
Rules for competitions in kettlebell lifting. Kettlebell lifting Kettlebell lifting championship

From 2018 to 2021, the following sports titles and categories are valid: kettlebell lifting.

Classic biathlon for men

VK (kg) MSMK
1 view
1 youth
2 youth
3 youth
48 110 75 50
53 120 85 55
58 90 70 50 130 95 60
63 192 126 75 100 80 60 140 105 65
68 210 146 83 110 90 65 150 110 70
73 222 162 95 120 95 70 160 120 75
73+ 170 125 80
78 130 105 80
85 234 178 117 140 110 85
85+ 246 190 126 160 130 100

Push on the DC in men

VK (kg) MSMK
1 view
1 youth
2 youth
3 youth
48 40 35 30
53 48 42 36
58 55 45 35 55 48 40
63 59 44 35 60 49 39 61 51 42
68 72 56 45 65 54 43 66 56 46
73 76 62 48 70 58 46 71 61 51
73+ 74 64 54
78 74 62 50
85 82 69 55 79 66 54
85+ 88 75 58 90 75 60

Push on DC in women

VK (kg) MSMK
1 view
63 59 44 35 60 49 39
63+ 72 56 45 65 54 43

Snatch in women

VK (kg) MSMK
1 view
1 youth
2 youth
3 youth
48 80 60 45 43 33 23
53 90 70 50 45 35 25
58 100 80 60 55 45 35
63 159 126 73 110 90 70 65 55 45
63+ 181 146 86 125 100 85 75 65 55

Conditions for scoring from the judge and scoring lifts in the classic clean and jerk

The classic clean and jerk is performed with two kettlebells. 10 minutes of time are allotted for the exercise. After taking the weights from the platform, the athlete can no longer put them on the floor. After the weightlifter has placed the weights on the platform, the judge finishes the count. After pushing the weights from the chest in the upper position, the legs and arms must be straightened, there must be visible fixation, the head must look straight - after this the judge counts. When the weights are placed on the chest, it is forbidden to tear your arms away from the body; it is also forbidden to place the weights on your shoulders. If the weights fall from the chest, then the “stop” command comes from the judge.

Conditions for counting lifts in the snatch exercise

Conditions for scoring from the judge and scoring lifts in the long cycle clean and jerk

Push by long cycle also performed with two weights. 10 minutes of time are allotted for the exercise. After taking the weights from the platform, the athlete can no longer put them on the floor. After the weightlifter has placed the weights on the platform, the judge finishes the count. One lift is a cast followed by a push (counts as 1 point). After pushing the weights from the chest in the upper position, the legs and arms must be straightened, there must be a visible fixation - after this the judge counts. When the weights are placed on the chest, it is forbidden to tear your arms away from the body; it is also forbidden to place the weights on your shoulders. After dropping the weights from above, a subsequent throwing of the weights onto the chest occurs, while it is forbidden to stop the weights at the bottom and touch the weights on the platform. If the weight touches the platform, then the “stop” command comes from the judge (if there is just a chirp, then the “stop” command will not follow).

Kettlebell weight

Competitions in Russia are held with weights weighing 16, 24 and 32 kg. For men, weights weighing 16 kg for youth categories, weights for adults weighing 24 kg, and weights for CMS and above - 32 kg. For girls, adult categories are performed with weights weighing 16 kg, and KMS and higher with weights weighing 24 kg.

Disadvantages of the rank assignment system

What are the disadvantages of this system of assigning sports titles? The gap between the weight scales is huge. An athlete who performs 1 adult category immediately begins to try to lift weights weighing 32 kg, although it takes years to get good at this. Naturally, no one waits for years. Hence all the errors in technique and all the injuries - from the ill-conceived system of assigning sports categories, from athletes switching to heavy weights too early.

They asked me to tell you a little about what they are all about. I'll try to tell you the most basic information. Maybe someone from the fitness category, which we all mostly do, will want to switch to kettlebells as a sports discipline.


In kettlebell lifting competitions, 3 exercises are performed - the snatch, the clean and jerk and the long cycle clean and jerk. As a rule, the long cycle clean and jerk is carried out as a separate event. Thus, the most common type of competition is the snatch + clean and jerk. This is called biathlon. Women don’t do the clean and jerk and usually don’t even train. The only thing left for them is a jerk.

Girls don't do that :)


10 minutes are allocated for each exercise. During this time, you need to do as many repetitions as possible. The clean and jerk is done with 2 weights, the snatch with one. Quite a lot of time passes between the snatch and the clean and jerk, because the participants first perform the clean and jerk, then wait until all the athletes do it, and only then the snatch phase begins.

According to my observations at the Moscow Cup, it turned out that about half of the participants did not use all 10 minutes for the snatch and dropped out earlier due to fatigue.


To participate in competitions you need insurance in case something goes wrong. It is inexpensive and can be done for a year. The policy is called “Sports”, I did it for 225 rubles. Among the injuries that occurred at these competitions were torn calluses and nails. The latter happens in the clean and jerk with two weights, when two weights are lowered onto the chest and if you place your fingers incorrectly, then they just fall between two 32-kg weights, which are lowered very quickly.

A doctor is on duty

Before the start of the competition, participants arrive early, register and weigh in. Then everyone is divided into groups of 6 people. This is exactly how many platforms stand in front of the judges. Groups are formed by weight categories - “heavy” and “light” are not placed at the same time. One place is often left for an open platform, which I will discuss below. Competitions begin with the lightest weight categories and end with the heaviest. Before going on the platform, everyone is given time to warm up.

Warm-up behind the screen

A judge sits in front of each participant, counts the repetitions and makes sure that there are no violations. The participant himself sees his repetitions on the scoreboard of the judge's table. For example, of the violations in the snatch that could result in exclusion from the competition, the following are not allowed:
. Do not touch the body with your free hand
. You can only do one kettlebell interception
. You can’t do a swing with a kettlebell if suddenly you don’t have enough strength for a jerk - every repetition should be a jerk

Open platform

An open platform gives almost anyone a chance to compete. If you do not feel the strength to compete with 32 kettlebells (and men only compete with this) or with 24 kg for women, then you can stand on the platform next to the competitors, but compete not with them, but with yourself. For example, to receive a discharge. So, to obtain adult categories 1, 2 and 3, for men it is necessary to fulfill the standard with 24 kg of weights, for women - 16 kg. If anyone wants to aim for KMS and higher, then there are only 32 kg for men and 24 kg for women.

The man on the left performs on an open platform - he has a weight of 24 kg, the rest have 32 kg.

Standards and categories

In 2014, new standards were introduced. Points in biathlon are calculated as follows: for each push you get one point, for each snatch - half a point.

I couldn’t find any updated standards on the websites of kettlebell federations - I’m giving a link to the previous ones that were in force until 2013. The new standards will be slightly higher than the previous ones.

There are many weight categories in kettlebell lifting, so based on the results of the performances, there are quite a lot of gold medalists - each in their own category. Accordingly, also for silver and bronze. The gradation occurs every 5 kg: 58-63, 63-68, 68-73 and so on up to 105.

There are also junior categories (up to 22 years old). And, for example, it may turn out that a junior competes with everyone else and takes, say, 5th place. But, since there is also a separate age category for him, he can become a champion in it if the other juniors perform even worse.

Final photo of the winners.

Competition calendar

You can view competitions in your region on the website of your local federation. Calendar of all-Russian competitions. The main Moscow competitions will be in May and December. Details.

Currently, one can observe an increased interest of the strong half of humanity in kettlebell lifting. Many young guys began to engage in this sport, accordingly, more sections began to be formed, the number of competitions, the scale of which is very different, is increasing. It doesn’t require a lot of expenses; it’s not that difficult to pass the standards. Several positive aspects can be highlighted.

Positive aspects

I. Kettlebell lifting can be done individually or in groups.

Of course, it is better to study in some organized groups or specialized sections. But many working people cannot always attend GYM's at certain times, due to the nature of the work, they have to be dealt with individually. It's not that difficult because this sport doesn't require much space. A training plan You can just take it in gyms.

II. The process of performing the exercises is simple.

All exercises that are included in the list of mandatory exercises for competitions are not very difficult. This is a push of two kettlebells, a press of one kettlebell, a snatch of one kettlebell. The only thing that changes here is the weight of the kettlebell increases. Mastering these exercises is not difficult, since you do not need to make any movements or complex maneuvers, as in other sports. In practice, it is clear that an athlete can master all the techniques and rules for performing exercises within approximately 5-6 months of training. And after eight months you can easily fulfill the kettlebell lifting standards.

III. Kettlebell lifting can be called the cheapest.

If you compare this sport with other sports, it is easy to understand that the material support here is not so voluminous. Kettlebells are durable Sports Equipment. The athlete's uniform is simple: a T-shirt and shorts and any sports shoes. This can be called an important factor compared to other sports, where a lot of money is spent on athletes’ clothing. But in order to achieve a certain result in kettlebell lifting, it is necessary not only to lift the kettlebell, but also to do the necessary general development muscle mass kinds of sports. This includes simple running and skiing, as well as various exercises for flexibility, i.e. it will require certain material costs.

IV. There are practically no injuries in this sport and there is also no age limit.

There are no serious injuries, but there are some, such as torn skin on the palms, but these are minor things. The age range among people involved in this sport is quite large. Kettlebell lifting does not require large physical investments; standards must be passed to receive a rank.

Important qualities of an athlete

Basic physical qualities What an athlete involved in kettlebell lifting must have is, of course, endurance and strength. Although other qualities are also important. Since age does not matter much, it is possible to achieve great results and reach certain standards at any age. Although the kettlebell is quite complex.

In kettlebell lifting, as in any other, there are categories that are approved and which any athlete can take.

Kettlebell lifting: standards (2014-2017) for men

All exercises are performed in a ten-minute interval. The distribution goes according to weight category(VK) in kilograms and sports title(NW). All points are awarded as follows: for one jerk 0.5 points, and for one push 1.0 point.

kettlebell 16 kg

II (yu)
kettlebell 16 kg

I (yu)
kettlebell 16 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 24 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

kettlebell 32 kg

Sports for real men

Sports titles: III (yu), II (yu), I (yu) - youth categories. I, II, III - general categories. CMS, MS - candidate and master of sports, respectively. MSMK is a master of sports of international class. Kettlebell lifting is very difficult, and, of course, you can start receiving classes from the age of 16.

Among the most popular sports, one of the leading positions is occupied by kettlebell lifting. It has long been known for helping to develop enormous strength, build muscles and improve health. From epics we all know about the power of heroes who lifted huge stones to increase their strength. Working with weights has its pros and cons, you need to know them.

Kettlebell lifting - what is it?

The kettlebell sport belongs to the cyclic sport, the essence of which is lifting the kettlebell as many times as possible in the allotted period of time. For men's and female categories There are different disciplines:

  1. Men's have 2 disciplines: classic biathlon and long cycle clean and jerk. Biathlon involves the exercise of pushing two weights with both hands from the chest and sharply lifting the weights with one hand. The long cycle push involves throwing the projectile onto the chest.
  2. Women have 1 discipline: kettlebell jerk.

In the past, competitions in weight lifting were only for men; the ancient Greeks were the first to introduce this sport. In our country, exercises with heavy objects began to be introduced in the 19th century; the doctor Vladislav Kraevsky was the first to bring this new product to St. Petersburg. He also organized an athletics club in 1885 to promote healthy image life, and very quickly found supporters.

Kettlebell lifting - benefit or harm

The experience of athletes and the statements of doctors prove that working with weights not only helps, but also develops strength, endurance and good coordination movements, however, it is secretly believed that this is the most traumatic type. What are the benefits of kettlebell lifting?

  • helps to lose excess weight;
  • is one of the safest;
  • very simple exercises;
  • minimum costs.

Harm from exercising with weights cannot be ruled out either, but only if the athletes begin immediately by lifting heavy weights. Then the unpleasant consequences can be:

  • Crick;
  • fractures of fingers or hands;
  • heart problems.

Kettlebell lifting - advantages

In order for the benefits of such activities to be greater than the harm, you need to be careful and listen to the trainer’s instructions regarding the load. If you follow all the recommendations, kettlebell lifting has obvious benefits for the body, many athletes agree with this. The list of advantages of such activities is obvious:

  • You can study both in a group and individually;
  • no need to look for special equipment or sites;
  • a personal training method is selected for each person;
  • You can start training at any age.

Kettlebell lifting - cons

Since kettlebell lifting requires good physical training, before enrolling in the section, you must consult your doctor. There are a number of diseases in which you will have to stop exercising. Kettlebell lifting takes into account the following contraindications:

  • heart or vascular diseases;
  • arrhythmia, tachycardia, hypertension;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • lung problems;
  • poor vision, astigmatism;
  • weak ligaments and brittle bones;
  • problems with the endocrine or genitourinary system;
  • varicose veins or hemorrhoids.

What muscles does kettlebell lifting pump?

Many men are interested in the question: what does kettlebell lifting develop? They are mainly interested in whether there will be beautiful figure and cast muscles. It is believed that in this sport only the muscles of the arms are developed, but this is not so. Equipment can be used to pump up the pectoral and back muscles, legs and deltoids. This needs to be done correctly; there are several rules for pumping up muscles:

  1. For back and upper shoulder girdle– “snatch” and “jerk” exercises.
  2. For the chest muscles - squeeze while lying horizontally or at an angle.
  3. For the latissimus dorsi muscles - pull-ups with a kettlebell.
  4. For - squeeze over your head.
  5. For legs - squat or walk with weights on your shoulders.

You can squeeze the load over yourself one by one or at the same time. The alternating approach develops strength, while the simultaneous approach develops endurance. Experienced trainers advise using a jerk that is repeated many times, then the risk of injury is much lower. Basics of kettlebell lifting - training motor actions and training methods, there are several of them, the coach selects the methods individually for each athlete.

What is better - kettlebell lifting or powerlifting?

Many people believe that kettlebell lifting and powerlifting are identical sports, but this is not so. Powerlifting is aimed at the strength of the athlete, because he must lift as much weight as possible, therefore for such activities only muscle strength is important, and for exercises in a sport such as kettlebell lifting, due to the complex exercise technique, the following are also important:

  • flexibility;
  • speed;
  • coordination.

Working with a barbell puts a huge load on the spine; athletes often get injured due to lifting heavy weights. Often a competitor swings at a weight that is too heavy for him. This does not happen with a kettlebell, because the weight of the apparatus is strictly coordinated based on the load and age. Kettlebells strengthen the muscles of the entire figure, and the barbell only strengthens the arms.

Sports nutrition for kettlebell lifting

To those who chose weightlifting, you need to carefully monitor your diet. Nutrition in kettlebell lifting also includes vitamin complexes that are created specifically for security forces. To increase the endurance of athletes, it was developed sports nutrition"Leveton Forte", today, is one of the best complexes. Its most important components:

  • Leuzea root;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • vitamin E;
  • bee pollen;
  • amino acids, beta-carotene.

Weightlifters also have a good effect with creatine, which affects muscle contraction. Available in the form of powder, capsules and tablets, it is recommended to use it both before and after training. This drug:

  • helps increase muscle mass;
  • acts as a lactic acid blocker;
  • develops relief;
  • relieves inflammation in strained muscles.

Kettlebell lifting - interesting facts

Over the years of its existence, all sports have created collections interesting facts. Weightlifting is no exception; the following secrets of kettlebell lifting are noted:

  1. Translated from in English, the word “weight” is translated as “kettle-bell”.
  2. The shape of modern shells for weight lifters was invented by gunners in the 18th century. It was very difficult for them to put cannonballs into the cannons, and the craftsmen decided to attach a handle to the cannonball so that they could throw the shells into the mouth. As a result, they began to charge several times faster.
  3. At the beginning of the 21st century, the craftsmen of the Titan enterprise cast an amazing gift for the anniversary of the city of Verkhneuralsk - a weight that weighed 100 pounds.

Legends of kettlebell lifting

The pages of weightlifting achievements recorded many names of athletes who made a great contribution to the development of kettlebell lifting.

  1. Ivan Poddubny. A famous strongman who amazed the whole world with his abilities.
  2. Peter Krylov. The circus performer and wrestler demonstrated the best skills in working with weights.
  3. Valentin Dikul. Being paralyzed, he managed to achieve fame as a weightlifter, juggling steel balls weighing up to 80 kilograms.
  4. Sergei Rachinsky. The Honored Master of Sports, entered the Guinness Book of Records, thanks to his unique abilities, he snatched a weight that weighed 16 kilograms more than one and a half thousand times per hour.
  5. Evgeniy Lopatin. Honored Master of Sports, he was the first in history to push 2 weights weighing 32 kilograms more than 100 times in 10 minutes.

Here are the updated regulations in force in Russian Federation, from 2018 to 2022.

To participate in sports competitions, an athlete must reach the specified age in the calendar year of the sports competition. MSMK is awarded from the age of 16, MS - from the age of 15, CMS - from the age of 14, I-III sports categories, youth sports categories - from 12 years old.

If you want to see the Standards for kettlebell lifting from 2014 to 2017, then go.

1. Biathlon (number of points scored in 10 minutes in each exercise)
* points are awarded: for 1 push of the weight - 1 point, for 1 jerk of the weight - 0.5 points

Weight category
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
48 110 75 50
53 120 85 55
58 90 70 50 130 95 60
63 192 126 75 100 80 60 140 105 65
68 210 146 83 110 90 65 150 110 70
73 222 162 95 120 95 70 160 120 75
73+ 170 125 80
78 130 105 80
85 234 178 117 140 110 85
85+ 246 190 126 160 130 100

2. DC push (number of weight lifts in 10 minutes)

Weight category
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 32kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
48 40 35 30
53 48 42 36
58 55 45 35 55 48 40
63 59 44 35 60 49 39 61 51 42
68 72 56 45 65 54 43 66 56 46
73 76 62 48 70 58 46 71 61 51
73+ 74 64 54
78 74 62 50
85 82 69 55 79 66 54
85+ 88 75 58 90 75 60


1. DC push (number of weight lifts in 10 minutes)

Weight category
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
63 59 44 35 60 49 39
63+ 72 56 45 65 54 43

2. Snatch (number of weight lifts in 10 minutes)

Weight category
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 24kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
kettlebell 16kg
48 80 60 45 43 33 23
53 90 70 50 45 35 25
58 100 80 60 55 45 35
63 159 126 73 110 90 70 65 55 45
63+ 181 146 86 125 100 85 75 65 55


MSMK- international master of sports
MS- master of Sport
KMS- Candidate Master of Sports
I- first category
II- second category
III- third category
I(yu)- first youth category
II(yu)- second youth category
III(ju)- third youth category


1. The tables show the number of lifts in 10 minutes, for sports disciplines the names of which contain the word “biathlon” - the number of points scored in 10 minutes in each exercise.
2. Sports disciplines whose names contain the word “biathlon” consist of a “jerk” exercise and a “snatch” exercise.
3. Points in sports disciplines whose names contain the word “both-event” are awarded: 1 clean and jerk - 1 point, 1 snatch - 0.5 points.
4. The sports title of master of sports of international class (MSMK) is awarded for fulfilling the norm when taking 1-2 places at the World Championships, 1 place at the European Championships, 1 place at the World Cup, 1 place at the European Cup, 1 place at the World Championships among juniors and junior women (19-22 years old), 1st place at the European Championship among juniors, juniors (19-22 years old), 1st place at other international sports competitions included in the EKP, held according to the World Cup regulations.
5. To be awarded the MSMC, it is necessary to carry out doping control at the specified sporting competitions.
6. The sports title of master of sports (MS) is awarded for fulfilling a standard at sports competitions not lower than the status of other all-Russian sports competitions included in the EKP.
7. The sports title Candidate Master of Sports (CMS), I sports category is awarded for fulfilling standards at sports competitions not lower than the status of other official sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation.
8. II-III sports categories are assigned for fulfilling standards at sports competitions not lower than the status of other official sports competitions municipality.
9. I-III youth sports categories are assigned for fulfilling standards at other official sports competitions of any status.
10. Russian Championships, All-Russian sport competitions included in the ECP, among persons with an upper age limit, championships of a federal district, two or more federal districts, championships of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, other official sports competitions of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation among persons with an upper age limit, municipal championships, other official sports municipal competitions among persons with an upper age limit are held in age groups: juniors, junior women (19-22 years old), boys, girls (17-18 years old), boys, girls (14-16 years old).