
  • If you want to increase your strength, pay attention to special sports supplements- arginine, creatine and amino acids. It is enough to include sports nutrition in your diet.

Before the training season begins, be sure to set a goal. It plays the role of a kind of lighthouse, to which you are getting closer every day.

Video tips

The human arm consists of the forearms, biceps, triceps and many small muscles, each of which is actively involved in the work of the arm.

  1. By doing exercises that involve curling your arms, you train your biceps. We are talking about curls with dumbbells or a barbell, pull-ups on the horizontal bar and rows focused on the back muscles.
  2. If the arms are extended during training, the triceps are trained. This effect is achieved by bench press, parallel bars, and push-ups.
  3. Exercises that require you to hold sports equipment with your hands are aimed at the forearms.

Important Rules

  • I have never seen an athlete weighing 70 kg whose arm circumference exceeds 37 cm. Only big people. Therefore, it is necessary to pump the whole body, paying special attention to the legs.
  • Pull-ups, rows and presses put a titanic load on the arms. Do not overdo it with the number of approaches and the weight of sports equipment. Otherwise, the ligaments will be damaged, which take a very long time to heal.
  • If your goal is to make your arms bigger, achieve decent results in basic exercises. We are talking about push-ups, pull-ups, barbell rows and deadlifts.
  • Big hands- an attribute of people with strong forearms.
  • A punching bag will help strengthen and strengthen your arms. Striking this heavy sports equipment, make your hands confident, strong, dexterous. Working with this projectile involves the use of elastic bandages and projectile gloves. Otherwise, you may damage your joints or dislocate your fingers.
  • When pumping your arms, be guided by muscle physiology. The triceps differ from the biceps in the large number of white fibers. Therefore, he is trained with heavy weights that develop strength.
  • When working with a barbell or other apparatus, mentally imagine how your biceps increases in size. Thanks to this training secret, some athletes are able to go beyond average performance.
  • If during training you experience discomfort in the area of ​​the wrist joints, it should be stopped.
  • Perform the exercises clearly and accurately. If you work with a barbell, your arms should receive the main load. You can't help them with your body.

Create a program and train according to it. Develop the habit of keeping a journal to record your results and track your achievements.

Exercises for leg muscles

The strongest and big muscles body - leg muscles. Regardless of where you train, you need to eat a healthy and balanced diet. Otherwise, all exercises will be ineffective and meaningless.

  1. Daily squats will help make your legs muscular. At first, squat on two legs; after a month or more, switch to more complex exercises.
  2. While performing the exercise, keep your back straight and do not lift your heels off the floor. To maintain balance, it is recommended to hold onto a support with your hand.
  3. After squats, switch to the jump rope. This simple exercise develops leg muscles and increases endurance.
  4. The leg press will help pump up the inner muscles of the legs. Sit in the machine, place your feet shoulder-width apart and point your toes slightly apart. During the exercise, your back should be completely adjacent to the back of the seat.
  5. For training posterior muscles A good exercise is provided. Place a barbell on your shoulders and stand with your toes on the bar. To begin, pull yourself up onto your toes, then return to the starting position.
  6. Running develops muscles.
  7. The upper muscles will be worked by the hack machine and other exercise machines aimed at leg extension.

Video workout for legs

How to shake your neck

Everyone needs a strong and pumped neck. First of all, such a neck will improve the appearance of the owner. She is able to protect the spine from damage.

If you sign up for a gym, an experienced trainer will suggest competent exercises for the neck, offer a wide range of exercise equipment and a variety of effective techniques.

According to experts, constant exercises with a small load are much more effective than non-systematic exercises with full training. Working with light weight does not relieve you from mandatory warm-up before the main workout.

Eliminate jerking from classes, and the desire to speed up is not welcome. Perform each exercise accurately and smoothly. The complex consists of 5 exercises, 15 approaches each. Calculate the load so that you have enough strength to do everything. Be prepared that the first workouts will seem difficult.

2 groups of exercises for the neck

  • First group: exercises to use force resistance. Sports equipment and attributes are not needed. A simple exercise: clasp your fingers and clasp the back of your head. Pull your head towards the ground, and create resistance with your neck muscles.
  • Second group: exercises using sports equipment. Expanders, weights, pancakes. A special device for placing cargo will be required.


I'll describe a few popular exercises. You can choose several of the most convenient options.

  1. Tilt your head against the resistance created by your palms. Bend forward and backward.
  2. Place your hands on your jaw and create resistance to the turns made by your head.
  3. Perform the exercise in a supine position with a device made of belts and weights. Put it on and make head movements. Select the optimal load by changing the load.
  4. Place a string bag with a load on your head and sit on a chair or armchair with a backrest. Fasten the belt to your forehead. Throw your head back and swing it up and down.

The neck is a fragile part of the body. Train the muscles in this area extremely carefully.

When thinking about how to pump up their body, many people choose the gym. It has all the tools to quickly build muscle mass. However, at home you can also achieve certain results in muscle growth. To do this, it is advisable to have barbells that will help strengthen the muscles of the body faster and more effectively.

How to pump up your body quickly?

In order to significantly increase muscle mass, a large load on muscle groups is necessary. You need to train three times a week for one and a half to two hours. On one day you need to pay attention to only one or two muscle groups. Exercises are performed in 2-4 sets of 8-12 repetitions, depending on physical capabilities and body composition.

How to pump up your body at home?

Let's divide all the exercises into three workouts per week.

1. The first workout may include exercises to pump up the leg muscles. Suitable for this purpose running exercises, squats with a load. On the same day, we introduce exercises for shoulder development: pull-ups, seated dumbbell press, side raises with dumbbells.

2. Second training. On this day, the chest muscles, biceps and triceps are trained. Detailed description Exercises to strengthen the chest muscles can be viewed in the video below. To strengthen your biceps and triceps, perform the following exercises:

  • You need to take a weight in each hand and alternately bend your elbows;
  • in a sitting position with your legs spread wide apart, you need to take a dumbbell in one hand and perform extension-flexion of your arm.

3. We devote the third workout to the abdominal and back muscles.